I said that for 30 years, it took me eight to figure it out. We never "gave" the flu shot at any pharmacy I ever ran, period! I left CVS not because they were an abusive company, but because they were planning on giving the flu shot. I had one flu shot in my life (1980), and I told my boss my body was like a temple, if you ever "force" me to get the shot again, I'll kill you, full stop.

For 6 and 1/2 hours I was as good as dead, laid on the porch hoping somebody would come by to finish me off. It was that bad.

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I wasn't that sick. But like you the only time I can ever remember getting a flu shot was around 2005. My arm was swollen and red from injection sight all the way down. I couldn't even lift my arm. Then I was in bed sick as a dog with a 103 degree fever.

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I know the feeling.

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My neighbor's wife got the flu shot and it crippled her. She was so afraid to sue because she was worried she wouldn't get any medical help if she did so. Talk about fear factor. She was literally frozen numb from the waist down and couldn't feel half her body. Absolutely egregious.

I wish I could go all 'Beatrix Kiddo' Kill BIll volume THREE on those mofos.

Meh. Hate doesn't serve the heart though.

All we can do is pray for justice. God does vengeance way better than any of us can.

Patience, grasshopper.

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There is a nice cartoon with "Do not vaccinate" showing a large snake going after a mother holding a child. The snake has "vaccination" written on it. Also a skeleton standing behind it. Cartoon dates back to 1892. This is found in Disolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk.

The fight against the vaccine cult goes back a looong time.

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The successful and generally accepted use of naturopathic medicine goes back thousands of years before the inverting, reductionist cult's fraudulent germ theory.

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The best way to avoid getting the "flu" is to have a healthy immune system. We do not have an ivermectin deficiency!

Eat a proper human diet (meat)

Get plenty of sunlight

Avoid LED lighting

Turn off your WiFi at night

Avoid Bluetooth

Put your phone in airplane mode at home

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Meat/dairy is not a human diet. More ruling cult BS. Highly acidic. Acidosis = dis-ease/toxicity. Humans thrive with alkaline pH (pant-based diet), Cancer cells cannot exist in alkaline environment. Anatomically and physiologically, humans are frugivores. Our gut is too long to proprtly digest animal meat which unhealthfully putrifies in the gut. Profoundly indoctrinating humanity to believe that carnism, needing the milk divinely intended for a 400-lb. calf and rationalizing the exploitive immoral harm that profoundly entails and consequential negative karma for humanity, poisons us physically and spiritually as does the unnatural immoral practices of war, circumcision, abortion and blood shots, all mass blood rituals, perpetually executed by humanity, our negative karma, our self-perpetuated unnatural, inverted slave construct of suffering via the eternal, immutable and objective dicates of Natural Law (Do Not Initiate Harm To Another Sentient Being). Win/win for the manipulating, usurping, anti-Nature parasitic death cult whose sustenance, on frequency level (loosh) is fear, violence and bloodlust.. Objective morality/reconnecting exclusively to Nature/Natural Law is their starvation. These parasites have always known this, since "Eden". WE need to know this.

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Not true Debrajmac regarding meat. Dairy can definitely be problematic but grass fed beef is the ultimate superfood (add a bit of liver here and there can be beneficial too) Stomach pH is designed to digest meat.

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Vegan "science" is propaganda, feelings. Meat is the food humans ate until about 12000 years ago. Radiation isotope testing proves it. Anthropology proves it. My own health improvement after going carnivore proves it.

Meat digests incredibly fast... Almost like it's the food we were intended to eat.

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Proof that when the government finds a vaccine is effective at death that it doesn’t withdraw it, it expands its usage.

So the obvious list where this has occurred:

1. Flu jab

2. Hep-B jab (Young adults -> 9 year olds)

3. COVID-19 (6+ months x3)

4. Pneumococcal (2 months)

5. Hep-A…

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I had a flu shot and was very ill. An American doctor told me don't have the Flu jab, take vitamin D all year round. I haven't had flu for over 25 years, touch wood.

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A great post, as usual. What I find most disturbing personally was the revelation that the “powers that be“ have known about the failures of these “vaccinations“ for decades now and they not just covered that information up, but they doubled down on pushing them. By 2021 I was firmly“against this jab“ but I rapidly evolved to the position where I am just truly anti-vaccine in general now.

Unfortunately, there are far too many sheep among us who blindly and obediently do what they’re told no matter what the cost.

