I'd like to see them try and take my chickens and pigs and rip up my cabbages.

These lunatics can just fuck right off.

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Said like a true "Kulak". You do know What Happened to the "Kulaks", right comrade???

Got Tribe??? the democRat Bolsheviks Will Not Allow a Trump Presidency in 2025. The Quisling rinoRats agree, DC (On Going Coup) Uni-party USSA and (there is no voting our way out of this) TINVOWOOT = WROL = FUBAR = TSHTF ??? or just SNAFU USSA ???

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My ancestors on my mother's side WERE Kulaks.

I'm not stupid enough to play their games and this is a very big country with lots of hidden dangers for the poor federales.

I don't care about the Presidency. It's nothing but circuses for the masses. I don't know what else you're jabbering about, but good evening.

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Thank you for replying. That you know about the remorselessness of the Bolsheviks was my only intention. I wish you well and hope your plans for the future work out.

I in no way assume that I'm any better off than you, We are all going to have our hands full in the near future.

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You're welcome.

It's not going to be easy and we're not all gonna make it no matter what we do to prepare, but I saw this coming in 2008 and have been getting ready every since...in hopes that my son will at least live on in freedom.

All the best!

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DENNIS MEADOWS LIMITS TO GROWTH - CLUB OF ROME - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojK05pVOlhs&t=10s

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The ONLY way WE THE PEOPLE win is if the majority of WE THE PEOPLE stick together on this one, both farmers and non-farmers. Everyone eats no matter what your profession. We side with and right alongside the farmers or we devolve into eating bugs. Those are the tough choices we have. That 'die on my feet instead of live on my knees' thing is real. Bring it. Someone's going with me.

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Black ravens and long walks into the woods happened.

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same in netherlands

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Netherlands is on going... Tried it out there to figure out the ways to get it done. Now moving on to the USA

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I have been screaming for a couple of years now that our country is turning into something very similar to Stalinist Russia, and today, after learning about that blandest, no-personality narcissistic moron’s idea about about farmers, about possibility of their farms being taken away, I was terrified—transformation is almost complete!!! P.S. How should I translate “raskulachivanie”… The closest would be, process of private farms being forcibly taken by the government from the most successful farmers .

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Well General, from your abbreviations, you may be another veteran. Thanks!

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Yes Janice, we are not the Dutch, we are not the Aussies, we will not roll over 💪🏻

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Don’t bet on that… I have seen way too many obedient sheep during covid and even today…

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You have the right attitude, and my friend Michael may be able to help with some tips.

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The war on agricultural production, especially against small farmers, has been going on for decades and is part of an ongoing conspiracy. It's awful. Here is Gore Vidal on the topic in "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, p. 61:

“But Dyer has unearthed a genuine ongoing conspiracy that affects everyone in the United States. Currently, a handful of agro-conglomerates are working to drive America's remaining small farmers off their land by systematically paying them less for their produce than it costs to grow, thus forcing them to get loans from the conglomerates' banks, assume mortgages, and undergo foreclosures and the sale of land to corporate-controlled agribusiness. But is this really a conspiracy or just the Darwinian workings of an efficient marketplace? There is, for once, a smoking gun in the form of a blueprint describing how best to rid the nation of small farmers. Dyer writes: "In 1962, the Committee for Economic Development comprised approximately seventy-five of the nation's most powerful corporate executives. They represented not only the food industry but also oil and gas, insurance, investment and retail industries. Almost all groups that stood to gain from consolidation were represented on that committee. Their report [An Adaptive Program for Agriculture] outlined a plan to eliminate farmers and farms. It was detailed and well thought out." Simultaneously, "as early as 1964, congressmen were being told by industry giants like Pillsbury, Swift, General Foods, and Campbell Soup that the biggest problem in agriculture was too many farmers."....So a conspiracy has been set in motion to replace the Jeffersonian ideal of a nation whose backbone was the independent farm family with a series of agribusiness monopolies where, Dyer writes,"these companies controlled 96% of U.S. wheat exports, 95% of U.S. corn exports," and so on through the busy aisles of [grocery stores]. Has consolidation been good for the customers? By and large, no."

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Revelation 6:8

I saw a horse the colour of ashes. The name of the man who rode it was Death. And the one who controls the world of the dead followed him. They were given power over a fourth part of the world. They could kill people with a sword, or by making them go without food to eat, or by making them sick, or with wild animals.

