Vivek is the ultimate controlled opposition. A billionaire who profits from the plandemic while he very articulately puts himself forth as the alternative MAGA candidate. Thank you for clarifying his background for me. I haven't taken a deep dive into him yet. Looks like another grifter, but very well spoken and quite attractively packaged. He will fool millions.

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I love the way he handles the msm idiots. Couldn’t we just use him as a Press Secretary?

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That would actually not be a bad idea! He's a great actor, and could easily talk circles around everyone assuming he stuck to the party line and did not backstab his potus.

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But he will back stab us on Covid and mrna tech.

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Can't trust someone who will sacrifice you for a $.

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Yes... but he didn't sacrifice anyone... read the truth

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Master con man? A Pump and Dump master? I realized he pressed all the conservative buttons except NOT ONE WORD about the Covid con! He claimed he is not beholding to anyone, and he is a clean machine! Would be interesting to know what his investment portfolio is invested in. Bet it is in RNA and AI big time! What an enlightenment for me! Thanks #2!

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Viv is leaping from one con to the next.

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I'm glad "2nd smartest guy" reached the same conclusion I did, half a year late. Yet, there's even more juice:

Vivek: just another WEF-puppetician in politics


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That's why he is second, and you were first.

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Not the smartest, just that I read A LOT: we need a lot of intel in order to understand the patterns that connect the dots. That's why we need a freedom wiki. NOBODY can know it all, and their PLAN has so many fronts in so many fields!

Check my latest post: just a tip of one of their icebergs

Bill Gates, raunchy rancher

The plan? slo-poison us!


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I am skeptical of WEF claims, because someone can claim you worked for the WEF, or were endoresed by them and how do you clear your name? I personally Vov was created by someobe, but who is his master? I trust Shiva for president, not this guy. Check out his Searm video and see what you think. The fact that Shiva is blacklisted from mainstream media and viv get the floor from the mainstream media is a tell.

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I mean the "Swarm" Video, from his website.

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Yes, sadly he will just as O🤮 did.

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Jan 15, 2024Edited
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Did you even read the article ?

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You ever have an Brahmin boss? Or a co-worker? Or business associate?

Now imagine them as president.

/yeah, yeah.... "stereotypical and racist."

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It's all theatre at this level unfortunately, all your heroes have been chosen for you... He says the most of any candidate, has been right on the ball, but as you've spotted his investments don't make sense, and his sudden appearance out of nowhere makes even less sense.

At the moment everything going on, from the wars, potential starvation due to sabotaging agriculture for the mythical climate emergency... It's all a game at our expense... Not a harmless game either, people being killed by war, hospital protocols, injection... The whole lot a deliberate pre planned game it's sickening ...

Feel like we've fallen into a sci fi movie... Democracy at the moment is the biggest illusion of all it seems.

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"Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him.". - Albert Pike 33 Degree Mason.

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Bingo! 💯 talk to em!!!

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"It's all theater", you nailed it Steve.

To everyone, have you been voting most of your adult life, like me? I ask because if this is where voting has got us, it ain't working.

As far as the citizenship issue is concerned, that ship sailed with the Obama operation. It is crystal clear for anyone that does their homework what a Natural Born Citizen is. Obama's own narrative disqualified him, but it all went forward anyways.

This isn't the thread to deep dive into the NBC issue but the Supreme Court did define the term in the case of Minor v Happersett 88 US 162 [164]. It was a unanimous decision (8-0,there were only 8 members on the court then). It was referenced at least two dozen times in other cases in for its citizenship ruling. The best information that I ran across back in 2007ish, was a WordPress site named NaturalBornCitizen by Leo Donofrio. It may still be up.

Does anyone remember what the first act of the new Congress was, I believe in2008 or 2010 when the GOP took over in a landslide majority win? I do I was watching it live on C-Span. They were reading the Constitution into the Congressional record. As they read the pages guess which Article, they skipped over.....that's right Art2 Sec1 Clause5, the qualifications for President, the NBC clause. All this is out there for those interested. I never witnessed ANY issue so muddled in my life. It could not have happened by accident.

Good luck to everyone.

