This article was started four days ago, when Tucker Carlson promised to release far more damning evidence from the J6 video footage throughout the remainder of this week. Since then, this substack has been awaiting Tucker Carlson’s followup reports which have to date been censored by FOX News.
Tucker Carlson assured his viewership yesterday that he will release all of the evidence even if his network continues denying him his journalistic rights, and subverting his employment contract which stipulates that he has final cut on his news stories.
In the meantime, what Tucker Carlson has managed to release offers irrefutable proof that the MSM and the Uniparty are all actively working against We the People.
Our politicians are not just mendacious malefactors that are subverting the very Constitution that they swore to uphold, but they continue to lie after they have been caught fabricating J6 “evidence” in their kangaroo court. Video footage literally shows the exact opposite of what they have been peddling for over 2 years now. Not a single police officer died on that day, despite the claims that 5 were murdered, and yet 5 innocent protestors were killed on that day. This is the very same reality inversion that was perpetrated during the COVID-19 scam, and the associated slow kill bioweapon injections that are still being touted by these very same grifter politicians as “safe and effective.”
To this very day Innocent peaceful protestors remain jailed in the foreign nation of Washington, D.C. on wholly fraudulent charges. This is an outrage.
The only violent elements of the J6 protest were the FBI and CIA agents that were embedded as agent provocateurs; in other words, Federal government operatives broke all kinds of laws on January 6th in order to entrap innocent patriots peacefully and rightfully protesting an unlawful election. And this election theft was in no small part made possible by the very agencies that had deployed their taxpayer funded saboteurs to the J6 protests in order to ensure the optics of “domestic terror” violence, thus attempting to further strip away all legitimacy to the claims that the elections were stolen.
Even if the election were hypothetically not stolen, Americans would still have the right to protest as per the law of the land. (Disclaimer: this substack is vehemently apolitical.)
Of course, we now have even more evidence that not only was the presidential election stolen in plain sight, but that the Federal government working under an installed Biden regime is guilty of crimes against the Constitution, or crimes against We the People.
The illegitimate Federal government is now in ever greater panic mode thanks to Tucker Carlson’s reporting.

The Uniparty realizes that their time is rapidly nearing its end as Americans see through this charade of “government,” more at organized Statist crime; therefore, no American needs to comply with any “law” or “mandate” or agency functioning outside the scope of the exceedingly limited Bill of Rights.
The 10th Amendment “rule of construction” is especially germane in the J6 context of the Federal government’s deliberate treason; accusing innocent people of sedition is a kind of projection onto the masses as a preemptive strike for the crimes that the government itself has been committing. J6 goes far beyond governmental overreach.
The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.
— James Madison
The below tweets offer both mirth and context regarding the J6 farce.

The police were directed by Federal agents to grant access and escort peaceful protestors — this is entrapment 101:

More reality inversion brainwashing by the MSM exposed:

Compare these J6 “domestic terrorists” with the real domestic terrorists that were finally arrested long after their crimes were committed, and only because the overwhelming evidence had become impossible for the government to continue whitewashing:

Southern Poverty Law Center is a One World Government node that is aiding and abetting the Federal government in destroying America — is it any wonder that deranged ANTIFA lawyers are employed by this “nonprofit?”

Violent ANTIFA rioters remain largely uncovered by the MSM, while peaceful protestors get nonstop coverage and evidence tampering in the form of dramatic sound effects.
CIA creation and Manchurian Candidate Obama appointed Federal judges are allowing for these government J6 crimes to continue:

The installed senile adult diaper shitting ice cream licking pedo criminal puppet is nothing more than a placeholder for Obama’s 3rd term. And this politicized joke of an Attorney General continues to lie in plain sight:

Another low IQ low-grade puppet of the American Ideological State Apparatus continues to lie despite undeniable video evidence:

It has never been more important to offer total nonviolence noncompliance to a violent government that is waging a full spectrum soft war against We the People.
The social engineering methods of this organized crime syndicate pretending to serve the people is now being exposed like never before.
Do NOT comply.
The panic of Schumer reminds me of the panic of the wizard of oz as Toto pulls back the curtain of lies.
Yuri Bezmenov told us years ago that you can show the truth directly to the face of the brainwashed and they will refuse to believe it. Our corrupt government and media will still control the minds of at least half our population. Good luck America! On another topic I totally believe that our federal debt is in partnership with the drug cartels.