Now we know why he never backtracked from the disastrous Operation Warp Speed, & YOU WILL NEED THIS ONGOING LIFESAVING FLASH SALE MORE THAN EVER NOW...
Such was my worry with President Trump…he was still delusional about Operation Warp Speed, and I hoped he could hear the great people he brought in to surround him, like RFK Jr et al, yet this project seems even worse than the Covid 19 injection. I think we need to make our voices known loudly with letters, calls, petitions, and screaming from the rooftops on social media. mRNA jabs need to be pulled and put in the trash bin of history! Period.
Yep, make our voices heard! Gotta wonder about Ellison's statement about making a cancer mRNA vaccine and getting everyone treated.....seems like that will go over in public like a lead balloon based on current public distrust....did Trump realize that???? And taking scarce resources away from Texas citizens for a Stargate?
Good article this AM - coffee & covid substack about Trump stealing big tech/ monied oligarchs away from Dem a outdated tech comparison;
And what pray tell will these magic " vaccines " cost to the Health Insurers and patients ? I bet it's gonna be at least well into the 5 figures and possibly 6 .... per treatment. They want a healthy return in that investment right ... 🤨
I believe since Nixon created the "War on Cancer" concept and we have spent about 5 billion dollars on research and have not found a cure for cancer speaks volumes. We keep going down the wrong. road. In the meantime cancer has become an occurrence across all age groups and the frequency of cancer keeps climbing. Rather than look at the root causes of cancer which are embedded in Big Chemo, Big Agra and Big Pharma contributions to our current life style issues which are detrimental to good health we ignore prevention and reversal of health issues. Our medicine man looks for profitable treatment protocols. My view is that the the technocrats see a profit opportunity with AI and the deranged medicine man sees a opportunity to grow the bloated sick care system by combining AI and RNA initiatives to grow the bottom line dramatically. In turn, they have gassed President Trump on going along with their vision that it is the answer to eliminating cancer. In turn, President Trump may also have been told that if
RFK Jr. heads HHS and puts on a moratorium on RNA injections, it will deep six over 100 current research projects that are active. Billions and billions have been invested and many companies exist currently without any ROI. This in turn would crash the health care segment of the stock market and precipitate a stock market crash. They have just put him between a rock and a hard place, just as they did the last time around with the Covid con.
PS: Having studied the role of Vitamin D as a hormone that modulates about 3000 gene expressions has me convinced that if all of us had a blood value of 50 ng's or more we would drive down the frequency of cancer as well as many more disease states. A whole and vibrant immune system is supported by Vitamin D. Not embraced by Big Medicine because it would not grow our bloated medical system. Check out for research that supports this. My view.
Thank you Thomas! I am in agreement about vitamin D. Recently I have been reading some alarming information about vitamin D supplements. What is you thought on taking supplements to get your vitamin D or just do it naturally with foods and sun time? It has really put me in a quandary about taking these supplements.
As if it isnt bad enough that the merging of Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Ag (Bill Gates and China buying up mega-acreages of our US farmland...they have been sticking their evil greedy fingers into our supplement companies.
Pure Encapsulation used to be one of the few I trusted until Nestle bought them. Same with Garden of Life and quite a few others.
I am grateful that Standard Process and Now Foods are still two of many who havent sold out to the globalists and are still family owned. BrightCore and Arthur Andrew Medical are also still on my trusted list.
It’s not ignorance of “vaccines”. I read that the transition team have removed two of RFK Jr’s closest advisors. Aaron Siri and Stephanie Spear. This was always going to be business as usual when it came to “vaccines”. Everything he has done thus far is low hanging fruit. It will keep your attention away from the news that will go unreported.
Correct. The moves being made now are big visibility moves in order to obfuscate the real move, which is probably a satanic AI generating new more advanced bioweapons.
