It's time to tighten our belts...assuming we'll be able to buy them anymore when the SHTF.😢

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Russia is opposing the NWO to an extent but at great cost to her "conscience". Partly due to media's scathing critique. But is it all just playing into their hands. Invading and killing may save her for a time but I cant see the powers that be letting a chance to destroy the world go to waste. Better to do good and prepare for destruction me thinks.

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The old PsyOp appears to be fading. Check out YouTube and search CBC video titled ‘Low uptake of vaccines in Children under 12 has Health Officials concerned’ from 2 days ago. 17000 views. 71 Likes. Comments, as typical with the CBC Propaganda, are turned off.

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872 downvotes -- you need to get the Brave extension "Return Youtube Dislike"

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They seem to be crafting the narrative to serve the optics of the even limited YouTube interface. I think most people have tuned out CBC except for the headlines to measure the magnitude of the propaganda. Like the old Soviet Pravda.

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