Unfortunately all doctors do is prescribe medications to try and cover up a symptom. I had to take my teen daughter to her first GYN appointment yesterday because of painful periods, and without even conducting an examination the doctor started offering birth control to adjust her hormones. She was not happy with me challenging her when I started asking questions about how (or even if) it would benefit my daughter, what the side effects were, what lifestyle (ie diet and exercise) changes she could make, how long she would take it.... She couldn't answer any of my questions, admitted any treatment would be trial and error until they found one "that worked", and eventually admitted that none of them would do anything about the pain or discomfort and that my daughter would still just take ibuprofen and rest more after taking the pill. I asked why she wouldn't do some more testing and try to determine a cause in order to address that rather than mask a symptom. Which made the doctor even more frustrated. I'm so thankful my girlfriend prepared me for that discussion because she knew they would just try pushing birth control on her. This issue with doctors just unthinkingly pushing treatments and looking down on their own patients isn't limited to oncologists.

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I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV, so the following is purely anecdotal and not intended as medical advice.

That out of the way, I can tell you that while I had generally tolerable periods with the usual, but bearable, "Ugh," feeling right before, every once in a while..? Horrible. I came across Christiane Northrup's book, "Women's Bodies. Women's Wisdom." She had a chapter on painful periods -- what causes them, how to fix it. Omega-3. Not "fish oil." Omega 3.

As a Mercola customer, I looked for Omega 3 on that site. There I found Omega 3 oil from krill. Began taking it -- three gel caps per day. My very next period started right on time (which was usual for me), but it started without any "signal" whatsoever. I felt nothing...Day before, day of, during...no discomfort at all. With God as my witness...I never experienced even the slightest bit of discomfort during my period ever again.

Crazy? Impossible? Well, that was my experience. I continued taking Omega 3 every day and had my period for another 20 years -- all without issue. Dr. Northrup explained in her book what's going on with painful periods and what it is in Omega 3 that addresses that. That I've long forgotten, but I will always remember my experience and my gratitude to Dr. Northrup. It might work for your daughter.

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Krill oil also stops painful leg cramps! After being on it for over 6 months now, my husband has not had any muscle cramps.

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Interesting! I was unaware of its effect on leg cramps, but that's great news if it's worked for your husband in this way. Those things (painful leg cramps) are the worst! (Well, maybe second worst after painful menstrual cramps that last all day or several days! 😉)

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Thank you for this comment. I just ordered Zenwise omega 3 to try with myself and daughter.

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You're welcome! I hope it may bring her relief! 🙏 Good luck!

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Thank you!! I will have her try that!

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Painful periods can be caused by a lack of calcium according to Adele Davis in her book Let’s get Well. And can be relieved significantly when calcium is replenished. I can’t recommend this book highly enough. It’s about using food and vitamins to improve health.


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My daughter was an Adele Davis baby 52 years ago. She thrived. When so many babies and toddlers had ear infections around us, she never got even 1 infection. She went barefoot and was outside all the time. I made baby food and had a little hand grinder at the table that I would use with our own garden produce. I can still see the face she made when taking the cod liver oil. Of course now, she’s a captive of the modern PHARMA machine. And her son also. Sad.

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That is a sad story. I wish I’d had the book when my kids were babies and hadn’t given so much paracetamol/calpol.

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Let your food be your medecine? Gosh, I remember Adele Davis from my youth!

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90% of doctors have never been taught how to properly manage the problem you present - they continue to do the same old thing and never find out what is the problem and treat the underlying cause.

If you want to find out why and treat the underlying cause go to:


And in the search bar put in Napro, and a list of Telemedicine Doctors will populate.

There you will find Physicians that are trained in "Napro Technology". These are physicians that undergo special Fellowship training to restore women's health back to normal using natural methods. "Physicians and medical consultants trained in NaProTechnology utilize technology, blood tests, hormone panels, exploratory surgeries, and strong diagnostic tests to identify and treat underlying reproductive disorders and hormonal imbalances. NaProTechnology works with the women’s body by understanding what is not working to treat the underlying issues".


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Dec 19, 2023
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You are 100% right. This gets overlooked as well as so many other causes.

PCOS is very treatable and it effects all of your body and metabolism.

