The FBLie is unconstitutional on its face. There is no authority or provision in the Constitution for a Federal Police Force. The idea of a national police force with the power to target Americans because of their political beliefs would have horrified the drafters of the Constitution.

The federal government has no constitutional authority over criminal law except for cases of piracy, counterfeiting, and treason.

Furthermore, I would argue that 99% of the Federal Criminal Code (Title 18) is unconstitutional. Any Federal “crime” not falling within the limited scope referenced in the paragraph above, is unconstitutional.

Gutless, corrupt, traitorous legislators, along with a Judiciary that is even worse, have completely usurped the Framers clear intent relating to criminal law. As they have with so many other areas as well.

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And why is it a requirement for a job? You can’t change the terms during the job.

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NYC has fallen after a decade of demoralization: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/escapefromnewyork

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At least you have lots of other states to choose from if one is awful.

Here in the UK it is an asset-stripped failing wasteland yet there is nowhere to go.

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Great post here. What have the creatures who go by the dubious name of "people" been doing all these years that allowed them to jump on the killing train? Do the globalists know something about them that we don't know? The globalists seem to know they have plenty of new recruits waiting for their orders.

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I took my dog to the vet this week for a sr dog blood panel, annual check-up and I declined the vaccinations and on the invoice it lists the Rabies, DHLPP and Bordetella as separate line items with ‘DECLINED’. As soon as I saw that I thought who else is going to get this information. What is ridiculous is 2 of these shots are 3 year vaccinations but the vet gives them annually unless you know to direct otherwise. The dog was vaccinated in 2021 and is in compliance. Since I stopped the shots all his health issues disappeared. I have researched this and the only vaccine the state requires is rabies every 3 years. Who knows what they are doing with this data.

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The city, county, and state. Your dog is immediately assumed to have rabies, by vets like this.

My oldest has declined after having his shots for last/this year, so has my 2nd youngest. She is the one that I worry about the most, as her decline has been the most marked. She was fine this time last year. This vet DEMANDS they get the rabies vax every year, as she assumes that if you don't, your dog has rabies. (She wants the $$$. Her office is very expensive.) I'm looking for a new vet.

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I am with you! My husband took our Rottie in for his annual last May for heart worm medication really. The vet recommended multiple vaccines. He laughed and told them that “my wife made me promise to not get anything but the heart worm test/meds.” You only, really need the rabies vaxx if you continue to license your dog. I’m considering stopping that as well. 😒 He’s not aggressive. Hoping for the best! 🤞🏻

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My dogs do need the borditella vaxx. They get groomed every few months and have gotten kennel cough at the groomer previously.

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A 1/2 of teaspoon in the dogs drinking water… every time you refill it will prevent mosquitoes, ticks bugs from getting at your animal(s) I am not a vet or Dr. as a youth never believed the hype about the heat worm thing…

Done this with several of my pets and they have remained to old age 16/18/15 with little issues. Do your research… homeopathic vets are out there.

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Half a teaspoon of what in their drinking water?

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There is perhaps an undercurrent of moral obligation and financial bullying to that invoice.

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Yourdog won't be allowed to work any more?

(Sorry not funny)

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This whole COVID exercise has been an exercise in data gathering and we were all flagged long ago in one way or another. We all know what’s coming.

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Wow. It just gets deeper and worse, doesn’t it?

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The alphabet agencies are a smoke screen and a distraction. Research Bank for International Settlements. They're at the top of this global nightmare. What's going on has been planned out over decades right under our noses

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Congress has authority to Impeach any US Civil Officer and thereby remove from office. House charges and Senate votes. FBI is not excluded. Way past time for Congress to get off its political and money oriented butt and begin taking such actions to protect citizens from outrageous actions such as this distributing fingerprints of non-vaxxed into criminal data bases.

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NY is not communist, it's a hyper post capitalist elitist scam. trust me i live in manhattan. there is nothing here which is communist. Even the MTA is privately owned, yet controlled by the state not the city which leads to the mta being Money Taken Away from the city and put towards upstate govt/likely criminal org crime if you know the history of this state at all.

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I lived in NYC most of my life, grew up there skateboarding, attending uni, etc.

There is absolutely no hyper capitalism there, and hasn't been. If you understand exactly what Wall St is and its function this would make sense; sure, there are small businesses there that are rapidly dying, but overall the endgame is in clear sight now.

It's a model technocommunist experiment, and getting worse by the day.

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You’re right, it’s not communist at all, but NYC has also become a cultural Marxist nightmare. This has been done to social engineer our society so that we are fighting each other as opposed to the predator class.

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Isn’t that the definition of fascist? Operated privately, controlled by govt?

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Yup, but it’s actually takes the worst part of many systems including capitalism to enslave us. I’ve been to Cuba and it looks nothing like NYC. I’ve been to Communist China and I can tell you it’s the most capitalist country I have ever visited. They are evil and like to invert definitions to confuse us.

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Only solution for all & any person involved in this the greatest Crime Against Humanity is at the end of a suitably knotted rope.

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1/2 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in animal’s drinking water…

They will drink it…

The ACV reduces parasitic ability to propagate since it helps organisms maintain balanced ph.

Braggs Organic ACV with the mother. Is most reliable to date.

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Exactly. When I was a kid, there was a good TV program called I led three lives starring Richard Carlson a normal guy, a communist and an FBI agent spying on the commies. Seems to me the FBI is full commie spying on us now. I can't believe how disgusted I am with the government of the United States, the mainstream media and big Tech. We are fully immersed in lies, propaganda and censorship.

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VacciNational Socialism in action

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Anyone from Australia want to blow the whistle on ASIO? We have had ZERO whistle blowers the past three years. Are all of you gutless cowards? Why are you relying on us to prop up the country and keep people fed while you dismantle it? FUCK YOU (that last part was for all my 'minders' at the joint ASIO-NSA facility at Pine Gap. Get a real job morons).

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Feb 12, 2023
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In other words, DARPA Zuckerberg Initiative.

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