Our son died on Jan 2023 having been druged out of his head for treatment for Glioma.
He was first jabbed the day after his diagnosis then started on chemo then when his liver showed distress he was started on infusion who knows what was in that all the while getting boosters and flu shot also on a horrific steroid with the result that wh…
Our son died on Jan 2023 having been druged out of his head for treatment for Glioma.
He was first jabbed the day after his diagnosis then started on chemo then when his liver showed distress he was started on infusion who knows what was in that all the while getting boosters and flu shot also on a horrific steroid with the result that when the Victorian government brought in assisted suicide he chose to die he was 51 years old
I am so sorry that you have lost so many people, Marianne, and I will be praying for you and your family for years...so touched by your story! Big hugs & love!
I also wondered if you had heard of this site, and if or when you are ready, to possibly submit your story and share with others' whom have similar stories?
Marianne, very sorry for your loss! I lost my youngest brother about a month after the jab. He’d had covid and the antibodies he pre-arranged for, and was fine. But to travel to Japan and back for consulting, he had to take the jab. Collapsed in the street & could not be revived. Majority of my family practice deep, studied insouciance toward the covid jab debacle. This was not a wake up call. Wow.
That is another thing about this whole covid scam/debacle that I cannot wrap my head around. When a family member or close friend DIES after the jab, it is still not a wake up call??!! How is that possible? Wouldn’t it at least be a consideration? If a person died after taking ANY NEW Rx they would investigate I think. But not the vax? 😳😳
Our son died on Jan 2023 having been druged out of his head for treatment for Glioma.
He was first jabbed the day after his diagnosis then started on chemo then when his liver showed distress he was started on infusion who knows what was in that all the while getting boosters and flu shot also on a horrific steroid with the result that when the Victorian government brought in assisted suicide he chose to die he was 51 years old
So very sorry for this needless tragedy.
My deepest condolences.
I have 2 dead sisters and a dead friend
It is a hard journey but we are in a war
I will keep fighting
God Bless you & bring you peace & continued courage.
I am so sorry that you have lost so many people, Marianne, and I will be praying for you and your family for years...so touched by your story! Big hugs & love!
I also wondered if you had heard of this site, and if or when you are ready, to possibly submit your story and share with others' whom have similar stories?
Marianne, very sorry for your loss! I lost my youngest brother about a month after the jab. He’d had covid and the antibodies he pre-arranged for, and was fine. But to travel to Japan and back for consulting, he had to take the jab. Collapsed in the street & could not be revived. Majority of my family practice deep, studied insouciance toward the covid jab debacle. This was not a wake up call. Wow.
That is another thing about this whole covid scam/debacle that I cannot wrap my head around. When a family member or close friend DIES after the jab, it is still not a wake up call??!! How is that possible? Wouldn’t it at least be a consideration? If a person died after taking ANY NEW Rx they would investigate I think. But not the vax? 😳😳
So sad for you I have 2 dead sisters and the rest of my 9 siblings all jabbed with a brother and his wife on their 6th jab
But they are coming up with treatment that is helping like sodiam citrate
It is helping with Morgellons
This tells it all
Needless is so right. Absolutely heartbreaking. 😔
I'm so sorry. That doesn't even sound like enough, I know. There really are no words.