This Substack has been diligently reporting on all of the unprecedented ailments that have “suddenly” started to plague humanity ever since the slow kill bioweapon “vaccine” rollout…
Hi again 2SG! I've just used your recent piece about Turbo Alzheimer's resulting post-vax.
I've sent it in a letter to my local Doctor's Surgery, as a link, so they have an opportunity to realise how they are 'Aiding and Abetting' in the Cull by injection program!
I've asked my Doctors to discuss this topic but they've made lame comments like "Yes, It's a mess isn't it" and "What can we do about it? Meaning they're in it for the long murderous haul!
Here's my letter;
Dear Doctors!
Atteched are the latest health issues caused by mRNA injections they pretend are 'VACCINES'.
First, it was Myocarditis and Pericarditis, then Blood clots, and then the floodgates burst open with mRNA injections destroying Natural Health 'Immunity'. The lies from above told you to tell patients these were 'RARE' occurrences. We all know better.
In more recent post-vax times other sinister health issues seem to be frequently occurring Turbo-Cancer seems to have become an everyday word for those interested in learning about the consequences of 'VACCINES'.
Recently, it seems that the new mRNA injections are causing many other illnesses - like Alzheimer's.
It's time to remember to 'First, do no harm' by refusing to promote useless, dangerous and lethal injections that seem to be far more dangerous than useful in protecting your patients.
These post-vax incidents are increasing and the corrupt manufacturers have the next trick up their sleeve = It's SA-mRNA (Self Assembling mRNA). What could go wrong? More patients will become susceptible to a myriad of health issues, Big Pharma and all involved in the supply process will become richer but the planet will ultimately be depopulated.
Please read the attached article and hopefully you'll realise the latest suspicions we have about your 'SAFE and EFFECTIVE vaccines'.
Unjabbed Mick (name supplied) I'll live longer without corrupt medics interfering with my health.
A very close vax happy, Fauchi-loving retired nurse in-law had turbo basal cell cancer last year at this time. Had a couple of nasty surgeries and woke up from the second one with stroke-like symptoms. Turns out she has Lewy Body. It’s progressing fast. I’ve sent info, but it goes nowhere. No horse paste for her. She’s only 67. 😭
Interesting side note, she’s been tested for fungus and parasites, perhaps ‘western-medicine’ tests, and not naturopathic tests?
Noodles, that’s not helpful. I cannot be that bitter and cold about a 40 year family member. I pity her and her choices, but at least she didn’t push them on me.
There is also something psychotropic in the jabs! By that I mean, from what I’ve observed of people that I know they seem to live in a haze and are easily hypnotized by what ever media they relate to. It is like all reasoning was thrown out the window and their personalities are different. I and my better half got the J&J, only one!, and I starting seeing her do things she hadn’t done in the 5 years we’ve been together. I mention it to her and she is oblivious and denies.. I know it’s both of us, I feel it. You can call me crazy but these jabs are not only gene editing but they are some sort of mental case drug that is interfering with logical reasoning. I am also jabbed injured which lead to a lot of research and I was completely baffled and confused by the narrative of our government, the media, the doctors, the jabbed reiterating there’s no such thing as vaccine injured, they are safe, effective, keep you from getting bad covid or spreading it. I am sick and tired of the narrative being shoved on the unvaccinated and the vaccinated who still have a bit of humanity and logic within them. I am pissed at this one world government, digital dollars and id’s etc BS that normal people wouldn’t go for in a heartbeat but it seems the vaccinated and extremist are blindly falling for like puppets (sheep) on a string! I am also pissed at myself for believing and falling for the covid jab lies when my gut said something wasn’t right! The only blessing of the jab making me sick is with research and persistence it open my eyes to what is happening. Yes it was my decision to get it but we all, jabbed or not, were lied lied lied to by those in power and our trust misused! The lies continue on and on but I, and pray many others, are a lot wiser. I also pray for all the jabbed injured and all those jabbed or not sincerely making efforts to help everyone recover from this insidious plan on humanity! So far there is nothing to completely remove this from our bodies but there is help to lesson the effects of it for now… bless everyone who truly cares and thank you to them a million times over!