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Not another secret? I have known for 50 years that vaccines can murder you. Most drugs have this capability and there is no way that big pharma, your dumbo doctor, the medical mafia or the medical experts will ever provide informed consent telling you that very fact.

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Great article, thanks.

My only reservations are the recommendations to take Ivermectin, which it appears from some studies, may give fertility issues(?) I’m inclined to stick to a healthy diet, with foods as close to natural as possible, and addressing dietary deficiencies by adding foods known to be high in them, eg Brazil nuts for selenium etc

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This substack has exposed the so called fertility issues with IVM as a sham as has Dr Makis on his own substack. This sham was promoted by none other than Dr. Yeadon.


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"I’d like to know why the people that want to sterilise the third world - a given - are suddenly so altruistic as to provide bucket loads of IVM for free to these countries to save them from river blindness and more." Unless you live on another planet these same people did everything they could to suppress this compound and still do. "Funnily enough studies have shown that IVM can particularly attack vision" Which studies are those , the same one's as the obviously fake antihcq articles that were retracted from Lancet? You know Mehra et al https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32450107/ or perhaps a study by this author


"Many alternative truthers pushing this are obviously well funded and extremely prolific, maintaining a presence that the likes of truly persecuted people like Dr Mike Yeadon cannot. " What does that have to do with the price of rice? The fact is he publicized studies that have been debunked as a pile of bullshit just like Mehra et al. "Amazing cure all drug this IVM. Is this to catch the people who they knew would never take the jab? Plan B? I think quite possibly. I also have reservations about sites that are more interested in selling these products to us…" "I think quite possibly" Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one,."I also have reservations about sites that are more interested in selling these products to us…" The first site to promote IVM FBZ as a protocol for late stage cancer patients that has had unheard of success, subsequently promoted by Dr. Makis , Dr Marick et al with similar success. Please go away

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Adhominem?? where did I attack you personally?. Lets unpack my response, data talks, bullshit walks,

You claim IVM causes fertility issues and blindness, citing “studies.” The 2011 Nigerian study (37 men, no control) linked IVM to sperm reduction, but experts say onchocerciasis, not IVM, was the cause—flawed data No human infertility is proven

On blindness, IVM treats river blindness, preventing it—millions saved via free programs ). Mazzotti reactions (itching) aren’t vision loss. Your “altruism” twist ignores suppression—Mehra’s retracted Lancet study (2020) delayed HCQ and later IVM, not pushed it.

Cancer success here and with (Makis, 2025) is real, not a “Plan B”—grassroots, not funded.

IVM/FBZ enhance trained immunity via gut health (Bifidobacterium, Hazan, 2022), target Warburg safely—separate from vaccine debates. Questioning is fine, but data matters.

Why cancel, you, better to expose you!

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I thought measles killed like 1 in 1,000 or 1 in 10,000 (presuming the child died 'of measles' and not 'with measles')? 1 in 106,000,000? How accurate is that chart?

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Yes, i said it before, probably even in this substack's comment section : only took the flu shot one time in my life and as a result had a real bad influenza that year, never had influenza before or after, what a coincidence.

Almost never have had the regular flu either, only few times in my life have i had something that has lasted more than couple days and has been more than mild runny nose.

Flu shots and likely most if not all vaccines are to make you sick so big pharma can make bank while fulfilling Bill Gates's dream of 'depopulation through vaccination'

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Flu shot killed my mother, by causing ideopathic (allopathic term for, shucks, we don;t know the cause of this dis-ease) pulmonary fibrosis. Dead within 18 months from getting janned and that time was a living hell for her. My dad got the flu jab, at same time, with her, and was diagnosed with high grade bladder cancer same time as my mother became symptomatic of IPF. Thankfully, he survived, sans the bladder he was born with, and opting out of radiation/chemo, choosing naturopathic support, post surgery. "Auto-immune dis-eases" are not natural. ALL are caused by vaxxes. Hep B jab mandated for hralth care workers, caused ulcerative colitis with me (another "ideopathic auti-immune" disease), nearly killed me, cost me my colon and has profoundly compromised the quality of my previously healthy life 25 years ago (never took flu jab) because surgery is not curative. Germ theory is another fraudulant platform to fear-monger humanity to poison themselves and their beloved children and pets. Same tactic as "clinate chang/globalwarming" is the BS platform to fear-monger us carbon-based beings living on a carbon-based world among other carbon-based divine life, to mindlessly support a "zero carbon footprint. Duh, that's extinction/tranhumanism.

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