banknotes devaluating into fiat true value of zero, and "coincidences" to expedite said devaluation under cover of "pandemics" and other false flags.....the tin foil is tightly wrapped around some people's heads, clearly.
Those symbols are certainly not planned...the bills are not made of tin foil! And besides—symbols don’t matter. It is what people say. Did you notice ✋ signals while Trump said his Inaugural Address? Nothing to see there, either;). He said inspiring words!
A repulsive piece of artwork; not the artwork itself but the representation thereof. Well, she did preside over the systematic destruction of Libya and the Benghazi incident.
And as you're implying, things are heating up more than a tad: one Psyop playing off against another Psyop
I suspect Cathy O’Brien and her daughter would deem that more of a portrait than a cartoon. Unfortunately that aptly captures something which we wish were not realistic.
In addition to your well taken valid points, you’ve demonstrated your ability as a true artist, having caught the inner spirit of broom stick riding Hillary after one of her war crime initiations.
We are nothing more than encephalized apes anyhow, and these doodles and posts are mini-breaks throughout the busy days...... my head needs more swelling to transcend this plane.....somewhat humbly into the next dimensions..
Go to your nearest Natural Health Store and ask advice or seek a Naturopath - they are more interested in your health and healing than most allopathic doctors.
Found some weird "coincidences".
- Ukrainian banknote, All-Seeing Eye pyramid in a circle
Delta symbol:
Omicron symbol:
Probably nothing to worry about. ;)
banknotes devaluating into fiat true value of zero, and "coincidences" to expedite said devaluation under cover of "pandemics" and other false flags.....the tin foil is tightly wrapped around some people's heads, clearly.
Freemasons/satanists, who love these symbols, run the central banks.
Whisteblower interview:
Those symbols are certainly not planned...the bills are not made of tin foil! And besides—symbols don’t matter. It is what people say. Did you notice ✋ signals while Trump said his Inaugural Address? Nothing to see there, either;). He said inspiring words!
Art caption: “Did somebody say ‘pizza?’ “
A repulsive piece of artwork; not the artwork itself but the representation thereof. Well, she did preside over the systematic destruction of Libya and the Benghazi incident.
And as you're implying, things are heating up more than a tad: one Psyop playing off against another Psyop
I suspect Cathy O’Brien and her daughter would deem that more of a portrait than a cartoon. Unfortunately that aptly captures something which we wish were not realistic.
I put a photo of that witch and this portrait side by side and cannot tell the difference. Great work!
HRC really is a witch! See #28 below.
Oh, you know you're going down when your enemies don't even bother threaten but just mock you.
In addition to your well taken valid points, you’ve demonstrated your ability as a true artist, having caught the inner spirit of broom stick riding Hillary after one of her war crime initiations.
We are nothing more than encephalized apes anyhow, and these doodles and posts are mini-breaks throughout the busy days...... my head needs more swelling to transcend this plane.....somewhat humbly into the next dimensions..
yes, it seems that untamed IQ is too often at odds with EQ.
i need natural stomach acid reducer, my last bodily concern these days...
Less stress,
liquorice root
and ProBiotic to regain your gut health
Go to your nearest Natural Health Store and ask advice or seek a Naturopath - they are more interested in your health and healing than most allopathic doctors.
that's what my doctors say, but easier said than done. and their natural pills and potions aren't doing much.