2nd Smartest is correct.... They want you dead


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Has anyone asked him about all this? How does he explain it? I think he must be a fake but it is very disappointing because he’s clearly very smart and says all the right things! But I do think he’s too good to be true.

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Yes, he's been asked. He has answered, many times - there are lots of videos of him answering (on X, Rumble etc). He also goes into his business background (successes, also the failures) in his book, Woke Inc.

I recommend it actually, it's an excellent book. A neighbour of mine gave me her copy after she finished reading it. After the first chapter or so I decided to buy the audiobook version (I prefer to listen to books, so I can move around and do things!). He narrates it himself.

I'm unclear on why the deep state would run a candidate that is going around saying the govt should be reduced by 75% and the govt is lying about 9/11, and they should consider winding up the Fed, etc. The deep state interests seem to be backing Nikki Hayley, hoping for a 2 horse race between Nikki and Trump, then they bump off Trump and that leaves Hayley as the R candidate.

I suppose we can't know for certain Vivek's intentions, but his ideas are very cogent, and his policy proposals are actually specific — he is not just saying random stuff like "We will build a wall" ...he's actually got a clear policy, and has thought about how to get things done legally (without getting tied down by activist lawfare, as Trump did). There is more meat on the bone that any other candidate running. If he could do even 30% of what he is proposing, it would be a huge improvement, but let's see. Iowa primary is today.

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Politicians make all sorts of promises @ the candidate stage that they either have no intention of keeping, or they will be prevented from keeping. Why wouldn’t the deep state or Black Rock or pharma or any of the others he’s bashing let him go all out against them if he was being maneuvered to be president or someone very high up in a Republican administration? Everything he will have said or promised can be turned on a dime on Day 1.

He has also advocated a 59% (or worse) inheritance tax because he doesn’t believe families should be able to pass on their wealth to heirs - as if it is his or the government’s business how we distribute our property (I’m naive, I know - I think we already really “own” nothing as we are taxed to death & those taxes deeply misused). You can bet HIS hundreds of millions will be sheltered for his family to inherit (interview w/ Smercornish)

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Of course politicians can lie.

On the point about taxation, that is a profound misrepresentation of his position.

He has signed the Americans for Tax Reform’s no-tax-increase pledge, and he is for a 12% flat rate tax.

In his book Nation of Victims, he discusses the various models of taxation on inherited wealth (Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez etc) in the context of the problem of wealth being allowed to concentrate to a kind of oligarchic extreme (a society dominated by a handful of billionaires, with everyone else living like serfs).

His books discuss a number of issues in this manner — talking about the problems, then the various theories on solutions, and the legal and moral context for an array of policy options. In the book he is discussing / acknowledging that a high inheritance tax is one way to reverse extreme wealth concentration over a few generations, and re-establish a strong middle class. This is true. Nevertheless, he has clarified, again, recently that he is not for death taxes, he thinks there are other / better ways to go about the same task.

Instead he prefers the idea of a 12% flat tax “eliminating cronyist deductions and loopholes.” He wants to eliminate the IRS. And he thinks radically lowering taxes, simplifying the tax code down to a couple of pages, and abolishing all deductions, would be a smarter way to allow wealth to flow back towards the middle and working class (without the need for confiscatory taxation, or government playing any kind of role in redistribution). Basically, he is anti the idea of government involvement in redistributive activity, because it breeds corruption and waste.

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We differ in our opinions. I’m a big believer in the adage “actions speak louder than words”. Of course we can’t yet know the actions unless / until he attains some high governmental position of power. It won’t be as president, @ least this time around, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t be a very important cabinet secretary or otherwise be a trusted advisor, etc. And again, even assuming best intentions, that doesn’t mean he or anyone else would be “allowed” to achieve them by the puppet masters.

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I agree with the 'actions speak louder than words' bit.

At some point though, if we want change, we will have to roll the dice and take chances on some new faces. Calculated risks, if you will.

We've been let down and screwed over so many times, that I think it's easy to become such so entrenched in cynicism that we poo pooh anyone who even tries to make change. I see that a lot in the 'freedom' community lately — most of the energy being expended is on hunting 'traitors' and 'controlled opposition' etc...

