We have lost 2, possibly 3, dogs to cancer and I am sure it is from the vaccines since the tumor arises from the same location of the vaccines given. I am doing everything I can to keep from giving my boy now any further vaccines. He came from the shelter and the shelter gives vaccines on intake so I have no choice when we adopt and we will always adopt. If only we could use titers to prove immunity but here in Texas titers will not subsititute for the vaccines, which is absurd.

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After losing at least 2 maybe myself to cancer, my new pups have never been to the vet, eat human grade meat, and drink bottled water. I have one 17 yr. old boy left, who is blind, a little stiff in the am, but otherwise leading a great life sans all vet visits.

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We feed human grade meat too, no kibble at all. I went to the vet once about his..anal glands. I hate expressing those glands and I said next time I come in I would bring his vaccination record. It at least got his butt taken care of. Figured dog people would understand. Hopefully no more visits will be necessary and definetly no jabs for my boy.

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Same here. I make their food. Meat, vegetables, eggs, all human grade. They’ve never been to the vet except to get that stinking shot. They are age 10 and 8 1/2.

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Oh my!

How did the vet feel about you expressing his anal glands?

Please forgive me.

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No problem. Many years ago my vet taught me how.

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Well, they showed me how - it is NO fun but I can do it. I rather have a vet tech do it though :-P

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Hahahaha... thanks for the levity 🤣😂

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I groom at home. Find a groomer that works from home- that doesn’t make you bring paperwork! 🫶

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I have tried every dry dog food for our doggo ever made, in the last 2 years. He won't eat any at all. It doesn't make any difference what you try to do with it, for him to eat.

He eats our cat food. Weird huh. Also he eats what we eat mostly. Oh well, he's fat & healthy anyway. The cat food doesn't seem to do anything bad to him. Our cats eat it fine, but if they quit eating their food, guess we have special cooking to do, for them all.

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I only have dry food around for the puppies who need more calories. I cook for the whole crew-throwing ground beef, chicken, bison, venison, eggs, veggies, whatever in a crock pot with either bone broth or pineapple juice (good for healing and arthritis) and let it simmer.

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Your old boy is fortunate to have you caring for him. Have you considered supplementing his diet with Carbon60? It should help his stiffness and possibly his eyes also:



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Please do not use c60. The only real research study using rats showed DECREASED lifespan despite sellers making opposite claims! I spoke with the person that supplied the rats for the study and he told me this product is at best questionable, and that most of it is rancid.

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Thank you!

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We recently acquired a sweet dog from a shelter in NC. Poor thing came vaxxed with every shot they could inject into her! You don’t have the choice to say “no.” We won’t be continuing that torture.

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The shelters really over-vaccinate. I used to volunteer and help with the sicker intakes. I think a lot of the shelter diseases like parvo and distemper are caused by those vaccinations and stress. It is torture - so sad what these wonderful souls go through.

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I have a friend who is vaxx happy. She is proud of the fact that her Bouvier has every vaxxine available and then some.

Her dog is going to die sooner than need be. And the upcoming cancer treatments will make a big dent in her already dismal bank account.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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most people live in a dream world created by their phones. The personal phone is a great example of the slippery slope of slowly slipping errant technology into common use. Cell phones were dumb, they did one thing, make phone calls.

Smart phones appeared, which are pocket computers/tracking devices with a

small bit of the resources used to make phone calls, the rest is a swiss army knife of dopamine producing apps, cameras, microphones and unique tracking numbers to provide multiple data harvesting points as well as real time geolocation tracking.

You can track the decline of the internet to the uptake of smart phones the trend lines match perfectly. even an idiot or a child can operate a smart phone and thus the lowest common denominator has no barrier to access.

so just like chipping pets and farm animals, phones have chipped people and gotten them use to being tracked and survielled 24/7. and people pay monthly for their own tracking...

its ingenious..

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It is ingenious. Reason I use faraday bags all the time.

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Shungite works well too

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Not to mention her own health if she’s such an advocate!

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Oh, her health is going to suffer. You see, she works for Pfi$er and is vaxxed to the maxx.

BTW... she is a low level employee, and got her CV vaxxes at the drug store like the rest of the proles. Got hired during C0VID era, and did not get a placebo.

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Wow. There’s one born every minute, as they say!

