Much thanks 2nd Smartest Guy.

I am now having 3 Japanese friends over here digging for more information, and if there is anything important enough to add, we will translate and post. In the meantime, I am crossposting this and sending to about a dozen 'private' Facebook groups, most of which are in Australia.

An 'Effective' New Year to ya from Japan — Steve

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Thank you Steve. If you and your friends find anything interesting, then please let me know and i'll repost it.

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Will do 2nd Smartest.

You will be the first to know!

And again, much thanks for this.

Keep up the good fight.

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Thank you, Steve, for the cross post. Thank you number 2 (who is number 1?! ;-) ), for bringing this forward.

2023 is shaping up to be one of dams bursting. What an interesting time to be alive.

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My 'pleasure' Guy.

Though I kind of cringe at using the word 'pleasure' or 'interesting'. 😅

Cheers buddy, and an 'Effective' New Year to you!

We have a hell of a fight on our hands.

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Yes! Isn't that wonderful, to have the opportunity to really see the depth of our heart, courage and integrity. 'Happy' is likely questionably used. I stand by 'interesting' in all possible permutation and meanings, including that of the Chinese curse.

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Cheers Guy!

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Obiden is #1. You get to choose which one, Joey or Hunter. 😉😋

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LoL! A funny irony, of course, when considered in light of the old British TV series, 'The Prisoner.' https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/The_Prisoner.

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I can GUARANTEE that Biden will threaten to cut them off if they continue with this investigation. Those researchers better hire some damn good body guards. There will be HUGE pressure for Japan to turn a blind eye to this. I pray this is one country that still has a moral compass. Japan is the country that ended using MMR because it caused huge numbers of SIDS. But of course the US still uses MMR and healthy babies die.

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Higher IQ and an ethnostate as the national US IQ shrinks at the same rate as our life expectancy.

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Higher IQ? LOL. LOL. LOL.

40 years here, so if nothing else, just being here must have brought down that average a notch or two.


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I was going to make the same comment, it is rather depressing that people's immediate reaction to this article is that the US will apply pressure to Japan to STFU..... the US admin state is such a diabolical beast while prancing around like a "democracy."

Maybe the US military will spread some "freedom and democracy" on Japan if they don't listen and fall in line.

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Wouldn't be the first time.

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don't go near that particular rabbit hole, it's deep and full of napalm.

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Moral compass? They advocate / mandate vaccines for thee but not for mee!

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And they were called out on it. There are obviously those that are standing up but I guarantee the big problem will be the US who will do everything they can to crush this investigation.

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Meanwhile, Here in the good old USA…

Why was everyone “mandated” in most cases, including our military, to get the COVID jab but our Congress and their staff were exempted?? A vax for thee but not for me???


I rest my case! 😩

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Pfizer employees were exempt as well! And the post office.

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Re: Post office - Someone has to rubber stamp the operation once the rest is gone!

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Some animals are more equal than others.

Some animals take ivermectin while denying it to others.

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Dirty bastards, I can't wait until the population sees them for what they truly are.

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wasn't Henry Ford the one to famously remark that if people knew how the financial system operated there would be an uprising before the next dawn?

and that was a looong time ago.

sorry, I wish it could be different but it seems the destiny of the one who sees is to try and help his family and close circle of friends, small community at best.

population level event can't happen imo.

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I had NO idea there were higher temperatures of vaccinated corpses, but I just told my husband yesterday that I believe the bodies of immune compromised, sick vaxxed people are actually decomposing, much like a compost pile that's loaded with bacteria/fungi does, especially since the immune system can no longer hold these critters at bay inside the body. Further, we all know that a compost pile gets warmer as it's breaking down, especially within.

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If you’re correct, this is worse than any horror film imaginable.

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Yes, gives a whole new meaning to zombies:(

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CDC and Amazon cannot be held responsible in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse!! On their websites!!

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Jan 5, 2023
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I figured that. Lol.

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Finally a reason for obeying government anti-social distancing !

Imagine sitting beside another on a bus when they heat-up and

explode...wearing a mask wont save you from thatSpread !

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Spontaneous combustion!

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May also be 5G radiation lingering in the metals in the bodies from various sources from injections to ingestion from foods laced with various metals told to us to be for every thing from preservatives to flavors to coloring. Because we have been Gini Pigs for the most uncaring unfeeling murderers there has ever been if I have thought of it they have thought of it a long time ago.

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The spike protein causing inflammation throughout the body, to the point of inflaming body temps.

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If you read the prescribing info on Novartis's drug, Ciclosporin, which is a drug used to shut down the immune system for organ transplants, it states this:

"Patients receiving immunosuppressants, including Sandimmune, are at increased risk of developing bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoal infections, including opportunistic infections. These infections may lead to serious, including fatal, outcomes (see BOXED WARNING, and ADVERSE REACTIONS)."


There are other serious adverse events, as well. Also, keep in mind that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine could be working as antiparasitics, which is what those two drugs are. It is of my personal opinion, based on a whole lot of reading, that even most, if not all, cancers are caused by out-of-control fungal infections. The PET scans used to detect location and size of cancer contains radioactive sugar, and fungi love sugar, which is probably why it lights up in the scan, as it's having a feeding frenzy. Think about when making bread, as well. You must add a bit of sugar to activate the yeast, which is a fungus. Further, I think what spreads diseases between people are the fungi spores breathed or coughed out, or in the case of chicken box, sprayed out from their asci on the surface of the skin. Lastly, the fungus, Tolypocladium inflatum, is where Ciclosporin is derived.



My mom died from Lymphoma in 2016 (cancer does not run in our family), and she was using Restasis eyedrops for dry eyes, which contain Ciclosporin. I didn't look into this drug until after her death, which was the only prescription she used, and she never took vaccines. I was horrified to see that this drug shuts down the immune system. All of her symptoms began in her mouth and throat, which are close to her eyes.

It's hard for me to prove my theory but I'm basing this on deductive reasoning, which is based on a whole lot more info than I shared. There is also no doubt that the spike protein is causing problems, as well, but when the immune system is shut down or majorly fighting something else, who knows what else is attacking the body too.

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Yes, another logical theory I would agree with. The eyes, nose, mouth and throat are all linked mucosal pathways. Makes perfect sense to me.

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Well thought out comment. Makes total sense. I stopped eyedrops years ago.

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Now that makes logical sense! I was wondering what could possibly cause a corpse to have a body temperature!

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The data from VAERS and surveys seem to suggest that anywhere from 7-15% of people who take the gene therapy have a serious reaction. Do we have any idea how many recipients become immuno-compromised and what might protect the uncompromised from the harmful effects?

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Quercetin, Lipo Vt C, magnesium, zinc, Vit d3 with Mk-7 and 2. Is what I take daily. Have been for 3 years.

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Well there is mold in these injections according to quite a few scientists and doctors.

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Interesting, and wouldn't surprise me at all! I think they were using fungus to poison the Egyptians in ancient times, as well. Crushed insects were found in one of the chambers of the Great Pyramid, and they don't know why they were there. Ramses V mummy was found to have smallpox, as well.



This link speaks of how fungi shoot spores:


Further, I often wondered why the Egyptians considered the dung-rolling Scarab Beetle insects as sacred. Come to find out this dung-rolling insect not only has to do with Ciclosporin's origins, but also points its antennae towards the sun - the sun god, Ra. Well, this ascomycete fungus that's on the scarab beetle, also shoots out its spores, towards the sun.

See first paragraph under Introduction, and here's what is said: "To get into the airstream, spores are often discharged explosively from the asci; by aiming at the sun and discharging at midday the chance of getting into the airstream is increased"


Then here's what is said about the beetle: "The Egyptians linked the sun’s motion to the Egyptian beetle’s dung balls, and the scarab’s antennae on its head matched the solar disc supported by horns that gave the scarab beetle meaning to be adorned by many gods."


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Holy Hell. It's all making sense now!That's also why they want us eating bugs! They know it kills!

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Oh, it gets worse than that. They are sending out millions of beetles to break down animal dung to save the planet, and one scientist that I know of was majorly against it, b/c they don't know the consequences. Could the consequences be that when the animals are grazing in the pasture and eating the fungi, it not only shuts down their immune system, but when we eat the animals, it does the same to us? I have NO idea.



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Good God! Why do they ruin all that's good and natural? Nevermind, we know why!

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One word: PSYCHOPATHY! And psychopaths that no one can even imagine until they study and understand their true nature, as we are all beginning to see. I'd rather take my chances with eating bugs than to meet one in a dark alley.

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Btw, good point about us eating bugs. I hadn't made that connection. Ugh!

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Sorry to bring it up ! Lol.

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Jan 5, 2023
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Makes sense if circuits are asembling in the body.!! Lots of info out there from many scientists. Ryan Cole says no. I'm mot so sure. Explains the electrical feelings people are having and the tremors!