Ironically, this circular-firing-squad (borne of disappointment and cynicism) makes it even less likely that any decent people will stand up to fight for freedom ...or that they will be able to succeed if they do.

I try to balance my skepticism with pragmatism, and so I've done a fair amount of research on Vivek (listened to the speeches, and the critiques; read his books; read the counter arguments; fact checking his background and source of wealth etc) and I'm satisfied with taking a punt on him. He may indeed let us all down, but imo he is the best of the candidates (by far) and is worth a calculated risk.

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I understand your points & appreciate them. Still, entrenched cynicism, guilty as charged. The past 3+ years were not just infuriating, but deeply traumatic. I don’t trust anyone or anything. Esp anyone who has profited from the jabs, even if it was peripherally as an investor. Has he disavowed or divested from those gains or put at least some of it toward helping people damaged by them because it turned out his gains did incredible harm but he didn’t know at the time? I have no idea, I’m just asking.

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The Deep State will run a Trojan Horse like RamASwampy to fool us. Once he is IN, he will do what they tell him. Kinda like the traitorous Michael Johnson as Speaker of the House.

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Good one, Bitsy54! I think another good fit is Rama- smarmy.

Smarmy: ingratiating and wheedling in a way that is perceived as insincere or excessive... 🤔 seems to fit for this controlled opposition candidate.

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I agree with you. There is no way the deep state would run a candidate that continuously points a big public wagging finger at themselves and potentially opens millions of more eyes to the possibility that they are in fact guilty of sedition and treason, even as a diversionary tactic. It would be better for them if none of their dirty laundry was out there at all.

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If they wanted to run an R candidate, they would run a controllable RINO like Hayley.

If they wanted to run a candidate to try to hijack and derail the MAGA movement, they'd go for someone like RDS - boost him up with funding to get on the ticket, then pull the rug out from under him once elected, using financial leverage.

They can't do that to either Trump or Vivek, because they have their *own money*.

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Dude spent A LOT of time in Iowa, I'll give him that. I saw him on his like 6th trip to my town alone. I wanted to ask him about rumors I'd heard about his involvement in contact tracing at the beginning of the Covid scam but I wasn't called on. Had you heard anything about that?

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I can't substantiate that claim, no. When I dug into it, it does not appear that Roivant were involved with that at all (makes sense, they are a prescription drug development company). I'm slightly unclear where this claim originated from, as I see it thrown around a lot, but without any actual details.

Note that I *did find* that Roivant owns IP for a monoclonal antibody called Gimsilumab (owned within a subsidiary, Kinevant). This is a drug they thought may be useful to treat Covid, but they haven't begun to make any money from it, it's still in trials.

I had a look around for whether the claim is relevant to Strive Asset Management, the anti-ESG (anti woke) fund Vivek founded in 2022. They own mainly ETFs, so no smoking guns there.

From digging around, I have come to think that this misunderstanding / confusion is related to Peter Thiel...

When Vivek founded Strive, some big names invested in the fund (Bill Ackman etc). Two of those investors were Peter Thiel and Joe Lonsdale, who co-founded Palantir years ago. *Palantir* has been involved, to some degree, with contract tracing. I think that's where people have gotten their wires crossed. I'm personally not a big fan of Thiel, or Palantir ...but Palantir is not Vivek's company, it's been around for 20 years or so.

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Attempted same and couldn't really find anything. Barring some great revelation between now and 6pm, I'm planning to caucus for him. He's by far the least terrible of the lot.

I like what DeSantis did in FL on Disney and once he came to his senses on covid but he's been pretty limp wristed on issues important to me like foreign entanglements. Like Trump, VR treats the media like the lying pond scum they are while not yet having the opportunity to profoundly disappoint me in the way Trump did with covid and OWS. Also, I'd vote for the steaming dog turd next to the snowman in my front yard before a neocon like Nikki Haley.

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Look into his company called DATAVANT.

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At last, a thinking mind in the group... Thank you! Fuzz

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If you like Vivek, listen to RFK sometime.

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I do like RFK.

