We rarely talk about this issue, so I recently was compelled to confirm with spouse if she was still a Believer. Indeed, the only reason she hasn't received a 2nd booster (4th shot) is because she is under 50 years old. She is fully on board whenever they declare more booster are necessary. Besides continuing to blow my mind, this indicates to me things are not anywhere close to being over.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, she got covid about 3 weeks ago, lol. Didn't even tell me for 4 days!!
All I can say is the apple flavored horse treats work great.
No not possible, their minds are running malware. Now I've said it, people still won't believe and will try to change them anyway, but after 10 years you will still not changed a damn thing. Forget it, they cannot be de-sheepled ever. It's best to let them go down and try to save yourself.
So the health czars are still pushing vaccinations as the way out of this. The poor population doesn’t understand that this is the way into perpetual disease and death. In the US a lot of people are now dying and “the cause of death has not yet been determined “. People die all the time but not like they are dying these days, especially the young and relatively young.
Good video. I think it’s okay for the people who are aware to watch tv because they can monitor the lying narrative and see what they are up to. Even my local news is spouting the propaganda and if this is all they hear people believe it. We really are herd animals.
They Live with Rowdy Roddy Piper. Haven’t thought about that in years. I may have to watch it again. Great video, but I was so busy trying to remember the movie that I didn’t notice the jogger.
I'm going to unmask myself after over 20 years of keeping my trap shut.
After 911, the CIA recruited nerdy housewives like me to oversee the massive amount of data coming in from all fronts. I still have my 911 CIA challenge coin. It sadly reminds me of how far down the rabbit hole we've gone. When I was recruited as a housewife to join the CIA I thought I was serving my country. I look back and realize I was just an innocent pawn.
Frankly, I'm fed up with the mysterious nature of the alphabets. They are fundamentally flawed and pathetic and cryptic to the point of being 'magic 8 ball' ridiculous.
Actually the main road built by the UN leads way beyond Rome, to another dimension: the domain of the "hierarchy of ascended masters". (sic)
These are spirit guides who claim to be preparing the way for the new-age "christ" (NOT Jesus) and the "transformation of humanity". Long-time UN leader Robert Muller believed the UN had a spiritual mission as "the meta-organism of human and planetary evolution." And he did his part in evangelizing global children by writing and distributing the UN-sponsored World Core Curriculum.
From the WCC Preface (written by Muller himself):
"The underlying philosophy upon which The Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul* (published by Lucis** Publishing Company, 113 University Place, 11th floor, New York, N.Y. USA 10083) and the teachings of M. Morya as given in the Agni Yoga Series Books (published by Agni Yoga Society, Inc., 319 West 107th Street, New York, N.Y. USA 10025)."
*Djwhal Kuhl used Bailey as a channeler. He has an open obsession with the Jewish people, blaming them for practically all evil since the dawn of time (previous ages). He taught that "the Jews as a people" have a debt of "racial karma" [sic], and that this is one of the "four world problems" that must be solved before the "World Teacher" can reveal himself on earth. The root of the Jewish problem (according to Kuhl) is the Orthodox Jewish faith.
Just in case you've been wondering about the UN's sustained attack on Israel's Jewish identity, and especially any Torah-based expression.
**Lucis Publishing, established by Alice and her husband Foster, was originally called Lucifer Publishing.... Public reaction made them change it, but the Lucis website still defends Lucifer as a misunderstood 'light-bringer' to mankind.
Just in case you're wondering who will be supervising the 'transformation of humanity'...
As troubling as that number is to see, I thank you for putting it out there. I guess I just needed to see it in black and white after thinking about it nearly every day now.
It is shocking how easy it would be to disable Israel with fear and weak leadership. I’m not saying it is actually happening right now, I’m just saying if you wanted to destroy Israel this is one way it could be done. Only those with eyes can see. Diabolical.
Information is very tightly controlled in Israel. Once the leadership adopted a policy they were able to move the insane narrative forward with ease. They live in a “we are at war” framework. So this was just another “ thing” the population needed to do.
In the article is said Bac5 or whatever is the most vaccine resistant yet they want unvaccinated to get vaccinated. How can people with any common sense see the point of that?
I remember being shocked when Israel went in so strongly for the shots, after hardly any death with the first wave - when HCQ was used. Who is doing this? Who is behind this, I asked. It made no sense.
Of course, in the second wave there were far more deaths - no more HCQ, I believe (but someone will need to check that).