You can pass it on down to your daughters if you have any. If they have any of your symptoms I would have them contact a NAPRO Specialty Trained physician so they can prevent the damage that will happen. They can prevent and reverse most of the metabolic problems. Contact:


And in the search bar put in Napro, and a list of Telemedicine Doctors will populate.

There you will find Physicians that are trained in "Napro Technology". These are physicians that undergo special Fellowship training to restore women's health back to normal using natural methods. "Physicians and medical consultants trained in NaProTechnology utilize technology, blood tests, hormone panels, exploratory surgeries, and strong diagnostic tests to identify and treat underlying reproductive disorders and hormonal imbalances. NaProTechnology works with the women’s body by understanding what is not working to treat the underlying issues".


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Back in 2000, my oncologist and surgeon fired me because I refused radiation, chemo, tamoxifen or raloxifene, and wouldn't 'at least' agree to more radical surgery with removal of suspicious armpit nodes. The surgeon told me I'd likely be dead in 3-5 years without their treatment. I got well with TCM, naturopathic, frequency and dental medicine, parasite treatment, coffee enemas, and getting my mind right. Which, to them, is called 'no treatment'.

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I fired/abandoned my oncologist before they abandoned me or even tried to corral me into their death chute. I already knew enough about better alternative treatments to not even go there.

My results are similar to Pepper Jackson's results with my CLL since 2017.

Similar regimen and condition as her's too, but mine was diagnosed in 2017, 3 years before hers. Amla and essiac teas with a cocktail of other herbal treatments are working wonders for me too. Thanks to Chris Beat Cancer for putting me on the right path early on!

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Did you alternate Ivermectin with fenbendazole?. What dosage of each, I have read to take 1 rest day each week.

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Essaic are a great MOVE!!

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What do you mean Dental Medicine?

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getting mercury fillings replaced with safer (non BPA) methacrylate (Hal Huggins protocol from an IAOMT certified dentist) and some extracted that couldn't be fixed, and doing oral chelation to lower mercury body burden.

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Did you use the Andy Cutler protocol? I wish people would mention it when they use it.

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Not much. I did not tolerate many of the supplements or dosages. I got his book and was part of the yahoo support group. That was helpful. Also DAMS.

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Well, I am glad you are better.

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How much were your fillings that you replaced?

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Anecdotal report. A family member, CC, called late September to report being told she had Stage 4 Colon Cancer with Liver involvement. CC avoided doctors in lieu of a wellness life style - until she had 50# weight loss and severe constipation. CC had gotten so she could do little for herself. After a colonoscopy, and due to the tumor size, she was told only eat purée food. They offered palliative chemo to extend her life to see a new grandchild due in December. When she called with the news, I told her about Ivermectin and Fenbendazole. She and her husband said yes! They said why not? The baby was born yesterday, she has resumed a more normal diet, doing menial chores, gained weight and resumed 1 mile walks. She feels, and her friend said "you haven't looked this good in two years"! CC plans to continue the chemo regimen along with the Ivy&Ben. She did not have any vaccines, but did have C19 two years ago. We are celebrating a very special Christmas. We hope you do as well.

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Chris Wark started me on the holistic path back in 2017, and his story of how he cured his stage 4 colon cancer is more than inspirational. Chrisbeatcancer.com

My CLL is no match for that or worry for me now.

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What dosage was used for the fenbendazole and Ivermectin?. Did you alternate days?

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Ivermectin 24 mg daily

Fenbendazole 300 mg daily

She occasionally skips days.

Some reports recommend FenBend 3 days on; 4 days off.

The FenBen is to be taken with a spoonful of the oil of choice.

No negative side effects have been noted

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Does she take the fenben & Ivermectin at same time?

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I gather she takes one day at a time adjusting her regimen as needed.

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So alternating .

One day IV

Next say fenbendazole?

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Thank you, This is important Real World feedback.. sadly as you state the majority of American Medical Schools condition their graduates to be little more than Big Pharma Drug Dealers and pushers of Cancer Oncology's that are designed and promoted from a Financial perspective.. torturous, costly, many times lethal, and unnecessary most of the time... welcome to The Great American Sick Care System, where we pay the most and get the least in the Entire G20...

