"These genetically modified posthuman helots will of course welcome being tracked, and will believe that bug gruel is gourmet food. They will jump through all of the Statist hoops to be afforded their CBDC issued UBI. All for their own good. And some will even be granted the abilities to sport their Gucci purses in their 15 Minute Gulags.
"These genetically modified posthuman helots will of course welcome being tracked, and will believe that bug gruel is gourmet food. They will jump through all of the Statist hoops to be afforded their CBDC issued UBI. All for their own good. And some will even be granted the abilities to sport their Gucci purses in their 15 Minute Gulags.
Of course, the designer clothes and accessories will not be owned by the happy helots, but, rather, they will be rented from their One World Government masters."
The rest of us will be brushed aside, bulldozed aside, and genocided.
The importance of upending the ENTIRE Global Central Banking Structure, replete with all of the financial goodies & enticements we've accumulated in it cannot possibly understated.
The problem is that so few people truly have a grasp of the reality of that situation. If they didn't, they wouldn't be mired down talking about Trump, Biden, getting retribution for PSYOP19 (which is ongoing) etc. They'd be far more single-mindedly focused on that.
It's doubtful as to whether there's even a solution anymore because everything's "Big." Big Gov't., Big-Pharma, Big-Corps, Big-Finance, Big-"Education," Big-Medical, etc., and they control it all. By gaining from it all we contribute to our own demise. THE solution is decentralized ALL of those things. But of course that means not being wealthy and having a convenient consumer goods driven life of ease, with the focus being on families and morality, and well, we can't have that. LOL
BTW, and ultimately, Crypto has little if anything to do with the solution, crypto is merely a means of transacting. At the end of the day all crypto has its value determined in Dollars, or Federal Reserve Notes.
Digital, aka crypto, merely makes control for anyone managing that currency easier. In the case of the CBDCs it's the Central Banks.
The goal is to get entirely out from under the Debt-based control of the Central Bankers, and simply using crypto does not achieve that, despite popular opinion to the contrary.
Monetarily/Economically it has failed for decades.
As I ask people, if a person with the financial credentials of our Government, which is entirely controlled by the Federal Reserve and its owners, were a person, and walked into a bank asking for a loan, what would the response be?
I'd say that 30 years ago it would have been an outright rejection. Today it would be met with deafening laughter by the bankers within earshot.
Of course it's failed, that's a given depending upon the measure that WE would use for responsible management of monetary/economic policy. But THAT'S not their goal. Their goal is complete and permanent control of each and every individual on the planet.
Also, understand the heirarchy. The Federal Reserve is simply the US arm of the Bank of International Settlements. (B.I.S.) wikipedia has a great chart as to the other dozens of counterpart privatey held corporations in the other westernized and other nations.
The vast majority of people, almost everyone in fact, fails to grasp that their economic principles and policies don't have to make sense for them to achieve their goals. In fact, that would be counterproductive to them and actually hinder them.
What we construe as mistakes and CYA tactics are merely a balancing act by them for purposes of not losing that control.
The entire Central Banking System, really an industry, the largest in human history, UNDER WHICH BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street sit, is ENTIRELY sustained by UNPAYABLE DEBT. That DEBT is CONTROL. Debtors are slaves, plain and simple.
If that Debt vaporizes, so does their control. It really is that simple.
At the same time, so do many other things. Investments transacted in their currencies for example, which include retirement accounts, IRAs, 401ks, stock holdings, and of course the currency.
If you owned a home and that system of debt vaporized, and dissolved, you'd own the home outright, as the system of currency that you used to finance it would no longer exist. Much would depend upon who takes control of the system after that, governments/taxes, etc., which are also part of the problem.
Without that Debt Structure, which is pervasive today, down to the nit, the Central Banking Cabal is broke, assuming that they do not retain control via their corporate structure, banking in particular. Alternate currencies and other economic considerations would have to replace it.
We were sternly warned about this upon the secretive creation of the Federal Reserve on December 23rd in 1913 AFTER Congress went home for Christmas.
Several prominent Americans that were staunch opponents to it were on the Titanic, as an aside, which sank over a year-and-a-half earlier, and ironically on April 15th, likely portentously.