I've been saying this to family and friends, all trump voters, as was I. He said all the right things to get elected, he also said some things that were concerning and was silent on other things that most conservative people support. I have a feeling that down the road a bit it is going to be as the lyrics of a Who song:
" There's nothing in the street Looks any different to me And the slogans are effaced, by-the-bye,And the parting on the left
Is now parting on the right"........."Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again Don't get fooled again, no, no"
This gives me the shivers. Tied into digital health records? Our worst nightmare becoming reality.... tying our personal health choices to social credit scores and mandating treatments. This is post-human.
Going further down this rabbit hole, Sabrina Wallace or Juxtaposition1's theories on all of this BIO DIGITAL CONVERGENCE technology are absolutely DIABOLIC and EVIL 😈 . All being directed by NATO.
Doesn't look like we are getting what we voted for. Have we been "Trumped"? Elon Musk has ownership in Star Link and he has pushed Vivek Ramaswamy out of the planned DOGE Department over being critical of the H-1B visa program. I'm convinced both parties are heads of the same evil beast for sure now.
There ARE a lot of turbo cancers because of the shot. Full stop. Perhaps the only true way to stop them is another shot (antidote). I’m not saying it will, but maybe. The guy did say they were going to eradicate many diseases. I’m sure Big Pharma doesn’t want this. It should be an interesting battle.
After reading this Substack for all this time and having bought some products sold here, I know what MY protocol would be. 😉 regardless of any shot they come up with, we have free will. If people didn’t know about this Stack, maybe their only hope would be another shot (antidote).
My husband and I have had the blood cancer screening. It was VERY expensive but we thought, let’s see. We both came back negative for every cancer they check for. It was a few years ago and we never got the shot. We also will never have another colonoscopy, I will never have another mammogram or Pap smear.
While we know the real deal, others probably don’t and this maybe a way to help save them. I STILL know people who are getting boosted (and they’re conservatives). My dad died from the booster so, I will NEVER take another shot, but if others want to, it’s their life and decision to do so. 🤷♀️
Exactly! Make the best decisions for you and your family. Let others make theirs. May the odds be in their favor. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Jack, this is terrible. This is not a con or ignorance any more. This is a hagelian dialectic we are locked into, enforced by a cult mentality (try explaining it to either side). This was a theory that I was worried about before the election, but now, it's not theory any more, it's reality. It's the other shoe dropping and there are only two shoes.
If you have any suggestions it would be good to hear it.
The fact that Trump is going to bring back servicemen and women who got kicked out of the military because they refused the jab, and bring them back with full back pay along with him getting us out of the WHO tells me that under him we will not have another jab mandate. If they want to play around with the mRNA jab for cancer I don't care as long as its not mandated and folks have a choice.
seriously, it's so easy to divide the right. Always has been anyway. Can we just have a week before you start attacking Trump?
Our country was and is dying and very very sick.
Can you not understand that Trump had to make a few deals to get what all has been done?
I don't like Trump but have we had any other republican president to come forward with enough courage to stop the censorship, stop DEI, stop affirmative action? Stop the lawfare, stop the exponential expansion of government regulations that have killed my and my families businesses?
It just sickens me to see Trump being attacked from the right. I'm trying to come to the point where I don't care anymore. Some people are never happy and that's the reality we are in. Continue down your path of self-destructive spiral.
Why, after almost 5 years since the onset of C-19 and all that we know now, all that has come out on the deaths and injuries from the bioweapon, do we still say Trump has been deceived or he is ignorant? It is not possible at this juncture to come to that conclusion. The only possible conclusion one can come to is it is his role to "sell" his big, beautiful jabs to the conservative right who have limited critical thinking skills.
Like many here, I'm sure, I liked hearing about all the executive actions on day 1. Releasing the J6 political prisoners, stating there are only 2 sexes, closing the DEI job selection process (government anyway), drill baby, drill, and other orders. However, I believe it is the frosting on a cake that none of us would want to eat. There are nefarious things to come, I fear.
I completely agree. He's not blind, deaf, or dumb. He's evil. He has an agenda. We've had our "dark winter" and people are now so hungry for light, they don't realize this is a false light. He's a devil in a savior costume and people can't see it.
