Yes it's true. Many of the products that I used 23 years ago are not accessible today. Since then, provincial government regulation of all non-medical health practitioners into separate, restricted little silos, made it a crime for a homeopath to offer nosodes in place of vaccines, or a naturopath to use homotoxicology, TCM doctors to wa…
Yes it's true. Many of the products that I used 23 years ago are not accessible today. Since then, provincial government regulation of all non-medical health practitioners into separate, restricted little silos, made it a crime for a homeopath to offer nosodes in place of vaccines, or a naturopath to use homotoxicology, TCM doctors to warn a patient against chemo or midwives to discuss risks of vaccines in pregnancy. Regulation medicalized everything with threats and many established holistic practitioners were unable to meet the new requirements. So our treatment choices are now very limited.
I carried Iver/Fen over border (since buying from Virex [thank you, 2SG!}, as when I travel--they travel with me. On Canadian Thanksgiving visit to daughter. Oddly, when I returned, I was short a packet or two. Border agent had asked if we were carrying any gifts. Guess it depents on what your definition of "is" is (thanks Mr. Clinton).
Same in N.Ireland where my daughter lives! Can’t get any of the ‘cures’ or order them. Took even hydrogen peroxide off shelf’s?? Doctors not allowed to prescribe antibiotics even if you have chest infection..It is did ‘they’ ‘syndicate ‘ get control of all??
Yes it's true. Many of the products that I used 23 years ago are not accessible today. Since then, provincial government regulation of all non-medical health practitioners into separate, restricted little silos, made it a crime for a homeopath to offer nosodes in place of vaccines, or a naturopath to use homotoxicology, TCM doctors to warn a patient against chemo or midwives to discuss risks of vaccines in pregnancy. Regulation medicalized everything with threats and many established holistic practitioners were unable to meet the new requirements. So our treatment choices are now very limited.
Thank you..are you in Canada then?
yes, Ontario. Customs won't let us order drugs from the US, and only a few supplements that Health Canada approves. They stop at border and seize.
I carried Iver/Fen over border (since buying from Virex [thank you, 2SG!}, as when I travel--they travel with me. On Canadian Thanksgiving visit to daughter. Oddly, when I returned, I was short a packet or two. Border agent had asked if we were carrying any gifts. Guess it depents on what your definition of "is" is (thanks Mr. Clinton).
Same in N.Ireland where my daughter lives! Can’t get any of the ‘cures’ or order them. Took even hydrogen peroxide off shelf’s?? Doctors not allowed to prescribe antibiotics even if you have chest infection..It is did ‘they’ ‘syndicate ‘ get control of all??