Is fascinating and terrifying how complicit the US government is in whatever Bill Gates ultimate operation is, otherwise he would’ve been arrested or eliminated a long time ago.

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That'll be Gates, with yet another scheme to DEPULATE the PLANET! He's been experimenting with mosquitoes for the transport of DEADLY ILLNESSES, as well as buying up US Farmland and investing in artificial meat! He's even considering monopolising DRINKING WATER by buying into this resource. He wants to take complete control of humanity.

Keep your grubby paws off my MEAT!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight!

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Exactly, so much for Desantis being a stand up guy and allowing it in Florida to begin with and now California. I expect it out of Newsome and their horrible state government. But the whole US Government is complicit as they could stop this from coming into the U.S. It seems if Bill Gates wants to poison everyone they let him do whatever he wants.

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What gives that prick the right to release GM mosquitos, without any public agreement?

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Mass apathy, ignorance and stupidity.

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loved the words "garlic to vampire" and kryptonite. and of course ivermectin. thanks!

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Where the hell are the officials who still have common sense and even part of a brain to think that this is absolutely insane, and yet here we are with Bill Gates unleashing his toxic, deadly mosquitoes. He’s killed off thousands, if not millions of people in other countries with his toxic deadly vaccines to control the populations and he still walks free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This monster needs captured and injected with every single bioweapon and so called vaccine he has ever produced. There should be protests everywhere to arrest this man, but nothing. I will not give into the fear, but someone really needs to take this monster down once and for all.

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Bill Gates has his murder operations based in Geneva Switzerland where they give him, GAVI, WHO, UN & WEF immunity from prosecution - so he thinks he's sitting in the cat-bird seat - good luck with that old billy goat.

Someone needs to come out with a very effective Mosquito Zapper that can be put over windows & doors to Zapp these evil little bastards before they get in & bite ppl with their filthy, murderous payloads.

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No, they need to lock Gates and ALL HIS CRONIES, in an escape- proof barn filled to the rafters with the happy, zappa little critters. NOTHING TO EAT BUT BUGS.


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I like to think of him falling into a silo of crickets

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Cu and Pb works, if used on the source.....


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Can you explain what Cu & Pb are please - sorry I have no clue

I was suggesting an electronic device which cued on a Mosquito when it got near enough & zapped it with death frequencies, they are quite small so I wouldn't imagine it would take much & everything has a unique Frequency signature, that way it would be non toxic & no need for creams etc. I'm sure restaurant kitchens had something similar for flies.

If anyone knows please comment

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Sorry. I was being obscure.

Copper and lead = bullets.

The source would of course be the evil genius.

Hence the /s to show I'm being sarcastic.

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Glad you find it amusing

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The alternative is?

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I can accept some gallows humor but we shouldn't take our eyes of the prize & not fight back 24/7 - dont make it easy for the bastards, make them work for it

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Do you mean mosquitoes should be sprayed with Cu and Pb? If not, what are you suggesting? What compounds should we buy to obtain enough Cu and Pb to effect the mosquitoes?

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Cu = copper.

Pb = Lead.

High speed copper coated lead to the source = Gates of hell.

Just trying to be a bit abstruse, so that it doesn't appear as though I'm advocating violence.

That would be wrong.........

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I know what Cu and Pb mean.

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Duh .......

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I cannot even read this today. I want Gates to die a death of a hundred covid vaxes... slowly and (hopefully) in great pain. Am I wrong? I rue the woman I have become...

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So do I.,I do not understand why these psychopaths are all still free. We outnumber them by billions ......

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The problem would be working out how to actually locate them and then get close enough to do anything. I'm sure they don't all actually live in Gεnεvα. They would have to be very aware of needing top notch security at all times. If it's occurred to us that they should be εliminαtεd, then it occurred to them long ago. I wonder, sometimes, if the elders like Sοrοs are even alive, or if they just make it appear that way to take the heat off the younger generation of ενil filth.