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I agree. I also live in Texas and have encountered exactly the same thing. Not sure what we can do in our state at this point. Love to find a group working to correct this!

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I'd love to find a group like that, too. Just not TX. (Because I don't live there.) It seems the only animals not targeted, at least to the same extent, are cats. They target "man's best friend," not the ones that couldn't give a crap about you.

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Suggestion- Give him small amounts of activated charcoal for a few days.

I did that with my vaxxed shelter dog.

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Good for you. I vax my dogs about every 4-5 years maybe. Sometimes longer. I get my cats vaccinated early and have one that never got vacs again, she was just out to sleep last year at 22 yrs old! Never went to the vet until she was 20, for a couple issues-

I vaccinated my GS about 2 yrs ago and it made her down for many months. No energy, listless. (She hadn’t had one in 5 years)She’s now 14, and she will not get any more.

My sister gets her dogs vacs- they had poison out in their yard for weeds- the dog got cancer. Watch your lawns people and don’t let your dog walk on others lawns in case of toxins. 🙏

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When I bought my horse he was 9. The first year the vet came out to do his rabies vaccine. 12 hrs later Thunder spiked a fever and went down hard. Called the vet back out. Asked if it had anything to do with the vaccine. He assured me it DID NOT have anything to do with the rabies vaccine. This happened a few more years in a row. Vet began to pre-treat Thunder with meds so he could "better tolerate" his rabies shot. I learned about titers. Asked for the test. Vet mocked my concern. Found a new vet who did the test. Fully vaccinated is .5. Thunder's number came back 2.9. Never gave him another shot. The new vet does a shot-free wellness check once a year. Thunder's 19 now and very healthy. Thank goodness I found an honest vet who admits the harms of shots!

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This is an important post! The last time I went to the vet, it was because my dog sitter wouldn't watch my dog while my family went on vacation without proof of influenza vaccine. As I sat in the waiting room, two women commiserated about their blind dogs, relatively young, who had recently been diagnosed with diabetes, then gone blind. Diabetes in dogs? When I was a kid, we never took the family dog to the vet. Ever. She lived outdoors, even during snowy winters, and ate dry kibble. She lived a long life. That day at the vet, I stood up and left without getting the influenza shot for my dog. We have normalized chronic health problems in ourselves, our children, and our pets. Add to that the fact that everyone has expensive pet health insurance? It's a scam. All vaccines cause cancer and cancer is a money making machine.

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Get rid of your dog sitter!

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The tyranny starts at the County level, with corrupt sheriffs, and health departments that are bought and paid for by the CDC and Pharma.

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These Psychopathic People in charge of Society are a Feature not a Fault

Psychopaths are CREATED by the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschilds Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires as Presidents and Prime Ministers to Rule the World

Psychopathic people are created by the 2000 Trillion Dollar Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires by trauma, drugs and hypnotism from a very early age in order to rule society in such a way that human evolution is prevented mainly by using the other psychopathic tools of Poverty, Media Lullaby Entertainment Professionals, Fake News - Presstitutes, Professors - Fake History , Fake Science, Fake Geopolitics, Police, Pedophilia, Epstein Prostitutes - all them the oldest 10,000 years old Professions..


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In 2008 I had a male German Shepherd, 7 years old, in perfect health. Took him to the vet for his yearly exam and was told he must get a rabies vaccine. A few months later he developed a large “vaccination site carcinoma” in his shoulder. We operated to try and remove the tumor but it was completely intertwined in the muscle. He was dead in just two months! That was my lesson on canine vaccines.

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So sorry for your loss.

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Once again, the unthinking compliance of the human masses is the core problem.

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that is an intractable problem. most people dont lead or think, they follow and repeat.

hence the real problem is the leadership that tells them which direction to go and what to think. The leadership can be changed. human nature not so much ....

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Ask for a titer test to see if the pet really needs the rabies shot! See Dr. Karen Becker for more info on all shots for your pets.🐶😽💝

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Texas will not allow titers to cover rabies vaccines. I have looked into it, believe me. It is definitely a racket.

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An unhealthy racket😢hard to believe that’s a law, because as Dr. Becker points out, the people who work with the animals do not get that shot every year! 🤦‍♀️

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And to add injury to injury…The shots are often one size fits all… chiweenie to great dane.

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Can you get an unadjuvated vaxx?