My concerns with him are that he's still a bit squishy on the social justice stuff, and the trans issue... and I'm not down with his environmental policy — he's still not embracing nuclear, which he must if he wants to move away from FFs.

But I think he is a sincere person, and I respect his approach.

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Read my comment below.

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"I'm unclear on why the deep state would run a candidate that is going around saying the govt should be reduced by 75% and the govt is lying about 9/11, and they should consider winding up the Fed, etc."

After Psyop-19 we are close to critical mass with many MSM news outlets left with only 20% of the viewers/readers/listeners they had only five years ago. The alphabet agencies are experts at finding ways to give the masses what James Corbett calls "hopium". You know, hope and change, drain the swamp, more openness in government and ending wars and so on, and so forth. Hell, the orange clown even played on support from the 9/11 truth movement saying that documents regarding 9/11 would be released.

There are still many people out there that believe the existing political system will work FOR them as long as an Obama, a Sanders, a Kucinich, a Gabbard or Trump gets into the WH. It won't. It never will.

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Geeze..............does authenticity mean nothing? He's just another Obama character, slick and smart but acting for the other side. When will people realize there is no difference between the Ds and Rs? Listen to what General MacGregor has to say. He appears to be someone to trust who has been on the inside.

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Gen MacGregor is supporting Trump, as is his right.

I think there is a strange false-binary being set up, whereby if you like Trump, you have to hate Vivek (or RDS or whoever).

I don't think that's true — you can like both. There will be many people who want to vote for RDS or Vivek in the primary to propel them forward, but would absolutely support Trump in the general. They should be free to do so, the USA is not a dictatorship!

Aside from speaking well, I really don't see any similarities between Obama and Vivek. Their platforms could not be more opposite to each other, and Obama was a cultivated creature of the Dem-party machine, brought to us by the Teamsters in Chicago. Vivek, by contrast, is funding his own campaign, and getting no help from any of the GOP-side billionaires or party machinery.

I actually find it quite sad that public discourse (and rhetorical skill) has so declined since the 60s that now you literally cannot even *speak well* or people will call you a shill. Absolutely crazy. Listen to politicians from pre-Bush II... they spoke well. It was a requirement of the job back then. So few people speak well these days, that we have become used to low-IQ dullards communicating with us in the form of memes and hysterical screeching. Depressing.

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Agreed. A young creative mix of educated reason with some street spice mixed in; natural, like from both sides of the tracks. The idea is to come across so people can "hear" you. Truth is King... it rings or it doesn't. Individual sovereignty is always the goal.

...bullshit has a stink to it, even dogs pick up on it. It starts with you in the mirror every morning, reminding yourself to "act" free if you wanna B free. Fuzz

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It is my understanding that General MacGregor is not a stuanch supporter of President Trump. In fact he has said he does not agree with his bully tactics in regard to dealing with foreign nations and hopes that he has learned much from his mistakes in his first term. As for the similarities between Vivek and Obama, what do you think about his plagiarizing Obama's speech? https://www.tiktok.com/@rukiddingme0/video/7284589061958847790

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Honestly... I think this is silliness of the highest order.

And Republicans deserve to lose if this is the level of the discussion being had.

These are common phrases.

At least 2 of them are cribbed directly from Ronald Reagan, and the 'American ideals' one was Woodrow Wilson, but vast numbers of politicians have said some version of all of these.

TikTok supercuts of recycled classic rhetoric... is not it.

I only care about the substance, this is fluff. I'm interested in the meat of the policy proposals, the track record of the candidate, and whether I can understand the funding and backing. In all 3 of these areas, Vivek and Obama have literally nothing in common.

The *only* thing they have in common is that they are talented orators (as more candidates should be). I take this TikTok stuff as a sign of appallingly low standards, and of China's depthless efforts to encourage us to tear ourselves apart from the inside over utter nonsense, while the west burns.

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He is nothing more than an Obama 2.0. All lies, and does the exact oposite of what he says because that's what his handlers demand.

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I offer up this opinion on Vivek:


Edit: oops, I read this article in (dark mode)Reader which doesn’t include videos. So this is a duplicate of one of 2SGW’s videos. You may, though, enjoy the Yoda/Skywalker parody in the front of this video.