Revelation 6:8 (BBE) And I saw a grey horse, and the name of him who was seated on it was Death; and Hell came after him. And there was given to them authority over the fourth part of the earth, to put to destruction by the sword, and by taking away their food, and by death, and by the beasts of the earth.

Revelation 6:8 (NIRV) I looked, and there in front of me was a pale horse! Its rider's name was Death. Following close behind him was Hell. They were given power over a fourth of the earth. They were given power to kill people with the sword, hunger and sickness. They could also use the earth's wild animals to kill.

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support your local farmers. make sure you have a strong local supportive cohesive community that realizes the possibilites that they could find themselves in and are prepared to deal with those situaitons as a collective. unfortunately my town in MA is WOKE to the max. we'll see how that benefits them when the SHTF.

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I hereby pledge I will keep all my emissions under that of John Kerry, for the planet.

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I am going to have to come back and read this later but just from seeing the name in the title I want to say that John Kerry is an enormous buffoon, liar, hypocrite, and piece of shit. He could have been cast in The Walking Dead without makeup.

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Control the food, control the people; control the resources, control the continent; control the money, control the world. Same battle, different tactics.

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It’s all done. At least here in Europe. The Germans are not only completely oblivious to the ongoing Dutch farmers problems, they don’t generally care. Their farmers have been spared from “net zeroing” regulations for now. So they don’t care and they adopted ostrich strategy. Food is still available and relatively not expensive. The compliance is extraordinarily high. Tomorrow when The Cult comes for them there won’t be any Dutch left to sympathize with German farmers. Then there will come time for other nations.

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Martin Niemöller.

I admire your ongoing and relentless battle for humanity 2nd..., but it requires involvement of humans to achieve any level of success. From my perspective I can’t see any of it, so my hopes are fading away. I hope I am the only one seeing it this way.

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My kids are homeschooled. They know about the Rothschilds and they're servants destroying the world. They're also going to graduate high-school by 12 or 13 years old. They can fight, shoot, and grow their own food, and cook. There are millions and millions of kids like mine in the world. Our job is to give them a world, free of these evil banksters. That is my hope. Hope changes the world. Hope wins against insurmountable odds. I hope you fight.

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With all due respect, there is a saying "hope is the mother of fools", at least in my country of origin. Based on hope, as on faith, we give our power to specific or indefinite powers, while each of us is able to use the power that exists within ourselves. This power is not external aggression but internal awareness and perception. Your kids knowledge of Rothshilds diabolical involvement in world events gives me much more confidence in their abilities than their shooting range skills. Only that perception present in the majority of humans gives us the edge over the forces we are up against. This is our only but eventually winning chance. Yes I will fight, it is what I have been doing for years.

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This truly is wisdom. Thank you for sharing these profound thoughts.

"Only that perception present in the majority of humans gives us the edge over the forces we are up against. This is our only but eventually winning chance. "

I concur, this is unquestionably true, and one of the only hopes for deliverance in this world.

But when I look around and see smartphones in every hand, and now even smartwatches established as ubiquitous fixtures, my heart drops and the light darkens.

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Consider it a Challenge! How tough are you? Your epigenetics were built for this and are going to be very busy. Or lay down and take it!


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inspiration from Modern and Ancient Bows:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZpbz4053mo (4 mins)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBxdTkddHaE (tod's workshop)

Think Guerilla.

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John Kerry; Joe & Hunter Biden; Hussain Obama; Chelsea Clinton & The Clinton’s; The Bush’s; Rothschild’s; Rockefeller’s and many Global Leaders are all members of The World Economic Forum which is founded by Klaus Schwab, a Jewish-Satanic Demon who serves Lucifer and his visions include a Hierarchical Society of Global Elites in charge of Humanity. These psychopathic individuals believe that they have the power and rights to enslave Humanity by microchipping them with Graphene Oxide which they re-invented by creating a new engineering of an element of Carbon. They used nanotechnology to produce very small amounts of Graphene Oxide and injected them into humans during their Plannedemic [The Rockefeller’s 2010, PDF Document, “Operation LockStep Scenario” explains a step-by-step process on creating a Crisis and use it to your advantage. It describes how to create fear mongering by using their media. It describes how to force the public into lockdowns, enforcing mandatory masks and mandates for their Graphene Oxide, MRNA, DNA 🧬 ALTERING JABS to depopulate the world. Bill Gates has played a major part of deceiving the masses. Anthony Fauci played a huge part in actually genetically modifying Human Cells & Bat 🦇 Cells to make it possible for transferring a virus from one species to another species, a process called “Gain of Function.” Fauci & Gates are members of The WEF. They have made millions of dollars from their Bio-Warfare laboratory experiments. Their goal=Depopulation and Control Over Humanity

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Point of fact: Klaus Schwab is not Jewish. That he is is a lie many people continue to tell. His father and grandfather were Nazis.