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More likely these rate diseases are brought in by illegal immigrants, either in their bodies or in their posessions

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Michael Yon reports on the immigration/invasion crisis and he sees them spraying stuff from drones and suspects they might be releasing infected mosquitos in the Panama immigration camp, funded by us, the UN and Soros, of course...he and two of his reporter friends down there have gotten sick from it several times...

using immigrants to infect the US with anything they want...

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not 'immigrants', invaders

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“...whenever Bill Gates shows up, so too does Ivermectin in a kind of garlic-to-vampire-type relationship” 😂

Serious question: given the miraculous properties, should Ivermectin be taken prophylactically like once a day or once a week to ward off cancer & the vampires & their killer poisons?

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The open southern border with zero medical checks is surely playing a role too. Shameful

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WHY Ais that lunatic, murderous psychopath STII FREE ?

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So, Bill Gates genetically modified, malaria causing, mosquitoes have now crossed the nation to California. And what the Hell is our dumb-assed pair of US and CA regimes doing or going to do about it? My bet is nothing. Par for the course. Let’s just keep focusing of diversity and pushing for more major wars.

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That'll be Gates, with yet another scheme to DEPULATE the PLANET! He's been experimenting with mosquitoes for the transport of DEADLY ILLNESSES, as well as buying up US Farmland and investing in artificial meat! He's even considering monopolising DRINKING WATER by buying into this resource. He wants to take complete control of humanity.

Keep your grubby paws off my MEAT!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight!

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Michael Yon reports on the immigration/invasion crisis and he sees them spraying and releasing infected mosquitos in the Panama immigration camp, funded by us, the UN and Soros, of course...he and two of his other friends/reporters have gotten sick several times...

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Psychopaths always think they are doing good. When psychopaths hold high positions there’s no shortage of followers who will agree with them and assist in their endeavors.

That’s why influential psychotics like Gates, Fauci, Soros and more are cut a pass by people/institutions who should know better. Some do know better but are afraid, hamstrung by the repercussions that they risk by rocking the boat.

So while we peons are told to put up the tray tables and buckle up the crazy people are free to move about the cabin.

This may not resonate with everyone but I cannot stop thinking about the various ways we’re being bamboozled by these forces who, because they’re egoists are openly teasing us with their plans.

The wildly popular comic book based Avenger movies underlying story is, a powerful SciFi villain called, Thanos plans to altruistically murder half the life in the universe so that the other half will enjoy an abundance of resources that will ultimately improve life for all. A tough job for a tough guy but justifiably necessary.

Thanos does this by systematically acquiring “Infinity Stones” and concentrating their power in a gauntlet which could, if one imagines, represent creating a powerful gauntlet of captured nations.

Maybe you agree and maybe you don’t but to my mind the story mocks us as the underlying theme parallels rather closely the goings on of late which begs the question, whom will our Avengers be when we need them?

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They signal their intentions and actions ahead of time. One of the rules for one of the infiltrating occult organizations/fraternities.

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Yeah, I know. The psychology is they are conditioning the population to accept what’s coming. They’ve learned that if they leak their intentions ahead of time people are less apt to push back as hard because it isn’t as much of a shock. It’s an offshoot of gaslighting. I know their tricks. I just keep waiting for the masses to wake up.

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assume the masses will not. It takes a small number of commited active people to change things. Those of us in the know must keep active and vocal. The people we oppose are for the most part not elected officials. Keep speaking against all them.

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I do. Lost a long time friend because I never shut up. C’est la vie.

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I think that it's based on the age old concept of 'offer & acceptance'. They are putting out an offer into the Universe and we are tacitly accepting it, as in 'silence means consent'.

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Dengue News Today: Italy and France top 100 local cases, Sri Lanka, Mexico and more:


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Has anyone had success getting Petmectin into Canada?

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I've read success stories with regards to Canada & Justin Castro's customs officials.

www.virex.health. I'd contact them prior just to be sure.

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Thank you!

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