Experts warn the UK is ALREADY at the start of a 'devastating' new PSYOP-22 wave that could cripple the NHS this winter - amid fears Omicron variants are dodging immunity as cases surge 14% in week
As predicted, this coming cold and flu season will be especially deadly to the DEATHVAXXED™ who all in varying degrees are suffering from VAIDS.
Another “pandemic” emergency is already being seeded as cover for the victims of the slow kill bioweapon, as per a Daily Mail UK article:
Health experts warn the UK is at the start of a 'devastating' new Covid wave that couple cripple the NHS
They allege immune-evasive subvariants may cause 'real problems' for the 'already on its knees' health system
The warning comes as the UK's autumn Covid wave saw cases rise 14 per cent the week ending September 17
The very same “experts” that illegally mandated criminal lockdowns and MK Ultra masking to both destroy the UK economy while ramping up their nudge unit mass induced fear and hypochondria.
Britain is already at the start of a 'devastating' new Covid wave that may cripple the NHS this winter, experts have warned.
Early data revealed that new subvariants of Omicron are 'evolving around the immunity' that was built up through vaccinations and Covid infections.
Some scientists fear the new immune-evasive variants may cause 'real problems' for the 'already on its knees' NHS as the cold weather approaches and seasonal pressures begin to bite.
The “vaccinated” genetically modified human spike protein factories are the ones evolving these “immune-evasive” variants.
The admission that 'evolving around the immunity' was in fact due to the “vaccines” is what this substack has been predicting; namely, that at some point the MSM would be ordered to start reporting the irrefutable truth of how deadly these eugenics gene therapies are.
Next up will be the total and complete admission by the criminal MSM that the decimated immune systems of the “vaccinated” are in fact VAIDS symptoms, and that all of the adverse events plaguing society are anything but conspiracy theories.
This is all being done premeditatedly in order to kick off global societal unrest and violence. The One World Government can then swoop in with their “solutions” to the very problems that they created in order to lock the entire planet down forever and ever in their technocommunist PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE 4th Industrial Revolution.
But in the meantime:
Others have insisted that an autumn wave was inevitable. Despite fears of a resurgence, Liz Truss's Government is unlikely to bring back any pandemic-era restrictions because sky-high immunity rates have morphed the disease into something that closer resembles flu — a seasonal virus the country lives with every year.
Translation: as the VAIDS victims start dropping dead like flies from the common cold, SADS, etc. the restrictions will be reimposed. And if not “COVID” mandates, then some other Psyop will be manufactured, as the British and EU populaces unable to afford heating due to PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION will quite literally be freezing to death, and thus that much more immunocompromised.
'It looks like we're in the start of the next wave and this time it's affected older people slightly earlier than the last wave,' Professor Tim Spector, an epidemiologist and co-founder of the Covid ZOE app, told The Independent.
Another wave of senicide is just what the UN, WEF, BIS, CFR, Rockefeller and Gates “non-profits,” their captured governments and banksters welcome: discharging pensions, social security and other liabilities as bank accounts and assets are released to debt-slave heirs and/or governments plays right into the depopulation and control program. And of course the continued damage and sterilization of the young.
'Another angle is the economic pressure. If people do feel poorly they're not likely to take time off work. You have a perfect storm here, really, of inadequate surveillance, people not coming forward for vaccination and the economic situation.'
Or how to leverage the soon to be decarbonized depopulated and the survivors with ever more ‘surveillance’ in their burgeoning biosecurity state.
Hospitals have been overwhelmed all summer. Care backlogs have amassed to record highs, patients have been killed by ambulance delays and thousands forced to queue 12-plus hours in swamped A&E units.
The never-ending crisis, largely fueled by a lack of staff, has already forced one NHS trust in Nottinghamshire to start cancelling routine operations. Rationing care is the only way to ensure critically-ill patients get urgent care, bosses said.
If hospitals are overwhelmed, then clearly the “vaccines” have done the opposite of what they were promised to do.
And the most honest slip of the truth in this article comes courtesy of the “never-ending crisis” which is precisely what is required for the sociopaths to maintain control; that is, the never-ending “emergencies” of PSYOP-22, PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE, etc.
Leaders fear the situation will only worsen as routine winter pressures begin to bite, with Covid and flu expected to combine to create a 'twindemic'.
The new normal normalized as the pressures that are now “routine” have all been manufactured since 2020, and game-planned decades ago with the current “leaders” having foisted these scams on their mass induced and brainwashed citizens.
The 'twindemic' is nothing more than the confluence of VAIDS and the common cold and flu.
The “bite” has only just begun.
Do NOT comply.
Climate change is destroying everyone’s immune system and is the cause of all this illness. Humans have caused this and must be removed to save the planet.
I think that the powers that be knew what was coming and that is why they dropped masking rules, mandates and other bullshit rules so they can blame the coming disaster on them not staying clamped down on us. All of it will be reinstated and they will never let up again.