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No. Owning part of a patent used in the Plandemic does not make the owner responsible for how it is misused in the Plandemic even if that leads to him getting a slice of each jab. Also, many investment failures in biotech are to be expected and DO NOT constitute a "Ponzi" scheme. The modmRNA has many potential legitimate uses in medicine. Whoever decided to use the tech for depopulation, etc. is the guilty party. Of course, I understand that all those involved in BioTech are under suspicion and scrutiny as they should be.

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Malone too is often demonized because he experimented decades ago with mRNA technology, holds some patents, but had nothing to do with the actual jab that is killing and maiming! The actual concocters of the deadly modmRNA jab and untargeted lipid nano casing were given the Nobel Prize!

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There should be 1000s of players in BioTech like Malone and Vivek protesting the misues of the TECH, rebelling against genocide. Instead there are only very few objecting to how possibly very useful technology was hijacked for depopulation. We cannot afford to demonize those few. I'm open to the argument, however, that the tech is too dangerous and must be banned. Much like surveillance and control tech must be banned.

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Jan 15, 2024
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and after they saw which way the wind blows for their personal safety and ambition.

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Again, RFK merits evaluation.

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Jan 15, 2024
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The wind still blows against the resistance.

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Yes, they can't do anything else. The outcome is still unknown.

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They didn't know what the jab was going to do. At best just concerns.

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They didn't know the details of the actual jab as designed by the Nobel Prize winners.

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Also, the resistance must come to grips with the fact gene therapy for fighting disease etc was and is a real possibility. Few could conceive that the first time out of the box it would be used for depopulation instead of extending human life.

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ONLY long-time conspiracy theorists knew what was coming or, really, SUSPECTED what was up!

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Geez and I thought Malone was demonized for continuing to support the anti Ivermectin stance of Andrew Hill in June 2021 as per his twitter account. Or maybe launching frivolous lawsuits against heroes of the medical feedom movement like the Breggins"

Please Lloyd, are you really that daft?

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He isn't perfect. Expect people to gradually move away from error.

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"He isn't perfect" That would be acceptable. Terrorizing people within the medical freedom movement with lawsuits that were ultimately deemed as frivolous by the court is unacceptable.

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YES. But there should be 1000s in similar positions to Malone coming forward. Picking on one that comes forward when he is helping spark public awareness of the vaxxageddon make no sense. The Breggins claimed Malone could have stopped the vaxxageddon if he had spoken up about lipid nano dangers. And, they made a big deal about "mass formation" being the wrong approach. Ridiculous as was Malone's reactions. The problem is the overwhelming power of the ruling class / conspiracy in control of the Central Bank money fountain! Imperfection of the resistance is not the problem.

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"The modmRNA has many potential legitimate uses in medicine" Do tell

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Primary "legitimate" uses are to maim and murder.

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No. That is the current one designed to maim and murder. The technology could be targetted potentially at cancers or genetic disease, etc.

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As per all research studies, this is deadly tech.

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As particularly tailored for the PlanDemic. Billions of different formulation of the modmRNA can be concocted besides the current one which instructs the cells to make the spike protein, a TOXIN which they understood in advance.

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You really have no idea what you are talking about. For starters the adjudant lipid nanoprticle technology that allows transfection is toxic in itself.

The substitution of uracil for a pseudouridine in the mRNA in itself is mutagenic.

When cells start expressing a protein for an indeterminate amount of time autoimmune respones causung inflammation cellular damage is inevitable leading to autoimmune diseases.

The spike protein in the mRNA expresses is indeed cytotoxic but the entire methodology as described is highly toxic irrespective of which protein is expressed.