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I'll grant that you have investigated and verified this, and so I may not have need to doubt. But realise also that you are actually presenting a false dichotomy: Jewish, on the one hand, and Nazi, on the other. There is ample evidence that supports the notion that these two categorisations are not mutually-exclusive.

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Case in point: Volodymyr Zelensky. Ashkenazi Jewish, and in league with (if not a member of) the Azov Battalion of avowed Neo-Nazis.

This is only a high-profile recent example. A diligent look under the cover stories of the infamous protagonists of the Nazis of the Third Reich would reveal further and even more puzzling paradoxes.

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Zelensky is part Jewish, but bears no Jewish identity, and is a grifter, looting the US Treasury, courtesy of the US grifter in chief, his family, his administration, and various members of the legislative branch and hangers on. Schwab was born to a Swiss family that emigrated to Germany to assume high level positions in Nazi weapons manufacture. He was reared as a Catholic.

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Technically, he isn't Jewish at all. His children are baptized and he is not an observant Jew.

Christ said if people are truly Sons of Abraham, they conduct themselves as Abraham.

If they don't conduct themselves as Abraham did, their True Father is Satan.

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You were doing so well and I was getting so charged-up, right up until you said "Jewish-Satanic Demon who serves Lucifer."


Will you never realise that these are ideas and images conceived by the ruling class to infect the psyches of those whom they ruled over - tormenting and tyrannising even their very consciences! - and also to deflect ultimate blame and possible action of reprisal away from their human overlords? We ordinary folk just can't imagine how anything human could be so wicked, so we blithely, disappointingly unimaginatively concluding it muse be the work of supernatural mischief, but we ordinary folk have never known what it is like to exist completely without material scarcity of any kind as the ruling criminals do, and so we cannot fathom the degeneracy and corruption that results from such an existence.

Someone somewhere else, I can't recall where, proffered the "Behavioral sink" concept devised by ethologist John B. Calhoun to describe a collapse in behaviour which can result from overcrowding, the point being to suggest what the ultimate purpose of "15 minute cities" will be. I'd like to propose the model be extended to also encompass the psycho-social degenerative consequences of so-called "rat utopias" where, instead of only unlimited access to food and water in a highly enclosed space, the ruling criminal class of human rats experience unlimited access to all resources, exorbitant privilege and and a highly enclosed social circle of only other individuals in similar circumstances as they. I submit that such circumstances were never met during human evolution so humans are completely unequipped for them, and these people within the ruling class of criminals throughout history become monsters, and develop from birth the kinds of mind and behaviours as your Bill Gates and George Soros and <insert your favourite poster-boy of Bio-digital Technocracy> demonstrate.

And this is where devil-botherers will often quote Charles Baudelaire and his very convenient alibi, "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist,” but they NEVER also repeat his Baudelaire's other frankly disgusting utterance, which gives the previous quote it's proper context, "There is no form of rational and assured government save an aristocracy. […] There are but three beings worthy of respect: the priest, the warrior and the poet. To know, to kill and to create. The rest of mankind may be taxed and drudged, they are born for the stable, that is to say, to practise what they call professions."

What more need I say?

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Yet he is far from the only one to think along those lines.

The Founding Fathers had a concept of Natural Aristocracy, and studies have shown when Royals and Nobles lose their hereditary wealth, they generally regain prominence in relatively few generations.

Genetic inheritance and received knowledge from elders are reasons this is so.

Also, the concept that Monarchy is inherently evil is dubious.

Any serious person has to concede that democracies and so called Republics are no better.

. In reality, they are inherently worse, in that the politicians have no reason to care about the welfare of the country.

A hereditary monarch has a vested interest in the country, and great incentive to leave the country in strong condition for the heirs.

Maybe you are disinclined to believe this, but there will never be perfect government until it is established by Christ.

