In the last two days I have witnessed four people walking around with full face masks in central TX. Never underestimate the lunatics that love this stuff. One of them was walking outside in our tourist town shopping. If you are that afraid of viruses just stay home. Virtue signaling loons.

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Does anybody have a convenient and illustrative tee shirt design that explains that viruses are MUCH smaller than oxygen molecules. And that signage on masks say that it DOESN'T stop viruses?

Or explain that if you can smell food while wearing a mask, you're probably gonna die because viruses are much smaller than airborne food molecules.

Or perhaps if you can smell my farts, your mask isn't gonna save you from viruses.

Or wear the QR code for a link to that video demonstrating smoke particles going through masks after puffing a cigar/cigarette, with signage that says, "Think masks work to stop viruses?" And blown up relative sizes of smoke particles vs viruses and mask weaves.

Or we just let them look silly.

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I have one saved in my photos but not sure how to get it linked here. https://share.icloud.com/photos/015GgXH9013J9yJw-9vZl5EKQ

This might work.

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Yep, I’m seeing more of that now too. Pathetic sheep, fit only for sharing and ultimately for slaughter. Their masters are doing the former already and they will do the ladder when it suits them.

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And by Central, I’m guessing close to the Mecca otherwise known as Austin? 🤣 As for the loons, lockdowns and "the science" sure did a number on a certain segment of the population. We'll see how DFW fares in the coming days.

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What is a full face mask? Those clear things worn over 2 or three nose and mouth masks? Stupid is as stupid does. Loons is correct.

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This is one of the most important pieces to date. ANYONE who takes the CDC, crisis actor Lena Wen, clown world pediatrician Hotez, malicious propagandist wannabe-WEF-panelist Birx, or psychophilanthropist Bill Gates as the gospel is hopeless. Meantime, I bet they come after our pets hard this time.

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Here's hoping the "murderous scarf lady Dr. Deborah Birx" gets Isadora Duncan-ed by her own scarf.

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Revealed - The President Carter Secret Satanic Plan To Destroy The West

The Satanic Genocidal plan to De-Industrialise the West and resurrect China

In the plans of the Club of Rome, they discussed the fact that there's at least three billion what they call useless eaters. And so the Global 2000 report under Carter via Kissinger had stated that there would have to be a massive reduction of the population of the United States. This is back in the 1970s. to around 100 million.

That was their projected plan back in the days of Kissinger and Carter and Cyrus Vance was to get the US down to 100 million by the year 2050. So notice that they had planned out many, many decades in the Global 2000 documents and others around that time. There's also the 1990, what is it, 91, 92 Rio meetings that Bush and Maurice Strong were at. They were discussing the same types of things of transitioning the American economy over into a deindustrialized service economy.


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finally, nice to see Maurice Strong noted, out of Alberta and soon friends with P. Trudeau and mentor to Schwab , practically wrote the UN SDG'S, ....on and on it goes.

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Yes, indeed, I haven’t heard that name Maurice Strong in quite some time now. He is a particularly vile viper.

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Is that the lady who was driving in a convertible with a long scarf and it wrapped around the rear axle?

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Yes, she was a famous actress

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Thank you for all you do! Here's to putting 2024 to bed and someday soon, seeing Gates, Fauci, Hotez, Birx, et al in orange jumpsuits! (One can hope!) Cheers all!

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Honestly, we are surrounded by so many BS con artists .

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It's the number one game in town for prospective employment. It sure is a growth industry.

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I have read numerous reports about heavy, lingering (for days) "strange" fog in most parts of the U.S. and also in parts of the U.K. and Germany. Most people are saying it isn't normal and numerous particles can be seen in this 'fog' (this can be seen in videos, usually at night time near an artificial light source e.g. when a torch is shone on it), also multiple reports of a chemical/burning smell and many people getting sick.

All I can think of is this (see link) or smart dust. And will governments say this is bird flu?


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I've seen further reporting that people's air filtration filters are getting absolutely clogged with dark particles, and that the air is more dense and not making for easy fire-starting because the oxygen draw is affected.. And they say that drones are flying all over at night spraying stuff.