Hi William. I am a follower of the Bible but I take issue with certain of your claims. You draw many conclusions to tie the inerrant words of the Bible to what you see happening around us now. I admire the effort but take care drawing the lines in too finely. For example, do you have any “proof” that iron is symbolic of nanotech? That seems a convenient but baseless stretch?
Secondly, and less importantly, “luciferace” is probably the most poorly branded product in history but lucifer is a Latin word meaning something like “being of light”. Through biblical translation from Hebrew to Greek to Latin, the name was chosen. Would I inject myself with it? Ha ha No! Well I might but I would need to overcome a thousand non semantic issues with covax first. The name was very likely chosen without design.
You and I have a lot of truth to speak in these times. So so much! We ought not be using our voices to spread speculation or fear.
When I speak to frightened secular friends and family, I like to tell them that the Bible (Tanakh and NT) refers to these days and describes them so well, that nothing is happening here that hasn’t been documented already in the Word of God…
The “generation” of Noah (deselected per the Genesis passage you quoted) taken with the “this generation” (that will not pass away before the prophecy is fulfilled) in Matthew 24:34 is very enlightening!
In this context of “generations”, the last sermon of Jesus, words spoken under the physical duress of impending execution (Matthew chapter 24 and 25) were addressed to you and me … HE WAS TALKING TO US *chills*
The spiritual parallelism and non sequential ordering of Daniel and Revelations leave me hesitant to draw a conclusion as to their literal interpretations. But I hang my hat on Matthew 24:15 and it’s expansion in Daniel chapter 9 … “therefore when you see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place …” yes I will be watching for that! Even this simple prophesy becomes murky when considering the “holy place” might be the temple or a reference to some spiritual state. Still, it is the most concrete thing I can find in my Bible referring to a definitive sign that the end has come.
Would love your thoughts on this. I am only a layperson but I have studied this subject to my ability
I have had things revealed to me too but these are always things confirmable by scripture. I would not promote my personal revelations without confirmation from scripture … I have witnessed someone close to me have “messages” about the future that turned out to be completely wrong. I am very skeptical of the human mind’s ability to grasp the mysteries of God even the simplest detail of these mysteries.
Nanoparticles in the vaccines are fat soluble and of course we do not know what they are (sigh!) … they are not metals … still, there are likely nano molecules (“nano” referring only to size) used as adjuvants, graphene oxide (GO) is one of the suspects but there is no manufacturer list of ingredients so we cannot know. (SIGH … it takes a certain insanity to inject these without this basic necessary knowledge)
However, graphene is carbon based and not iron. Do you know of any IRON based molecules possibly in the injections? Gods word is perfect. It would not confuse any other element with iron.
I wish you continued joy in your journey of understanding… there are so few on the search like you and I … it is a lovely thing to, in the middle of the confusion of any day, hold that big book on your lap, a book full of THE THOUGHTS OF GOD … dang that’s amazing!!! If it was only a single thought or verse available from His mind, it would merit a lifetime of study and meditation … but no!!! We have thousands upon thousands of verses to pore over, to meditate on and learn about, to apply to our lives … incredible
Lately I have been studying psalms1 (a very tidy recipe of “how to live”) in light of psalms 37 which is a very frank disclosure of what we can expect to experience in this evil world … David was a very special guy and I love the words the Spirit of God gave to him for me to hang onto in this terrible time.
You and I are some of the few people who do not need to be afraid! You and I may live in PEACE!! Praise Jesus in heaven
"The number of coronavirus patients in serious condition in Israel reached 140 on Friday, marking a near 70% rise since last week, with health experts warning that the current situation was “unstable.”"
Out of how many people as a whole?
I agree the "vaccine" and everything surrounding its implementation are vile, but 140 seriously ill patients aren't that many, all things considered. I'm sure there are far more than 140 seriously ill patients with other diseases in Haifa, say, or Beer Sheva alone.
Taken in conjunction with Portugal, what we know the DEATHVAXX is inherently capable of and what we don’t know about the future of the “virus/jab.” 140 critically ill “Covid patients isn’t fear porn in Israel. How many ICU beds in the country? If the percentages proceed accordingly it’s prolly something we should know. We must stay vigilant on VAIDS and Israel, since they are Pfizer’s laboratory. Furthermore, any solid evidence of Vaxx harm has to be fleshed out and shouted from the rooftops!!! Not that the Covids will listen. Peace
Same narrative worldwide before they rolled out the CHOs, who completely f'd our lives. This time the lock downs will coincide with the economic meltdown...the FEAR will be exponentially greater for those who do not know Christ
Cohen said the effort should be concentrated on “actively encouraging herd immunity among the vulnerable and older population” by “calling people who haven’t received the vaccine and encouraging them to get it.”
