‘Gaslighting Technician’ is a formal occupation now.

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They are like any abuser, and they hope everyone forgets before they roll this all out again. I just saw an article that suggested Pfizer/Moderna may have updated shots available as soon as September along with flu shots. And of course now they love you again and only have your best interests. Be a hero, save your family, save your community be patriotic. I wouldn’t be surprised if they spin this back again to the unvaccinated are a threat again. Threats that aren’t supporting their communities and deserve to be shunned. They’ll continue until enough people don’t comply.

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We the unvaccinated know for certain that we made the right decision. We can’t be scared or guilted into taking the poison and a whole lot of us will give the finger to those who threaten us.

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Anyone who threatens me deserves lies. I try and out pro vax them. I usually win 😂

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That's a really good point.. "they are like any abuser". The Cycle of Violence, which is understood in the mental health space is, as you point out, precisely the vicious circular loop we are on. There is always the calm, the roses and chocolates, before the build up starts again. The false sense of security returns, then the tension and violence slowly starts to build until the next confrontation, and then the cycle starts again. Remain aware.

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Or they'll continue until enough people do comply. They certainly have a goal in mind.

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Most jabbed people did NOT get all boosters, so it might just be an excuse like "we tried to help you" once mass deaths begin.

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Nine Inch Nails - album: Year Zero

release date: April 17, 2007


"Year Zero (also known as Halo 24) is the sixth studio album by Nine Inch Nails and was created as a concept album of a dystopian future:

'What’s it about? Well, it takes place about fifteen years in the future. Things are not good. If you imagine a world where greed and power continue to run their likely course, you’ll have an idea of the backdrop. The world has reached the breaking point – politically, spiritually and ecologically. Written from various perspectives of people in this world, “year zero” examines various viewpoints set against an impending moment of truth.'

The album was released with an alternative reality game, and together they paint a picture that draws heavily on the works of George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, the film Soylent Green and the Book of Revelation in the Bible."

especially the song "Vessel"


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Understod this crap early on when I saw the amount of injection agents they have ordered. This will continue until they have achieved their goal and injected everyone or they are fought back and stopped. It is going to be a micro evolutionary event of the survival of the fittest the day anyone approaches me with an unwanted syringe.

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yes, of course ... this is a battle between good and evil ...

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With so many terms being redefined as their exact opposites ('social justice', 'diversity', 'fact-checking', 'sustainable energy', etc. etc.) I am now conditioned to instinctively invert every new concept trumpeted in the global media.

So... am I the only one wondering about the UK's new obsession with the number "999"?

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“initiatives to improve patient flow.”

Translation: we have something that kills more quickly than remdesivir and ventilators.

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They may advertise it, but it’s failing massively, the cause? Staff sickness caused by the jab. The number of people needing medical care has exploded. It’s not what they say. The NHS is finished, that’s why the pushed staff to get the jab or lose their job

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Trump must win as a precondition to any of this being stopped, IMHO

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DeSantis also seems up to the task. I can’t think of anyone else unless 2SG decides to run.

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I'd be assassinated faster than the Kennedy's. Those are their remedies.

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It will be the only option for them against Trump if all their illegal actions against him fail. I am actually expecting this. They have just over 2 years left for him to have an “accident “.

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Aug 13, 2022
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May I change something of yours to reflect my opinion ?, then apart from that I agree with you totally- well I am going to anyway.... change your "Far fewer serfs than intended have been murdered to date." (I will explain later) to "Far fewer serfs than intended have taken the jab to date.".

A few points..

1. Almost 30% of the population have skipped even having 1 jab. THAT IS REMARKABLE, positive and it shows that thereis some hope for the futures (28.9 million PEOPLE HAVE NOT HAD 1 JAB IN THE UK).

2. Back to your sentence "Far fewer serfs than intended have been murdered to date" - well they have been murdered, but they are not all dropping down dead at once .. gee reckon that was planned ??. so going back to the article above ... what do you think those mentioned in 1. above would do if they continuingly saw friends, family, neighbours collapse and die on the streets ?.

3. Going on from 2. this is just my view. The article specifically states booster and flu shots, so I reckon that they are starting to get a little nervous in that the winter will - as usual - bring extra deaths.. but this time - with autoimmune deficiencies like AIDS and ADE, from the jabs - they cannot even estimate, comprehend the deaths or even serious adverse reactions...which brings me back to point 2 again and why they want to increase bed numbers. I will even guess that they will bring back the nightingale hospitals and this time they will be full. Unless they can span the deaths out - they will be lynched as more and more people are "awakened" to what these scum have done.

As stated, just my view; no offence intended. Hope my rant makes some sense.

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