A vaccine for Smallpox called ACAM2000 (and now TGA recommended for Monkeypox) which was approved in Australia 2009 can cause death to the unvaccinated as well as the vaccinated. I’ve never heard of such a thing before - not ever! OMG!
Given that Australia is right now preparing to give the UN and the WHO the right to force everybody to get any vaccine they designate (the so-called WHO Pandemic Treaty with powers to enforce lockdowns, travel restrictions, locking of bank accounts, forced detention in camps etc) upon the direction of only one unelected person (General Secretary of the UN)….this should be terrifying to everyone reading this.
The officially approved use reads: ““ACAM2000 is indicated for active immunization against smallpox disease for persons determined to be at high risk for smallpox infection in an officially declared outbreak.” These last 3 words are critically important.
It is the UN who can declare an “officially declared outbreak”! Our government may give the UN the legal authority to force you to receive the Monkeypox vaccine ACAM2000 if the UN declares an official outbreak.
It gets worse……with the newly introduced Digital Identity laws and impending Misinformation and Disinformation legislation, anyone attempting to warn of the dangers of these potentially lethal shots will be censored and most of the population will be totally unaware that they have been targeted for harm by their own government. The mainstream corrupted news media will be instrumental in spreading fear propaganda again as they did (and continue to do) with COVID.
If you don’t believe that ACAM2000 can kill the unvaccinated, I attach below the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) officially Product Information (PI) which was first approved 26 Aug. 2009 and revised 17 June 2020.
The PI states: “Death [in the vaccinated] is most often the result of sudden cardiac death, postvaccinial encephalitis, progressive vaccinia, or eczema vaccinatum. Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts [bolding added for emphasis] accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated.”
The Australian TGA has also issued this information (CLICK HERE - 1 Aug. 2024):
The Australian Sponsor of ACAM2000 is Emergent Sales and Marketing Australia Pty Ltd – 74 Pitt St Sydney suite 303. The “Sponsor” is the legal entity responsible for the product. I’ve never heard of them. They don’t look like a vaccine company or a pharmaceutical to me. Are they a front company for something?
This is the same terrifying wording in the officially approved US FDA approved Package Insert (see below).
Here are the officially approved words describing the potential adverse consequences of ACAM2000 vaccination for anyone interested in getting injected….
“Serious complications that may follow either primary live vaccinia smallpox vaccination or revaccination include: myocarditis and/or pericarditis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy, progressive vaccinia (vaccinia necrosum), generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial skin infections, erythema multiforme major (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome) eczema vaccinatum, blindness, and fetal death in pregnant women.”
A Maria Zeee interview (1hr 2 min) with Dr. Rima Laibow MD) will fully describe the background and dangers: CLICK HERE to view.
It is now apparent to many that Australia must GET OUT OF THE UN COMPLETELY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Write and call your Member of Parliament to express your concern. These unelected UN bureaucrats (and their shady globalist masters who are above any law and cannot be prosecuted for any crimes) are very close to take away our freedoms and even our lives. The secret UN draft plans to effectively take over world control are ongoing right now in New York but the mainstream news media will not even tell you this is happening.
Today is the final day of the FLASH SALE whereby you can stock up on lifesaving products such as Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Doxycyline, VIR-X and organic full spectrum CBD oil that may protect you against these deadly “vaccines” and associated shedding, as well as both naturally occurring and gain of function viruses by using code INHIBITOR for 20% off.
Upon adding products to your cart, please go to the cart icon at the top right corner of your browser page and click it, then choose the VIEW CART option whereby you will be redirected to a page where you can enter the code INHIBITOR in the Use Coupon Code field.
Sale ends tonight (midnight eastern time), September 24th, 2024.
Please contact the company directly with any product questions: info@virex.health
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them and do nothing".
- Albert Einstein
Thanks Philip! Forewarned is forearmed!
It seems we're getting close to the point when we need to consider arming ourselves to defend our rights to FREEDOM. The Revolution gets closer with every new oppressive rule they try to impose.
Have you heard what PUSSY Trudeau is doing to the Amish Canadian Community because they failed to register to one of his meaningless Covid & Vax rules. He's put a lean on every property owned by Amish not registered into his fictitious nonsense program called 'ArriveCan'.
The Amish never took VAX. The Amish never got Covid! Canadian Amish who never ventured from Canada were still supposed to register on Trudeau's Mickey Mouse 'ArriveCan' program. If they didn't they were fined $6000. if they refused to pay, their houses were/are seized by a 'lien' being put on the properties, meaning they can't sell, can't pass them on to next of kin. (Frozen).
This 'excuse for a man' is INSANE and power crazy!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'm ready to defend my family's Freedom! I'll fight dirty too!