Incompetence and/or ignorance is never a valid acceptable excuse for government or leadership. As Yuri Bezmenov correctly rephrases Hanlon's Razor:
Yuri’s 2023 reimagining of Hanlon’s Razor: “Always attribute to malice that which has continued too long to be explained by stupidity.”
"The more time goes by, the more likely it is that malice is driving poor outcomes. If someone does something foolish once, it is stupid. If they do it repeatedly despite all evidence pointing to its harms, it is at best insanity and at worst evil."
Any sane thinking person doesn't say Trump has been deceived when the local chipmunks know how deadly these jabs are by now but many do still say it for some bizarre reason.
Trump was never conned in the past and he isn't being conned now. He wants you dead.
There is no way on God's earth that he or any of his family took any of his "beautiful vaccines" so they are all complicit as not one of them has come out to state that fact.
Unless its being delivered to us via air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink and the medicine that is supposed to make us better. And that's what's been done with us for the last 100 years.
read the trickery in withdrawal from WHO-he is stopped funding the WHO, which is a subsidarary of UN/NATO. US is still subject to plandemic treaty of UN decree. When Trump withdraws from UN/NATO, you might get a little optomistic, but I wouldn't hold my breathe.
I wonder how many Americans have questioned Switzerland's neutrality in almost all things United Nations 🤔. I mean how many towns in Switzerland are considered UN ICLEI C40 SMART RESILIENT Cities ? Perhaps, Davos could answer why that is the case ?
I didn't like this when I heard it yesterday, and I like it even less today. Is Trump being conned again? I DO NOT WANT ANY MORE VACCINES and I certainly DO NOT WANT DIGITAL HEALTH RECORDS. This is not what I voted for! I am deeply disturbed.
Not one of the 72 vaccines on the FDA list has been properly tested for safety or efficacy...because they would fail on both counts...But 75% of Americans will obediently get them...Our terrible education system has triumphed...
Or is he under threat? One never knows which! Going along or threat? What might it be? Everything is weaponized…skies…weather…government…health care…institutions…foundations…education…farming…food industries! You name it…it’s against the people…for #1…depopulation! Main goal!!!
MiGod...Everyone has millions of cancer cells floating around in their bloodstreams, which are killed or neutered by their immune systems...The result of mRNA anti-cancer "vaccines" will be to damage immune systems and cause cancer to skyrocket...The goal, as always, is population reduction....I'm sure musks 13+ kids won't be allowed anywhere near these "cures."
Trump has always had the ability to wipe out a hundred good things with one very bad thing...this is it. No doubt, billy boy will be heading up the entire make America dead again agenda.
Such was my worry with President Trump…he was still delusional about Operation Warp Speed, and I hoped he could hear the great people he brought in to surround him, like RFK Jr et al, yet this project seems even worse than the Covid 19 injection. I think we need to make our voices known loudly with letters, calls, petitions, and screaming from the rooftops on social media. mRNA jabs need to be pulled and put in the trash bin of history! Period.
Yep, make our voices heard! Gotta wonder about Ellison's statement about making a cancer mRNA vaccine and getting everyone treated.....seems like that will go over in public like a lead balloon based on current public distrust....did Trump realize that???? And taking scarce resources away from Texas citizens for a Stargate?
Good article this AM - coffee & covid substack about Trump stealing big tech/ monied oligarchs away from Dem a outdated tech comparison;
Trump playing chess...???
I am asking all of my subscribers to assist me in stopping this spammer and their bogus links to fake products -- please report them at once as SPAM.
These are scammers. Thank you.
Please email
I am asking all of my subscribers to assist me in stopping this spammer and their bogus links to fake products -- please report them at once as SPAM.
These are scammers.
Thank you.
