Continuing this Substack’s series on anecdotal repurposed drug case studies is an especially inspiring anecdotal success story that landed in my inbox late last night:
Happy New Year!
A friend of mine R. has been taking Fenbendazole since April.
The oncologist only gave R. 6 months to live after his prostate cancer diagnosis.
The doctors wanted to remove the cancer, but R. heard from a fishing friend about Fenbendazole, so he told his oncologist that he wanted to wait 6 months before opting for any surgery or chemo.
R. proceeded to take Fenbendazole and 6 months later he was completely cancer free.
R. still takes Fenbendazole every day as a precaution. He takes 450mg per day.
R.’s cancer marker started out at 1900, and is now at 41. After starting Fenbendazole, the number continued to decline.
R. has talked to people with stage 4 pancreatic cancer that are also cancer free thanks to Fenbendazole.
All of these cancer survivors continue to take Fenbendazole daily.
I hope this helped. I hope to see you in 2024!
All of these success stories perfectly line up with the anecdotal crowdsourcing that this Substack has been conducting this past year; here is the previous article which also had very similar results:
Is it any wonder that the Medical Industrial Complex wants truly lifesaving drugs like Fenbendazole and Ivermectin — that treat viral infections and slow kill bioweapon “vaccine” adverse events such as turbo cancers — to be completely out of reach for everyone?
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
Our son died on Jan 2023 having been druged out of his head for treatment for Glioma.
He was first jabbed the day after his diagnosis then started on chemo then when his liver showed distress he was started on infusion who knows what was in that all the while getting boosters and flu shot also on a horrific steroid with the result that when the Victorian government brought in assisted suicide he chose to die he was 51 years old
I see people I follow on Twitter (X) almost every day about a diagnosis of cancer and my heart hurts for them. I DM them with links to this site and a few others dealing with protocols for cancer treatment in the hopes that they’ll bother to do the research and at the very least add Fenbendazole and/or IVM to their treatment. I always get a kind response, but no clue if they are actually reading and implementing it. All I can do is encourage them. My own family is prepared and they all know that if they get any diagnosis (for pretty much anything) they are to call me immediately. These antidotal reports on your site are extremely helpful!