Let’s double down on the things that obviously don’t work. Ugh. Insane.
This plandemic has been handled exactly like the Afghan war.
The luminaries in charge make bad decisions, then double down on bad decisions. There were military surges from Bush to Trump. Then Brandon came along and decided to give up.
After failing to flatten the curve in 2 weeks (2020), they started quackcinating people with 95% "effective" transgenic serums. They failed after 6 months and then started their booster #1, then booster#2, then ....... infinitum
We rarely talk about this issue, so I recently was compelled to confirm with spouse if she was still a Believer. Indeed, the only reason she hasn't received a 2nd booster (4th shot) is because she is under 50 years old. She is fully on board whenever they declare more booster are necessary. Besides continuing to blow my mind, this indicates to me things are not anywhere close to being over.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, she got covid about 3 weeks ago, lol. Didn't even tell me for 4 days!!
All I can say is the apple flavored horse treats work great.
I am tracking levels of compliance, and too many will fall in line for next lockdowns and injections.
Yuck. Lemmings who survived the plunge clamber up the sea cliffs to do it all over again. Wheeeee! Ain't life grand!
Add monkeypox “horrors” with associated shots on the near horizon to keep the compliant ones in fearful grip.
Is it possible to de-sheeple a sheeple?
I don't understand what's going on anymore!
No not possible, their minds are running malware. Now I've said it, people still won't believe and will try to change them anyway, but after 10 years you will still not changed a damn thing. Forget it, they cannot be de-sheepled ever. It's best to let them go down and try to save yourself.
She has friends in Canadastan too (1 minute video):
So the health czars are still pushing vaccinations as the way out of this. The poor population doesn’t understand that this is the way into perpetual disease and death. In the US a lot of people are now dying and “the cause of death has not yet been determined “. People die all the time but not like they are dying these days, especially the young and relatively young.
Good video. I think it’s okay for the people who are aware to watch tv because they can monitor the lying narrative and see what they are up to. Even my local news is spouting the propaganda and if this is all they hear people believe it. We really are herd animals.
Kicked globalist Ass that video did right in the Nartz!
They Live with Rowdy Roddy Piper. Haven’t thought about that in years. I may have to watch it again. Great video, but I was so busy trying to remember the movie that I didn’t notice the jogger.
I just bought it classic .
Where is the jogger and what is she doing?
I jogged right into that one, didn’t I? Lol okay. I just didn’t see her at all, so wondered what she did that was significant. Thanks.
I'm going to unmask myself after over 20 years of keeping my trap shut.
After 911, the CIA recruited nerdy housewives like me to oversee the massive amount of data coming in from all fronts. I still have my 911 CIA challenge coin. It sadly reminds me of how far down the rabbit hole we've gone. When I was recruited as a housewife to join the CIA I thought I was serving my country. I look back and realize I was just an innocent pawn.
The alphabets will never cop to their evil.
Now I'm angry.
Very smart angry.
Write about your CIA "work" and it shall be posted here.
That would be a patriotic gesture on your behalf.
Thanks for your candor.
Frankly, I'm fed up with the mysterious nature of the alphabets. They are fundamentally flawed and pathetic and cryptic to the point of being 'magic 8 ball' ridiculous.
They still study 'psychics'.
You might as well label all of them a religion.
A very dangerous religion.
Well, if you have a religion that believes in virgin child rape by a 'spirit' being 'pizzagate' isn't all that far off the docket.
The worst kind of crack addicts are the powerful ones who prey on the weakest.
We are all ears here. Please elaborate!
Actually the main road built by the UN leads way beyond Rome, to another dimension: the domain of the "hierarchy of ascended masters". (sic)
These are spirit guides who claim to be preparing the way for the new-age "christ" (NOT Jesus) and the "transformation of humanity". Long-time UN leader Robert Muller believed the UN had a spiritual mission as "the meta-organism of human and planetary evolution." And he did his part in evangelizing global children by writing and distributing the UN-sponsored World Core Curriculum.
From the WCC Preface (written by Muller himself):
"The underlying philosophy upon which The Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul* (published by Lucis** Publishing Company, 113 University Place, 11th floor, New York, N.Y. USA 10083) and the teachings of M. Morya as given in the Agni Yoga Series Books (published by Agni Yoga Society, Inc., 319 West 107th Street, New York, N.Y. USA 10025)."