And what pray tell will these magic " vaccines " cost to the Health Insurers and patients ? I bet it's gonna be at least well into the 5 figures and possibly 6 .... per treatment. They want a healthy return in that investment right ... 🤨
I believe since Nixon created the "War on Cancer" concept and we have spent about 5 billion dollars on research and have not found a cure for cancer speaks volumes. We keep going down the wrong. road. In the meantime cancer has become an occurrence across all age groups and the frequency of cancer keeps climbing. Rather than look at the root causes of cancer which are embedded in Big Chemo, Big Agra and Big Pharma contributions to our current life style issues which are detrimental to good health we ignore prevention and reversal of health issues. Our medicine man looks for profitable treatment protocols. My view is that the the technocrats see a profit opportunity with AI and the deranged medicine man sees a opportunity to grow the bloated sick care system by combining AI and RNA initiatives to grow the bottom line dramatically. In turn, they have gassed President Trump on going along with their vision that it is the answer to eliminating cancer. In turn, President Trump may also have been told that if
RFK Jr. heads HHS and puts on a moratorium on RNA injections, it will deep six over 100 current research projects that are active. Billions and billions have been invested and many companies exist currently without any ROI. This in turn would crash the health care segment of the stock market and precipitate a stock market crash. They have just put him between a rock and a hard place, just as they did the last time around with the Covid con.
PS: Having studied the role of Vitamin D as a hormone that modulates about 3000 gene expressions has me convinced that if all of us had a blood value of 50 ng's or more we would drive down the frequency of cancer as well as many more disease states. A whole and vibrant immune system is supported by Vitamin D. Not embraced by Big Medicine because it would not grow our bloated medical system. Check out for research that supports this. My view.
Thank you Thomas! I am in agreement about vitamin D. Recently I have been reading some alarming information about vitamin D supplements. What is you thought on taking supplements to get your vitamin D or just do it naturally with foods and sun time? It has really put me in a quandary about taking these supplements.
Speaking of supplements...
As if it isnt bad enough that the merging of Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Ag (Bill Gates and China buying up mega-acreages of our US farmland...they have been sticking their evil greedy fingers into our supplement companies.
Pure Encapsulation used to be one of the few I trusted until Nestle bought them. Same with Garden of Life and quite a few others.
I am grateful that Standard Process and Now Foods are still two of many who havent sold out to the globalists and are still family owned. BrightCore and Arthur Andrew Medical are also still on my trusted list.
Sun light in moderation is best! For those who fear sun light take D3! Without sunlight our green planet would be a pile of rocks!
I copied your comment to restack. It was that good and right on!
And the guilty ones should be brought to justice. if there is such in the USA.
I've taken a cancer vaccine like the one Trump is spearheading... it reversed my stage 4 tumors - DailyMail
It’s not ignorance of “vaccines”. I read that the transition team have removed two of RFK Jr’s closest advisors. Aaron Siri and Stephanie Spear. This was always going to be business as usual when it came to “vaccines”. Everything he has done thus far is low hanging fruit. It will keep your attention away from the news that will go unreported.
Correct. The moves being made now are big visibility moves in order to obfuscate the real move, which is probably a satanic AI generating new more advanced bioweapons.
I've been saying this to family and friends, all trump voters, as was I. He said all the right things to get elected, he also said some things that were concerning and was silent on other things that most conservative people support. I have a feeling that down the road a bit it is going to be as the lyrics of a Who song:
" There's nothing in the street Looks any different to me And the slogans are effaced, by-the-bye,And the parting on the left
Is now parting on the right"........."Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again Don't get fooled again, no, no"
And CBDC, electronic “passports” & other ID
This gives me the shivers. Tied into digital health records? Our worst nightmare becoming reality.... tying our personal health choices to social credit scores and mandating treatments. This is post-human.
Going further down this rabbit hole, Sabrina Wallace or Juxtaposition1's theories on all of this BIO DIGITAL CONVERGENCE technology are absolutely DIABOLIC and EVIL 😈 . All being directed by NATO.
Yep. Exactly what the EPIC hospital system was deployed for. 😡
That’s the ultimate goal, Dani
Doesn't look like we are getting what we voted for. Have we been "Trumped"? Elon Musk has ownership in Star Link and he has pushed Vivek Ramaswamy out of the planned DOGE Department over being critical of the H-1B visa program. I'm convinced both parties are heads of the same evil beast for sure now.
