Nov 28, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Funny how these scumbags have extreme lifespans. None of them seem to die “prematurely” from cancer or heart disease. Maybe they know something the great unwashed masses don’t? Answer: fenbendazole, ivermectin...

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The blood of innocents?

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

Indeed! Child sacrifice, Satanic intervention … adrenochrome???

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A most excellent post laying a lot of info out about these psychos - why aren't that group of saggy, blotchy middle aged men in Epsteins NY brothel wearing their Red shoes???

I don't believe Gates man-wife left him, I believe she got paid off to scoot & stories like his so called affair with that card player were planted to give the divorce legitimacy - she/it had served its purpose & it was way more butch than him anyway.

What's really depressing is these ugly dreadful ppl are the worst examples of humanity you could claw together, they may have their maws in all this evil but they're utter losers to look at, devoid of character & charm, no wonder they partook in such vile activities & I totally resent having crap like this dictating anything about my life of health - they're scum, one & all.

What kind of idiot signs on for

decarbonize = depopulate the majority of humanity, and pollute all of the animals and plants with Modified mRNA and DNA bio-contamination. ???.

They're not going to get any of this crap through, there will be full scale World Wide War if they try to do this evil to humanity, if we don't fight back & allow this to continue, then our time on Earth is over & as weak, compliant, cowards, we'll deserve to be wiped out by inferior plotting ugly scum like those named in this post

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“They're not going to get any of this crap”

They just injected a big proportion of the world population says they all ready have gotten away with this crap and have been emboldened to go the full monte. Total population control, your life in their hands.

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If you believe that, then enjoy the time you have left

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Our Government has no elected or GOD given right to sign away control of our lives to any fictional higher authority.

How they think they can take it upon themselves to do so shows that we are actually already slaves!

It is past time to take back our freedom!

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Thank you! Sharing widely. These demons are legion.

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Epstein isn’t dead, Gates is a nobody without money and the WHO needs to flushed. True evil!

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World


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Anyone interested in a good book about BG...Check this one out by a fellow Stacker, Daniel Jupp

Gates of Hell: Why Bill Gates Is the Most Dangerous Man in the World https://a.co/d/fB7P0AT

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Our Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb is another great account. She's a phenomenal journalist that deserves respect and praise for her bravery and grit.

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Thanks, will check it out.

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Has anybody else noticed that Billy Gates of hell almost always has a smile on his face? It is not a happy smile, but it a smirk smile. You can almost see him saying to himself, "I just got over on these stupid fools again." I don't know when, how or by who, but Gates will get his just rewards (hopefully before he kills millions more). He is evil personified.

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Yes, his herky-jerky manerisms are signs of possession. He's a full on servent of Satan.

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Thanks again, 2nd SGITW! This piece offers ACTIONS that 'any one can do' to disempower JPMorgan Chase and its Banks--https://donpaul.substack.com/p/the-run-on-chase-customers-abandon This set of '12 Pieces for the Prosecution; (of Gates and Fauci) bear a lot of EVIDENCE that can help us rout the Criminal Few--https://www.ur1light.com/12-pieces-for-prosecution-of-gates-and-fauci ... How arrogant and vulnerable their abuses are! Let's go get 'em!

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Great research !!

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Gates must be answerable to all those he has harmed! The death penalty must apply!

Hopefully, there are more of us who realise the damage and fatalities these depopulating Covid injections cause.

Cancer is just one of a myriad of injuries and DISEASES the useless Covid Jab activates.

Most of us now seem to know the whole Covid & DEADLY VAX scams were introduced by design after several years of Planning!

It seems there are more diseases and illnesses caused by the DEADLY COVID JAB. The crap does nothing to stop or reduce the man-made virus. The jab, they pretend is a 'Vaccine', seems to reduce our natural resistance to every known illness. The jab also stimulates long-forgotten illnesses we might have historically recovered from AND seems to introduce new diseases and CANCERS along with many other DEADLY complications. But still, the murderous vax-makers deny all LIABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY for health issues and DEATHS their injections so obviously cause.

HEADS MUST ROLL (literally) for the pre-meditated mass murders the vax makers planned with their co-conspirators at the CDC & FDA.

We cannot simply let these insane criminals apologise and expect to continue a normal life, while millions have died due to their greed or insane beliefs which we've all had to endure.

Hopefully, there are some honest and fair leaders who have the will to rid us of the tyrants who wanted us dead or injured for their profit. If we don't exterminate these vermin they will try again!

NEVER AGAIN is my motto - even though I baulked at many of the ridiculous Rules and restrictions that effectively destroyed every nation's economy through insane restrictions that we will never recover from.

Destroying our National economies with ridiculous Lockdowns and segregation was probably one of the WEF's New World Order intentions to justify the urgent introduction of digital currencies and the banning of CASH MONEY!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight dirty!

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If only we could warn the masses,,,,,,,,,we will not comply!

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Hmmm ...

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One Pie to the face,

Gates wants to take over this Place 🌎

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