For the record, I lost a full term baby daughter due to the anesthetist (MD on call on the Sunday
turning his communications device off during a golf game) and as he was very late, baby died.
I learned the truth from his wife, a fellow student, while talking about this and that. What a freaky
coincidence. The MD went incognito …
TY 2nd,
For the record, I lost a full term baby daughter due to the anesthetist (MD on call on the Sunday
turning his communications device off during a golf game) and as he was very late, baby died.
I learned the truth from his wife, a fellow student, while talking about this and that. What a freaky
coincidence. The MD went incognito to play an uninterrupted golf game on an August Sunday
morning. I was fed BS about a heart defect, the paperwork was altered (discovered years later) and
I was strongly encouraged (still being affected by anesthesia) to give the corpse to the university
for research "to help save other babies" in the future. They destroyed the evidence and altered
the records. I was most outraged.
Why would I tell anyone this? To go on to say the outrage of victims of a lab made disorder
and victims of a deadly vax have had their lives ruined or died. What are their family members
left with but the utmost of grief and regret? Grandparents left to die in isolation, and hospital
"protocols" are inhuman. The protocols are essentially murder. I am a retired RN/30 yr. practice.
I know full well what happened to the frail elderly, and it was a form of torture. To lose a child?
The grief over that loss is monumental. IMHO those actively creating the protocols and vax push
are culpable and guilty of mass murder. What should happen to people who received financial
incentives (big $ don't forget) for patients that died or are harmed for life? Plenty of consequences.
Now the big-wigs are trying to play it down. Oop, we were in error. Not so fast, say I.
So very sorry for your loss Suzanna.
So sorry 🙏🏼💓