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The point I was making is that such thinking is utterly repugnant. Whether it is by Baudelaire or by The Founding Fathers, for anyone to believe there are humans that could or should be placed above any other as a consequence of eugenic or phylogenetic factors or claimed from the mope-eyed arrogance that one creed or ideology or superstition could be superior and more valid than all others, or simply due to the happenstance and circumstances surrounding birth, which they themselves have neither influence over nor control of, is deeply abhorrent and the entire contention is abominable.

" ... but there will never be perfect government until it is established by Christ."

First of all, if by government you are meaning "government" in the conventional sense, such as the government in Washington, that is, a group of people who arrogate to themselves (whether by birth, by force, or by election, or any impossible to substantiate claim of divine decree - it makes not a jot of difference because the result is exactly the same) the authority over and the command of all available resources in order to organise and direct the people as only they see fit, or as their hyper-wealthy oligarch bosses contrive, then it is either absurd, if it isn't completely futile, to expect any government on Earth to be anything other than irredeemably, reprehensibly criminal, and hence contemptibly immoral, and therefore unacceptable to any moral being. By all means, indulge your faith that a "perfect government ... established by Christ" might exist in any perfect plane of existence of your fancy, perhaps in "heaven" or what have you, but here on planet Earth, outside of our fancy, we can't be anything other than pragmatic and so we must deal with real problems and seek real solutions.

If instead you are speaking about the emergent phenomenon of government - as in the transitive / intransitive verb, and not the noun - that arises from the governance of affairs by people interacting with one another (and not by some select few who sit above and in judgement of others) and the compromises that are necessary as individuals look after their mutual interests, then realise that this does not at all necessitate nor is it facilitated by a government (noun) in the conventional sense, as described in the previous paragraph. On the contrary, it can only arises when a rigidly vertical social hierarchy is absent.

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This means civil war can not be avoided.

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Globalists vs the plebs. Import merc army. Gear up.

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May 19, 2023
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This has been coming for a long time. In my life time it started with the Nixon Administration and Ag Sec Earl Butz telling small farmers "to get big or get out".

The kill box is the urbanization of our nation, at the same time destroying the rural culture. Now it is nearly complete. Who can protect farmers when most of them are owned and operated by Corporations. Small farms other that Amish are rare and thus there is no one to protect the small farmer.

The coil of the constrictor tightens. Why now? Why get all environmental now? Why not 60 years ago when there was a very large movement to care for the Earth?

The reason is now the corporations are protected. The laws are written (see Katherine Watt, https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/). The media is controlled. So what is the truth? It is what they tell us it is. Don't believe it. Grow your own. Boycott Pharma and Farma.

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Jun 13, 2023
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Sadly if you follow the media you will be destroyed. Very sad indeed

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Amazing times we live in - Biblical prophesy unfolding before our very eyes. Notice how things are revving up as we perhaps are in Year 1 of the seven year tribulation. The Lord has begun opening the seals described in Revelation 6. The first seal will be accomplished with the WHO Pandemic Accord and IHRs, next week, when the whole world will become enslaved to a One World Government. The second seal, peace taken from the earth and people killing one another, is happening everywhere. The third seal is scarcity and famine upon the whole earth. Isn't this what these "climate change" claims will accomplish? And the fourth seal we can easily see coming soon: "And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth." (6:8b) That's about two billion people.

It's time to choose God - https://www.bobdylan.com/songs/gotta-serve-somebody/

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They're making it look like biblical prophesy, so people like you throw your money at the church instead of the gun store.

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10% for the invisible guy

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I refuse to choose between them.

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That's the idea! Bravo/a! That's exactly the right way to approach this!

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Nice fantasy.

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Revelation 6:8

I saw a horse the colour of ashes. The name of the man who rode it was Death. And the one who controls the world of the dead followed him. They were given power over a fourth part of the world. They could kill people with a sword, or by making them go without food to eat, or by making them sick, or with wild animals.

Revelation 6:8 (BBE) And I saw a grey horse, and the name of him who was seated on it was Death; and Hell came after him. And there was given to them authority over the fourth part of the earth, to put to destruction by the sword, and by taking away their food, and by death, and by the beasts of the earth.

Revelation 6:8 (NIRV) I looked, and there in front of me was a pale horse! Its rider's name was Death. Following close behind him was Hell. They were given power over a fourth of the earth. They were given power to kill people with the sword, hunger and sickness. They could also use the earth's wild animals to kill.

