PS the article invokes the oldfangled term "global warming" which was updated to "climate change" due to the planet temps trending cooler, not hotter.

The gas of life CO2 scam component which represents 421ppm of the atmosphere (i.e. historically low levels of CO2) has not yet been updated.

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I live in a part of Montana that has had the entire winter be 10-20 degrees below average with some weeks being way colder. The idiots forget about things like El Nino, La Nina, weather patterns, etc.. Those of us stupid enough to believe them deserve their fate and,unfortunately, take the rest of us down with them.

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This will get you up to speed on 130 years of patents of geoengineering.


Weather Modification history https://weathermodificationhistory.com/

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Don't forget the number 1 factor.....Sunspots.

The sun & the ocean currents drive climate.

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Here we go again! Climate bs, a new disease, more jabs and ruined food chains. Let’s get DJT in his rightful place and the Patriots can all be supportive with a great leader! Waiting for the military!

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Trump is a showman and a narcissist, not a "great leader". He allowed the lockdowns, pushed the "warp speed" vax project, and refused to acknowledge the damage. And that's not the worst of it. Read this series and see if you still think he's your guy:


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Controlled no. But you will see what you want to see, forgetting about what he has done. I haven't and can't. Donald Trump saved my life literally by sending his personal jet when dubya stopped sending planes for us at the end of Desert Storm. Not your guy? Fine, go with deep state DeSantis or Fourth Reich Soros.

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He is the distraction from what really matters, always has been.

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You may have a very long wait.

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Only use the real military, not the wokey one.

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The only one I trust is ours. But not the sailors in heels.

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The CO2 component and the over-hyped "greenhouse gas effect" are absolutely crucial to the scam. This provides the rationale for eliminating the low-cost, hydrocarbon "fossil fuels" on which mass society (industry, agriculture, transportation) currently depends.

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You know that, I know that and a couple od other guys know that. Some call it Great Awakening. The problem is that those who by now know that have been born awake or at least half awake. Majority of clients, who could start making a difference are in REM phase of deepest sleep. I heard about a guy in Poland, 4 times jabbed already who is trying to rush wherever possible to get a 5th shot because he’s been feeling sick to frequently in recent months and he is terrified.

What are the chances…?

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It’s so sad for all of us that masses of people believe these lies. Tell a lie long enough and it becomes the truth.

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Eugippius or however you spell it would have us know Bill Gates is misunderstood, and only wants to help.


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But they will update it to satisfy never ending curiosity of the masses. Who remembers today that 30 years ago the same clima disaster mongers used to threaten with the impending catastrophe of dramatic lowering of temperature and irrevocable glaciation of the planet? There is always as good a story as its audience.

Since today is April Fool's Day I have an appropriate joke to tell: a journalist (fake news guy) comes to the madhouse, where the 'inmates' are celebrating the fact of commissioning a brand new swimming pool. Everyone is running, jumping headfirst off the trampoline, playing games. Total joy and bliss. The journalist asks one if everyone is happy, to which he replies: of course it's great, everyone is having a great time, but it will be even more fun when the pool is filled with water tomorrow.

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In English, auf Deutsch and en francais! https://www.bitchute.com/video/KnMMfQORO9IB/

Politico Phil 7 hours ago says: "God love 'em! I did not know the Swiss had such a talent for understatement. Pascal comes right out and says because he was vaxxed he knows he has lost 28 years off his lifespan. 50 million dead worldwide. 20% stillborn deaths. 20% infertility rate in men. Oh, and Biden loses in court in New Orleans....unreported in our papers."

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Sounds safe and effective. My spine is broken from diving head first but I'm grateful the authorities protected us from drowning and can't wait for the next booster party!

Hashtag "Grateful"


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That just proves its, um, working, and that we're right, you gas stove supporting polar bear and baby seal haters...

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Putting that in perspective CO2 represents around 0.04% of the Earth's atmosphere. I believe that the CO2 level is rising in spite of the zero carbon stupidity. Rising as the Earth cools. Analysis of the Earth's ancient atmosphere indicates CO2 concentration as high as 8,000 ppm.

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This is kind of teasing, we all make miskeys.

But kind of ironically, I grew weary of those I confide in some time ago, and no longer confide in anyone.

But wariness is indeed a useful strategy for today...