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Ramaswamy IS A WEF YGL even though he had his buddies remove his name from the website. He NEVER sued the WEF. He is also a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow......he lied too about taking their money because he needed money for college. Both of his parents were well off and Vivek at the time was already a millionaire. AND one fact that is not mentioned in this article that to me is extremely important. Vivek like Obama is NOT a natural born citizen. Neither is Nikki Haley, Dr. Shiva or Kamala Harris. Vivek has tried to hide this fact. There is nothing about when his parents became American citizens or if they ever have become American citizens. BUT a bit of math is all I had to do. When his mother graduated from a college in India in 1983 and in 1983 moved to American In 1985 Vivek was born. Legal immigrants must live in the US for 5 years before they can become naturalized American citizens. His parents lived in the US for just under 2 years before Vivek was born. Shiva was born in India and both parents were citizens of India. He is a natural born citizen of India. You cannot be naturally born in 2 countries folks. Just like Ted Cruz (protected by the Bush family) is a natural born Canadian. Kamala Harris....both parents were in the US on temporary education Visas. Neither was an American citizen. Her father never did become a US citizen and her mother not until later in life. Nikki Haley.....both parents were citizens of India when she was born. There is a difference between being a citizen and being a natural born citizen and the above mentioned do not fit the definition of NBC at the time of our founders. Of course our government would like people to believe (and most people do) there is no definition of NBC and that is a blatant lie. Natural born citizenship at the time of our founders could only be conveyed to children through the father. It is clearly stated in the Law of Nations which is a book written in natural law and our founders referred to this book often while writing our founding documents which were also written in natural law (the law of nature...God....not the law of man). If the FATHER is an American citizen no matter where the children were born they are natural born American citizens. THIS is why Obama was not a NBC. His father was a British Subject. Most people do not like this definition and prefer to believe that BOTH parents must be American citizens. So using the real definition or the perceived definition none of the above can be a NBC. How easily we allow them to pull off this scam on the American people. Any vote cast for any of these candidates is a vote against our Constitution.

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This was stated in the linked video.

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I read the article and later watched the video. I am sure there are many that would do the same and some that won't watch the videos at all.

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I prefer reading to watching videos.

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And that is why I added the additional info that I knew about Vivek.......some folks still like to read rather than watch videos. I do both but I commented prior to watching the videos.

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Loved your comment enough to cut and paste into notes Karen!

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Thanks. People need to wake up and research the people they vote for and of course it helps to understand the Constitution too and the writings of our founders.

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I don’t agree with this law, and believe it should be reversed, but aren’t anchor babies considered naturally born?”

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A citizen and a natural born citizen are 2 different things. Some common sense needs to prevail. In our Constitution it is obvious that CITIZEN and NATURAL BORN CITIZEN are not the same. The Constitution states you must be a CITIZEN to be a US Senator or US Representative BUT you MUST be a NBC to be President or VP. So that clearly indicates they are not one in the same. Then doing research on the meaning of NBC at the time our founders created our founding documents. Women back then had no rights that is why sons were so important. NBC when the founding documents were created and the NBC requirement for President and VP were added to the Constitution was that the FATHER conveyed NBC to the children. The citizenship of the FATHER is the natural born citizenship of the children. There is no law in the US that defines NBC. I believe our government prefers to hide the truth so they can put their chosen candidates in the White House.

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Right, anchor babies are considered U.S. citizens by being born on U.S. soil. Jus soli. This should definitely be changed.

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They’re automatically “citizens.”

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Yes (of course some research would also find that our founders never meant for foreigners to drop a baby on our soil and automatically become a citizen but that is a discussion for another time). But back to your comment.......yes citizen but not natural born citizen. It is sad how many American just don't get it. They no longer know HOW to think they are now programmed to be told WHAT to think.

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(of course some research would also find that our founders never meant for foreigners to drop a baby on our soil and automatically become a citizen..)

Exactly. Jus soli is presented as law and a natural right. It was never intended that way. What it means, is that a parent or parents can stay in the U.S. just because a baby is born in the U.S. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure the scam out.

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Go a bit further and expose Vivek's company DATAVANT - that he created during the pandemic for software survelliance system on who did or didn't take the jab, and then placing all your medical info in digital form. I'm sure it wouldn't be a big leap to turn that vax passport into a digital ID and tie it all to CBDC. So, ties to big pharma AND big Tech. Plus, he actually reuses Obama's words.


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Great comment!

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Oh, yeah. He recently sold his company for a (previously failed) IBS drug (Televant) to Roche for $7.3BILLION. If that was Trump, the MSM would've ran that headline for days.

