FTX was a Democrat Money Laundering Operation with Wall Street Dark Money & PSYOP-19 "Pandemic" Ties
The story of the scam that was FTX is going to be epic when discovery takes place for all of the upcoming trials.
In the meantime, here are some of the latest facts about this crypto Ponzi exchange:
There is a lot more to this story, and it intersects with all of the usual Cult players, from BlackRock to the CIA to the WEF and various “nonprofit” slush funds, et al.
I have been warning for a long time now to stay the hell away from all centralized exchanges, and never ever leave your wealth parked with them. If your blockchain assets are not decentralized and not held by you, then you are missing the entire point and purpose of crypto.
How allegedly sophisticated hedge funds and investors at this stage of the game keep falling for these centralized crypto scams is truly baffling.
However, what is not surprising in the least is that the Democrat party is one giant grifting operation along with their totally illegitimate Federal government waging a full spectrum soft war on We the People.
One day it’s the DEATHVAX™, another day it’s a gargantuan crypto scam.
These people want you broke and dead.
Do NOT comply.
Edit: PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION was a project to induce hyperinflation, take the focus off of the waning “pandemic” and launder all kinds of black ops money back to Washington, D.C. also involved FTX; to wit:
It is also worth pointing out that all of the centralized exchanges are not just skimming money and laundering it, but they are reporting to the IRS and as such are agents of the tax thieving agency. Crypto should never be taxed.
Edit 2: added the Ukraine connection.
Edited re: WEF.