I'm in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.
2020 our province tallied 2 deaths in total.
End of 2021 the year of the big V rollout... 192 deaths, if I remember correctly. a 90 fold increase.
Well, sure there could be a few factors in this, but still...
I mentioned this interesting comparison on a local english language online forum or two and was roundly laughed out of the 'room'.
Damn them all.
Interesting stats from your province - thanks for sharing!! Please don't be discouraged by the people who laughed when you tried to encourage them to think. The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said that all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
One thing about up here though. When the c19 deaths were being reported in the news they named the people (usually) and also clearly stated their multiple co-morbidities, age etc. They weren't hiding that at all. Unlike most places i believe.
That info would have been very helpful. That was the information I tried to get released from our local gov. health official. He claimed "privacy" laws. It was really a refusal to give the public information that would have allowed them to make decisions for themselves.
it has been a nearly universal experience among the jab refuseniks that they are called insane conspiracy theorists by friends and family, barred from gatherings, or from seeing their grandchildren. You are in good company.
I'm in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.
2020 our province tallied 2 deaths in total.
End of 2021 the year of the big V rollout... 192 deaths, if I remember correctly. a 90 fold increase.
Well, sure there could be a few factors in this, but still...
I mentioned this interesting comparison on a local english language online forum or two and was roundly laughed out of the 'room'.
Damn them all.
Interesting stats from your province - thanks for sharing!! Please don't be discouraged by the people who laughed when you tried to encourage them to think. The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said that all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Thanks! Much appreciated.
One thing about up here though. When the c19 deaths were being reported in the news they named the people (usually) and also clearly stated their multiple co-morbidities, age etc. They weren't hiding that at all. Unlike most places i believe.
That info would have been very helpful. That was the information I tried to get released from our local gov. health official. He claimed "privacy" laws. It was really a refusal to give the public information that would have allowed them to make decisions for themselves.
it has been a nearly universal experience among the jab refuseniks that they are called insane conspiracy theorists by friends and family, barred from gatherings, or from seeing their grandchildren. You are in good company.