The most amazing thing to me is how they continue to lie even after they are caught in it. I guess there are a lot of stupid people that still believe things they say and don't question that perhaps there is a different reality.
The most amazing thing to me is how they continue to lie even after they are caught in it. I guess there are a lot of stupid people that still believe things they say and don't question that perhaps there is a different reality.
Or, they are too afraid to even allow themselves to question... Some of us are so stuck in the false paradigm that to even consider it might be false is the unthinkable. I was there. Until the Plandemic was announced. That was the crack that allowed light to penetrate. Best part is that those who awake do NOT go back to sleep. You simply cannot unsee what you've seen. Praying that more see reality, soon.
The most amazing thing to me is how they continue to lie even after they are caught in it. I guess there are a lot of stupid people that still believe things they say and don't question that perhaps there is a different reality.
This is union mentality. Unions tell their members "even if they catch you with your hand in their pocket, deny, deny, deny."
Goebells said, "repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. "
Or, they are too afraid to even allow themselves to question... Some of us are so stuck in the false paradigm that to even consider it might be false is the unthinkable. I was there. Until the Plandemic was announced. That was the crack that allowed light to penetrate. Best part is that those who awake do NOT go back to sleep. You simply cannot unsee what you've seen. Praying that more see reality, soon.
No, they just hope beyond hope that we are too stupid to notice. lol Hillary brought them to light for me.