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Exactly this. When a guy in his forties is more up to date on chemo and treatments than the oncologist at a “prestigious” cancer hospital, you now it’s over for this place. They’re just stooges for pharma. Their paychecks are their bribes

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https://tomseyfried.com/ This is what cancer is all about. it is metabolic. everything else is just a SCAM to keep you sick longer and cash is on your desperation.

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Cancer is MONEY! There was almost no Cancer way back.....it was HELPED by people like FAUCI. Looking for a way to make more money off a very lucrative diagnosis. DEATH.

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And it has skyrocketed along with the childhood v a c c i n e schedule and all these

stupid shingles,

covid and flu shots.

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Unfortunately it is everywhere in western nations.

My home is Canada..I am staying in N.Ireland for now. Cnd health system is a mess..here in N.I. Couldn’t see a doctor since 2020..still can’t get appoint unless dire. Drs won’t tell you anything either. I hadn’t had a visit since 2019 then a few months back got a call in to do blood sugar test? I didn’t request it but went to see.. then got called 4 more times to test? Never told me why or what..but I was questioning the nurses that did test kept taking blood by different method I am used to..going in to side of vein..it hurt..I asked why she said can’t get a vein? I am wondering if it’s possible they might have given me a flu jab like that! Does anyone know if that’s possible? I never took jabs when they sent me letters!

Anyone know if it’s possible?

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Selling blood is another money maker.

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Yes..I was told years ago while in hospital for miscarriage that they had to do blood work twice..I had some marker in my blood? My father had rare blood..he worked in hospitals he was X-ray engineer..sometimes they asked him to donate blood during operations! Strange..I must ask for my blood type but I don’t trust medics anymore.

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Goes back to the Rockefeller funded Flexner report

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I am so appreciative that you record these wonderful stories and give these folks an outlet to share their victories. May God continue to bless your work and bless these folks.

This is no where near as profound as curing cancer, however I have found that low dose IVM keeps the common cold flu/RSV/etc at bay. I’ve not been sick since using it at the first sign of sickness three days in a row. Most beneficial is that my kids are also finding this is the case. They have been exposed to so much sickness (homeschooled but exposure at many activities)this year but they have not been sick.

Additionally, my unvaccinated husband was experiencing nose bleeds repeatedly since vaccines were rolled out. He began taking IVM on Wednesday and Sunday and nose bleeds are a thing of the past. Shedding is a real phenomenon. New study recently showed 50% of vaccinated people still producing spike. Seems true in our case.

Again thank you 2SG for your willingness to have an outlet for people to share info since the medical community is basically non existent.

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It’s given me hope and helped realize I’m not a tin foil hat idiot.

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I get it. I worked in the medical field for many years before I had my kids. I’ve learned more in the years since the “pandemic” doing my own research and trying natural therapies having my own new issues because of the freak scientists and having to find the alternatives that really work. There is so much quackery in medicine. I saw it when I worked in the field I just didn’t know what it was until 2020. Silver linings my friend.

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I am having such pleasure reading research papers on PubMed (I know, I know, it's a govt tool). These days as I work in my yard, I look at a plant and think, "hmm--what might be the medicinal use of this?"--to my (initial, but no longer) surprise, every query I enter gets me good information. With references which I can look into. This is a really rewarding time to be interested in herbal treatments--30 years ago information was so scarce.

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So, do you attribute that to higher frequency of relevant medicinal use papers to some big disgust of big pharma, or a long awaited dearth of this info for some reason? Try to tease out what you are really trying to say.

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Repeatedly the paper authors point to a loss of effectiveness in currently available pharmaceuticals, and the need to look at plants (where so many---perhaps all--pharma products began) for new drug possibilities.

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My wife has worked in nuclear medicine for years until five years ago so I find it incredibly frustrating dealing with the rubber stamp, one size fits all “experts”

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Better a tin foil hat than a blindfold!

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I see nothing! I see nothing. I am dead

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Your husband sounds like me. They wanted to cauterize. No thanks. I take some herbs and supplements and nosebleeds stopped. Also wearing an emf blocking pendant. I think it is from the towers they installed.

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I can't help but wonder that is how my wife contracted Covid last week. . . and brought it home to me! Shedding. Disgusting. Before this bioweapon I had never heard of such a thing. I wonder if has been a normal means of infection all along but somehow just received a name?!