It is imperative to fully understand WHY the Federal Reserve, a PRIVATELY HELD CORPORATION even exists. The stated reasons, like pretty much everything else that the government(s) puts forth, is subversive horseshit.
And why, mystifyingly, do more people not question why our entire economy as a nation is in the hands of largely unknown foreign individuals that privately control it from afar with absolutely no audit privileges held by our own Government, the very Government that is charged with the proper and ethical running of our nation, primarily with those very economic/fiscal/monetary tenets at the very core?
If you haven't seen it already, although I think you have, Corbett's Century of Enslavement documentary is a great intro into the topic.
No, unfortunately that's not true. They were "broke" decades ago. As put to someone else, possibly you although I don't think so, look at it this way;
If the US Government were a person and had walked into a bank to take out a loan in 1990, and been subjected to the same criteria that we are, the bankers would have had a blank stare in their eyes while being left speechless. ... not in a favorable way for the loan.
Fast forward to today. If the USG walked into a bank today asking for a loan, those same bankers would probably die from laughter.
That's how bad the situation is in normal economic/financial circumstances.
Remember, the ENTIRE GLOBAL Central Banking System had to be bailed out, much as Big-Med/Big-Pharma was just bailed out except even more so.
We should have let them fail for our own good, but people had no idea the gravity of the situation. Then of course the greed of the inconvenience to our pleasures and not wanting to rearrange society towards the goals of actual liberty. But that's another essay.
In short, Broke has nothing to do with it.
I'll walk you through an exercise if you want to help you understand it better. Let me know if you're interested. If so, we'll use East Germany as an example for understanding it. If you are interested, give me a paragraph on your existing understanding of the East German economy.
I agree that this isn't the first time we were broke. You're right that being broke factors in heavily, but isn't the whole problem. The problem started long ago during WWII. We defeated the Germans yes but not the Nazis, they hibernated with their weird scientific ideas and now we face evil the likes we haven't before. to be succinct, some aren't human. Does that mean give up? Hell no. The silent majority is now 4 million. That is one little pocket. There are militias, and other paramiltaries. I know where it is safe, it's classified though. Think this way, you haven't heard about the WHO losing three members, but they have. I think you know why you haven't heard.
Oh, call your bank, all the banks may be starting a scam. Simply ask if they are going with FedNow. If the answer is yes, take your money out, they will be going to CBDCs. Digital tracking devices. I don't think you want that.
You said a mouthful there, to start, the entire history of WWII, pre & post is largely lies.
I'll pose the same question to you that I posed to Mark Crispin Miller, awaiting for a response from him, but the question is, how many Jews were in the entirety of Nazi occupied Europe prior to the start of WWII?
Another good question is what was the global population of Jews in 1939 contrasted with what it was in 1945?
Otherwise, I can explain things more fully if you want to discuss the East Germany paradigm, it's the perfect microcosm for an analogy of what's going on today in terms of the things you're talking about.
If not, that's fine, but your still in the weeds with the above, as are most people, which is why we're screwed, because people, what, 99%+, have very little idea of the gravity of the situation.
I have no idea. I'm not that into that particular issue. The why is I've heard differing arguments about the present that of course reflect the past. To me America is more important than my ancestors.
disagree. they can control via food shortages / electric grid fake Hack (power out) / Claim new pandemic (again fake), but force compliance (vax up or Quarantine) or you get no city services (electric, water, sewer, trash). What u do then?
BTW, a "gold-backed" currency AT THIS POINT would do absolutely nothing to the existing debt structure, which is what keeps the Central Banking Cabalists in power with ubitquitous control.
I mean think about it, OK, so we transition it all to gold based, with the existing debt structure still in place. The Cabal would still own BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, etc., largely through which all the other corporate entities are owned. Banking debt would simply be gold based, ... OK, but the debt would still exist and be owned by the Cabal. They'd still "own" and control the government(s), the Rockefeller coopted Medical INDUSTRY, the "Education" outlets, Media, "Entertainment," would still control Law, etc.
It would have helped BEFORE the debt became insurmountable, for purposes of preventing the escalation of that debt structure. It's not the currency that renders us as slaves, it's the debt structure, which is terminally and comprehensively monolithic at this point in time.