At this point, it's "sauve qui peut"... save your family, friends, and anyone you can...This scheme could be worse than nuclear war....
Like the vaunted Neutron Bomb.... leaves the house standing and kills the crowd.
Asset grabbing by any other name is just as wicked.
Yes, we are going to be Trumpled to death.
This is my take:
There ARE a lot of turbo cancers because of the shot. Full stop. Perhaps the only true way to stop them is another shot (antidote). I’m not saying it will, but maybe. The guy did say they were going to eradicate many diseases. I’m sure Big Pharma doesn’t want this. It should be an interesting battle.
After reading this Substack for all this time and having bought some products sold here, I know what MY protocol would be. 😉 regardless of any shot they come up with, we have free will. If people didn’t know about this Stack, maybe their only hope would be another shot (antidote).
My husband and I have had the blood cancer screening. It was VERY expensive but we thought, let’s see. We both came back negative for every cancer they check for. It was a few years ago and we never got the shot. We also will never have another colonoscopy, I will never have another mammogram or Pap smear.
While we know the real deal, others probably don’t and this maybe a way to help save them. I STILL know people who are getting boosted (and they’re conservatives). My dad died from the booster so, I will NEVER take another shot, but if others want to, it’s their life and decision to do so. 🤷♀️
Exactly! Make the best decisions for you and your family. Let others make theirs. May the odds be in their favor. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
trump and its kind are grifters and murderers.
That is Their M.O.
That all They have EVER DONE.
To believe trump would behave with any beneficience is naive at best, suicide at worst.
I am talking to YOU. :)
You’re very funny. Thanks for making me laugh! 😂
A gift for you:
SUBSTACK: Paul Cudenec:
24 JAN 2025:
Who Was Behind the Vaccine Bonds.
Gives you a taste of how far the rabbit hole goes.
Read it. All of it.
Don't cherry pick.
Have a nice day. :)
Jack, this is terrible. This is not a con or ignorance any more. This is a hagelian dialectic we are locked into, enforced by a cult mentality (try explaining it to either side). This was a theory that I was worried about before the election, but now, it's not theory any more, it's reality. It's the other shoe dropping and there are only two shoes.
If you have any suggestions it would be good to hear it.
The fact that Trump is going to bring back servicemen and women who got kicked out of the military because they refused the jab, and bring them back with full back pay along with him getting us out of the WHO tells me that under him we will not have another jab mandate. If they want to play around with the mRNA jab for cancer I don't care as long as its not mandated and folks have a choice.
I like ur optimism here as this message is pretty much shattering my hope
Any tool, in and of itself is harmless.
The harm comes in from the intents of the user, or abuser.
Fire if used appropriately, warms us.
Fire as used by the Arsonist, creates mayhem, death and destruction.
It is guaranteed, that any beneficial technology, can and will be used for nefarious means, during the rule of The Anti-Christ…
So far, I am convinced that Trump gets it by the immediate actions he has taken so far.
seriously, it's so easy to divide the right. Always has been anyway. Can we just have a week before you start attacking Trump?
Our country was and is dying and very very sick.
Can you not understand that Trump had to make a few deals to get what all has been done?
I don't like Trump but have we had any other republican president to come forward with enough courage to stop the censorship, stop DEI, stop affirmative action? Stop the lawfare, stop the exponential expansion of government regulations that have killed my and my families businesses?
It just sickens me to see Trump being attacked from the right. I'm trying to come to the point where I don't care anymore. Some people are never happy and that's the reality we are in. Continue down your path of self-destructive spiral.
Please read my previous post.
trump is not your friend.
It wants you dead.
It is not going to change.
It warned us the it is a snake.
Believe that.
It is a warning.
One of the few honest things that DarkSeeker has ever said. :)
People who still believe in vaccines can take it, it is a free world.
Smokescreen? There political people never operate above board and always have ulterior agendas.