You raise an excellent point. Around 6 months or more ago in one of the many videos I've watched dr. Bryan ardis a great researcher mentioned a study showing the shots to contain plasmids a cellular component infected with yeast and e coli, he didnt elaborate on what kind of yeast, but I can tell you with great certainty it would be malassezia globosa the cause of cancer in nearly all its forms, in addittion by reading " chronic diseases associated with malassezia yeast " you will see that the following diseases are highly likely caused by the same dimorphic yeast that by the way does not use sugar or glucose for sustenance but long chain lipids. Those diseases are, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, alzheimers, parkinsons, crohn's, irritable bowel, rheumatoid arthritis and others.
A question that maybe has been addressed and I didn’t see it. If someone is on the Tippens’ protocol for cancer, is that for life that they need to do that?
What do you make of this and how do we ensure your source of "petmectin" is pure and unadulterated?
Serious question as I've placed orders.
"There it is. From the top of medical research, ivermectin was the #1 most effective treatment for coronavirus. Reports have come in now ivermectin production has now included mRNA nanites to 'vax the vax-deniers'. If true, guess who would want to do that? 👆🔥🔥👆"
Prior to promoting this fine company I reviewed all of the 3rd party certifications and it is all legit. You can always contact them directly and they'll gladly share their certs with you:
Have any of you heard if this works for anti phospholipid syndrome? Friend was diagnosed and I'd wager a lot of people are walking around with this "syndrome" . Lifelong blood thinners is what he's been offered.
Hi again 2SG! I've just used your recent piece about Turbo Alzheimer's resulting post-vax.
I've sent it in a letter to my local Doctor's Surgery, as a link, so they have an opportunity to realise how they are 'Aiding and Abetting' in the Cull by injection program!
I've asked my Doctors to discuss this topic but they've made lame comments like "Yes, It's a mess isn't it" and "What can we do about it? Meaning they're in it for the long murderous haul!
Here's my letter;
Dear Doctors!
Atteched are the latest health issues caused by mRNA injections they pretend are 'VACCINES'.
First, it was Myocarditis and Pericarditis, then Blood clots, and then the floodgates burst open with mRNA injections destroying Natural Health 'Immunity'. The lies from above told you to tell patients these were 'RARE' occurrences. We all know better.
In more recent post-vax times other sinister health issues seem to be frequently occurring Turbo-Cancer seems to have become an everyday word for those interested in learning about the consequences of 'VACCINES'.
Recently, it seems that the new mRNA injections are causing many other illnesses - like Alzheimer's.
It's time to remember to 'First, do no harm' by refusing to promote useless, dangerous and lethal injections that seem to be far more dangerous than useful in protecting your patients.
These post-vax incidents are increasing and the corrupt manufacturers have the next trick up their sleeve = It's SA-mRNA (Self Assembling mRNA). What could go wrong? More patients will become susceptible to a myriad of health issues, Big Pharma and all involved in the supply process will become richer but the planet will ultimately be depopulated.
Please read the attached article and hopefully you'll realise the latest suspicions we have about your 'SAFE and EFFECTIVE vaccines'.
Unjabbed Mick (name supplied) I'll live longer without corrupt medics interfering with my health.
Their plan is working perfectly...Cripple or kill the native population, then bring in unvacccinated 3d worlders to do the work....
I have turbo-charged my vaccine/mRNA denier's clause.
A very close vax happy, Fauchi-loving retired nurse in-law had turbo basal cell cancer last year at this time. Had a couple of nasty surgeries and woke up from the second one with stroke-like symptoms. Turns out she has Lewy Body. It’s progressing fast. I’ve sent info, but it goes nowhere. No horse paste for her. She’s only 67. 😭
Interesting side note, she’s been tested for fungus and parasites, perhaps ‘western-medicine’ tests, and not naturopathic tests?
Sorry to hear about your friend.
Same with my brother in-law recently with cancer.
No horse paste or suggested treatments for our family, but thanks, we trust our doctors.
Died within months of diagnosis.
Wow, that is horrible. Your poor sister. She probably still doesn’t ‘see’ it.
No she doesn’t.
Thanks for your reply.
So many that didn’t listen.
So many are now dead.
Sorry but let her go... She deserves whatever is coming her way.
Noodles, that’s not helpful. I cannot be that bitter and cold about a 40 year family member. I pity her and her choices, but at least she didn’t push them on me.
If she is or was a Pro-Vax NURSE then she pressured, pushed or influenced people in her family, friends or coworkers... FACT.
