I agree that this isn't the first time we were broke. You're right that being broke factors in heavily, but isn't the whole problem. The problem started long ago during WWII. We defeated the Germans yes but not the Nazis, they hibernated with their weird scientific ideas and now we face evil the likes we haven't before. to be succinct, s…
I agree that this isn't the first time we were broke. You're right that being broke factors in heavily, but isn't the whole problem. The problem started long ago during WWII. We defeated the Germans yes but not the Nazis, they hibernated with their weird scientific ideas and now we face evil the likes we haven't before. to be succinct, some aren't human. Does that mean give up? Hell no. The silent majority is now 4 million. That is one little pocket. There are militias, and other paramiltaries. I know where it is safe, it's classified though. Think this way, you haven't heard about the WHO losing three members, but they have. I think you know why you haven't heard.
Oh, call your bank, all the banks may be starting a scam. Simply ask if they are going with FedNow. If the answer is yes, take your money out, they will be going to CBDCs. Digital tracking devices. I don't think you want that.
You said a mouthful there, to start, the entire history of WWII, pre & post is largely lies.
I'll pose the same question to you that I posed to Mark Crispin Miller, awaiting for a response from him, but the question is, how many Jews were in the entirety of Nazi occupied Europe prior to the start of WWII?
Another good question is what was the global population of Jews in 1939 contrasted with what it was in 1945?
Otherwise, I can explain things more fully if you want to discuss the East Germany paradigm, it's the perfect microcosm for an analogy of what's going on today in terms of the things you're talking about.
If not, that's fine, but your still in the weeds with the above, as are most people, which is why we're screwed, because people, what, 99%+, have very little idea of the gravity of the situation.
I have no idea. I'm not that into that particular issue. The why is I've heard differing arguments about the present that of course reflect the past. To me America is more important than my ancestors.
I agree that this isn't the first time we were broke. You're right that being broke factors in heavily, but isn't the whole problem. The problem started long ago during WWII. We defeated the Germans yes but not the Nazis, they hibernated with their weird scientific ideas and now we face evil the likes we haven't before. to be succinct, some aren't human. Does that mean give up? Hell no. The silent majority is now 4 million. That is one little pocket. There are militias, and other paramiltaries. I know where it is safe, it's classified though. Think this way, you haven't heard about the WHO losing three members, but they have. I think you know why you haven't heard.
Oh, call your bank, all the banks may be starting a scam. Simply ask if they are going with FedNow. If the answer is yes, take your money out, they will be going to CBDCs. Digital tracking devices. I don't think you want that.
That's all still window-dressing.
You said a mouthful there, to start, the entire history of WWII, pre & post is largely lies.
I'll pose the same question to you that I posed to Mark Crispin Miller, awaiting for a response from him, but the question is, how many Jews were in the entirety of Nazi occupied Europe prior to the start of WWII?
Another good question is what was the global population of Jews in 1939 contrasted with what it was in 1945?
Otherwise, I can explain things more fully if you want to discuss the East Germany paradigm, it's the perfect microcosm for an analogy of what's going on today in terms of the things you're talking about.
If not, that's fine, but your still in the weeds with the above, as are most people, which is why we're screwed, because people, what, 99%+, have very little idea of the gravity of the situation.
I have no idea. I'm not that into that particular issue. The why is I've heard differing arguments about the present that of course reflect the past. To me America is more important than my ancestors.
If you don't understand that, then it's impossible to understand what's behind what's going on today.
You're grand company however, which is why there is no practical solution.