Why, after almost 5 years since the onset of C-19 and all that we know now, all that has come out on the deaths and injuries from the bioweapon, do we still say Trump has been deceived or he is ignorant? It is not possible at this juncture to come to that conclusion. The only possible conclusion one can come to is it is his role to "sell" his big, beautiful jabs to the conservative right who have limited critical thinking skills.
Like many here, I'm sure, I liked hearing about all the executive actions on day 1. Releasing the J6 political prisoners, stating there are only 2 sexes, closing the DEI job selection process (government anyway), drill baby, drill, and other orders. However, I believe it is the frosting on a cake that none of us would want to eat. There are nefarious things to come, I fear.
I completely agree. He's not blind, deaf, or dumb. He's evil. He has an agenda. We've had our "dark winter" and people are now so hungry for light, they don't realize this is a false light. He's a devil in a savior costume and people can't see it.
Incompetence and/or ignorance is never a valid acceptable excuse for government or leadership. As Yuri Bezmenov correctly rephrases Hanlon's Razor:
Yuri’s 2023 reimagining of Hanlon’s Razor: “Always attribute to malice that which has continued too long to be explained by stupidity.”
"The more time goes by, the more likely it is that malice is driving poor outcomes. If someone does something foolish once, it is stupid. If they do it repeatedly despite all evidence pointing to its harms, it is at best insanity and at worst evil."
Also, as Naomi correctly asked, How can the prez commit $500B that Congress controls?
Not to mention that 'public/private partnerships' are fascist and nefarious.
Well said.
I agree with your assessment of this situation.
Any sane thinking person doesn't say Trump has been deceived when the local chipmunks know how deadly these jabs are by now but many do still say it for some bizarre reason.
-TDS is every bit as dangerous as TDS.
The mrna CAUSES cancer
Trump was never conned in the past and he isn't being conned now. He wants you dead.
There is no way on God's earth that he or any of his family took any of his "beautiful vaccines" so they are all complicit as not one of them has come out to state that fact.
If there is a choice, then people can choose to take whatever they wish, or not.
Natural Selection.
Unless its being delivered to us via air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink and the medicine that is supposed to make us better. And that's what's been done with us for the last 100 years.
read the trickery in withdrawal from WHO-he is stopped funding the WHO, which is a subsidarary of UN/NATO. US is still subject to plandemic treaty of UN decree. When Trump withdraws from UN/NATO, you might get a little optomistic, but I wouldn't hold my breathe.
I wonder how many Americans have questioned Switzerland's neutrality in almost all things United Nations 🤔. I mean how many towns in Switzerland are considered UN ICLEI C40 SMART RESILIENT Cities ? Perhaps, Davos could answer why that is the case ?
I didn't like this when I heard it yesterday, and I like it even less today. Is Trump being conned again? I DO NOT WANT ANY MORE VACCINES and I certainly DO NOT WANT DIGITAL HEALTH RECORDS. This is not what I voted for! I am deeply disturbed.
Not one of the 72 vaccines on the FDA list has been properly tested for safety or efficacy...because they would fail on both counts...But 75% of Americans will obediently get them...Our terrible education system has triumphed...
But, the greater point is also the point of this article: Is Trump being conned again?
Or is he under threat? One never knows which! Going along or threat? What might it be? Everything is weaponized…skies…weather…government…health care…institutions…foundations…education…farming…food industries! You name it…it’s against the people…for #1…depopulation! Main goal!!!
MiGod...Everyone has millions of cancer cells floating around in their bloodstreams, which are killed or neutered by their immune systems...The result of mRNA anti-cancer "vaccines" will be to damage immune systems and cause cancer to skyrocket...The goal, as always, is population reduction....I'm sure musks 13+ kids won't be allowed anywhere near these "cures."
Trump has always had the ability to wipe out a hundred good things with one very bad thing...this is it. No doubt, billy boy will be heading up the entire make America dead again agenda.
Just when Trump talks sense he talks nonsense. Just say NO to Operation Warp Speed 2.0.