Growing food, okay, I already do that. Crypto, no, I think it's going to fail. The problem is the posers who assume power, never elected. Are there any doctors in the WHO or just PhDs? Because we have PhDs here too.
Tedros is a person on the wanted list for terrorists, he headed up the Tigrayan Liberation Front he later became Health minister of Ethiopia among other positions. As health minister he threw Doctors Without Borders and the Red Cross out of the country. There were at least three outbreaks of Cholera went untreated, and he came mired genocides against various tribes. The new boy degree he was awarded by a university. The new Dr. Appointed to the WHO is a British guy graduate of the British eugenics society. I did not think too many employed by WHO actually have the appropriate qualifications for the job.
Did you hear of QFS? BTW, there is a scam Fed Now, if your bank is going with it take your money out. It means they are going to digital and tracking you. Not bitcoin I could never understand that. Just goldbacked dollars although they will be a different series.
Any solution that does not include the complete and final dissolution of the existing Central Banking system only kicks the can down the road a little further.
If you want to take the time we can try a little exercise. I'll pose some questions, and you answer them. Let me know ...
I don't agree with your first part. If you change the word "can" to "won't be" then yes, I would agree.
We had a great chance to help it fail at "Too Big to Fail" In 2008. Instead, MORE of its goals were achieved in the mass closings of small businesses, of which I sustained irrecoverable damage as well despite not closing immediately, while Big-Corps were all bailed out. We made our decision then, and even then many were in the realization that we were merely kicking that can down the road. Well, we're now "down the road."
As to the second point you made, allow me to ask, and I've love to engage you on this, how do you consider that it along with the entire supporting global corporate structure that serves as one of its gatekeepers, that system rife with the extensive unpayable debt that keeps it in place, can be "bypassed"?
Again, I'd love to engage you on this. People don't undertstand how deep we are into it all.
"These genetically modified posthuman helots will of course welcome being tracked, and will believe that bug gruel is gourmet food. They will jump through all of the Statist hoops to be afforded their CBDC issued UBI. All for their own good. And some will even be granted the abilities to sport their Gucci purses in their 15 Minute Gulags.
Of course, the designer clothes and accessories will not be owned by the happy helots, but, rather, they will be rented from their One World Government masters."
The rest of us will be brushed aside, bulldozed aside, and genocided.
The importance of upending the ENTIRE Global Central Banking Structure, replete with all of the financial goodies & enticements we've accumulated in it cannot possibly understated.
The problem is that so few people truly have a grasp of the reality of that situation. If they didn't, they wouldn't be mired down talking about Trump, Biden, getting retribution for PSYOP19 (which is ongoing) etc. They'd be far more single-mindedly focused on that.
It's doubtful as to whether there's even a solution anymore because everything's "Big." Big Gov't., Big-Pharma, Big-Corps, Big-Finance, Big-"Education," Big-Medical, etc., and they control it all. By gaining from it all we contribute to our own demise. THE solution is decentralized ALL of those things. But of course that means not being wealthy and having a convenient consumer goods driven life of ease, with the focus being on families and morality, and well, we can't have that. LOL
Don't forget Big-Farma.
It's in there, Big-Pharma, Big-Medical, ... last para.
Yes, saw Big-Pharmaceutical. I'm referring to Big-Farming. The other Pharm :)
BTW, and ultimately, Crypto has little if anything to do with the solution, crypto is merely a means of transacting. At the end of the day all crypto has its value determined in Dollars, or Federal Reserve Notes.
Digital, aka crypto, merely makes control for anyone managing that currency easier. In the case of the CBDCs it's the Central Banks.
The goal is to get entirely out from under the Debt-based control of the Central Bankers, and simply using crypto does not achieve that, despite popular opinion to the contrary.
Federal Reserve is failing as we speak, a new gold-backed currency is said to be coming in.
How is it failing?
Monetarily/Economically it has failed for decades.
As I ask people, if a person with the financial credentials of our Government, which is entirely controlled by the Federal Reserve and its owners, were a person, and walked into a bank asking for a loan, what would the response be?
I'd say that 30 years ago it would have been an outright rejection. Today it would be met with deafening laughter by the bankers within earshot.
