Penny drop moment reading about tthe AI job replacement. Plants can be dealt with mechanically. Animals can't - farming animals is called husbandry for a reason. For farm animals to thrive they need the one on one human/animal interaction. So, get rid of the need for animals raised for food and it's job done. For them.

Eat more proper meat, don't fall for the vegetarian/vegan psyop. We as humans developed our brains and strength by eating animals and animal fat. Just look at the old paintings and writings to see how prized animal food was. Who ate the meat and who ate the bread and peas? This nonsense vegetarian food like product and commercial seed oil refinery product is toxic to mind and body. It is part of how the 'they' are getting away with all this crap, dumbing people down into a semi conscious monged state. So they tell us what to eat, what's supposedly 'healthy'? Just as with the medicene 'health' they push, how about we do the opposite...

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Yes, it all started with the health authorities (government) advising us what we should eat. Oh, we're so much better for it!

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Feb 5, 2023
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Aye, it is why I grow sheep, cows and chickens for food and have not eaten any plants in any form for over a decade now :) My animals all feed naturally on my Green Fields and turn the herbage into meat, skin, wool, bone and eggs, all of which I use. They are great plant converters. we are not. When I say I eat 100% processed plant diet it gets the vegans excited - momentarily Hahaha! Still, I name my animals and know who I am eating so it's honest.

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Feb 6, 2023
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As did I - I used to get wholesale quantities of plants (fruit n veg) every week. Strangely I don't miss them at all, which is a bit of a headmashup, but true. It's also so much easier in the kitchen, no washing, scrubbing, peeling, chopping, cooking.... and I often only eat once a day. I do always have a bowl of hard boiled eggs in the fridge if I fancy a snack. I can't say get peckish, I don't ever feel hunger - another headmashup. It works for me and the only way truly to understand it is to do it for a while. It's also - and this is the big headfk - cheaper! I would eat plants again if I was starving, if there was no choice. I would hunt squirrels first - they are actually quite nice, sweet, tender and plentiful. Now I sound completely nuts, I am very ordinary ;)

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I'm in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.

2020 our province tallied 2 deaths in total.

End of 2021 the year of the big V rollout... 192 deaths, if I remember correctly. a 90 fold increase.

Well, sure there could be a few factors in this, but still...

I mentioned this interesting comparison on a local english language online forum or two and was roundly laughed out of the 'room'.

Damn them all.

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Interesting stats from your province - thanks for sharing!! Please don't be discouraged by the people who laughed when you tried to encourage them to think. The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said that all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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Thanks! Much appreciated.

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One thing about up here though. When the c19 deaths were being reported in the news they named the people (usually) and also clearly stated their multiple co-morbidities, age etc. They weren't hiding that at all. Unlike most places i believe.

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That info would have been very helpful. That was the information I tried to get released from our local gov. health official. He claimed "privacy" laws. It was really a refusal to give the public information that would have allowed them to make decisions for themselves.

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it has been a nearly universal experience among the jab refuseniks that they are called insane conspiracy theorists by friends and family, barred from gatherings, or from seeing their grandchildren. You are in good company.

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I still hear advertisements oft Pfizer Biontech to get your updated booster. We can talk all day long about this and you good folks who inform us are absolutely correct but the evil just continues on and on. It might take for the hands of the Almighty to stop this because seemingly EVERYONE is complicit and there doesn't appear to be any cavalry coming to the rescue. Just enjoy every moment with loved one's because life will, eventually, end for all of us at some point in time , while life is never predicable, it just became that much less so in the past two plus years. Saddest thing is to think that people in the U.S. of A are on board with the evil; the supposed 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

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The land of the lazy, shallow, virtue signaling narcissists. And a few critical thinkers like us. Can you name a better country, though? I don’t know another country that has options. I chose a state that is predominantly free of the authoritarian madness.

