Weather events have changed in S. Calif over the last 75 years. I've had to drill deeper for agricultural water wells bi-annually and 3.5 million gallon reservoir filled from rain storms run off has dried up completely some years. Lots of cloud seeding and manipulation going on! Fish and Game claims I'm catching to much water because of …
Weather events have changed in S. Calif over the last 75 years. I've had to drill deeper for agricultural water wells bi-annually and 3.5 million gallon reservoir filled from rain storms run off has dried up completely some years. Lots of cloud seeding and manipulation going on! Fish and Game claims I'm catching to much water because of a 'endangered' seasonal insect!
Climate Change is a myth being used to control our populist - societies.
Weather events have changed in S. Calif over the last 75 years. I've had to drill deeper for agricultural water wells bi-annually and 3.5 million gallon reservoir filled from rain storms run off has dried up completely some years. Lots of cloud seeding and manipulation going on! Fish and Game claims I'm catching to much water because of a 'endangered' seasonal insect!
Climate Change is a myth being used to control our populist - societies.
except for the man-modified weather manipulation you mention, that we aren't supposed to talk about or know about.