I am old too and I barely know who the fuck he is. All of these cult of Covid members are finding out how wrong they were. As we PureBloods sit back and watch them die and tell them “We warned you but you just called us names and threatened us” Fuck all of you vaccinated pricks. Good luck with what is left of your miserable lives. I thi…
I am old too and I barely know who the fuck he is. All of these cult of Covid members are finding out how wrong they were. As we PureBloods sit back and watch them die and tell them “We warned you but you just called us names and threatened us” Fuck all of you vaccinated pricks. Good luck with what is left of your miserable lives. I think Justin Butthead looks kind of nice with his new face… kind of got that “I survived the bomb look”
Yup... all the money in the world will not save these rich prick ass wipes now. We struggled to keep from going out of business while pricks like this told us we needed to mask up, lock ourselves up and get this fucking death vaccine. When this shit started, my partner asked what we were going to do... I said "We will work for anyone that will let us work and we will work any day of week" That is exactly what we did... worked 7 days a week and on Christmas eve. They did not give a shit about the regular people who work every day to make money to support their families. Now they can all eat shit and die. I hope I can drive some their cars and boats when we bury their asses. Fuck em all...
I am old too and I barely know who the fuck he is. All of these cult of Covid members are finding out how wrong they were. As we PureBloods sit back and watch them die and tell them “We warned you but you just called us names and threatened us” Fuck all of you vaccinated pricks. Good luck with what is left of your miserable lives. I think Justin Butthead looks kind of nice with his new face… kind of got that “I survived the bomb look”
It’s nice to know that I am not the only person who lacks compassion.
Yup... all the money in the world will not save these rich prick ass wipes now. We struggled to keep from going out of business while pricks like this told us we needed to mask up, lock ourselves up and get this fucking death vaccine. When this shit started, my partner asked what we were going to do... I said "We will work for anyone that will let us work and we will work any day of week" That is exactly what we did... worked 7 days a week and on Christmas eve. They did not give a shit about the regular people who work every day to make money to support their families. Now they can all eat shit and die. I hope I can drive some their cars and boats when we bury their asses. Fuck em all...
I understand why you feel this way and I don’t blame you. None of us like being lectured to by the entitled.