Is it a possibility the injections result is VAIDS in some people?

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Probably will eventually be in all, as they keep bolstering! Truly a death jab!😢😡

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Ok so obviously love your posts. But it dawned on me... who do you say is the first Smartest guy in the world? Does he also have a substack

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To date no one has been smart enough to figure that one out.

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We love a mystery.

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all these mysterious viruses cropping up. it's a virologist's wet dream!

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Anybody who still believes that there are these tiny killers called viruses jumping around, killing people, pose a danger to themselves and to others.


It would be a lot better investment of their time to find out what, who, and how have been causing the symptoms of the non-existent disease.

Here are some ideas:



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Thank you Ray for informing again and again. Eventually people will listen. I prefer it to be sooner. The Paradigm shift is on a way of rolling.

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You see, this is a problem. What if people knew now? Probably nothing would change. Still, being prepared is good as long as you know what to prepare for and how you want all this to end.

Here is my conversation with another professor, who obviously doesn't know that I am his equal and addressed me smugly:


Of course, I kept my cool and responded to the point.

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Excellent articles! People don’t realize the build up of toxins is, well, toxic! I’d love my sons to do chelation therapy with their kids whose symptoms sound like toxins to me. But will they listen!? Of course not. No medical degree. But to survive the last 40+years I’ve had to learn in order to survive. Add to the graphene, etc. In jabs 5G!!! Everyone and crews on cruise ships are double vaxxed, boosted, etc and “COvid” breaks out. The ships are all 5G!!!

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Too complex to follow. How about just AVOID the GUBMINT's POGROMS*?

You only have to look up that one word* and it's zippity do da, Comrades

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I don't know if you are familiar with Jon Rappoport's work and book on HIV/AIDS - but it parallels our group's experience with the AZT producer in the 1980s-90s, Lyphomed, in Chicago area. The owner of Lyphomed was our customer, who, in 1989 on, told us words to the effect of, "Even though we are making much money on AZT (and if we quit someone else would pick up on mfg it), you must understand that HIV, if it exists at all, is a harmless virus, with AIDS being the relabeling of many causes, such as recreational drug use (being the leading cause of poor immune system). Looking at Jon Rappoport's book, "AIDS, Inc." he apparently never met Dr John Kapoor, but they came to the same conclusion, including that AZT lowered immune system response, with the "cure" causing the supposed disease!!.

Having said that, C19 is a repeat of Fraudxxi's HIV/AIDS story, retitled. Dr Genevieve Briand, in her analysis, said that statistical analysis of the CDC data shows that C19 is the relabeling of many diseases as C19 and that the WHO/JHU/CDC narrative doesn't match the data, which shows no increase in deaths. The article was deleted by JHU for "misinformation"!!! A totally anti-science act for a university. https://web.archive.org/web/20201126171926/https://www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2020/11/a-closer-look-at-u-s-deaths-due-to-covid-19

Fast forward to VAIDS and all the other mumbo-jumbo, so many hearsay stories with no verifiable data backing anything up; if they were mosquitoes, one swat would do away with a million of them!

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Jon Rappoport is another really smart man! I do follow him.

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Azvudine is under investigation in clinical trial NCT04668235 (Study on Safety and Clinical Efficacy of AZVUDINE in COVID-19 Patients (Sars-cov-2 Infected)).

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