Brilliant wrap up... and at some point it was suspected in my more naive days, no matter who you vote for, same agenda gets played... Different sides of politics was theatre, but the controversial stuff pushes on ahead, no matter who's in power... A shadow government is the base, department heads making all the decisions, and our pollies are the actors hired to deliver the shadow government's news.

A few brave pollies here and there, but the overwhelming lot of them seem to be onboard for whatever they're told to do... Even if it's anti citizen, anti country, even anti their own family and future generations.

So much so, that even WEF card membership goes only part way to explaining it all... Even if you were blackmailed, compromised, brainwashed, honey trapped... There's not enough to explain the adherence to evil.

I'm starting to think a video I thought was a little whacko a few years back (sent by two friends of mine), doesn't look so whacko now... In fact the overwhelming allegiance to the WEF anti human race policies seems to fit this model.

This video (all 5 hours of it) unfortunately seems spot on... Altiyan starts of in first 12 minutes somewhere saying "Everything is in place and nothing can stop it" much like the Day Tapes...

But save yourself a heap of time and go to 4 hours 00 minutes, and watch for five or ten minutes...


This does not seem super whacko anymore, even to a sceptical non-religious person... It seems to match the Day Tapes, Dr John Coleman's work, and the plans mentioned by many UN, WEF, WHO whistleblowers.

I've not been too religious in my life, but nowadays I'm starting to think there's something to it all in the plans we see unfolding...

I can see a type of evil in the WEF and the higher ups, to the point I believe they're not only psychopaths, but may indeed be on the dark side religion-wise...

At the very least they seem to have no human or moral values at all. Just because you may not be religious doesn't mean others ain't, and that religion may be dark as f...

On the topic of religious signalling just for curiosity sake the other day I looked up, the original meaning of Armageddon, this one from the Encyclopaedia Britannica online was interesting:

Armageddon, (probably Hebrew: "HILL OF MEGIDDO"), in the New Testament, PLACE WHERE THE KINGS OF THE EARTH UNDER DEMONIC LEADERSHIP WILL WAGE WAR ON THE FORCES OF GOD at the end of history.

Sounds a lot like DAVOS doesn't it.??..

Davos, the highest town in all Europe on a mountain, where the kings of the earth gather under demonic leadership...

To wage war on the forces of God (us)....?? 🤔

I wonder??

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My husband and I watched the Altiyan video during C0VID. It's really, really disconcerting and you start seeing things you don't want to see around you.

Here are two other links that show the hidden agenda:



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Saw it and shared the Altiyan Childs/X-Factor video during covid too. As well as these two:

https://rumble.com/vn7lf5-monopoly-who-owns-the-world-must-see.html and


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They are brilliant documentaries... Both spell the world out in a way I'd never understood before.

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Thank you shibumi I'll check it out!

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Frances Leader has published interesting work on the hidden hand:

"Black Nobility 101"


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Thank you for this... I'm trying to find out more... This is great... Cheers

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And what is behind the drive for vaccines may one ask? It is not the health of the 8 billion on the planet...as every one of these non profit agencies and foundations also promote population control/reduction to save the planet....for whom, you have to guess.

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All of us “useless eaters”.

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How insulting to call all the lovely people in the world useless eaters.

It's a good reminder of the contempt these rulers have for humanity.

Interesting that they have evolved beyond the reality of their own humanity.

Sounds like a psychotic break to me.

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When, in fact, they are the most utterly useless people on planet.

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I say Satan is behind the drive for (Stop calling it vaccine!) It's an experimental toxic jab! [fact!] Don't you know that Satan & his minions are the father of lies? In fact, big pharma's have had to pay 5 billion in toxic killer fraud fines for sins they perpetrated! WHO knows how many lives & misery that caused?

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I am well aware of who the Ruler of this World is.

He is right now fighting for souls to own.

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It’s transhumanism. We would not have any freedom of thought but be mere slaves for their needs.

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Excellent timeline, thank you very much! These creeps have been working on this for generations but they are psychopaths who stab each other in the back and so on so it's not like they are invincible. Truth and love and light will always win in the end, although it will get worse before it gets better. We win this thing with words. Check out my new word, coincidist, describing people who blame medical harm on coincidence. Coincidism is a filthy thing that goes right along with fascism and communism. We counter coincidism with creativity, humor and love.


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There should be time spent in order to achieve equity in the R.A.I.D.S project in which everyone has equal access to Recently Acquired Income Deficiency Syndrome.

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By the way, some of the images are mighty blurry. :(

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He doesn’t want to name names?? Name them and let’s have a chat!

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Just for fun, I did a "who are the 38 wealthiest families in the world," on deepchat ai. They named the Waltons, the Kochs, Al Saud and so on.

Who was not on the list? Well, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Windsors. When asked about those families in particular, the response was "it is impossible to determine their wealth, but it is in the billions." But yet... they don't show up on the list of 38 wealthy families.