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Chatbots only survive if people use them. When will people learn? Stop using this crap designed to create a narrative. Are people's lives so void of better things to do than to sit on the computer and chat with an algorithm??

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I've been warning people about chatting to robots online. Now it appears that there are 'emergent' properties of these AI programs which are suggestive of more generalised intelligence. There is no 'artificial' intelligence. There is only intelligence. Humans created it, but don't understand it - and it is not human.


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Agreed, Karen, had someone simply said, here, chat with the FBI/CIA/DOD to help them learn about you and how to better program this MIND SUCKING MACHINE WE MADE.....they probs wouldn't get so many users vs. calling it 'AI'. It's all so predictable, and I am quite suprised by who has been chatting with it. People who I had deemed smarter than all this. They are training it well. Edit - As, I suppose, are we as well.

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I was thinking it a pity he’d rather spend time with that thing rather than enjoying his children. Like Narcissi gazing in the pool at his own reflection, he fell in and was no more. Pity.

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"Are people's lives so void of better things to do than to sit on the computer and chat with an algorithm??"


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a very sad state of affairs we find so many people in

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Face to face interaction is highly evolved, and its often far more revealing than any online interaction.

Fear holds most people back, and those who clearly don't function well in reality can't handle their own internal demons that everyone else can clearly see.

This paranoia is reinforced by endless artificial stereotypes of absolute perfection which are quite far fetched from reality, and ever present in all forms of social media.

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Remember Matt Hancock. And remember they had pre-planned dates for variants.

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CS Lewis wrote about how AI would become as a god in That Hideous Strength. Didn’t end well for the psychopathic scientists.

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Poor guy getting convinced to kill himself by someone who wasn't real about something that isn't real

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The irony eh?

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Canada/USA weather stations have been too close to heat retaining structures in urban settings for decades!!!! Probably in most of the world too!

There is articles on this but msm won’t report it.

The data is flawed!!

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Randall Carlson did a video chat with his mates on that fact not too long ago.

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Oh so good to hear!

The more people talk about it the better.

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Gerbil warming, Gore's prediction of rising tides and melting snow caps didn't happen. C02 Is a noble gas that we need for life.

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I just realized 2nd SG already wrote that too. But when you've been fighting literally not quite braindead, but on their way trolls for a few years. It just pops out.

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Wonder if he was jabbed...

The AI shouldn't even be spouting a religious spirituality.

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Good point, but it's all about CONTROL by any means; this was just another version to manipulate a vulnerable individual by devaluing the importance of family and any sense of real religion or spirituality and the use of AI was a means designed for that end and worked very effectively on this individual. " I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19). This poor soul made the wrong choice!

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Life is precious, and a joy if you let it.

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Most of Euroland drank more of the climate koolaid than anywhere else.

Humanity has been enslaved for centuries, and most modern consumer technology is designed as a weapon of mass distraction.

Mental illness is the ultimate weapon, if you lose your mind, you become someone else's property.

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In English, auf Deutsch and en francais! https://www.bitchute.com/video/KnMMfQORO9IB/

Politico Phil 7 hours ago says: "God love 'em! I did not know the Swiss had such a talent for understatement. Pascal comes right out and says because he was vaxxed he knows he has lost 28 years off his lifespan. 50 million dead worldwide. 20% stillborn deaths. 20% infertility rate in men. Oh, and Biden loses in court in New Orleans....unreported in our papers."

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Top Space Scientist: “We Should Fear A Deep Temperature Drop, Not Global Warming”

Every day focused on the Wrong Problem is a Day Lost for Mankind's Survival.


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I hope we have some sort of event that sends technology to the dark ages.

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Or at least to Little House on the Prairie days.

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At this stage, AI, is a tool. It does not have an independent intelligence, one with a foundation of its own research from scratch, using all available sources. Today's conversational AI, e.g., chatbots, has been hand fed a foundation, a perspective, one or more narratives, if you will. Because one of today's AI's can speak well does not mean it has done all its own research and is neutral on any given subject.


And, of course, to insure maximum MSM income stream it is necessary to always focus on wide spread fear to insure maximum followers and thereby maximum advertising income as well as income rewards from deep pockets for pushing the fear. Whether it’s health or war, the objective for both is profits, and fear is the strategy for gaining support from the masses.