Both of us jabbed twice early spring of 2021, neither ever had Covid before last week. I am only "sure" she got it(me, not so much) because she had a 102°F fever, heavy chest cough, and horrible headaches for a couple of days. After 5 days of IVM(some prednisone, aspirin, lots of the right vitamins) we are both on the mend, she still hacking, me sneezing and sniffling, but nothing big any more. I ordered a pulse oximeter and we are both better(90%) its too late to use it.

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A dear neighbour, barely 70, told us 2 weeks ago that he has been diagnosed with colon cancer. He is awaiting treatment consult appointments. Yesterday we saw him and he is clearly jaundiced. The only source of fenbendazole and ivermectin here (Ontario) is from equine supply. Should I dare?

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Fenben is the animal form of menbendazole. He will be fine taking it. Hell, give him panacure C the dog dewormer. It saved Joe tippens life

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PetDazole is far less expensive, and easier to administer than Pacacure C.

This is your best bet: https://www.virex.health/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=54

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Do you know what the dosing recommendations are for ivermectin and fenbendazole for melanoma?

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It seems that there is a $90 FedEx shipping fee to Canada from this website for any product!? Can this steep fee be the only option? I wasn’t given one. Ugh!!! 😩

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That is the only option that gets past the Canadian gestapo customs agents.

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No surprise there! I’m paying for privacy. Sigh! It makes the take home price pretty steep, but you can’t get this format for love nor money in Trudeaus’s Gestapo nanny state. 😢

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Can you tell me is petmectin okay for humanoids? Is PetDazole better for use for us? I just ordered PM so not sure..do these cure the virus or the jabs effects? Not sure? TY..🙏🏽

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Yes. Do it. The animal versions are the same I’ve read here on this substack and cheaper. I’ve used the equine version of IVM. Stopped a suspected Covid last January. (I don’t test).

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Order here - good stuff. I live in a state where IVM can’t be had, even with a script ( if you can even get that) pharmacies won’t fill on order from tyrant Governor. I’ve ordered via this stack’s link a few times.

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My kids in Canada told me govt is forbidding use of natural supplements and other medicines not on ‘approved list’. It is all so obvious and still so many do not see it!

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Yes it's true. Many of the products that I used 23 years ago are not accessible today. Since then, provincial government regulation of all non-medical health practitioners into separate, restricted little silos, made it a crime for a homeopath to offer nosodes in place of vaccines, or a naturopath to use homotoxicology, TCM doctors to warn a patient against chemo or midwives to discuss risks of vaccines in pregnancy. Regulation medicalized everything with threats and many established holistic practitioners were unable to meet the new requirements. So our treatment choices are now very limited.

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Thank you..are you in Canada then?


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yes, Ontario. Customs won't let us order drugs from the US, and only a few supplements that Health Canada approves. They stop at border and seize.

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I carried Iver/Fen over border (since buying from Virex [thank you, 2SG!}, as when I travel--they travel with me. On Canadian Thanksgiving visit to daughter. Oddly, when I returned, I was short a packet or two. Border agent had asked if we were carrying any gifts. Guess it depents on what your definition of "is" is (thanks Mr. Clinton).

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Same in N.Ireland where my daughter lives! Can’t get any of the ‘cures’ or order them. Took even hydrogen peroxide off shelf’s?? Doctors not allowed to prescribe antibiotics even if you have chest infection..It is brutal..how did ‘they’ ‘syndicate ‘ get control of all??

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Better start your own medicinal herb garden this spring.

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Show him this and other articles, Maybe visit Detroit for a supply. US relatives could help.

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Milk thistle (silybum marianum) helps to protect the liver (your neighbor is jaundiced) and kidneys- plus it also kills cancer in similar ways that ivermectin does. Green tea and cinnamon do too but milk thistle is even better. https://brieflands.com/articles/tms-136000#:~:text=Milk%20thistle%20




Essiac tea with soursop is another natural cancer killer that could help along with fenbendazole and ivermectin. I have used the 🐎 ivermectin and fenbendazole many times for different things and haven't had issues with them... They are alot cheaper and easier to get. Ivermectin also re-seeds the bacteria in the gut. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9309549/

Ivermectin helps with liver fibrosis


I hope your neighbor gets healed ❤

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I used equine paste for covid. Worked like a charm.