*Djwhal Kuhl used Bailey as a channeler. He has an open obsession with the Jewish people, blaming them for practically all evil since the dawn of time (previous ages). He taught that "the Jews as a people" have a debt of "racial karma" [sic], and that this is one of the "four world problems" that must be solved before the "World Teacher" can reveal himself on earth. The root of the Jewish problem (according to Kuhl) is the Orthodox Jewish faith.
Just in case you've been wondering about the UN's sustained attack on Israel's Jewish identity, and especially any Torah-based expression.
**Lucis Publishing, established by Alice and her husband Foster, was originally called Lucifer Publishing.... Public reaction made them change it, but the Lucis website still defends Lucifer as a misunderstood 'light-bringer' to mankind.
Just in case you're wondering who will be supervising the 'transformation of humanity'...
For documentation of the Lucis-sponsored "Plan" (sic, capital P) and who is working to implement it, go here: http://searchlight.iwarp.com/articles/searchlight.html
My neighbors have had Israeli intel and they knew about me from the getgo.
first they came for the jews
So much for the crowd that believes this little country dominates the world. Time for a new hypothesis.
Have seen Bidumbs cabinet and the dual citizenship with that small country. There are no coincidences!
The Second Holocaust has begun.
Things have gotten really scary and a lot of people still think all will be fine. Just wait!
I guess... not going to be fine anywhere on the planet. 66.3% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
With a 7.9 Billion population http://srv1.worldometers.info/world-population/
= 5,250,130,880 humans have at least on dose of poison
Even if just 10% die that is 525,013,088 deaths worldwide. I think we will notice if 1/2 a billion people die.... within the next couple of years.
As troubling as that number is to see, I thank you for putting it out there. I guess I just needed to see it in black and white after thinking about it nearly every day now.
It will be noticed but only if the living ones are not able to have babies anymore … holding my breath
Holomodor. Nit picky, I know.
It is shocking how easy it would be to disable Israel with fear and weak leadership. I’m not saying it is actually happening right now, I’m just saying if you wanted to destroy Israel this is one way it could be done. Only those with eyes can see. Diabolical.
Information is very tightly controlled in Israel. Once the leadership adopted a policy they were able to move the insane narrative forward with ease. They live in a “we are at war” framework. So this was just another “ thing” the population needed to do.
And don’t want to be!
Get vaccinated with what? A three year old vaccine? Do these people ever hear what they are saying? They are the most vaccinated country and yet their solution is more? We are truly living in the age of absurdity. https://brownstone.org/articles/the-fauci-protocol-treating-faucis-covid-diagnosis-according-to-his-own-standard-of-care/
In the article is said Bac5 or whatever is the most vaccine resistant yet they want unvaccinated to get vaccinated. How can people with any common sense see the point of that?
I remember being shocked when Israel went in so strongly for the shots, after hardly any death with the first wave - when HCQ was used. Who is doing this? Who is behind this, I asked. It made no sense.
Of course, in the second wave there were far more deaths - no more HCQ, I believe (but someone will need to check that).
Israel began prescribing Ivermectin in 9/21. Only to the DEATHVAXXed. From memory but, I think it survives a fact check.
BB sold them down the big pharma river!
Hi William. I am a follower of the Bible but I take issue with certain of your claims. You draw many conclusions to tie the inerrant words of the Bible to what you see happening around us now. I admire the effort but take care drawing the lines in too finely. For example, do you have any “proof” that iron is symbolic of nanotech? That seems a convenient but baseless stretch?
Secondly, and less importantly, “luciferace” is probably the most poorly branded product in history but lucifer is a Latin word meaning something like “being of light”. Through biblical translation from Hebrew to Greek to Latin, the name was chosen. Would I inject myself with it? Ha ha No! Well I might but I would need to overcome a thousand non semantic issues with covax first. The name was very likely chosen without design.
You and I have a lot of truth to speak in these times. So so much! We ought not be using our voices to spread speculation or fear.
When I speak to frightened secular friends and family, I like to tell them that the Bible (Tanakh and NT) refers to these days and describes them so well, that nothing is happening here that hasn’t been documented already in the Word of God…
The “generation” of Noah (deselected per the Genesis passage you quoted) taken with the “this generation” (that will not pass away before the prophecy is fulfilled) in Matthew 24:34 is very enlightening!