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Philippines had more than 265,000 excess deaths (43.2%) IN 2021 (total deaths of 879,429). Then the reporting stopped. https://open.substack.com/pub/supersally/p/2021-vital-statistics-released-on?r=l1r7e&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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The question for me is the direction or travel;

1. Are excess deaths falling, stable or accelerating?

2. Is fertility improving, stable or declining?

Time will tell.

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Maybe why Pfizer and then FDA insisted on burying trials data for first 50, then 75 years. If they had any valid safety data, they would have been so extremely proud to show it off. When they requested a lifetime duration to hide the data, EVERY person on earth should have realized something horrifically wrong was going on. No excuse for anyone who continued to approve the jabs.

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That's a bingo!

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James Bond had a license to kill. That was theater. This is reality, hard core evidence. Numbers don't lie, but monsters decieve, ommit, censor, and fabricate #s. It's not hard to connect the dots. Oh and by the way feel free to replace the word "monsters" with "ruling class"

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It's all such a fascinating study into human nature and our seemingly infinite capacity for denial - if it wasn't so horrifying. As a pureblood, I find it excruciating trying to tell loved ones this kind of information knowing that they'll distance themselves even further.

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So many of us going through the same grief. My sister says she wants cold, hard facts....Really? I don’t think so. If I forwarded this information to her she would still find a way to malign it as misinformation.

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I have a GP doctor daughter who (believe it or not) is still in denial. I was considering sending this article to her, as we've all but given up. In the past, we sent countless articles, given them (she's married to another doctor) the latest books, and they return them unread, saying they never had the time to read them. We no longer engage them in discussions about this entire criminal enterprise, but when we did more than a year ago, they would always ask, "But where is your evidence?" They tell us that everything seems normal in medicine land. Unbelievable if it wasn't happening to us.

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I can fathom the Midazolam thing. Old people are quietly euthanized every day. Anyone that has lost an elder this way knows that there is a quiet euthanasia process in which "pain medication" is given to help people along. Sometimes they stop feeding people. That works too. People often request it when they want to be done. It makes sense that someone or some people would have seen this as an opportunity to do this on a larger scale. Was that a master depopulation scheme? No, unlikely, but possibly at the administrator level. Did the intelligence services/elites order killings with Midazolam? That seems improbable. Same with the shots. The crimes are in the negligent homicide.

If some intrepid reporter can discover a direct link between western intelligence operatives/DOD as a response from banker elites or even the Soros/Gates/Schwab level to Fauci/Brix or implementers in other countries to push a specific depopulation plan we will have our revolution. We need to know how intelligence operates with the technocrats to do their dirty work.

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While I don't see "euthanizing" the elderly as "depopulation" in the sense that they have already had children and grandchildren, I believed this to be government sanctioned murder from the second they started cramming the sick into those homes together with the uninfected in heavily blue states and the UK, totally against protocol. This segment of the population is very expensive to maintain and has generally outlived it's usefulness to the government. Pensions, social security and medical care for 20-30 years is an untenable economic situation. As the Iron Lady said, "The problem with socialism is, sooner or later, you run out of other people's money."

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Go watch Book Of Ours on You Tube. Very enlightening.

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Have you not read Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova’s information and analysis????

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Feb 5, 2023
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directly out of the Nazi playbook. They started with the mentally disabled and other 'useless eaters' first.

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Feb 5, 2023
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I first read them more than 20 years ago

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So you believe someone in the UK Government was in on the plan to release a bioweapon as a pretext to kill old and disabled people and someone in the government ordered large amounts of Midazolam to stockpile to do the job? Was the Prime Minister involved? How far up and down the chain did the decision-making go? Did all the doctors participate?

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find out who in the UK gov't are part of WEF 'penetration' of the locals, ala the Canadian Parliament and other ministerial positions, that Klaus Schwab crowed about. King Charles was a perennial participant, and I am sure that prompted others to attend.

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We know the WEF surrogates are everywhere in the liberal governments and they took action to gain control in their countries as the COVID debacle unfolded but I am not aware of any evidence yet of WEF surrogates involvement in premeditated murder a prior. Are you?