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I think the best response to this out of control government is a massive general strike. Everyone just stays home and doesn’t give the government a target to create violence against people. I’ve read that if only 10% of the workforce does that it will get the oligarchs attention. Like you said they want us to get violent.

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Exactly this!

That's the idea! Bravo/a! That's exactly the right way to approach this!

I'm sorry for repeating, but...

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May 19, 2023
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Sheesh! Yeah, that's a problem. A huge problem. They certainly did come up with that one hum-dinger right there, didn't they, the bastards.

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Don't be a pussy. You vote your way into socialism, but you HAVE to shoot your way out. This is the history of the world.

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I don't favour your shooter against their ADAPTIV camouflage, Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition (MAHEM), Taser Shockwave, Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System (MAARS), Thunder Generator, Active Denial System (ADS), Hypersonic Missile - X51A Waverider, Laser Weapon System (LaWS), Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC), Hybrid Insect Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (HI MEMS), XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE), ...

I don't know what state of readiness of all or any of these are, but it doesn't matter. The point is that the objective of the state in achieving and maintaining, and jealously guarding, the monopoly on violence is just so the very notion of armed rebellion by the people might be quelled, and if it does erupt and go kinetic, it cannot have a hope of succeeding.

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May 20, 2023
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"... like Australia ... confiscate our guns"

Not that old chestnut again... Scott, please review your sources. Australia is full of guns! An 18 year nephew of someone I know in Australia was reportedly salivating at the prospect of going to get his licence so he could get his own shooter and go out shooting with his mates. He has in mind a neat pump-action shotgun, but it's only available in Queensland - where it can be sold, but is illegal to own - so he'll need to get it sent to him by mail order, because it's illegal to sell over the border in the state he's living in...

The Port Arthur "massacre" false flag ... uhm, I mean mass shooting incident that occurred on 28 April 1996 at Port Arthur, Tasmania, was the lever for the then (coward-)Howard government to crank-through through reformed gun laws. A redesign of the laws for all states and territories of Australia had been prepared by officers and presented at a meeting of police ministers in Launceston, just the year before the Port Arthur false flag ... erm, I mean mass shooting in 1995. It had been rejected by Tasmania, so as things turned out, they staged a "massacre" in Tasmania, Port Arthur, to be precise, and hey-presto.

Anyhow, the despicable federal government formulated the National Firearms Agreement, restricting the private ownership of semi-automatic rifles, semi-automatic shotguns and pump-action shotguns as well as introducing uniform firearms licensing. Yes, that's a lot of types of guns, but just go back and look at all the sci-fi sounding weaponry the government keeps in their armory, and tell me how better-off and more threatening to the government Australians would be if they kept their pump-action shot-guns?

By the way, it was a gun "buy-back" scheme: the government diverted a few billion dollars from tax revenue to go towards paying people for their guns. An Australian friend of mine at the time had to go into the "cop shop" to hand in his old blunderbuss of a shotgun, and was given a stack of notes enough for a new shooter. So, the outcome was that most people gave back their old guns, then went out and bought new, better ones, all thanks to the (coward-)Howard Federal government and the long-suffering Australian tax-payer!

So the entire gun confiscation dog and pony folly was both a PR stunt of the sort where governments think they need to be seen to be doing something, anything no matter how stupid-seeming and futile, and, yes, undoubtedly it was also an attempt to reduce the number of guns out there among the people. But in either case, it failed dismally, because people were completely unconvinced about the entire charade (well, most decent folk were, and even the people who didn't have or care about guns knew that it's not the gun itself but the gun user that is more likely the problem, if at all) also because the alleged killer of Port Arthur's guns were illegally-acquired (this might not be correct, however it is reported, very conveniently for the government's actions, that Bryant blamed the ease of buying guns as a motivating factor for his shooting spree) - as they tend to be for anyone seriously contemplating crime or murder - so what exactly was the point of taking the (old) guns off of people who had legally-attained them? The other failure was that because most of all those who gave in their guns were paid more for their guns than what they were worth, these people took the cash and went out and bought new and better guns! The result was that there may have been less old guns around, but there were almost the same number, however or newer and better guns! And in any case, there was hardly any of at all decrease in violent gun crime as a result because, as I said, the people who set out to commit real gun crime don't give a fig what the laws are - they'll know how/where to get their guns illegally, government and laws be damned!