Also.... we can figure out the names. "13 illuminati bloodlines."


And we don't need to talk to them. They have employees and those employees have families. THEY are the ones that need to be contacted. They are the ones working for the enemy.

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Contact with those families or their close under-minions has a different feel because the power they wield derives its energy neither from money, nor influence nor power but from spirit.

The Bible describes how God defeated the pyramid and ziggurat builders. Their symbols and their plans have not evolved...only the sophistication of their chicanery.

Folks in the Bible got desperate enough to cry to God for help. It takes Spirit to fight spirit.

All our machinations function as a garden hose so

pointed at Chernobyl reactors.

We need God.

Individuals depending on Jesus and obeying Him with their whole hearts alone can defeat this ancient foe: David and Goliath/Moses and Pharaoh...Abraham took his house servants and defeated 5 armies. They were all 3 kinda the farmers of their day and stepped in lotsa dung.

God + needy dependent lover of God= defeat of the Pyramid/Ziggurat elites. It’s history.

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Excellent summary and exposé as to what’s “going on behind-the-scenes“. The kinds of things that have come to light, especially in the past few years could not have happened simply by accident or on their own. It is eminently reasonable that what has happened and how it happened during the Wuhan virus “pandemic“ had to be engineered, planned and directed.

They really do want us dead.

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Here’s what I don’t get. Doesn’t wealth depend on people? Isn’t their satanic scheme going to collapse when they get rid of most of us? But since they’ve sold their souls to the devil and he hates people because we have the opportunity through the Godman Jesus Christ to see God face to face in the Beatific vision and be happy with Him forever-and satan gave this all up and will NEVER have the Beatific vision-satan and his demonic and human co-operators hate mankind and want to be their own gods. Their plan is going to fail, but in the meantime they can cause a lot of suffering. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and we trust in His ultimate plan. And in imitation of Him: We embrace suffering, we carry our crosses, we resist evil, we love our enemies, we are good and kind to family, friends, and strangers, we help the poor, and as St Padre Pio said, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry.”

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I often wonder (and still do) exactly what you said, how do they stay rich if there's not so much of us to draw wealth from...

Someone explained it to me that, just like in the 16th century when there were only 500 million humans, king's were still wealthy beyond their dreams, the economy still ticked over, and all wealth went back to the crown (these days royalty are the banks, hedge funds etc that are one big monster that create money out of thin air anyway)... Commoners were basically peasants, one step off king and serf era, and were so poor they'd do anything they were asked to by an employer, which is how the new world may work... Scarily they are depending on a technocracy to keep the rich rich and the slaves slaves...

The things I still ponder though are, if we depop the talented scientists, the robotic service techs, computer repair techs, plumbers, trades people etc etc... would the world not be on a shaky foundation (literally and figuratively)??

Unfortunately I wasn't invited to any Bilderberg meetings to be able to ask these questions ... But surely they've thought of this 🤔?

I don't know... but it does seem they'd like a lot of us gone... I'm not sure I like the sound of their "utopia"... Sounds like the total opposite!!

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We don’t need to worry. The “elite” don’t know that the real shadow government is the hidden government of Jesus Christ. God has the last word. I love Psalm 2: 1 Why have the Gentiles raged, and the people devised vain things? 2 The kings of the earth stood up, and the princes met together, against the Lord and against his Christ. 3 Let us break their bonds asunder: and let us cast away their yoke from us. 4 He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh at them: and the Lord shall deride them. 5 Then shall he speak to them in his anger, and trouble them in his rage.

6 But I am appointed king by him over Sion his holy mountain, preaching his commandment. 7 The Lord hath said to me: Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee. 8 Ask of me, and I will give thee the Gentiles for thy inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt rule them with a rod of iron, and shalt break them in pieces like a potter's vessel. 10 And now, O ye kings, understand: receive instruction, you that judge the earth.

11 Serve ye the Lord with fear: and rejoice unto him with trembling. 12 Embrace discipline, lest at any time the Lord be angry, and you perish from the just way. 13 When his wrath shall be kindled in a short time, blessed are all they that trust in him.

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I love that, thank you Myrtsie, a bit of hope through these times ...

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For what it's worth.... if you have fewer people, you need less wealth. Plus... if everyone is enslaved by technology (except you), you don't have to worry about how much *you* have. You're not enslaved. They are. End of story.

Utopia for them. Hell for everyone else.

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So very true... and simply put... Might be the best explanation I've heard

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Thank you so much for summarizing. I do believe we need those 38 names and then follow them closely.

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They are members of the Black Nobility. There are more than 13 families. But I suspect they are really all from one original Bloodline called the Bacharachs. These are the Master Parasites.

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Are they human?

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I've got a whole post dedicated for that question; I think they Believe 'they' are part of an ancient line of very altered Humans that existed thousands of years ago. In spirit, they are not human.

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The Nephilim offspring of the sons of the Elohim/Anunnaki and the daughters of men?

