do fauci, zelinski even look at these numbers? do they report these to the president? a disaster, we got some bureacrats in a bubble ....

here some good view of whats inside that bubble .... from kushner ...


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What we all suspected and some highly credentialed censored folks anticipated now coming into clear focus with work like yours. Thank you!

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Sending this to several nurse friends— some awake, some still somehow convinced big pHARMa and the alphabet groups are looking out for us. THANK you!

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You must be an AI level of intelligence when it comes to statistics. Couple that with an ability to explain it so that I can understand it enough to clearly see the increased die off, the data obfuscation by the cartel that is hoarding said data and of course my own real world observation of this new normal where some unexplained phenomenon is wreaking havoc on peoples health and well being.

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I'm wondering what the next "great solution" to viruses and diseases will be. FEMA camps disguised as "healing and disease" centers to save lives and to "prevent" the spread of disease? No doubt here that there are anti-humans alive, who would love nothing more than to either physically incarcerate or throw people into digital prisons such as the "glamorous" metaverse. That's if you'll even be "allowed" to take another breath. However, many of us are grateful that neither our temporal, or our eternal lives are in the hands of monsters, whose only meaning in life is to enslave and destroy us

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Once people realize that this has all been entirely deliberate ...

If it's not too late by then.

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I predict that the excess deaths from the the shots will continue for years. At what point will we be entirely through with it and the all-causes mortality rate returns to normal? Depends partly on whether the damage is a one-time blow at the time of injection, and the patients live with the damage that results, or whether DNA changes and/or continual production of spike protein also occurs. It looks as if the latter scenario is what we have to worry about.

Myocarditis often results in delayed manifestation of congestive heart failure 3-5 years after short-term recovery. Also, those weird protein clots embalmers are pulling out of corpses don't grow overnight; many people may have these slowly enlarging in their vascular systems as we speak. AI blood analysis can tell the difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed blood for months after the injection. Nobody knows when or if it returns to normal.

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