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Using the same PCR tests that ramp up to always show a positive result, they are murdering flocks of birds that are perfectly healthy, including chickens and turkeys we need for food. Then they PCR test a herd of cows and get a positive result and murder those. Are there actually people in the U.S. that don't know the PCR tests are completely inaccurate? And Gates did the exact same thing with HIV using PCR to scare the shit out of people and get them to take AZT, which is the drug that actually causes HIV. COVID same. But since enough human beings are stupid enough to believe it, they will keep using the same playbook. Unfortunately, those masked and jabbed people ARE the useless eaters. Nevertheless, they don't deserve to be murdered. Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is death. Unfortunately, none of those people even know that Substack exists, or any of the amazing alternative journalists that actually tell the truth. Considering that a recent poll a few months back showed that fewer than 3% of the people polled were planning to take another COVID booster, perhaps we will have a big enough pushback this time that the Bird Flu will just evaporate.

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It may be that bird flu is the cover, and spraying people with other stuff is the real illness. I sure hope Trump's administration shuts down all this stuff and exposes it all. EVERY. DAMN. BIT. OF. IT. And then gets the public angry enough to demand justice being applied to ANYBODY participating in it. Military pilots and leadership spraying this are tossed out after being court martialled for "following orders" while knowing full well what they're doing.

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Amen, brother.

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You may be right the bird flu is the cover after reading the past few days about the Poisonous Fog/Fogvid-24 as they're calling this:


Many are getting sick from this fog, saying it has a terrible chemical odor.

Also, many airports were cancelled/shut down because of the fog last week. So again, something nefarious is going on.

As for Trump, I knew about his casinos and going bankrupt as I lived in NJ for many years (no longer live there). Back in 1999, my oldest daughter was dating an accountant. One of his clients was DJ Trump. He told us he's a bad guy and a real SOB. That's all I need to know. So, with that being said, I don't trust him one bit. Let's see what he does in his 2nd term.

What a way to start off the New Year.

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Gates and his murdering cohorts are going to put $millions into cutting down trees and burying them all over the planet. This is the new scheme to stop fake global warming...otherwise known as the depopulation agenda. Just in case you don't get a thrill following the fake birdy flew con-demic.

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Look what else Gates is involved with. https://www.theblaze.com/news/mosquito-bites-inject-human-test-subjects-with-parasite-in-study-at-bill-gates-linked-center?tpcc=email

Are we supposed to be calling him "The Benefactor"?

See Angel Studio's "The Shift" for the reference, which is well applied here. (Neal McDonough is EXCELLENT in this role of badness). You might be able to see it for free via the Angel Studios app or via Angel's roku channel. (Disclaimer: I'm a regular contributor to Angel Studios)

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I covered this many times

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Sorry if I missed it. I'm subscribed to too many substacks that I can't read them all.

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Looking forward to seeing their new movie Homestead.

Saw Bonhoeffer after watching an interview with the author that wrote the book by the same name. Excellent film in my opinion.

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My sister contracted a 24 hour stomach flu on Dec 26. Several of her friends who attended the same holiday dinners also got the stomach flu. Stomach flu is no joke. Do not, under any circumstances, leave your home until April. We are all in this together.

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The very products this Substack promotes make the Flu easily treatable. Do not give an inch to these assholes! Stay healthy protect yourself and lead a normal life!

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Sounds like food poisoning?

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I thought so, but her husband caught it two days later, and the incubation period for flu is 12-48 hours. Food poisoning is faster.

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Sorry, not complying. I don't do vaccines and have had no stomach flu in about 30 years.

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Why April?

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The end of winter

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Zoo animals dying? Didn’t they vax them all?

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Good point. That's probably why they are susceptible to the bird flu, whatever it really is, since the vax has messed up their immune systems.

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I think that whatever was in the shots did a number on them like it did to the humans and they can say “oh it’s the bird flu”. “They”don’t want animals either - as many vets are wising up to consequences of the v*cs they are giving!