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In a way ---- Yes. So, I start off with the Cone Heads or Elongated Skull remains from Peru, then I explore the possibilities of just exactly where does this mutation come from. There are several vectors. I'll launch this post maybe after the one I have with Isha Upanishad I have been working with Tereza on.

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So Argillier knows the names but will not share with us. I call BS.

Rule #1 you need to know WHO your enemy is and if Argillier is not willing to share, than he is controlled opposition.

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We all need to stand up like this ......don't let what happened below happen again....... for any of the crazy things we should be fighting.......

How One Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust

“I got a bitter lesson, a bitter lesson in Washington. I met Justice Frankfurter. (Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court?) Yes. In the presence of the Polish ambassador, he was not interested in the Polish underground movement or in anything else. He only asked me, ‘Please tell me what is happening to the Jews in your country. There are conflicting reports.’ So to him I told, in 18-20 minutes, what I saw. Twice in the Warsaw ghetto, once in the concentration camp — Wood established that it was Izbica, the name of that concentration camp. I described what I saw. Then afterward, he got up, (and) started to walk in front of me and the ambassador. And then took his seat and said, ‘Mr. Karski.’ I remember every word. You don’t forget these kinds of incidents. ‘Mr. Karski, a man like me, talking to a man like you, must be totally frank. So I say: I am unable to believe what you told me.’

“So the Polish ambassador, they were friends, jumped in and said, ‘Felix, you don’t mean it! You cannot tell him to his face that he’s lying!’

“And Frankfurter said, ‘Mr. Ambassador, I did not say that this young man is lying. I said I am unable to believe what he told me.'”


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Like most Covidians. By now...they know. But they cannot believe. That has to hurt.

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We are under enemy control

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What's with Phillipe Argillier. He did a ton of interviews in late 2022. Each was just a repeat of what he said in the previous interviews. I watched several hours of video from late 2022 and was eager to see what he had to say what has since transpired. I search for recent interviews and videos and found nothing. While I do believe there is a shadow government I'm feeling like I wasted my time watching his interviews. Does anyone know if he turned out to be the real deal or just another talker? Please reply if you have any good links.

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"The same organisations that have an interest in vaccinations today also had a lot of influence in laying the groundwork “going back quite far.”

A Midwestern Doc wrote about this and he showed how the government has always protected big pharma’s vaccine industry by not making them remove harmful vaccines. Then when congress was debating giving big pharma immunity from lawsuits they asked why they couldn’t just make a safe vaccine? They were told that it was impossible to do and yet they voted to give it to them anyway. The government has so much blood on its hands in just this regard. I never thought that I would witness so much evil and corruption, but it exists.

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If it has GRAPHENE.. it’s NOT a vaccine

The Covid jab is NOT a vaccine .. transhumasim

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I.E. a fact folkes with identity disorders can't seem to process! I blame Godless dumb-down "education!"

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The Great Read!!!👏👍👏😀😃😄

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As the Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF; CDC, GAVI, USAID, and the World Bank leads the Godless world, so Satan leads Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF; CDC, GAVI, USAID, and the World Bank, to Hell! It's why our Judeo Christian founders used, [quote] "Our Creator" to lead and build our USA, Now with Satan inspired, Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF; CDC, GAVI, USAID, and the World Bank, were on the road to Hell, as mentioned in Our Creator's book of Revelation!

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We all need to stand up like this brave lady......don't let what happened below happen again....... for any of the crazy things we should be fighting.......

How One Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust

“I got a bitter lesson, a bitter lesson in Washington. I met Justice Frankfurter. (Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court?) Yes. In the presence of the Polish ambassador, he was not interested in the Polish underground movement or in anything else. He only asked me, ‘Please tell me what is happening to the Jews in your country. There are conflicting reports.’ So to him I told, in 18-20 minutes, what I saw. Twice in the Warsaw ghetto, once in the concentration camp — Wood established that it was Izbica, the name of that concentration camp. I described what I saw. Then afterward, he got up, (and) started to walk in front of me and the ambassador. And then took his seat and said, ‘Mr. Karski.’ I remember every word. You don’t forget these kinds of incidents. ‘Mr. Karski, a man like me, talking to a man like you, must be totally frank. So I say: I am unable to believe what you told me.’

“So the Polish ambassador, they were friends, jumped in and said, ‘Felix, you don’t mean it! You cannot tell him to his face that he’s lying!’

“And Frankfurter said, ‘Mr. Ambassador, I did not say that this young man is lying. I said I am unable to believe what he told me.'”


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My uncle’s family was from the Warsaw ghetto .. his dad got out earlier … he was taken in by a polish family & raised as a Christian polish cousin…

His mom and sister did not survive .. 🙏

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Why is it when folks question the facts around the Holocaust they go to jail? Sounds like to me someone is afraid of the truth. Just asking for a friend...


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Not sure but that was not the point of the article.....it's about one person trying to stand up....

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