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Never found a vet that would administer one as it’s not “recognized” as effective by the assorted veterinary/medical entities. They’re definitely not recognized in Texas.

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I have noted for a long time that shelter pets, presumably vaccinated and microchipped to the hilt, have shorter lifespans than coddled but unjabbed or almost never jabbed pets. When I was a young girl our cat lived to be 19 and my mother's cat died last year at 18. Our old dog Snow White in Thailand, jabbed once for rabies by an animal charity, lived to be almost 20. The shelter pets meanwhile often have significant health problems before they turn 10. As you correctly point out, there are other far better solutions for problems of lost pets than microchips, but if you need to bring your pet into a vet for any illness or trauma they demand to jab them with everything too, which seems a little retarded if you think about it for a dog that has a broken leg from being hit by a car or for a cat that isn't eating solid food, say. They've drawn everybody into the enforcement of compliance business with all of the monetary incentives. Animal or human health be damned.

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I think it's more because of the crappy food dogs eat these days. Just like humans.

We've had two rescues, the first one, for 13 years, and the one we have right now is 14 years old.

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I agree on the crappy food - kibble is horrible. Once off kibble and on a natural diet and no more shots my boy now is in such good health. Going on 10 yrs old and looks and acts like a young adult. He is a big dog - GSD/Malinos. No teeth or hip issues at all. He was in horrible shape when I pulled him from the shelter and took a bit to bring him back to good mental and physical shape. A natural diet really helped I do believe.

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We have fed ours raw food. I hate when you hear commercial for those additives you buy and put on the crappy food. Just buy good food. Sheesh

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have you tried the smoked salmon flavor Kibble, its delish. put out for guest with some dill cream cheese. thats livin..

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I envy your boy. Mals are my favorite breed, followed closely by GSD’s. Amazing animals!

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It's amazing with all of the poisoning that either pets or people have held up as well as they have

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Read the story from the VET

2nd Smartest Guy in the World


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If you live in a rural area, it is impossible to find holistic vets.

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Holistic vets are hard to find in any area,,,

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Have been following a dr Jones....Veterinary secrets on you-tube. He's inB.C....

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Veterinary Secrets on YouTube is holistic. He has a huge playlist the covers just about everything.

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and dentists

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I am avoiding those shots for my two cats. The vets all push them, one saying I couldn't bring my cat unless I had the shots updated.

That's the same stupidity as not treating un-vaxxed people when they need medical care. I will look elsewhere.

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Completely agree and became aware of the veterinary vaccine gravy train during the pandemic. More recently I awakened to the harms of spay/neuters. Both human and animal health care all based on health scare. People awakening now! 🙌

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And unfortunately every pet who goes through a Humane Society-type of situation is spayed/neutered at a very young age, 6 weeks is about average. At least vets are getting a little more savvy about waiting a year or two.

Doodle-type dogs are almost always neutered at 6 weeks, at least by reputable breeders. Hah, ‘reputable’ but ruining the pets health.

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That's way too young at 6 weeks. I have 2 beagles that I got from a breeder at 7 weeks old and they're now ages 3 1/2 years and 15 months. Breeder suggest they get spayed at 6 months. Of course they get their shots before we bring them home. I go to a holistic vet and she said to wait till Millie has her first heat which was at 9 months old and got her OSS (Ovary Sparing Spay) procedure done at 14 months old. I read that it was very imporant she keep her ovaries. The place where she had this procedure requires vaccine records. I stopped with the vaccines for Millie after she had a slight reaction with first rabies shot getting weak in the legs. Thankfully she's been fine since. Her niece Annie I have not gotten her any shots since we brought her home and I know if I get the OSS procedure, they will want to know her vaccine record. So with that being said for now, will just let Annie go into heat until hopefully things change with all these vaccine requirements down the road. Since we brought them home at 7 weeks old, I've been feeding them a raw food diet using grass-fed meats as well as freeze-dried, all organic foods - bone broth, broccoli, peas, blueberries, our pasture raised eggs, coconut oil, supplements, including mushroom powders, curcumin, probiotics and more. They are in excellent health to this day.

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Early spay/neuters are absolutely awful for optimal bone growth and overall development . So sad.