In this context of “generations”, the last sermon of Jesus, words spoken under the physical duress of impending execution (Matthew chapter 24 and 25) were addressed to you and me … HE WAS TALKING TO US *chills*
The spiritual parallelism and non sequential ordering of Daniel and Revelations leave me hesitant to draw a conclusion as to their literal interpretations. But I hang my hat on Matthew 24:15 and it’s expansion in Daniel chapter 9 … “therefore when you see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place …” yes I will be watching for that! Even this simple prophesy becomes murky when considering the “holy place” might be the temple or a reference to some spiritual state. Still, it is the most concrete thing I can find in my Bible referring to a definitive sign that the end has come.
Would love your thoughts on this. I am only a layperson but I have studied this subject to my ability
I have had things revealed to me too but these are always things confirmable by scripture. I would not promote my personal revelations without confirmation from scripture … I have witnessed someone close to me have “messages” about the future that turned out to be completely wrong. I am very skeptical of the human mind’s ability to grasp the mysteries of God even the simplest detail of these mysteries.
Nanoparticles in the vaccines are fat soluble and of course we do not know what they are (sigh!) … they are not metals … still, there are likely nano molecules (“nano” referring only to size) used as adjuvants, graphene oxide (GO) is one of the suspects but there is no manufacturer list of ingredients so we cannot know. (SIGH … it takes a certain insanity to inject these without this basic necessary knowledge)
However, graphene is carbon based and not iron. Do you know of any IRON based molecules possibly in the injections? Gods word is perfect. It would not confuse any other element with iron.
I wish you continued joy in your journey of understanding… there are so few on the search like you and I … it is a lovely thing to, in the middle of the confusion of any day, hold that big book on your lap, a book full of THE THOUGHTS OF GOD … dang that’s amazing!!! If it was only a single thought or verse available from His mind, it would merit a lifetime of study and meditation … but no!!! We have thousands upon thousands of verses to pore over, to meditate on and learn about, to apply to our lives … incredible
Lately I have been studying psalms1 (a very tidy recipe of “how to live”) in light of psalms 37 which is a very frank disclosure of what we can expect to experience in this evil world … David was a very special guy and I love the words the Spirit of God gave to him for me to hang onto in this terrible time.
You and I are some of the few people who do not need to be afraid! You and I may live in PEACE!! Praise Jesus in heaven
"The number of coronavirus patients in serious condition in Israel reached 140 on Friday, marking a near 70% rise since last week, with health experts warning that the current situation was “unstable.”"
Out of how many people as a whole?
I agree the "vaccine" and everything surrounding its implementation are vile, but 140 seriously ill patients aren't that many, all things considered. I'm sure there are far more than 140 seriously ill patients with other diseases in Haifa, say, or Beer Sheva alone.
Noted but, not the point.
What's the point then? How is fearporn on our side any better or any less gay?
Taken in conjunction with Portugal, what we know the DEATHVAXX is inherently capable of and what we don’t know about the future of the “virus/jab.” 140 critically ill “Covid patients isn’t fear porn in Israel. How many ICU beds in the country? If the percentages proceed accordingly it’s prolly something we should know. We must stay vigilant on VAIDS and Israel, since they are Pfizer’s laboratory. Furthermore, any solid evidence of Vaxx harm has to be fleshed out and shouted from the rooftops!!! Not that the Covids will listen. Peace
Okay, fair enough.
...but then the rest of the world...I mean Trudeau is like, monkey see, monkey do, monkey W.H.O. and W.E.F......... https://globalnews.ca/video/8920452/canada-to-update-its-fully-vaccinated-covid-19-definition
"We have the very best science." Trudeau...https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-trudeau-government-threatens-to-bring-back-mandates-and-change-definition-of-fully-vaccinated
Scary Lie Do has the best science?
Same narrative worldwide before they rolled out the CHOs, who completely f'd our lives. This time the lock downs will coincide with the economic meltdown...the FEAR will be exponentially greater for those who do not know Christ
Cohen said the effort should be concentrated on “actively encouraging herd immunity among the vulnerable and older population” by “calling people who haven’t received the vaccine and encouraging them to get it.”
Let’s double down on the things that obviously don’t work. Ugh. Insane.
The truly vulnerable are the ones their programmed cognitive dissonance prevents from ever admitting: the ‘fully vaccinated’.
This plandemic has been handled exactly like the Afghan war.
The luminaries in charge make bad decisions, then double down on bad decisions. There were military surges from Bush to Trump. Then Brandon came along and decided to give up.
After failing to flatten the curve in 2 weeks (2020), they started quackcinating people with 95% "effective" transgenic serums. They failed after 6 months and then started their booster #1, then booster#2, then ....... infinitum
Sound proof that the quackcines are 95% effective!!!