They want you dead. They’ve wanted you dead for a long, long time. They just couldn’t come up with a seeming innocuous way to accomplish that goal. Now they have.
in the section ‘takes 5 months to kill’ it says vaccination started dec 8 2021. that should be corrected to the year 2020.
also, i crunched the numbers to compare to the 1in 73 vaccinated deaths using the ONS statistics. because i need context to understand that kind of figure. so january 2021 to may 2022 the data shows that 1 in 172.09 unvaccinated persons died vs 1 in 73 vaccinated. (18,911,191 = number of unvaccinated. 109,891 all cause deaths in unvaccinated)
great article. thanks for sharing!
with all this data it’s hard to believe this nonsense continues.
The happy go lucky "dolts botching shit" theory (thanks, Sage Hana,) would imply that rather than the government knowing a bunch of people would die off, they took the attitude of the VRBPAC member at the first kid's mRNA approval and went "We won't know how effective the shots are until we start giving them."
I lean more towards the malicious apex parasite theory where it was deliberate, though
The FDA VAERS reporting system says over 30,000 have died from the mRNA injections and millions have been harmed. The truth is that it is vastly under reporting the true rate of harm and deaths. The answer lies somewhere between 20 and 100 times what is reported. Easily, over 1 million Americans have died from the injections and the wrong medical treatment.
When Pfizer and J & J is held harmless and there is no liability issues, it is full speed ahead to experiment on the American public. There is no risk for producing mRNA injections that trick the immune system and reprogram cellular function on a random non-controlable basis. The over 1000 different disease states that the Pfizer test subjects experienced confirms this. Since 200 million Americans got the injections, the 3 to 5% who have had adverse reactions seem to be of little concern to the NIH, FDA and the CDC. The belief that this is being done “for the greater good” justifies their position. More harm has been created with the directed medical treatment pushed by the CDC than the negative outcomes from the virus.
Of course the government , every government, knew it. Why else did they pull out all the stops to coerce everyone into getting a shot and censoring every discussion that went against their narrative? Because it was nothing more THAN a narrative - a work of fiction. A tall tale. A lie. A deception. An evil.
Doormen come and go – they are, after all, disposable. The owners – those who control what happens in the building – retain their positions over the long term… and may remain anonymous, if they so choose.
We find this simple concept easy enough to understand, and yet we chronically have difficulty in understanding that, in most countries, the president, or prime minister, is not by any means the man who makes the big decisions in the running of the country.
We assume that, because we were allowed to vote for our leader, he must actually be our leader. But, as Mark Twain has at times been credited as saying, "If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it."
The military industrial complex continues to enjoy perpetual warfare, so that they can supply armaments to the government for unnecessary conflicts. Big Pharma enjoys legislation that forces people to be vaccinated against their will and accept outrageously high prices for medications that are generally inexpensive to produce.
The only ABOSLUTE IDIOTS are the ones who get the NEXT JAB.
AND I know one who is now complaining about health problems AND is hiding the fact she got another jab. What part of the next jab is going to kill you even sooner is hard to understand? Wouldn't discuss and didn't research anything.
With fools like the ones who continue to comply, it's hard to be sympathetic.
Edward Dowd floated that with excess deaths continuing, by 2025, life expectancy in US will be 52 years old. Life expectancy has already decreased two years in the US.
Am I wrong in thinking that the narrative "safe and effective" is exactly the same as "you're all just going in the building for a shower", and the depths of depravity that a government will sink, to facilitate mass compliance? We are living in a redux of Nazi Germany. I don't want to diminish the horror, terror, torture, and death perpetrated upon the Jews by the Nazi regime - I'm merely pointing out it's the same methodology of compliance.
It is known that simply killing members of a species is a poor way to control population, as they keep breeding back. To decrease numbers long-term requires screwing with reproduction in some way. To decrease numbers permanently requires decreasing habitat.
To control insect populations in the long-term, studies have shown that making insects give birth to sterile females is one of the best ways.
Summary of following blog:
In 2020 someone claiming to be 2 Moderna insiders claimed they knew that things were being added to the vaxes that would have an effect on reproduction such that those vaxed would be likely to give birth to sterile females. They gave technical details.
Info came out in 2021 that said vaxes were being manipulated in ways that were congruent with the 'technical details' of the anon Moderna whistleblowers.
TY 2nd,
For the record, I lost a full term baby daughter due to the anesthetist (MD on call on the Sunday
turning his communications device off during a golf game) and as he was very late, baby died.
I learned the truth from his wife, a fellow student, while talking about this and that. What a freaky
coincidence. The MD went incognito to play an uninterrupted golf game on an August Sunday
morning. I was fed BS about a heart defect, the paperwork was altered (discovered years later) and
I was strongly encouraged (still being affected by anesthesia) to give the corpse to the university
for research "to help save other babies" in the future. They destroyed the evidence and altered
the records. I was most outraged.
Why would I tell anyone this? To go on to say the outrage of victims of a lab made disorder
and victims of a deadly vax have had their lives ruined or died. What are their family members
left with but the utmost of grief and regret? Grandparents left to die in isolation, and hospital
"protocols" are inhuman. The protocols are essentially murder. I am a retired RN/30 yr. practice.
I know full well what happened to the frail elderly, and it was a form of torture. To lose a child?