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Check out Protectthepets.com for a veterinarian that titers. We are lucky to live near Dr. Robb‘s practice in Connecticut. He started Protect the Pets after years of fighting with both the corporate owners of many vet practices and the State of CT. His website is informative and offers low cost options for titering.

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I have his direct phone now. Thanks.

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Good to know! This reminds me all this insanity started as corporations took over medical practices - and vets. They are nothing but slaves to their new owners. And all are the lab rats.

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I was going to mention that test costs vary widely. My old vet wanted $400 for a rabies titer!! 🙄 I didn’t do it and her new vet recommended not vaccinating or testing for my old girl.

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I know this is about dogs. I have no dogs but I do have 2 cats. I used to take them yearly for their rabies feline leukemia ect. Ever since Covid (crimes against humanity) I stopped taking them to get vaxed. Plus I heard they are putting the mRNA in the animal vaxes now.

One of my kitties is micro chipped tho. I didn’t know that it could poison him. I wonder if it can be removed without the harm happening later…

In my opinion vets are becoming as bad as doctors. Which I have stopped going to the doctor for myself since the “crimes against humanity” happened. I don’t trust any of them now.

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If I was a vet or a medical doctor who was questioning the last four years, now would be a great time to change gears and get into holistic medicine. They would certainly have a corner on this market.

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I think the micro chips in pets is a terrible idea. I have read that you need to keep magnets away from the chip area. And also with all the emf and wireless how many times is that triggering the chip? We have 6 indoor cats which we have not vaccinated except for their baby shots. We have luckily found 2 vet offices in our area that agree with this. Just like we dont see a doctor unless we absolutely have to, our cats dont see the vet either. We have a holistic vet come to our house every 2 weeks for our cat that has kidney disease (thought to be from toxic pet food). What a positive difference between a holistic vet and general vet. It would be great to get a President elected who would also care about the health of our pets - better oversight of food and stop the over vaccinating. I dont even know how a lot of people can afford to take their pets to the vet or specialized vets these days. The costs are outrageous!

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One of my dogs developed a tumor over her rabies vaccination site. The Vet said she got most of it but it had spreading tentacles, and that the dog might make it a year. She lived 7 more years to age 14.

My county's dog license regulation requires a rabies shot to get a license, then every 2 years. So I skipped vaccinating my next dog, until I got caught having her without tags when she was almost 3. So I had to get her vaxed for rabies. She died 2 months later. I'm still heartbroken. I cannot imagine how a parent must feel when a child dies due to an optional vaccine that does not (cannot possibly) prevent infection or contagion or help symptoms. Any parent that says "Oh well" is a heartless monster. Don't get me started on doctors who vaccinate for profit, even though they know, or should they're useless & cause harm.

Over 90 studies have been performed over 100 years to prove a sick human can infect another. They've all failed.

Childhood deaths from measles were down 95% before measles vaccinations began. Which means measles is not deadly. Being a weak, sickly, malnourished child is. Growth spurts occur after measles. My case of measles induced puberty in me.

The 1940's-50's polio epidemic was caused by the pesticide DDT. It's use was restricted & curtailed at the same time polio vaccines were introduced. The first polio vaccine recipe absolutely caused polio. And despite Polio vaccines, Polio never went away. They just renamed the varuous symptoms. Guillain-Barre, MS, Demyelination Syndrome, and Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), Paresis post vaccination are ALL 'Polio'. (My own niece is crippled on one side from the vaccines she got as a baby). Polio is caused by exposure to toxins, not a virus. And so it goes with every illness and vaccine. They're all a scam.

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Another demonstration of administrative class over reach is demonstrated by the fact that about 5 yrs ago, backyard poultry keepers were restricted from buying antibiotics to treat their flocks. Prior to that, if a chicken developed a respiratory infection (bacterial, not viral) or got an infected wound, we could purchase antibiotics from our local farm store to treat them. It now requires a veterinary prescription! Good luck finding a vet who will see a chicken, unless you lives in the boonies. (So now the vet gets a cut, big Pharma gets a cut and it costs the poultry owner a ton of money.) We immediately stocked up while it was still available but many switched to using fish antibiotics, which are basically the same, just smaller quantities. The government wants to control EVERY. SINGLE. ASPECT. OF. YOUR. LIFE. This has to stop!

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Yet another example of why all these government institutions need to go. Not only are they unconstitutional, but their constant wielding of said illegal power is beyond draconian.

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