One final unintended consequence of this sham was that the illegal gun trade in Australia increased over the years and decades after the "gun buy-back" scheme, with the result that there have been more illegal guns in the hands of more genuine murderers! Bravo Howard and the great Australian Federal Government! (freaking berks!)

Of course, the increase in illegal fire arms might very well be encouraged by the government, because the more crime they nurture within society, the more they can increase funding toward the militarisation of law enforcement, and the more absolute becomes their monopoly on power, so game-set-match.

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May 20, 2023
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Don't sugar-coat it, Scott. Tell us how you really feel.

Keep you powder dry. I responded to your assertion - whether it was actually Obama's or not, you repeated it here - because it was clearly wrong, and then showed you how it was wrong.

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We out number them in the millions!!! If this doesn’t provoke people, I don’t know what will! It’s time for all of us to organize and stop these monsters!!! Kerry has exploited everything for personal gain and its time all these treasonous monsters are taken out just like he wants all of us taken out! Now its clear what are founding fathers had to do! It’s time!

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What James Roguski at jamesroguski.com, jamesroguski.substack.com and ExitTheWHO.com has been doing creates a perfect opportunity for us to get organized and take the power back.

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We are fighting the Fascist Fabian Society out of Oxford, Britain, the origin of Nazi Germany's descendants...The 'Death Cult' ideology governing Europe historically using starvation, sickness, weakness, illiteracy, stupidity as population management to DEPOPULATE AND ENSLAVE SOCIETY...SLAVERY THEY Called SERFDOM AND PEASEANTRY which was the same thing. "You will own nothing and you'll be happy." has always been the motto of traditional Europe.

The American Dream was NOT about becoming a Movie Star or Model. "The American Dream" was about OWNING LAND AND HAVING THE MEANS TO FEED ONE'S SELF AND ONE'S FAMILY unlike anywhere in the old world where the International Mafia Death Cult owned everything and death could and did result from fishing in the master's streams or ponds, or hunting game to feed one's STARVING FAMILY; overtaxed for the Master's Table...Who did NO WORK AT ALL.

One has to be totally bonkers to believe these Parasite Psycho/Sociopathic Predators will stop anything simply form 'RESISTANCE'...That's a fallacy. BLOOD ON THE LINE IS THE ONLY WAY 'THE PEOPLE' WILL REGAIN THEIR POWER AND INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS; especially, NOW THAT THEY KNOW WE SEE THROUGH THEIR HISTORICAL B.S. unlike ever before. They will fight this time as they know WE WILL END THEM AND THEIR OWN BLOODY DESCENDENT'S POWER AND SPECIAL PRIVILEGE FOREVER.

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See “men” in America lately? My generation wasn’t like this.

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NO...The men were not as this in our generation and many men are not what the society is claiming them to be. Our males here...ARE STILL MEN and thank God the women here like 'em that way. We're all puzzled about the kinds of women wanting woosies and raising their sons to be feminized. Truly vexing.

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I grew up in SF! Men were tough and masculine! The city people see now, is NOT SF! I grew up with all blue collar workers: construction, plumber, electrician, fireman, cops, etc. People in SF are from other places the last couple decades. The City was changed incrementally. It’s very sad what the Left has done. It’s heartbreaking.

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Beware of Purple-Sweater peeps and Incrementalism

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I know all about it. I have for decades.

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Total 'EFing' mystery to know where these WINNING CHANGES came from.

These are OUR kid's and Grandkid's generation...WE MUST BE AT FAULT SOME WAY.

THIS is the result of 'Free Love', Drug Legalization, removing education about our Country and The Constitution from mandatory criteria to graduate High School...Among other seemingly simple errors society didn't recognize to be so.

San Fran was a lovely city; one of the most beautiful and harmonious. I'm glad I haven't had to witness its destruction as watching the country and my Church has been impossible.

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You are 100% correct. I went to Catholic school in SF. I said the Pledge of Allegiance, 1-8 grade, and prayed in the morning. We said grace before lunch (I still do before meals). Sometimes we even sang the Star Spangled Banner, My Country Tis of Thee. So many beautiful memories!

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Us too, here in the Midwest. There really was a unity in the whole country back in the day...Everybody had roughly the same sense of morality and patriotism; or so it seemed. We did pray before meals and went to church. Everybody prayed in school and sang patriotic songs. Heck, they continued with the patriotism in school for my kids and had a trailer come to the school for Bible School which a parent coming from out of town sued for and won; so it had to go. The memories make me cry, too.