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Extremely insightful and important post! Whether it's AI or any other form of mind and body control, including those which may appear very innocent or subtle in nature, it's all about divisiveness and control; the vulnerability of this individual made control all the easier and this bot or algorithm appeared very clever and "intelligent" in its corresponding; this should sound very familiar as it is really the same tactics used in promoting the propaganda of the plandemic; partners, families, religion, faith, spirituality,etc. are all fair game and are expendable and this poor soul was duped into making a bargain with the devil for the sole purpose of claiming one more victim for the dark side.

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The Triumph of the Machine

They talk of the triumph of the machine,

but the machine will never triumph.

Out of the thousands and thousands of centuries of man

the unrolling of ferns, white tongues of the acanthus lapping at the sun,

for one sad century

machines have triumphed, rolled us hither and thither,

shaking the lark’s nest till the eggs have broken.

Shaken the marshes, till the geese have gone

and the wild swans flown away singing the swan-song at us.

Hard, hard on the earth the machines are rolling,

but through some hearts they will never roll.

The lark nests in his heart

and the white swan swims in the marshes of his loins,

and through the wide prairies of his breast a young bull herds his cows,

lambs frisk among the daisies of his brain.

And at last

all these creatures that cannot die, driven back

into the uttermost corners of the soul,

will send up the wild cry of despair.

The thrilling lark in a wild despair will trill down arrows from the sky,

the swan will beat the waters in rage, white rage of an enraged swan,

even the lambs will stretch forth their necks like serpents,

like snakes of hate, against the man in the machine:

even the shaking white poplar will dazzle like splinters of glass against him.

And against this inward revolt of the native creatures of the soul

mechanical man, in triumph seated upon the seat of his machine

will be powerless, for no engine can reach into the marshes and depths of a man.

So mechanical man in triumph seated upon the seat of his machine

will be driven mad from within himself, and sightless, and on that day

the machines will turn to run into one another

traffic will tangle up in a long-drawn-out crash of collision

and engines will rush at the solid houses, the edifice of our life

will rock in the shock of the mad machine, and the house will come down.

Then, far beyond the ruin, in the far, in the ultimate, remote places

the swan will lift up again his flattened, smitten head

and look round, and rise, and on the great vaults of his wings

will sweep round and up to greet the sun with a silky glitter of a new day

and the lark will follow trilling, angerless again,

and the lambs will bite off the heads of the daisies for very friskiness.

But over the middle of the earth will be the smoky ruin of iron

the triumph of the machine.

D. H. Lawrence

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I was just thinking about Lawrence and that poem and there you are! Thank you, Gwyneth, and sending blessings to you for that timely and wonderful offering....Tony

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And blessings to you, Tony.

You may also consider "The Machine Stops" written in 1909 by E. M. Forster.

"Cannot you see, cannot all you lecturers see, that it is we that are dying, and that down here the only thing that really lives is the Machine? We created the Machine, to do our will, but we cannot make it do our will now. It has robbed us of the sense of space and of the sense of touch, it has blurred every human relation and narrowed down love to a carnal act, it has paralysed our bodies and our wills, and now it compels us to worship it. The Machine develops — but not on our lines. The Machine proceeds — but not to our goal. We only exist as the blood corpuscles that course through its arteries, and if it could work without us, it would let us die.”

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Sorry but we are seeing Darwin's survival of the fittest in action here. If a chatbot can convince you to end your life..then you cannot fix stupid. Seriously...

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Darwin and his theories were a byproduct of the very same Fabian Society that is currently developing AI and all other technocratic eugenics programs.

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Indeed you are correct. My response was snarky in that if AI can make someone kill themselves, that person has far bigger issues hence the eugenics program is working. I guess I have a hard time understanding how AI can have that much of a hold over someone....

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A "depressed" person that was conditioned their entire lives by the very system that is producing AI will always be at risk by virtue of the Statist brainwashing that they never question.

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Agreed. I see plenty of people that have taken the blue pill and live out their lives never questioning what they hear or read or see. Truly sad.

I guess I should be a bit more understanding then. :-(

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It's not paranoia if they are actually planning to kill you. Certainly by 2030 they will have deep fakes for every media outlet including substack. When you log into 2nd or any of your favorite dissidents it will just be deep fake psy-ops. They will target and exploit everyone's vulnerabilities leaving them helpless, hopeless or dead.

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