She is responsible for some idiot who trusted her advice that the vax was safe and effective getting it.
Be it her kids, parents or spouse.
They culled their own.
Think of how many pro vax people you know who yelled, begged, pressured or bribed others to get that poison.
Seriously...Think about it.
So yeah, I stand by my statement and add:
"Let the dead bury the dead."
There is also something psychotropic in the jabs! By that I mean, from what I’ve observed of people that I know they seem to live in a haze and are easily hypnotized by what ever media they relate to. It is like all reasoning was thrown out the window and their personalities are different. I and my better half got the J&J, only one!, and I starting seeing her do things she hadn’t done in the 5 years we’ve been together. I mention it to her and she is oblivious and denies.. I know it’s both of us, I feel it. You can call me crazy but these jabs are not only gene editing but they are some sort of mental case drug that is interfering with logical reasoning. I am also jabbed injured which lead to a lot of research and I was completely baffled and confused by the narrative of our government, the media, the doctors, the jabbed reiterating there’s no such thing as vaccine injured, they are safe, effective, keep you from getting bad covid or spreading it. I am sick and tired of the narrative being shoved on the unvaccinated and the vaccinated who still have a bit of humanity and logic within them. I am pissed at this one world government, digital dollars and id’s etc BS that normal people wouldn’t go for in a heartbeat but it seems the vaccinated and extremist are blindly falling for like puppets (sheep) on a string! I am also pissed at myself for believing and falling for the covid jab lies when my gut said something wasn’t right! The only blessing of the jab making me sick is with research and persistence it open my eyes to what is happening. Yes it was my decision to get it but we all, jabbed or not, were lied lied lied to by those in power and our trust misused! The lies continue on and on but I, and pray many others, are a lot wiser. I also pray for all the jabbed injured and all those jabbed or not sincerely making efforts to help everyone recover from this insidious plan on humanity! So far there is nothing to completely remove this from our bodies but there is help to lesson the effects of it for now… bless everyone who truly cares and thank you to them a million times over!
Amen 🙏
What’s the possibility of it being synthetically designed parasites in the jabs?
You raise an excellent point. Around 6 months or more ago in one of the many videos I've watched dr. Bryan ardis a great researcher mentioned a study showing the shots to contain plasmids a cellular component infected with yeast and e coli, he didnt elaborate on what kind of yeast, but I can tell you with great certainty it would be malassezia globosa the cause of cancer in nearly all its forms, in addittion by reading " chronic diseases associated with malassezia yeast " you will see that the following diseases are highly likely caused by the same dimorphic yeast that by the way does not use sugar or glucose for sustenance but long chain lipids. Those diseases are, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, alzheimers, parkinsons, crohn's, irritable bowel, rheumatoid arthritis and others.
It is.
A question that maybe has been addressed and I didn’t see it. If someone is on the Tippens’ protocol for cancer, is that for life that they need to do that?
Good question. I hope someone answers it.
They're not going to hire the unvaxxinated because those who are in charge of hiring ARE vaxxed, and believe there is no problem.
And if there is a problem, it's because of "Covid" and "missed screenings."
2ND, Love your stack.
What do you make of this and how do we ensure your source of "petmectin" is pure and unadulterated?
Serious question as I've placed orders.
"There it is. From the top of medical research, ivermectin was the #1 most effective treatment for coronavirus. Reports have come in now ivermectin production has now included mRNA nanites to 'vax the vax-deniers'. If true, guess who would want to do that? 👆🔥🔥👆"
Prior to promoting this fine company I reviewed all of the 3rd party certifications and it is all legit. You can always contact them directly and they'll gladly share their certs with you:
Have any of you heard if this works for anti phospholipid syndrome? Friend was diagnosed and I'd wager a lot of people are walking around with this "syndrome" . Lifelong blood thinners is what he's been offered.
As cruel as it sounds, since we all have friends and family we love who took it and mocked us.
Fuck em.
Let the dead bury the dead.
They never helped, never listened, never looked at the data.
They laughed, gaslit us, or were just quiet as we got fucked out of our business, career, school etc.
I have no empathy for them... Only the young ones.
In fact, our natural allies (65+) are HUGE VAXXERS.
So again fuck em.
The 4th Turning is here White People WAKE UP!
They hate you Whites and will genocide you, so better arm up and learn to protect yourselves because it's far from over.