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by the way, after trying FENBEN it would be great for folks here to hear how things go. . .!

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I’ve just forwarded this to a retired RN who will be interested in this and a relative who is a pharmacist. Thank you so much.

Turkey tail mushroom lives copiously in our deciduous forests and has been shown by Japanese researchers to inhibit cancer.

Wasn’t the precursor of ivermectin found as a fungus in the soil by a Japanese researcher?

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I keep thinking of Genesis 1:26 ("And God said, 'Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth' "), if fungus bearing spores can be considered as part of 'plant bearing seed'

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I often think of that also. A naturopath helped my daughter get over a whooping cough within 3 days with 3 stepwise supplements. The area clinic was useless. This was 15 years ago.

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On a golf course I believe

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I would like to know what the dosage and frequency are for Ivermectin and fenbendazole. I’ve read the stacks about what to avoid using at the same time, and understand why they work. But how much? High dose Ivermectin is 2.4mg/kg. Is there a preventive dosage? Should one take a preventive dose at all? Sodium bicarbonate is a relatively safe product, and I would imagine a couple times a week would be fine. Has anyone put together a simple diet of these? I’ve read that in some third world areas Ivermectin is just a routine medication everyone takes.

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It’s on the WHO list of essential medications. India doses it’s people twice a year for parasites . They also had less Covid infections and deaths.

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Check out flccc.net. IVM dosage is determined by weight, there is a weight chart with dosage recommended in both kg & lbs.

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I’ve looked at a # of protocols using ivm. The highest recommended dosage for an old guy like me (79 yrs) if I’m Ill is 6mg/kg. My wife and I take it prophylacticaly 2x weekly with no issues.

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Think of all the little children who have died of Leukemia over the years,......and all the money making ads to help save the children. Could all those babies who's Mothers and Fathers had to watch them die not have to have lost their Children? Is CANCER just another part of the DEPOPULATION AGENDA?????? I think it is.

The Cruelty of these Leaders of Big Pharma and the Medical INDUSTRIAL complex is off the Charts! Beyond belief.

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Is it Bourla who recently said, "People have to die of something, they may as well die of cancer" [can you imagine the cruelty in that soul?]

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It’s hard to think of those things, but we must so as not to fall in the camp of let’s just forget this happened. Thank you for your thoughts. 😊

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Has anyone been treating any other cancer or tumor with fenbend or ivermectin, aside from melanomas, and have success?

Does anyone have advise on taking fenbend or ivermectin while also taking anti-anxiety/depression medication?

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My brother is currently taking FenBen for GBM. He had surgery and chemo, the tumors returned and multiplied. He started FenBen and a month later the tumors shrunk by over half. New scan next week. He was on quick release Xanax I know for the first month, not sure about now. Hope this helps!

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So far it’s early but her symptoms have reduced.

If you take fenben please do so with a fat like butter or peanut butter. Empty the cap out. It will absorb more easily.

We are also using some things diabetics use in order to control glucose surges after eating. You’re just fueling the cancer

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Yes! Berberine and coconut oil (some type of fat)

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Berberine can lower cholesterol as a result. Also I’ve found it dampens my appetite a bit. Not a bad thing!

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I don’t think most people realize what a wonder supplement Berberine is. Metformin replacement 1:1, repairs mucosal gut lining, cholesterol lowering, immune system... John Paul from things hidden substack has a ton of info on it.

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I couldn't find that substack--by any chance do you have the exact name or url?

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John Paul is my favorite read. He has a brilliant mind and cares for and helps his readers. I can’t recommend his stuff enough.

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Berberine also controls glucose after a meal. Starve the cancer of its energy source and it will stress and try to find another source of energy like proteins or fats. You really have to stay on top of it.

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Goldenseal (hydrastis canadensis) is a very attractive plant

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My wife takes antidepressant as needed and we both take ivm prophylactically. She has no difficulty with it.