We come from a simpler and more wholesome time. WISH IT WAS STILL AS IT WAS THEN. It's still simple here on the Farm out in Amish Country and our kids are here for 'Home School'. The whole immediate neighborhood is in our 'Home School' with the animals, gardens, sewing and a plethora of other skills taught. We hope we're not spoiling the kids as the real world is NOT as things are here.

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No men, just macho. All by design.

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May 19, 2023
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Ken Proctor

6 min ago

Revelation 6:8

I saw a horse the colour of ashes. The name of the man who rode it was Death. And the one who controls the world of the dead followed him. They were given power over a fourth part of the world. They could kill people with a sword, or by making them go without food to eat, or by making them sick, or with wild animals.

Revelation 6:8 (BBE) And I saw a grey horse, and the name of him who was seated on it was Death; and Hell came after him. And there was given to them authority over the fourth part of the earth, to put to destruction by the sword, and by taking away their food, and by death, and by the beasts of the earth.

Revelation 6:8 (NIRV) I looked, and there in front of me was a pale horse! Its rider's name was Death. Following close behind him was Hell. They were given power over a fourth of the earth. They were given power to kill people with the sword, hunger and sickness. They could also use the earth's wild animals to kill.

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Most certainly know about the four horses of the Apocalypse and the symbolism behind them as well as the Prophetic Books of the Old Testament. We have NO certainly of any end to 'End Time' beginning with the resurrection of Christ. Human beings are NOT to just sit back and allow society, their families, themselves to be taken-over by evil and until we know the truth of exactly what time we live in; WE FIGHT IN THE COURAGE OF CONVICTIONS AND TRUST IN JESUS CHRIST TO OPPOSE EVIL EVEN WITH OUR OWN BLOOD.

Factually, there will be those few human beings who will be saved as they go through the Tribulation and right up until the Second Judgment of Jesus Christ. The means we are to STAND AND FIGHT until God gives a sign of certainty to back away from the struggle. Christians are not to be PASSIVE in accepting CORRUPTION and 'Immanentizing the Eschaton' as spoken of by Buckley is a heresy...Human beings can do NOTHING to speed God's timing for the current world's demise.

There was a time when in Grad School of being an Intercessor with prayer during Exorcism...And, from that experience I no longer believe in the 'Rapture' as it's heresy, too...Designed by the forces of evil to instill sloth and to demoralize human beings from the fight to oppose evil as all are supposed to do. I KNOW IT'S NOT FACTUAL. THAT was a blow to me as I'd wanted to and did continue to wish it true. Many people believe the 'Rapture' will occur...I know it's NOT going to occur. We are to STAND AND FIGHT OPPOSED TO EVIL even if that demands our lives.

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Stalin did this to Ukraine in 1932-33. It was called Holodomor, or murder by starvation. Govt took over all small farms owned by peasants and turned them into collectives; government-owned distribution of food. Millions died.

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And since Kerry et al. are the technocommunist globalist apparatchiks, they are merely being told to repeat history.

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Jun 14, 2023
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Pretty surprising, yes, and am glad you found that article. Scary Kerry.

Reading history is imperative to avoid repeating it. As human nature never changes, it surely will repeat itself. Kerry’s desires, mirror Stalin’s desires for maybe different reasons, but results could be same.

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i'd declare war on john kerry. thankfully most farmers are armed

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Farmers in America, unlike in soy sad lad places like the Netherlands, have guns. Bring it.

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They just wait for it, don’t get trapped in a trap. Their ultimate agenda is extremal depopulation using us the people against each other. Only mass, peaceful perception and awareness break through can work. You become what you fight against and there is not a chance to unite in violence against violence. COVIDIOTISM was a perfect example where the individual loyalty resides.

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Fair enough.

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Is it just me, but doesn't John Kerry look like Count Dracula?

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Herman Munster or Lurch.

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Obama's Igor..

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The WEF is the same as the One World Government globalists. No doubt.

Schwab, Soros, Gates, Rothschild, Trudeau, etc are determined to rule the world and are pushing these initiatives.

All for population control.

Why are they still breathing?

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I'm still hoping that retired snipers would decide to go out in a blaze of glory by snuffing out whichever of these billionaire globalist psychopaths was living nearest to them. Instant hero.

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