I would like a poll of the readers of this Substack to see how many of us actually believe she got the shot. My vote is she did not. What I do believe is that she is a bold face liar.
She didn’t. None of them did. They seem to do this before going into flu season. Planting the seeds for the demoralized covidiots “see! Even she got sick after her tenth booster! It’s normal!”.
They are idiots. Many are actually getting it, including elite, who did not get the memo. I know it seems impossible, but it is true. When they all wake up, they are gonna be very angry. The father of that 17 year old girl knows exactly what killed her if he can break through his denial. But he is a coward, a coward with power. Which makes him a very dangerous coward.
In my view we never know whether they get covid or not. Or whether they get the blip. All I can say for certain IS they want to normalize for the rest of us: getting the blip and also coming down with the vid. To normalize "the failure to immunize" and champion it as is own "success".
Photo op. She can read medical reports as well as anyone else. She’s not gonna take “The Real Thing” when she believes that she’s destined to be one of the survivors of the Great Reset.
I would like a poll of the readers of this Substack to see how many of us actually believe she got the shot. My vote is she did not. What I do believe is that she is a bold face liar.
She didn’t. None of them did. They seem to do this before going into flu season. Planting the seeds for the demoralized covidiots “see! Even she got sick after her tenth booster! It’s normal!”.
I work with people that are convincing each other to get the flu/mRNA jab booster. Sad really.
Sheep gonna sheep.
I Vote no.
Pharma employees, politicians and selected others have not. Athletes are dropping like flies but how many Western politicians have?
Just the 17 year old daughter of a politician in Ohio to my knowledge.
They are idiots. Many are actually getting it, including elite, who did not get the memo. I know it seems impossible, but it is true. When they all wake up, they are gonna be very angry. The father of that 17 year old girl knows exactly what killed her if he can break through his denial. But he is a coward, a coward with power. Which makes him a very dangerous coward.
Not enough 🤭
No, of course she didn’t get the real shot.
In my view we never know whether they get covid or not. Or whether they get the blip. All I can say for certain IS they want to normalize for the rest of us: getting the blip and also coming down with the vid. To normalize "the failure to immunize" and champion it as is own "success".
No sympathy for these criminals after mandating the vax for children.
Brain dead physicans that didn't ever understand the dynamics of a vibrant and whole immune system!
She is infected with evil.
These Vermin MD's, PhD's, and Feral Gov. Apparachiks can not get a toe ticket to hell fast enough, imo.
I hope to God that needle was the real deal!
Bon voyage to another useful idiot and mass murder promoter!
Agreed/I do not believe RW got an mRNA injection/calling her a liar is an understatement
Photo op. She can read medical reports as well as anyone else. She’s not gonna take “The Real Thing” when she believes that she’s destined to be one of the survivors of the Great Reset.