Of course it's failed, that's a given depending upon the measure that WE would use for responsible management of monetary/economic policy. But THAT'S not their goal. Their goal is complete and permanent control of each and every individual on the planet.
Also, understand the heirarchy. The Federal Reserve is simply the US arm of the Bank of International Settlements. (B.I.S.) wikipedia has a great chart as to the other dozens of counterpart privatey held corporations in the other westernized and other nations.
The vast majority of people, almost everyone in fact, fails to grasp that their economic principles and policies don't have to make sense for them to achieve their goals. In fact, that would be counterproductive to them and actually hinder them.
What we construe as mistakes and CYA tactics are merely a balancing act by them for purposes of not losing that control.
The entire Central Banking System, really an industry, the largest in human history, UNDER WHICH BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street sit, is ENTIRELY sustained by UNPAYABLE DEBT. That DEBT is CONTROL. Debtors are slaves, plain and simple.
If that Debt vaporizes, so does their control. It really is that simple.
At the same time, so do many other things. Investments transacted in their currencies for example, which include retirement accounts, IRAs, 401ks, stock holdings, and of course the currency.
If you owned a home and that system of debt vaporized, and dissolved, you'd own the home outright, as the system of currency that you used to finance it would no longer exist. Much would depend upon who takes control of the system after that, governments/taxes, etc., which are also part of the problem.
Without that Debt Structure, which is pervasive today, down to the nit, the Central Banking Cabal is broke, assuming that they do not retain control via their corporate structure, banking in particular. Alternate currencies and other economic considerations would have to replace it.
We were sternly warned about this upon the secretive creation of the Federal Reserve on December 23rd in 1913 AFTER Congress went home for Christmas.
Several prominent Americans that were staunch opponents to it were on the Titanic, as an aside, which sank over a year-and-a-half earlier, and ironically on April 15th, likely portentously.
It is imperative to fully understand WHY the Federal Reserve, a PRIVATELY HELD CORPORATION even exists. The stated reasons, like pretty much everything else that the government(s) puts forth, is subversive horseshit.
And why, mystifyingly, do more people not question why our entire economy as a nation is in the hands of largely unknown foreign individuals that privately control it from afar with absolutely no audit privileges held by our own Government, the very Government that is charged with the proper and ethical running of our nation, primarily with those very economic/fiscal/monetary tenets at the very core?
If you haven't seen it already, although I think you have, Corbett's Century of Enslavement documentary is a great intro into the topic.
Guess what? Control vaporized. Not because the debt was paid, but because they are broke.
Hey Rob,
No, unfortunately that's not true. They were "broke" decades ago. As put to someone else, possibly you although I don't think so, look at it this way;
If the US Government were a person and had walked into a bank to take out a loan in 1990, and been subjected to the same criteria that we are, the bankers would have had a blank stare in their eyes while being left speechless. ... not in a favorable way for the loan.
Fast forward to today. If the USG walked into a bank today asking for a loan, those same bankers would probably die from laughter.
That's how bad the situation is in normal economic/financial circumstances.
Remember, the ENTIRE GLOBAL Central Banking System had to be bailed out, much as Big-Med/Big-Pharma was just bailed out except even more so.
We should have let them fail for our own good, but people had no idea the gravity of the situation. Then of course the greed of the inconvenience to our pleasures and not wanting to rearrange society towards the goals of actual liberty. But that's another essay.
In short, Broke has nothing to do with it.
I'll walk you through an exercise if you want to help you understand it better. Let me know if you're interested. If so, we'll use East Germany as an example for understanding it. If you are interested, give me a paragraph on your existing understanding of the East German economy.
I agree that this isn't the first time we were broke. You're right that being broke factors in heavily, but isn't the whole problem. The problem started long ago during WWII. We defeated the Germans yes but not the Nazis, they hibernated with their weird scientific ideas and now we face evil the likes we haven't before. to be succinct, some aren't human. Does that mean give up? Hell no. The silent majority is now 4 million. That is one little pocket. There are militias, and other paramiltaries. I know where it is safe, it's classified though. Think this way, you haven't heard about the WHO losing three members, but they have. I think you know why you haven't heard.
