Anything but the Death Injections, literally any excuse no matter how insultingly inane, any cause, any rationalization will do:
Soon they will convince you to be scared of your own shadow, because, you know, the “new data” suggests that shadows can also transmit PSYOP-19.
Do NOT comply.
Quite astonishing to see this unfold before our very eyes!
George Orwell: "The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final most essential command"
I imagine it goes something like this: pfizer, moderna, j&j, etc prep our communist health institutes with what to expect from the poison. Then, the communist health institutes with the help of our communist governments contact the propaganda machine to assist with censorship, wording, and spreading the propaganda.
The people with firsthand knowledge of this plan and tactics and are not speaking out are pathetic human beings!
From a letter to the editor of Neurological Sciences titled 'Functional neurological disorder after COVID-19 vaccination':
"This case highlights the need to prompt diagnose FND in order to avoid misleading and dangerous opinion related to neurological side effects of the vaccines. It’s important to recognize FND symptoms and to reassure public opinion that these are not neuro-toxic effects of the vaccine."
And an article from MedPage Today: