PS while Jack Ruby was in prison he was injected with the SV40-laced bioweapon and shortly thereafter came down with turbo cancer.

The COVID "vaccines" all have this very same SV40 payload, though not as concentrated as Ruby's dose so that it would not be as obvious; i.e. humanity was administered a'slow kill' bioweapon from the same bioterror program that Oswald and Ruby were tangentially a part of.

This is a rather important wrinkle that I forgot to add to this article.

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The photo with the Governor and his wife in the car is doctored (one of many) ... They were not in the car during the Nov 22nd 1963 parade - that was from a prior visit, which included an extra bench. The entire story was doctored to cover up the fact that 20 criminal demons - CIA, banksters (Chase, Morgan, Clint Murchison) and government officials (LBJ, CIA Director GHW Bush, Allen Dulles - JFK fired him prior year) orchestrated the plan. At age 10, I witnessed JFK's assassination live on WKBW, 5 feet from TV, empathically noting every detail... (photographic memory). Here is the whole truth, thoroughly researched since the assassination - included documents from Library of Congress when Trump opened it to public in 2017 - particularly in relation to JFK's connection with President Soekarno and the Green Hilton Agreement, Exec Order 11110 and the UN (Bretton Woods) takeover. https://sterry448.substack.com/p/jfk-assassination-november-22-1963?r=pvup8

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TOTAL BS! John Connelly was seriously wounded while riding in the same car with JFK.

Your alleged "photographic memory" drank too much developer.

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Oswald was working in some capacity with the team of ghouls in Louisiana charged with creating a cancer-causing virus to be used for the purpose of eliminating Fidel Castro. They were actually doing serial passage on a bunch of mice in someone's house (!!). Oswald became romantically involved with Judith Vary Baker, one of the scientists working on the project, who later went on to write a book titled "Me and Lee." Mark Groubert and Eric Hunley have a twice-weekly live YouTube show, America's Untold Stories, that has gone extensively into the people involved in the JFK assassination and earlier attempts at assassinating the president. I don't know how accurate everything that they present is but it's certainly been interesting and even eye-opening to listen to past shows. Interestingly, two major spooks each settled "quietly" in the same town, a mere 42 miles north of where I sit typing this, namely Ruth Payne (who is still there) and Mark Felt, a.k.a. "Deep Throat," who passed away a few years back...

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SV40 was in polio vaccines for decades... and we only have their word that it was completely removed from all production. It would be interesting to know if the boomers with cancer have it... can one request tumor testing for it?

I think that any incriminating evidence was destroyed long ago. No way was anyone going to leave the truth behind. But it does give a peek into their methods - like their biological agricultural plans... which have not gone away. Dr. Elaine Ingham PhD, has a scary story to tell about how she barely got the govt to nix spraying fields with a bacteria that would have killed every plant, spreading about 4 mi a yr. I found her on youtube some yrs ago.

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It all goes back to 1880s, JD Rockefeller and the "Secret Covenant"


Also back to Rothschild's banking 1700s... and even further to the Vatican - Pagan worshipper King Constantine's rewrite of the Essene's (Jesus' lifetime) ancient scriptures of the Saints and Sages of the Ages, plus the Torah. We are now living in the Apocalypse - Revelations!

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Although we all knew it was the CIA, and our corrupt government that is responsible for all the assassinations and attempts, it is always good to get confirmation. Perfect timing for release because more people than ever realize the government corruption. Some may be surprised that the Bush's were pulling mafia triggers, but even Kennedy knew Joe Biden was corrupt way back then. This rot started 50 years ago or more!

All in the IC left behind from 2024 should be fired immediately. Its only a matter of short time before God says "Enough"! If someone does not learn how to pull them all in and hold them all accountable - the injustice judicial factory, the child sex traffickers, the corrupt abusive politicians and the whole of government, and (lets not forget the globalists NWO hold they have over our bribed politicians) - real soon.......you all better get right with Jesus sooner than too later! We are living on borrowed time, getting shorter everyday.

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Started much further back than 50 years ago!!!! TRY 100 YEARS AGO AND THEN GO BACK TO Lincoln assassination! HISTORY is full of answers if you look and read real history, not theirs.

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Rev 18:8 is their end!!! annihilated!

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Judgment Day is coming, as HE promised. Enjoy our time of Mercy to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Matter of eternal Life or Eternal Death.

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CIA and men with little hats, they are always involved. America is their little Btch

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Very good summation, thank you. I was relying on others like you and Clandestine to peruse the released files and let us know what was important.

To me, it is as we have believed for years, the CIA and LBJ murdered JFK, and our Republic was overthrown in a coup. That takeover continued until Trump. Let's hope he will finish the takedown of the criminal syndicate.

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Amen, Dave. I pray that he does. If he doesn't, then we have a real problem on our hands that We the People will need to deal with via Vigilante Justice. I'm praying that Trump is who he says he is, and that he wasn't sent in by the DS to calm the Majority. I'm still trusting that he is legitimate, despite all the Bots and Liberals who think Trump is DS too. I pay attention and I'm not convinced he's DS... but I will continue to watch closely and will act accordingly if/when the time comes to take some kind of action by We the People.

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Wise reaction. Keep the faith.

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According to last night posts by the DNI head, the administration is still downloading (uploading?) many thousands of the JFK files/documents. Until then, anyone can go in person and see them all, as they are available. Also, Tulsi has noted that all previously released files will be shorn of redactions. Until you've gone through all 80,000 docs, perhaps it's wise to refrain from absolute, sweeping pronouncements...??

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I agree! I have another substack that has downloaded thousands! So it’s not being withheld as stated! People are so quick to condemn President Trump when he’s done more in under three months than anyone we’ve ever had. People discredit themselves when many of us have come to trust what they write! We are accessing them ourselves!

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Epstein files, Kenned files, blah blah blah All shinny lures to keep the people distracted and divided. Meanwhile we still be in the pendulum. Kennedy and Lincoln tried to warn of this dividing thing which may be the real reason why they murdered them. That and/or they and as I understand all 4 assassinated presidents have one thing in common....they were messing with the private banks power system. https://open.substack.com/pub/toddlutzusarmy1sgret/p/pendulum-center?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=1k5h5t

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I write extensively about the Central Banker Pedophile Terrorists, the root of Terrorism on Earth, at AmericanNation.net. I've been writing about them for 10 years, talking about them for 33 years, since I first read UN Agenda 21 in 1992, when it was published. The Bankers have infiltrated our government and compromised every agency and run the Democrat Party for the last 100 years, and run 13-14 of the "Republicans"/RINOs too.

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TRue and much further back than that.

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And the men with little hats run that banking system. That is why America is Israels little Btch

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Kind of ironic how the prophecy from Jesus warned of those who call themselves Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan https://biblehub.com/study/revelation/2-9.htm

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Thanks, I’m reading

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Here’s my thoughts on this one; no one is talking about Fort Knox anymore and how it’s most likely that the CIA spent the money on their secret programs like Stargate, AI, Mind control, and Lifelog/Facebook.

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Wow good thought. So awhile we distracted always with fivolitty they stole out money (including the $36 trillion redistributed to them?) and with funding the build of the Rev 13 total buy and sell control system....?

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One gigantic circle jerk.

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Amen. To every thing a big….meanwhile

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WE will never see all of the secrets that this country has.

Not a pessimist just a realist

If the release of ANY info will implicate anybody in anything illegal, why hold that info back? The current admin is no different, they are all trying to shield each other for anything that is illegal, or shines a light that might make somebody look bad. Trump is no different, look at some of the things he is for, "continued mRna research" "Blackrock in Panama" "He didnt claw the money back from Moderna, 590 mil, 2 or 3 days before inauguration" Same ol shit, just a few new names thrown into the mix

If the govt, people, law enforcement really cared about child/sex slavery/trafficking etc the Epstein files would have been disclosed a long time ago, people would already be in jail. Same as the diddy thing now, who was involved with him? Nobody else in jail.

Ghislaine still in a prison cell, but where is her black book of names? lol lol

MLK jr, RFK files?????????

It is all smoke and mirrors to keep the masses distracted

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Sadly, it appears you may be correct. We'll know shortly if Trump is who we think he is... or if he's DS too. We'll know. We're awake now, most of us. And we're watching closely.

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Well brother remember John 4:25 He will explain all then. I'm just a waiting and ready with lamp stand lit and high

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We knew nothing good or damning truly would remain. I think Trump wanted to sow discontent over CIA. But I agree we really need to Crooks stuff from last year. If that was enabled by our government that will break the deep state.

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cia is jesuit.

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Finally a friend out there who has their eyes open to WHO IS REALLY PULLING THE STRINGS.

Catholics In Action run by the Vatican, courtesy of the Jesuit Order. (Through intermediaries, front groups, etc.)

1,700 years of practice for Rome and 585 years of Jesuit misery inflicted upon the world, and this organization is quite good at manipulating events in order to add to their power, which they are about to fully reclaim, and wield, through us, for one last nightmarish hurrah.

“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:”

‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬

And, yeah, they killed Kennedy as sure as they took out Lincoln.

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100% agree. 2Thessal;onians 2 and Revelation 18:8 ! They took out a few presidents.

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I'm not suprised at all - which is why I did bother looking at them last night. Thanks for looking into it.

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I find it funny that Israel’s involvement was redacted, and the Cubans involved state they were going to get funding from “Jews”.

Everyone knows Mossad goes hand in hand with the CIA and Kennedy slapped Ben Gurion around concerning Dimona Nuclear enrichment. Plus he tried to make AIPACs predecessor register as a foreign entity. I believe Mossad was just as culpable. I think they made a deal with LBJ to get help in their war against Egypt and this assasination was the precursor to the USSLiberty attack to pull us into a war for Isreal. That’s why LBJ sent the Liberty, unprotected and alone, rapidly into a dangerous place. Thank goodness American sailors are resilient and brave and Isreali military operations usually only work on weaker military/ civilian militia opponents. Otherwise they all would have died and America would have been fighting wars in Asia as well as the Middle East.

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So far, you’re the only one that gets it. You are correct…Mossad/CIA killed JFK.

JFK also did not support Israel having nuclear weapons.

“Final Judgment”, Michael Collins Piper goes into great detail.

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re: "conspiracy theorist", in a recent interview between Tucker Carlson and Clayton Morris, Tucker said "It's not ignorance that makes you a conspiracy nut. It's knowledge."

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I wonder if the docs the Deep State is still holding on to re the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations points to MOSSAD. Hmmmm

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This link opens a very long and detailed document that strongly suggests the famous Zapruder home movie of the JFK assassination, was edited by the CIA's partner photo lab at EKCo in Rochester. The film we have all seen is not the camera original, and the camera original shows that JFK was shot from the front, with a massive exit wound to the back of his head, contradicting the "lone gunman shooting from behind" official narrative.


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For one, I’ll refrain from over Black pilling until the end of the file dump. I don’t see the logic in even going through this exercise of It’s just to produce “nothing”. As a distraction? Still not logical nor necessary. He never would have brought this up in the first place if it was just to reveal nothing at all. I’m seeing a lot of post of people outing out Israeli involvement and Bush Sr. Yes we’ve all known and suspected that previously. But I think more will come from this. We shall see. Until it’s all gone through, it’s hard to have a solid read.

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It’s an amazing after all that the Trump administration is uncovering every single day, people are so quick to undermine him! It’s disgusting! These people deserved Kamala! They would have gotten so much more!!!LOL!! This has been break neck speed and no one negatively commenting have ever worked this hard to expose corruption like this! And people wonder why it’s hard to get good people to run for office!!

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There is a very simple answer to this, just ask yourself. Who controls America? Who controls the banks? Who has their own people in the most important postiions of power in America at all times. America belongs the to them, America is their Btch. Yes, that's right, the men who wear the little hats...

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MmmmmHmmmm…Uncle Jack (Neurosurgeon) goes into the SV-40 contamination of Polio Vaccines in the 1950s. Great interview w/ Bobby on Rick Rubin’s podcast, all linked to JFK assassination. The more things change, the more they stay the same. AND WHERE’S ALL THIS DAMN CANCER COMING FROM?!??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

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