Oh, call your bank, all the banks may be starting a scam. Simply ask if they are going with FedNow. If the answer is yes, take your money out, they will be going to CBDCs. Digital tracking devices. I don't think you want that.
That's all still window-dressing.
You said a mouthful there, to start, the entire history of WWII, pre & post is largely lies.
I'll pose the same question to you that I posed to Mark Crispin Miller, awaiting for a response from him, but the question is, how many Jews were in the entirety of Nazi occupied Europe prior to the start of WWII?
Another good question is what was the global population of Jews in 1939 contrasted with what it was in 1945?
Otherwise, I can explain things more fully if you want to discuss the East Germany paradigm, it's the perfect microcosm for an analogy of what's going on today in terms of the things you're talking about.
If not, that's fine, but your still in the weeds with the above, as are most people, which is why we're screwed, because people, what, 99%+, have very little idea of the gravity of the situation.
I have no idea. I'm not that into that particular issue. The why is I've heard differing arguments about the present that of course reflect the past. To me America is more important than my ancestors.
If you don't understand that, then it's impossible to understand what's behind what's going on today.
You're grand company however, which is why there is no practical solution.
disagree. they can control via food shortages / electric grid fake Hack (power out) / Claim new pandemic (again fake), but force compliance (vax up or Quarantine) or you get no city services (electric, water, sewer, trash). What u do then?
BTW, a "gold-backed" currency AT THIS POINT would do absolutely nothing to the existing debt structure, which is what keeps the Central Banking Cabalists in power with ubitquitous control.
I mean think about it, OK, so we transition it all to gold based, with the existing debt structure still in place. The Cabal would still own BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, etc., largely through which all the other corporate entities are owned. Banking debt would simply be gold based, ... OK, but the debt would still exist and be owned by the Cabal. They'd still "own" and control the government(s), the Rockefeller coopted Medical INDUSTRY, the "Education" outlets, Media, "Entertainment," would still control Law, etc.
It would have helped BEFORE the debt became insurmountable, for purposes of preventing the escalation of that debt structure. It's not the currency that renders us as slaves, it's the debt structure, which is terminally and comprehensively monolithic at this point in time.
They say they have the gold, I really don't know. It looks like take the gamble or...?
Growing food, okay, I already do that. Crypto, no, I think it's going to fail. The problem is the posers who assume power, never elected. Are there any doctors in the WHO or just PhDs? Because we have PhDs here too.
Tedros is a person on the wanted list for terrorists, he headed up the Tigrayan Liberation Front he later became Health minister of Ethiopia among other positions. As health minister he threw Doctors Without Borders and the Red Cross out of the country. There were at least three outbreaks of Cholera went untreated, and he came mired genocides against various tribes. The new boy degree he was awarded by a university. The new Dr. Appointed to the WHO is a British guy graduate of the British eugenics society. I did not think too many employed by WHO actually have the appropriate qualifications for the job.
I don't know if Tedros was one, but they are now 3 less.
Did you hear of QFS? BTW, there is a scam Fed Now, if your bank is going with it take your money out. It means they are going to digital and tracking you. Not bitcoin I could never understand that. Just goldbacked dollars although they will be a different series.
I disagree wholeheartedly.
Any solution that does not include the complete and final dissolution of the existing Central Banking system only kicks the can down the road a little further.
If you want to take the time we can try a little exercise. I'll pose some questions, and you answer them. Let me know ...
I don't agree with your first part. If you change the word "can" to "won't be" then yes, I would agree.
We had a great chance to help it fail at "Too Big to Fail" In 2008. Instead, MORE of its goals were achieved in the mass closings of small businesses, of which I sustained irrecoverable damage as well despite not closing immediately, while Big-Corps were all bailed out. We made our decision then, and even then many were in the realization that we were merely kicking that can down the road. Well, we're now "down the road."
As to the second point you made, allow me to ask, and I've love to engage you on this, how do you consider that it along with the entire supporting global corporate structure that serves as one of its gatekeepers, that system rife with the extensive unpayable debt that keeps it in place, can be "bypassed"?
Again, I'd love to engage you on this. People don't undertstand how deep we are into it all.