It’s safe and effective time again. If anyone had any doubt about a depopulation agenda...

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Paging Dr. Mengele! We have 8 billion sets of new "twins" for you.

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This is utterly insane... I feel like the poor Jews who were told "it's just a shower". I mean at what point do we declare war against our own government and fight back? We are sheep being led to the slaughter at this point, but sadly, unlike sheep, many of us are fully aware of what they have planned which makes it a living hell.

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Pure EVIL, no other word comes to mind.

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Ahhh, but who's the author? Don't think for a second that it's the "brainiacs" at Johns Hopkins.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Self spreading vaccines? Ahem, they're called 'diseases'. They're developing gene modifying diseases.... like viruses.

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So they gin up mass hysteria for a new threat that can kill up to 88% and roll out a vaccine before it even hits the states and those that take it suddenly start manifesting some symptoms as they drop dead horrifically from being poisoned and they count them as unvaccinated since they only had one of x shots within x days. The 24/7 media spurs mass panic and a demand you be vaccinated or quarantined and all rights will be suspended. We’ve done this plot already and as you say do not comply.

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This is the heart of the issue, in my opinion. More on this from a Christian perspective: https://www.youtube.com/live/OR99C9yhXHY?feature=share

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For whatever reasons mankind is committing suicide. See ya on the other side soon!

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How about murder, perpetrated by our Babylonian Talmudist friends through whom the rise of satan is becoming ubiquitous.

Never fear however, it'll soon be over because we've been trained like circus animals by them to acquiesce to it all. : )

Honestly, all I can do is laugh at this point.

Anyone that doesn't have a solid faith in Christ, and not the American "Prosperity Gospel" type either, may want to look deeply into developing it, hastily.

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Well said 37. We are in a spiritual battle and the ONLY thing with any weight is THE FULL ARMOR of God (Ephesians 6). Get out of the 501c3's. They've completely bent the knee and are all corrupted. The early church fathers would be disgusted, but we were warned this would happen. All glory to God the Father and our LORD Jesus Christ.

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Nah, those are merely the frontline pawns.

2nd has posted the info before.

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Your sarcasm has been noticed. You're lost however, well into the weeds.

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this is why trudeau wants our guns so badly. can't kill us all if we can fight back

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My deep thought for today: They are trying to turn everyone and everything into a Bluetooth Speaker system, and the shots just amplified the noise. Body area network - Wikipedia


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What about FDA approval!? Informed consent??? Nuremburg code?

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How do we stop this ridiculousness ?

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We don't at this point. We've had chances to stop it over the years, most recently in 2008 when we could have let the "Too Big to Fail's" actually fail, but we collectively decided that we'd prefer wealth over liberty, largely due to our worship of mammon. John Adams even warned us, as have many along the way, including myself and others 15 years ago, that we cannot continue to trade security and seeming financial gain for liberty, that at some point, pretty much arrived, we'd end up with neither.

Sometimes what they say really does happen, that people don't understand the tyranny until that boot stomps on the human face, permanently.

It sure as hell (NPI) won't be stopped via politics, ... in a political SYSTEM that's been contrived and set up BY THEM for over a century, and which they too rule. I mean honestly, why people even listen to anything mainstream or focus on anything political beside local politics is beyond me.

But right now the solutiosn being put forth by everyone, LOL, they don't even address the core enemy. Honestly, it's like a black comedy from where I sit. Never in my life did I realize that people at large could be so monumentally obtuse when ALL the chips are on the table. But as is the case, we've been well-trained by our masters, as part of the demoralization process which directly involves forsaking God/Christ, which we've done, only to have the void filled by the one that they serve.

Welp, here we are! SMH

Everyone will ignore this too, but the recommendation is to ensure that you are in the Camp. Rev. 20:7-9 ... I know, I know, it's all bunk. ... OK ... SMH

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"WE collectively decided?" I sure as hell didn't get a say it any of it! I sure as hell didn't vote for the MFer that did it! Speak for your own lazy ass!

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LOL, been goin' on for decades. I could ask what you do for a living. If it's anything but own or work for a small company, then you've contributed. If you have "investments" in their financial system, for the benefit of the increase of mammon, you've contributed to the building of that Wall. If you've supported this phony contrived political system in any way whatsoever, you've contributed.

If you've sent your kids to the pubic "educational"/indoctrination institutions, then you've contributed.

If you claim to be a follower of Christ yet support this satanic monstrosity called Israel, you're a HUGE contributor.

The list goes on and on and on, as the network of deceit that they've created is mindboggling. It has literally, terminally, demoralized our entire western civilization, ... by design.

That's the thing, people are so incredibly lost as to how they've pulled this off over the past couple hundred years, that the extent to which they would need to alter their world view, unless they've been trying to untangle this for many years, is simply too much to comprehend (IMO) in a short period of time. I've bumped into a few that can do it, but they've already entirely dismissed the existing paradigm as being defunct and evil.

And please, don't take it personally, this has truly been an experts only subversion.

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Courts in the US will stop this dead in it's tracks at the animal trials. Emergency injunction and possible criminal charges. In the name of all that is holy, they jumped the shark on the mRNA crap and created an unlimited number of variants not to mention Molnupiravir variants. What could possibly go wrong with a self spreading rat vaccine for bubonic plague?

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The corrupted and compromised US courts? Ha, if you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you my friend.

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There have been many court wins already and many more are in progress now. Lawyers and judges have family and friends too who have been effected by the willful fraud.

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023

Come on now, going after this in the courts is like scouring the battlefield as the loser following a big defeat to collect the "valuables" out of the pockets of and off of the dead.

They're already planning the finishing touches on our demise, and you're talking about courts and lawsuits, ... in a SYSTEM that they ultimately control.

This is what you're dealing with my friend, and keep in mind, it's had over a century to grow from a behemoth into an all-consuming monolithic nightmare, ... WITH the blessings of those whom it seeks to destroy.

“Since I have entered politics I have chiefly had mens views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere. A power so subtle, so organized, so complete and pervasive that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

- President Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom, 1914

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LOL ... yeah, right after they put Trump back in office or disband the Federal Reserve.

Good one!

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It's all legal. It's too late for legal avenues to reverse this. Trump put the last nail in our coffins.

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I don't believe that is true. If Pfizer and/or Moderna committed fraud in developing and/or delivering the products, they can lose their liability protection and can be sued.

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023

This is Satan's final push seemingly.

Luke 18:8 .... will he?

Because what's been posing as faith as such is little more than self-serving heretical nonsense.

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Thank you so much, dear Smart Guy, for publishing this report.

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Has the existence of the Natural Immune System, either as species protect evolved over millions of years, or the NIS potential reaction (for there would be a reaction) to the invasion of “self-spreading”, “self-propagating” vaccines been considered? I don’t see it. Do these people expect the NIS to be simply passive to another invasive species? Who are these people at “Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Plans”? Are they really a “School”? Do they assume to actually ‘teach’ people? Is this proposal, plan, or whatever, an example of qualifications?

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