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I’ve been hanging out with my dad and his friends a bit at the club lately. Just about every one of them has said “congress is the most exclusive nursing home is America”. They say it like it’s their own thought and not Niki (Nimarata Randhawa) Hailey’s campaign commercial.

They also say “Trump can’t win! Congress won’t let him do anything”. They were all pro-vax (except my dad, hospital tried to murder him) but now are starting to go with the flow and condemn it. I remind them that Wrap Speed is Trumps darling. Half of the guys are Democrats who still think the democrats are the party of Kennedy, the others are FoxNews conservatives (democrats from the 90s).

They’re all just controlled by their preferred government news outlet. It’s depressing.

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It is depressing how there are people who think this is America circa 1980.

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🙄 well, let’s see….. he comes on the scene, basically out of nowhere, talking all the talking points everybody wants to hear, and he graduated from the World Economic Forum young global leaders program…..enough said! Vivek the snake. He sure has a Alex Jones fooled, and so does Elon musk. Then again, who knows if Alex Jones isn’t in on all this as well. He sure does sang the praises of Elon musk just because he’s allowed back on Twitter and this is vivek the snake.

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He’s definitely credible on paper but I have long since abandoned any confidence in politicians. The public face of government in the guise of presidents and prime ministers is a farcical PR shop window providing the facade of democracy traditionally required to glue together the pretence of benevolence. This kabuki theatre is rapidly becoming redundant as rational argument progressively morphs into persuasion, nudging, coercion and enforcement. Propaganda once needed to be plausible but it’s now increasingly just a transparent tissue of pernicious lies.

To misquote Churchill, Ramaswamy is the worst candidate on the presidential ticket apart from all the others.

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Look at the fraud in Italy. She’s runs as a hardliner on immigration then proceeds to open the gates.

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and that is precisely what will happen with Ramaswamy. With preference to his racial group, of course.

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Plan all along or approached by the powers that be?

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The people can do nothing without leaders. Only if the rich and influential start resisting the ruling class / conspiracy, trans human agenda can it be stopped.

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Agreed with qualification. We think we elect ‘leaders’, and we think they represent us. It’s a smokescreen. These so called leaders dance to a tune played by unelected, unaccountable and unknown players. We don’t even know where the orchestra is, never mind what it’s playing.

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I didn't say it was easy. However, the important thing is for the rich and powerful to be fighting each other. However, the ruling class / conspiracy thinks it has or does have the Elite in lockstep. Organizations like David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission organized the Major Corporations. . . even Charles Koch who father must be rolling over in his grave. The old man Koch helped found the John Birch Society.

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If rich and powerful equated to benevolence and influence then Trump would have made a bigger difference. He has a lot more wealth and ‘power’ than Ramaswamy. But the path to personal enrichment is less rocky if you’re aligned with the establishment. Fighting is for rebels, not comfortable oligarchs, technocrats and the nest feathering grifters in their slipstream. Whilst we’re on the subject, include Musk in that list.

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It used to be different. If one faction campaigned for program X, competing elements in the ruling class might disparage program x not just because they opposed X, but because they opposed the propagator of X. The PlanDemic showed that sort of thing is much more muted now.

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This I can agree with.

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If there are major factions of the Establishment things are different. "Grifter" is being used too liberally. It doesn't mean everyone making money.

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I think we are in conceptual agreement but I don’t understand some of your comments.

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Jan 15, 2024
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I agree. Why would anyone need a leader? A potus has specific duties, adhere to the Constitution, defend the borders and that's about all.

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How about a hint of what methods you are talking about.

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Since Vivek is a rabid hater and liar on Israel I put him in the trash and likewise Nikki Haley who loves Israel but hates America also goes in the trash. The whole person needs to be good.

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He’s Obama 2.0. I’ve had a bad feeling about him from the beginning. I was right about Obama & now I know that I’m right about VR.

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Obama was groomed up thru the Chicago Democratic apparatus for 10 years — it took them a decade to mould him into the package they presented when he ran in 2007. And his closet is very much full of skeletons (the 3 dead 'lovers' etc).