The grief over that loss is monumental. IMHO those actively creating the protocols and vax push
are culpable and guilty of mass murder. What should happen to people who received financial
incentives (big $ don't forget) for patients that died or are harmed for life? Plenty of consequences.
Now the big-wigs are trying to play it down. Oop, we were in error. Not so fast, say I.
So very sorry for your loss Suzanna.
So sorry 🙏🏼💓
They want you dead. They’ve wanted you dead for a long, long time. They just couldn’t come up with a seeming innocuous way to accomplish that goal. Now they have.
And to keep the Mammon-machine going, they are attempting to herd those remaining into the panopticon-CBDCs.
And, now they are ratcheting up the fear mongering for the latest 'scariant':
The only cure? Moar cowbell er...“bivalent” vaccine boosters from Pfizer and Moderna!
What happens when they run out of stupid people to kill? 👀
typo/correction alert!!!!
in the section ‘takes 5 months to kill’ it says vaccination started dec 8 2021. that should be corrected to the year 2020.
also, i crunched the numbers to compare to the 1in 73 vaccinated deaths using the ONS statistics. because i need context to understand that kind of figure. so january 2021 to may 2022 the data shows that 1 in 172.09 unvaccinated persons died vs 1 in 73 vaccinated. (18,911,191 = number of unvaccinated. 109,891 all cause deaths in unvaccinated)
great article. thanks for sharing!
with all this data it’s hard to believe this nonsense continues.
The happy go lucky "dolts botching shit" theory (thanks, Sage Hana,) would imply that rather than the government knowing a bunch of people would die off, they took the attitude of the VRBPAC member at the first kid's mRNA approval and went "We won't know how effective the shots are until we start giving them."
I lean more towards the malicious apex parasite theory where it was deliberate, though
The FDA VAERS reporting system says over 30,000 have died from the mRNA injections and millions have been harmed. The truth is that it is vastly under reporting the true rate of harm and deaths. The answer lies somewhere between 20 and 100 times what is reported. Easily, over 1 million Americans have died from the injections and the wrong medical treatment.
When Pfizer and J & J is held harmless and there is no liability issues, it is full speed ahead to experiment on the American public. There is no risk for producing mRNA injections that trick the immune system and reprogram cellular function on a random non-controlable basis. The over 1000 different disease states that the Pfizer test subjects experienced confirms this. Since 200 million Americans got the injections, the 3 to 5% who have had adverse reactions seem to be of little concern to the NIH, FDA and the CDC. The belief that this is being done “for the greater good” justifies their position. More harm has been created with the directed medical treatment pushed by the CDC than the negative outcomes from the virus.
I may have missed it, but do you have any information on the amount of deaths and adverse effects caused by the killer jab in Canada?
Of course the government , every government, knew it. Why else did they pull out all the stops to coerce everyone into getting a shot and censoring every discussion that went against their narrative? Because it was nothing more THAN a narrative - a work of fiction. A tall tale. A lie. A deception. An evil.
Doormen come and go – they are, after all, disposable. The owners – those who control what happens in the building – retain their positions over the long term… and may remain anonymous, if they so choose.
We find this simple concept easy enough to understand, and yet we chronically have difficulty in understanding that, in most countries, the president, or prime minister, is not by any means the man who makes the big decisions in the running of the country.
We assume that, because we were allowed to vote for our leader, he must actually be our leader. But, as Mark Twain has at times been credited as saying, "If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it."
The military industrial complex continues to enjoy perpetual warfare, so that they can supply armaments to the government for unnecessary conflicts. Big Pharma enjoys legislation that forces people to be vaccinated against their will and accept outrageously high prices for medications that are generally inexpensive to produce.
I feel like an idiot.
The only ABOSLUTE IDIOTS are the ones who get the NEXT JAB.
AND I know one who is now complaining about health problems AND is hiding the fact she got another jab. What part of the next jab is going to kill you even sooner is hard to understand? Wouldn't discuss and didn't research anything.
With fools like the ones who continue to comply, it's hard to be sympathetic.
Edward Dowd floated that with excess deaths continuing, by 2025, life expectancy in US will be 52 years old. Life expectancy has already decreased two years in the US.
You’re not alone, for sure.
National Day for Truth
Am I wrong in thinking that the narrative "safe and effective" is exactly the same as "you're all just going in the building for a shower", and the depths of depravity that a government will sink, to facilitate mass compliance? We are living in a redux of Nazi Germany. I don't want to diminish the horror, terror, torture, and death perpetrated upon the Jews by the Nazi regime - I'm merely pointing out it's the same methodology of compliance.
It is known that simply killing members of a species is a poor way to control population, as they keep breeding back. To decrease numbers long-term requires screwing with reproduction in some way. To decrease numbers permanently requires decreasing habitat.
To control insect populations in the long-term, studies have shown that making insects give birth to sterile females is one of the best ways.
Summary of following blog:
In 2020 someone claiming to be 2 Moderna insiders claimed they knew that things were being added to the vaxes that would have an effect on reproduction such that those vaxed would be likely to give birth to sterile females. They gave technical details.
Info came out in 2021 that said vaxes were being manipulated in ways that were congruent with the 'technical details' of the anon Moderna whistleblowers.
As a 30-year-old father, Benjamin Franklin lost the youngest of his two sons, Francis Folger Franklin to smallpox on Nov. 21, 1736
From first glance, you've got it nailed, as always. Just give me a sec or two to go through the detail before commenting ....