Don’t worry, I’m not folding but several years ago if you told me things would be like this today I would have said you were nuts. I think we’ve all learned a lot about human behavior and how fear controls so many of us.
Don’t worry, I’m not folding but several years ago if you told me things would be like this today I would have said you were nuts. I think we’ve all learned a lot about human behavior and how fear controls so many of us.
For decades I’ve been trying to wake people up. It’s nice to see it finally happening and people recognize now that very little of this is the stuff of conspiracy theory. Glad you’ve joined us.
Don’t worry, I’m not folding but several years ago if you told me things would be like this today I would have said you were nuts. I think we’ve all learned a lot about human behavior and how fear controls so many of us.
I’m thinking some folks WANT to live in fear. Gives their life meaning, I suppose. Effed up if you ask me…
Those are heads I can’t relate to. I do know some people like to be controlled.
For decades I’ve been trying to wake people up. It’s nice to see it finally happening and people recognize now that very little of this is the stuff of conspiracy theory. Glad you’ve joined us.