Vivek's life and rise has been a lot more transparent. He grew up in Ohio to immigrant parents. His whole job history is known and recorded. He's written multiple books fleshing out his policy and business views. People who went to high school and college speak well of him (unlike Obama - very hard to even find anyone who knew him in the old days...). There is a lot of visibility on Vivek, including where his money comes from, which bodes well I think.

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Yes. Comparing him to Obama is totally ignorant.

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I thought Vivek, Hayley and Shiva were ineligible to run as not Natural Born Citizens? Did not stop Obama though

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Vivek and Nikki are both American born.

Nikki (Nimarata Randhawa) was born in South Carolina, to Punjabi Seikh immigrant parents, who had immigrated in the 1960s (first to Canada, then to South Carolina where she was born). Her father was a professor, so the family moved (India > Canada > USA) because of his academic postings.

Vivek was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Indian Hindu immigrant parents who moved to America from Kerala. His father was an engineer, and after they immigrated he went to work for General Electric. Vivek went to St. Xavier's (the Catholic school in Cincinnati) and was valedictorian of his high school class. Then he went to Harvard (BA) and then Yale for law school.

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Being born in the US makes one a citizen. The president and vice-president must be "natural born citizens" meaning their parents immigration status matters. Obama, Vivek and Haley don't qualify...neither does Kamala.

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Something about their parents status when they were born?

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I'm not sure what you mean by this? — Vivek is not a hater of Israel (at all), he is just a lot more anti-war, in general, than most Republicans have been for decades.

He's more like a Ron Paul type, when it comes to foreign policy.

But he's spoken numerous times about the Israel issue, and the outrages happening on college campuses etc in the aftermath of it.

Nikki Hayley — I don't think she actually has any grass roots support, only billionaires and corporates like her. They are definitely juicing the polls for her right now, but I am yet to meet a single Nikki Hayley supporter in real life.

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Jjin, I’ve met a few Nikki-lovers & they are all DemoncRATs, which is really all we need to know....

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That checks out!

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Haley wants to flood America with Gaza Muslims.

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She is, imo, the very worst type of candidate. A lying corporate, warmonger. Hillary Clinton 2.0.

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If you even slightly criticize Israel, you are called an anti semite and a hater of Israel.

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I think the poster though Vivek was too pro-Israel.

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Nikki Hayley doesn’t love Israel, she loves war.

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Oh my goodness! Now that these points have been made, it's easy to see Vivek as another tactic to prevent the all important goal of ensuring Trump does not gain power. Not saying he is, but it sure is easy to see. it's amazing to think that Trump is that great of a threat to the establishment. Why?

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I shared 2NDSG latest piece from yesterday with them in the evening. This morning I have a notification that 6 people subscribed from my share. Is it them?!

If you boomer fuds did indeed take my advice and sub’d, please for the love of god pay attention. 2NDSG has a bit of Andrew Breitbart in them. The American Pravda is dead

"The media class is the wall that we have to climb over in order for our voices to be heard, Once our voices are heard, then Democracy will happen."

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Like everything else about Vivek, his "seemingly solid grasp of the Constitution", as you say, is anything but solid. Most importantly, he doesn't understand or doesn't care what the constitutional qualifications are in order to become President. The Constitution clearly states that he is not eligible to even be running for President as I discussed in detail in my recent Substack article. You can't trust such a devious person anywhere near the levers of power.


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Not actually constitutionally qualified to be president, is an anchor baby whose parents were not citizens appropriately ecc.etc. Neither is Nicky. The Republican Party should be sued for these Democratic Party style scams

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Ramaswamy finally dropped out of the race but not for the right reason. He is such a hypocrite. It’s clear from a legal perspective that he was never eligible to run, because he’s not a “natural born citizen” as per Article II of the U.S. Constitution. Yet, he argued that the plain language of the 14th Amendment should not be enforced — “he proposed ending birthright citizenship for American-born children of undocumented immigrants, arguing that the 14th Amendment . . . was not designed to apply to them.” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/vivek-ramaswamy-dropping-2024-presidential-race-rcna133875 Yet, the 14th Amendment clearly states that “all persons born . . . in the United States . . . are citizens of the United States.” Like every other politician, his mantra is rules for thee but not for me.

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