Pay up or we will put you in a re-education camp. You pay up and then they will put you there anyway.

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Do NOT comply.

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If we don’t pay up they will just steal it from our accounts. We’re fucked.

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Stop being a victim. There are solutions.

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what happens when the CBDCs are rolled out?

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That’s when we all say NO from the start!

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For the average dumb ass like me, please offer some suggestions.

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I will ask them to take it from your account. Seriously, this is one way they can really screw us.

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Wait for their digital currency ...

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Yes, They already have their “One World Government Order” … Hint: Justin Trudeau, who is a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders’ called in Militants to physically assault The Men & Women Freedom Truckers. These peaceful demonstrators who were standing up for the People of Canada, by protesting against Trudeau’s Mandatory Jabs [Medical Experiments on Men, Women and Children were beaten with clubs, kicked and then their trucks and bank accounts were confiscated by The Tyrannical Trudeau’s Government. Klaus Schwab announced that he “owns Justin Trudeau.”

The militants who were flown into Canada and who physically assaulted innocent people were from The United Nations 🇺🇳 [The One World Government].


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CBDC + enforcement thugs = elimination of the underground economy of the poor and retired. Do NOT comply and a little prep, training and full knowledge of not if but when will go a long way and make no mistake they plan on kicking this thing off, very soon.

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It is as much ‘federal’ as the Federal Reserve, hence its true description:

A collection agency for the private central banking Ponzi that needs to continually feed the vig to keep the house of cards standing.

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The planned destruction of the US continues and gathers pace

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The Global Elites’ World Economic Forum’s “Satanists-Cults” are The Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Free Masons combined into “One Huge Powerful Secret Society” of Psychopaths & Evil, demonic entities that are Satan’s Soldiers. Satanists believe that in order to “take possession of your soul” they have to provide you with enough information so that you know what you are doing. That is why Bill Gates’ & his Microsoft’ Attorneys, CEO’s, BigTech, AI engineers etc., have filed numerous “Patents in America as well as with The International Patent Office Website, “Patent Scope” under names such as WO2020060606 [World Order, 2020, #666] = “The Mark of The Beast.”

Another approved patent, filed by Bill Gates’ and/or Microsoft at Patent Scope International Patent Office is “Luciferese” [obviously a synonym of Lucifer] is a uniquely engineered and designed “Luminescent Ink” which literally glows from underneath the skin of Humans after it’s been injected into the forearm or other body parts. Globalized Corporations, Financial institution’s such as banks, and Government Offices already have installed “Digital Scanners” that will verify that the “Human” who has been Jabbed and therefore has been injected with their nanotubes of Graphene Oxide and microchips can now become their property, a commodity, a Digital-Transhumanism-Cyborg that “The World Economic Forum” Global Elites’ have been openly speaking about and planning during their so called “Summit Meetings.”

Klaus Schwab, author of, “Covid-19, The Great Reset” and founder of The WEF, has bragged during media interviews, “All Humans Will Be Microchipped.”

Bill Gates’s approved patent is a “Digital Monetary System.”

I will provide a link below. “These People Are Sick!”


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All new IRS agents must follow a strict dress code and wear hob nailed boots.

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Read Cracking the Code by Peter Hendrickson. Then, stop giving them $1000’s from your paychecks every 2 weeks.

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He's servng time...

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