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JustAnobody-- I can't speak for the vaxx but I can speak to the synbionanoelectronics / nanomites that have been dispersed amongst the population via the vaxxes, chemtrailing (air) / food/water/textiles/etc., -- Vaxxed or not-vaxxed, if those synbionanoelectronics (you can think of it in the same category as "smartdust") successfully seed/set-up-shop in a person's vascular / blood and epithelial system / tissues, then, YES, that behavior is EXACTLY what they do. Via chemical reactions, self-assembly of a branching network (you get "wired-up with wiring and sensors) starts burgeoning with each passing day, in the body system (just like how ivy branches grow) and silicon-coated hybrid hydrogel nanomeshes / superlattices infiltrate the epithelial system which will end up causing morphing skin "manifestations" that appear very cyborg and mutant-like in nature/design. And you'll see the wiring "network" branches in your skin, along with the diodes and circuit cards and soft tissue sensor devices. This biohacking / cyborgization that's taking place via the nanomite seeding, is absolutely real and taking a hold in a certain segment of the population right now. Slightly different from the vaxxed-deaths and injuries, but still a part of the story / intertwined. Exactly what's animatedly depicted in the below Vexille clip, is an accurate depiction of what takes place in the body of the biohacked, and I'll include the telling plot synopsis blurb on the film: "In 2067, an unknown disease struck Japan and was countered by an experimental vaccine. In actuality, the disease was created by Daiwa and the "vaccine" was used as an excuse for Daiwa to begin testing experimental nanotechnology. Every Japanese citizen was converted into a form of synthetic life. But there were unforeseen side effects; the conversion was imperfect, resulting in the infected humans losing their free will and becoming just lifelike machines. (VEXILLE film 2007, animated) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vexille https://www.bitchute.com/video/9IZlovbZgBuk/

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Jan 5, 2023
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Yes Indeed!

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I've lost all faith in institutions. They might push for a lame acknowledgement of "rare, 1 in a million" adverse reactions, but make the burden of proof insurmountable for all the actual victims.

No question as we speak, they're in smoky backrooms with pfizer-moderna-fauci to come out the heroes, to smirkingly calm down the peasants & assure them they "did the right thing" you know, for Science.

The only safe way was to not get on the bus.

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Will come out with drugs to save all the vaccine injured!!

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Of course! That explains it all! Time for the next big grift so they need to promote vax injury to sell its cure. Brilliant insight 😁🤯!

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Already heart pills and Alzheimer's drugs.

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“As a result, the spike proteins facilitate in reactivation of the herpesvirus.”

Herpetic viruses = Epstein Barr 😉

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"Herpes always reminds me of the bar on Little St. James!"

Bill C.

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Hot hugs from zombies incoming!

Must be the 5G exciting the newly installed transistors.

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An article the other day pointed the technical differences between mRNA jabs and the others. Each dose of mRNA progressively degrades the immune system. I guess that is why 'they' insisted in Australia and other nations that the booster be an mRNA jab. They can't argue it was all a big mistake for a number of reasons - a couple; the animal trial results and how the animals died and the lability shield.

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> “And yet, only 10% of the members of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, who are leading members of the vaccine campaign have been vaccinated.”

Same goes for the CDC, I’m sure. #NuffSaid

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Thanks 2nd. At last a genuine government pushback against the GENOCIDE.

Well done Japan.

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Japan central bank are WEF-compliant. Please be skeptical of any alleged "grassroots" movements (especially within the government) claiming to pushback against the NWO/WEF/WHO agenda. More likely it is a script to feign descent.

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We would be grateful if someone who has time could interpret event 201 for us newbies into a "Reader's Digest" format (perhaps someone already has)?

Does anyone know the resolutions regarding the predictions at event 201?

Ok, as event 201 predicted: Japan recognizes ignorance of its situation...

what was the resolution from the studies at event 201?

What are the predicted outcomes from 201 regarding Japan?

Do they shut down Japan, or the Dr.'s who are now screaming for Honor in studies etc?

What were the discoveries and resolutions from event 201?

I am not asking to be spoonfed here, yet AI and 201 seems to be attempting to predict the future based on the antecedents: War, Virus, Weather etc.

This plan is basically good old Psyc. 101 Operant Conditioning on a Massive scale...

IF EVENT 201 was the Baseline STUDY where are the Dr.'s and Organizational Psycologists who can easily recongnize antecendet, and outcomes behavior who have read the results?

Where are they who is interpreting the results to inform the Newbies of these tresults?

Not accusing anyone of anything, wondering out loud?

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The sad part is that no matter what the Japanese find, no matter how bad they say these shots are--our media will ignore it and the majority of the people here will remain in the dark and nothing else will happen.

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Hot Bodies!!!!!!!

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33 😂

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A disaster, wrapped up in a cluster fuck, surrounded by fubar, dipped in homicide.

Brought to you by Pfizer.

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The machinations and enforcement and constant deluge of propaganda behind these gene therapy shots has been nothing more than shocking to say the least from our perspective, as logical, reasoning human beings. The actions of governments have been almost anti-human, if you will. It's as if the highest reaches of governments worldwide have been taken over by an alien force.

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"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places..."

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