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Thank you

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After reading the article and about half the comments it struck a nerve with me. As I have commented before, I was a 24 year, stage four melanoma patient. I was fortunate to have been sent to the Northern California Melanoma Center in San Francisco. It was a group of dedicated oncologists, surgeons and research nurses working to find a cure for the disease. They were certainly not shills for the pharmaceutical companies. I was involved in every clinical trial for melanoma except for the B-raf trial. Never once did I do any chemotherapy. All the trials were aimed at stimulating my immune system to fight the cancer. The very first trial was a drug called Levamasol, it was a bovine medication which I could have purchased at the feed store (sound familiar?) and as you could imagine, it didn't do shit. Every other trial I received did enough to keep me ticking until some researchers solved the puzzle. First, it was the drug Ipilimumab which shrank my tumors then the drug Nivolumab which killed the cancer. Nivolumab flipped the switch on my immune system and allowed it to identify the cancer cells and attack them. With early detection, no one should die from melanoma! This drug is also being used to treat 18 different cancers. I'm sure I'm going to piss off everybody on this thread but if you get melanoma, go to your oncologist and get some form of Nivolumab and enjoy the rest of your life. If you try and beat it with ivermectin, fengendazole, or fish oil, you might get lucky, if not your dead meat. Big pharma is no doubt corrupt at it's highest level but there is a lot of dedicated Docs and researchers out there trying to find cures. I'm living proof.

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🙏🏽Amen..best wishes ..

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Success treating cancer with drugs like Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, makes me wonder if regular cancer treatments are missing something important as well.

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Hmmmmm. I think maybe so.

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My father has just been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. He was diagnosed with stage 3 renal cell carcinoma 2 1/2 years ago and had his kidney removed. His PET scan in February showed a pulmonary nodule that he has had for years had increased slightly. Urologist wanted him to see pulmonary, PCP told him no need we'll watch it. Fast forward to November and PET scan shows nodule even bigger, new one in upper R lobe, and a new mass (3.9 cm) in the bottom of the right lung. Oncologist told him stage 4, but he would do immunotherapy for a year and be in remission. Was really super positive and painted a pretty picuture. Dad is scheduled for MRI of the brain and biopsy next week. I'm a nurse and something is not adding up. I live in a different state and couldn't be at the appointment. I want him to go to MD Anderson for a second opinion, which he is considering. I wrote the name fenbendazole down a year ago for some reason and just recently started reading about it before my dad was diagnosed. Cam anyone provide me with some insight or offer some guidance as to what maybe we should do next? What regimen would he need to follow, should he agree to start the protocol? Many questions, but any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated!!!

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I just got diagnosed with CLL and would appreciate if Pepper would let me know how she doses the ivermectin and febendezole. I have a stash of ivermectin I bought from an online chemist.

I have chelated for mercury for ten years using the Andy Cutler protocol and have just started going after lead with "rounds" of DMSA. It is possible that the CLL is related to my lead burden. Who knows?

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Has anyone created a comparison chart of COVID INJECTION SUCCESSES compared to Post-COVID injection Adverse Reactions and DEATHS? This would make interesting news. Perhaps it might even make Politicians notice the vast number of increasing 'EXCESS DEATHS' that can only relate to the WEF's (New World Order) Depopulation CULL by injection.

Not many Nazi countries left trying to peddle the poisonous injections that Big Pharma pretend are Covid Vaccines!

NZ, Australia, Canada, (probably China and North Korea?).

These WEF-sponsored political puppets continue to behave like Dictators?

All the while the makers of the POISONS, Moderna, Pfizer, etc, continue to pretend these deadly injections are SAFE and EFFECTIVE!! Is that why they reject all attempts to pay for their jab's LIABILITY for INJURIES and DEATHS caused.

Mick (UK) Unjabbed to live longer and to remain healthier than the Genetically Modified jabbed.

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I have read in several different places that China did not use Mod/RNA jabs..just regular flu shots. Also Russia used own type.. Africa large % did not take any..probably India too. The Middle East I don’t think took any..

Where are the statistics stating over 5 billion ppl took jabs? I don’t believe it’s right! Anyone have info on that?

I am finding doing searches..most search engines are monitored..finding restricted sites now for info?

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mojeek and yandex? (I believe yandex is Russian)

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What is that Mohawk and yandex? Ty

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Mojeek and Yandex are alternative search engines

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Thank you ..I will try it out! 🙏🏽

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My granddaughter had awful mensural periods and ovarian cysts that would be very painful until they ruptured. A nutritionist we now listen to advised her to take thistle seed. It not only worked for her, but her 1st cousin!

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