From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the "Vaccinated" & The Global Depopulation Program
Yesterday this Substack reviewed the latest cardiac mortality data:
A few days before that, this Substack reviewed the latest cancer data:
Today we tie these terrifying trends together by reviewing the latest data on excess non-PSYOP-19 natural cause mortality:

The two horror show charts from the above Tweet:
The mortality trend is relentlessly rising, meaning that the slow kill bioweapon injections are steadily deploying their fatal payloads across the “vaccinated,” more at genetically modified subjects.
Now let us take a more aerial view by looking at US Life Expectancy to remove even an iota of a scintilla of doubt that we are squarely in the midst of a State bioterror Great Reset eugenics program:
The above chart shows significantly increased mortality far worse than WW2 and the Vietnam War combined; in other words, the life expectancy for the US and all other highly DEATHVAXXED™ nations is trending straight toward a global mass depopulation event. (Childbirth trends are similarly plummeting in the West post DEATHVAX™.)
The data and the facts are absolutely incontrovertible. There is no kind of mental gymnastics, nor contortions of logic that can disprove the simple fact that large swaths of the global population are being murdered by a cabal of technocratic psychopaths operating out of illegitimate Federal governments, agencies and organizations like the CDC, NIH, FDA, CIA, DoD, Pentagon, CFR, WEF, WHO, UN, Rockefeller and Gates “nonprofits,” et al.
The only hope that the “vaccinated” now have is to counter their mRNA and DNA contamination by using inexpensive repurposed drugs to fend off the spike protein damage, VAIDS, prion-based diseases, cardiac damage, turbo cancers, etc. & etc.
The unvaccinated may also want to consider said inexpensive repurposed drugs as prophylaxis from infections, shedding, cancers, etc.
And the unvaccinated and “vaccinated” alike must avoid environmental toxins, processed foods, unfiltered municipal water, etc. and offer total and absolute noncompliance during the forthcoming PSYOP-(_____) “mandates.”
Do NOT comply.
Your readers should understand that the lifespan of 76.2 years in the US is dismal in comparison to societal groups who practice the avoidance of factory processed foods, environmental toxins, and eat, organically and reject negative lifestyle issues. The seven day Adventist in Loma Linda California is one such group, whose average life expectancy is around 90 years of age. Of course, this lifestyle means less need for big Pharma chemical treatment modules.!
This is what I want to know. Who is the person that one day in a meeting said, "I think we should kill people."? I mean it was somebody's idea to start with.