It’s like our nurses and doctors were all lobotomized overnight. I miss the times when medical doctors were actually scientists instead of bureaucratic sycophants.

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They have been threatened with loss of medical license and are being financially rewarded by the government to promote the vaccines. Carrot and stick.

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I know of no nurses being financially rewarded to promote the mRNA shots, unless I’m missing something. I do know that nurses who agree to be injected often get extra employee benefits NOT provided to nurses who don’t get injected. I’m not a nurse, but my daughter is.

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Doctors were never scientists. They practice medicine.

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They have good memories... and work very hard because they want the prestige and $$$ associated with becoming a Dr.

They also live for the moment when someone hollers 'Is there a doctor in the house'

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People need to understand there's a difference between science and medicine; intelligence and wisdom. Doctors are no better or different than any class of people and are just as susceptible to corruption and other vices. They have the advantage of being venerated to the point they can commit malpractice, claim 'it's not a science' and get away with it. Some of the most arrogant and vapid people I've ever met were paediatricians and doctors. The stupid shit they say. It's unbelievable. ESPECIALLY about politics. They think because they went to school for seven to 10 years they possess some sort of magic intelligence they can apply in all disciplines and fields. That's why you hear so many of them babble about ventilation, masks and Trumptards. They know jack shit about each. And they clearly have abandoned ethics altogether.

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Sadly, I agree that this is true for far too many physicians today.

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I have some very good doctors who I respect and trust; however, they can be threatened and controlled too. It doesn't make them bad people, but you need to be aware of the pressure the authorities can put on them.

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Then they have sold out to their careers rather than the truth. I read of a 42 year old physician who retired because he would not take the shot. I salute him.

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Actually -- when you inject people with this garbage particularly when the people are healthy and young and you know Covid does not harm them...

Because you want to keep your job...

That does make you a bad person. In fact it makes you EVIL

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My comment was just to point out we tend to conflate science and medicine.

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So much for the Hippocratic Oath.

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Geez, I'm a fan of Horror but not this kind of Horror. This really breaks my heart. When can we make the evil stop?

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It really broke his heart too.


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Good point!

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I firmly believe that 'we' cannot. Perhaps Divine intervention of some sort or Providence, in it's infinite wisdom just deems that now is the time for the end.

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If you are a 'fan' of horror then you also are a fan of evil.

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Not true.

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A fan of the Good that fights the evil. The clueless people pretend there’s no evil out there.

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This story is stunning and heart-breaking. The Trudeau regime needs to be tried for treason and sedition and, if found guilty, given rope burns to the neck.

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Thank you, Wendy. I have seen this and am glad to have Dr. Martin fighting the good fight.

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As I always say those who can bring others to justice are just as much in need of it, themselves.

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I can't stop crying...... will repost, share and think of the victims of this genocide.....

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StellaMaris- I cried reading this too. After all he went through, they have the nerve to give him the runaround about a Covid booster vaxx exemption! This is diabolical!

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Genevieve....you wouldn't believe the negative comments in my post in GETTR..... some were wondering if the story wasn't fake...one guy, who later deleted his post said he smelled a rat..... can you believe it..... https://gettr.com/post/p1qiws95361

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That is awful! I am so disappointed in people these days, they just don't want to see or hear the truth. They need to wake up before it's too late- if we as a society are going to be able to fight this- we need everyone on board.

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Here are the chances of blowing your brains out when you play COVID vax Russain roulette. https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/149-understanding-hot-lots#details

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No one is considering the effects on the nanoparticles in your body, with all the 5g inside a hospital. Electrical and magnetic reactions could be part of his story. I have also had leg neuropathy after exposure to vaccinated persons, in the same pattern as shown.

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how to take a perfectly healthy young man and make him a recurring patient/ customer for life- a business model

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I am so sorry he had to go through this. KUDOS for documenting his experience and to be willing to tell his story. And doctors do what I call the cheap whore in a Texas brothel syndrome, they just pass you around and around. Someone in this group that treated him needs to man up and sign off on his paperwork for being vaxx'd injured and quit passing the buck.

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Thank you for sharing your story. I have a friend, very senior in healthcare, who thinks the vaccines "helped". It's stories like yours that show, even if the vaccines had any efficacy for anyone, there's an enormous price being paid by so many people (especially young people) in serious impacts on their health and well-being. These jabs should never have been mandatory - it should always have been a free choice with full disclosure of the risks.

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It's all about money. Everything.

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This is a tragic story of individual who took an experimental medical product for false belief that it will prevent a flu-like illness when in fact it increases the risk; nearly died from the experimental product; doctors scratching their heads as to causation (yes, it must be mitochondrial disease...sure); the same doctors are too lazy to support his application to Vaccine Injury Support Program https://vaccineinjurysupport.ca/en which after 15 months, they have approved injury compensation for a grand total of 15 Canadians with an unspecified dollar amount: https://vaccineinjurysupport.ca/en/program-statistics. Then we have Trudeau threatening more restrictions this fall if 80-90% of Canadians don't get boosted: https://twitter.com/TrueNorthCentre/status/1566818941229572096

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Meanwhile in Thailand, they're threatening to cut off compensation for vax injuries going forward, as virus is endemic. (Presumably, the risk is all on you if you are dumb enough to get the clotshot at this stage in the game, the govt doesn't feel obligated to foot the bill.)


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This story is not well enough supported by just a "like" button --- it needs something like a "totally flummoxed and speachlessly amazed" button. Thank you very much for sharing this, and countless expressions of congratulation on pulling through to be able to widely disseminate your story!

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Thank you for sharing this story. Incredible.

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You always have a choice ! Tell your government and employer to F-off! I am not a lab rat!

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I am almost 60 and unemployed, lost the last 2.5 years of my life to 'existing'.

You don't hear me bitching....sometimes it feels like people LOVE being medical victims. How long before the entire medical system collapses under the wasteful strain

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Never been so grateful to be unemployed!!!

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Well done. You made it through the matrix. Don't go back, for anything

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Amazing story of survival. I hope he gets the representation needed to sue the hell out of the Canadian government who mandated these bioweapons.

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