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I think the notice should go out that any official or person who knowlingly and falsely promotes fear and panic wrt national emergencies will be investigated and where possible, charged with inciting a national panic, which becomes a national security threat.

Given that bird flu is not new, and to date there are probably less than 50 deaths in 6 decades, this should be a message front and center. Furthermore, teach people that respiratory viruses of all kinds can be severely hampered/stopped with a CHEAP AND EASY, and, truly SAFE AND EFFECTIVE treatment of a 1% solution of povidone-iodine that is swished/gargled and a few drops/squirts/sprays put up your nose that will kill viral activity in your mouth and nose. Do it 3-4 times a day when feeling like you've got something coming on. I personally have to stop the nasal part because it can dry things out pretty badly there, leading to bleeding if I push it.

Purchase 10% povidone-iodine solution over the counter from walmart or other store aisle containing it. Dilute it with 10 parts distilled water:1 part 10% solution.

That said, I happened to watch an excellent interview with a cattle auctioneer in California seen here: https://californiainsider.com/california-news/videos/california-insider-show/here-is-what-you-need-to-know-about-californias-bird-flu-emergency-david-macedo-5780426

He says he can tell cattle who are infected as they're a little lethargic. He says milk production from infected dairy cows is permanently reduced about 20%. He talks about other cattle as well, but says that a good part of them have already been infected and it's just another part of the state that's being hit now. He's just waiting for it to pass.

Grocery stores in CA are putting limits on eggs due to the shortage. But as you see in a Alex Jones/Peter McCullough interview from a few days ago, farmers are culling huge numbers of cattle (and the federal government is paying the farmers to do so, causing a shortage of chicken and eggs). https://www.bitchute.com/video/fwBi1AbeFyET

Peter McCullough makes the claim that this current strain of bird flu is a result of gain of function development in a Georgia lab, and is developed for transfer via mallard ducks.

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By now many have caught on to the game, best expressed by an old expression:

"It's strictly for the birds" !

My favorite use of the term is from an old 1960's move "Torn Curtain" starring Paul Newman. Check out the kooky professor from whom he steals the rocket formula, the guy is a classic.

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THEY'VE been tweaking Bird Flu for months now, to try to make it more potent and contagious. Now it's 'perfected' and ready for release.

We must never let the masses forget what the WEF, NWO, FDA, CDC, Big Pharma, the WHO, (Tedros), the Press, Media, Bill Gates, Fauci, Bourla, etc, did to our, once peaceful, planet. They all need removing!

The Covid Vax (Death Shot = injection) is a suicide attempt they didn't realise they were taking.

The Experimental injection was never justified because other meds were already available = IVM, HCQ, etc,. But the FDA, CDC etc, were bribed by Pfizer, Merck, Moderna, to pretend there were no other meds available that might alleviate Fauci's man-made Covid! She still believes the Covid & Vax propaganda but doesn't realise she now has a Reduced Life Expectancy! Just my opinion!

Great news about 15 more countries finally realising the Depopulation Plan being implemented by Big Pharma on behalf of the World Economic Forum's New World Order. Total now = 16

Now we have to arrest all those involved in creating diseases in order to justify deadly mRNA injections that kill the world's population. And to remove indemnity from Pfizer, Merck, Moderna, etc, for their illicit manufacture of Depopulatying injections they call VACCINES!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Avoiding corrupt and complicit medics with mRNA poisons in syringes!

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The same mRNA ingredients which is contaminated with DNA particles to change our genome permanently and not in a good way for sure….and as planned…the second wave of and of course paid by our own tax dollars….with big profits to big pharma and FDA coordinators…

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These people belong in a soap opera. They are as dramatic as any actors I’ve seen. It’s as if there must be classes on how to lie to the media. Trouble is, they are really bad actors.

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And yet the planner, instigators, plotters and perpetrators of the “pandemics” and especially of the experimental injections to follow are still able to walk around with impunity.

Until that changes, until they are brought to court to face justice for their crimes, things will only get worse and worse.

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