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no I am not, but neither have I seen any investigation outside the health services for what decisions and payments were made by different departments, and the individuals who had purview or signed off. They hung journalists after Nuremberg, so they went down the line of who had knowledge.

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Excellent article that I will share. Unfortunately, only those who already know the jab is killer will respond in support of the information. Friends and family who continue to preach "safe & effective" will be silent or mock.

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Nicely stated. I am a practicing Roman Catholic and am well aware of the evil within. One cannot indict the faithful for the sins of the hierarchy much like one cannot indict the citizens of the USA for the evil of the government.

I once heard a priest say in a sermon that this country was founded upon Free Masonic principles and so that backs up what you have said. Regards Jesuits I am well aware of Adam Weishaupt and that this Pope is from Argentina which was/is steeped in Liberation Theology of which is nothing more than Communism under the guise of the Gospel. I am not certain if what has become of them is what Ignatius of Loyola had in mind.

It could be said that the Synagogue of Satan goes way back to the stone Masons, themselves (I am thinking Hiram Abiff) and how every secret society finds it root in them (Freemasons). Communism's tenets run parallel to those of Free masons and isn't it so ironic that Karl Marx was both? Gee, imagine that.

Rome was infiltrated by Freemasons/Communists who placed their own in the seminaries and then rose to high positions in the hierarchy; thus the Second Vatican Council and it's aftermath. It runs very deep.

Having said all of that there are very good, God fearing souls among st the faithful; separate from it's 'leadership'.

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You don’t need Catholicism to worship God. I was born and raised a Catholic. I had 8 years of Catholic grammar school followed by 4 years of Catholic high school. My mother was a strict Catholic which included Latin Mass. My father nearly joined the priesthood before he met my mother.

I adore my God my Father. Catholicism prevented me from finding God within myself...along with a traumatic car accident (my “savior”). I think man made religion is actually the death of God.

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you do your thing

I'll do my

it is however written that Jesus said to Peter: "Upon you I'll build My Church."

I wish you all thee best trying to sneek past that one my fully pedigree'd fiend.

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The “Church” is within you.

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how can a community of people gathered together in Christ's name be within somebody, I'm curious to find out?

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The divinity of God is within each person (soul), no?

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I used to be distracted with all the shiny metaphors of New Age pseudo religious landscape.

Now, in this instance this is all that counts: Matthew 18:20

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Thank you for your thoughts and sharing your experience. It (the religion)works for me because it allows me access to the Sacraments; something of which I would not have were I to leave. I, too, am a TLM devotee and while raised with the OF Form or Novus Ordo but the Latin Mass has made an immense difference in my spiritual life and growth.

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What about oligarchs and their associates and families? Is there any evidence any of these people took the shots? Or, was saline given, if anything? The princess of Thailand the only uppity up that died recently, a woman and perhaps deemed of no importance?

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Welcome to the free range chicken farm. Time to take down the fence.

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Wow! Great article, sums up where we are now. Now it is sudden death, soon, very soon, it will be longer, painful, suffering death. The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. All the preclinical research regarding how fenbendazole eradicates cancer is consistent with its effects in practice. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com its all free.

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are melanoma, ovarian, breast, myeloma, bladder are the next five.

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The stats for Australian's dying of the boosters are greatly under numbered which is typical of Australian government departments trying to downplay the severity of the situation overall, it's now well over 230,000 and climbing and it won't stop, birth rates have taken a significant dive from 31,000 in 2021 to 7000 in 2022, what will 2023 bring? I have spoken about this in a previous post, they wish to reduce Australia's population from 25 million to 10 million by 2025! It will get to the point where people will start to notice the lack of people, they won't be able to bury them it be like the Charleton Heston movie "Omega man" where he went into a house and there were dried corpses in bed... I expect the same to occur here, suburbs will start to smell..

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their won't be any aged care homes they'll be the first to go, WEF will see them as a burden on society

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No way can care homes be staffed with robots. And the need for care will rise dramatically, bc jabs not only kill some, but disable others. Maddie deGaray and many more...

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