A guy I worked with had covid again, I was in close contact for several hours. He was coughing all the time. I thought, if I’m going to get it, this is it. NOTHING. Natural immunity really is the best. I thought the spike may have been shed via exosomes, but again, I never felt anything. He was off 2 weeks and described it as the worst infection of covid yet. He is weary, and looks it

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Same for me the other day work colleague was coughing all over me he has just got his 4th jab and now sick in bed, still waiting for my second round of it, maybe natural immunity has seen the virus for what it is and knows what to do when it sees it again, I am just making this stuff up :).

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My wife just got it because she hasn't had it yet. 4 people I work with have something. Close contact with all and I'm fine because I had something (don't test so don't know) in Jan. Oh well.

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Sorry but this sounds like more fear porn to me. People need to get healthy and have HCQ/IVM/D3/Zinc/Vit C/etc on hand. Any fool knows this global vaccination scam has created these variants. Time to stop shooting this crap in to your body and get healthy and be prepared to take care of yourself because doctors are not about to do it for you. There are prophylactic protocols on Dr. Zelenko’s website and FLCCC and both sites have protocols if you get sick. Be proactive and do not be ruled by fear. Early treatment and the right treatment is what counts and always did.

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You're right, and I am prepared. I take Ivermectin once a week, and a bunch of great supplements. It sure takes the worry and fear out of everything.

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I also highly recommend storing food and water. Have cash on hand.

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Yup. And ammo.

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Aug 1, 2022Edited
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I am so sorry for your cat. Thank you for the advice.

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I am sorry for the loss of your kitty. We lost our 10 1/2 yr old Shepard mix because of Covid too. I do wish I'd thought of IVM for her. Well am glad to have such knowledge now. Thank you.

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Very sorry the loss of your dog. So many innocent victims.

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Thank you. Yes, too many innocent victims.

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Aug 1, 2022
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Thank you. It's been really hard. I too wonder how many have been lost and it's named something else. Awful.

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Aug 2, 2022
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I agree. I work hard to hold the rage in control, some days are easier than others.

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Heart guard for dogs is a form.of Ivermectin

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Yes but it might have other ingredients in it.

Myself, I prefer to pure horse paste...apple flavored of course!!

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Aug 2, 2022
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Well I'm not going to take it for myself. But I use it for my dog.

For myself I get my ivermectin from a pharmacy 👦

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Interesting. There is also a Heartgard version for cats I am pretty sure for fleas even though Heartworm is not as big of a threat to cats. Thank you for the heads up.

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I am so sorry how heartbreaking. I have two young cats and will check on proper dosage for them.

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Aug 1, 2022
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You could not have known, but I know that doesn’t ease your mind from working. I am sure the baby sister is being loved and well cared for every day doubly so now as a result.

Thank you for the warning because it had not really crossed my mind. Like you I knew coronavirus’s were endemic in cat’s and thought there was no worry.

We just can’t understand the amount of evil the monsters that released the poison had in mind. Thank heavens the average person does not think like those sociopaths.

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Is hcq or ivermectin still working? This is the worst of all possible results from the mass vaxx...mareks disease for humans. We were afraid of this. Does Geert know?

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Here you go:

"The ongoing mass vaccination campaigns must immediately be abrogated because the vaccines fail to block viral transmission and their large-scale use during a pandemic of more infectious variants will inevitably lead to vaccine resistance of circulating Sars-CoV-2 variants. Instead, mass chemoprophylaxis campaigns should be conducted at regular intervals to reduce viral infectious pressure and transmission and prevent more infectious viral variants from fueling the breeding and dominant propagation of more infectious, vaccine-resistant variants."


I'm sure he did also say that you wouldn't want to use chemoprophylaxis continually because, presumably, at some stage the virus could evolve to overcome that as well. Maybe it was on Brett Weinstein, not sure. It does make sense from an evolutionary biology perspective though.

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Yes thanks I knew he said this. But he was hopeful that natural immunity would protect a lot of the unvaxxed....it doesn't appear to be doing so with this new variant...which is why I'm asking....because it is infecting the naturally immune too. And this is the worst of all possible worlds...

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I would suspect the good news is that not enough people have been using HCQ or IVM at a population level to be a problem for now. I'm going to guess it will still work as long as the way the virus still operates is the same.

I personally don't like the idea of using IVM as prophylaxis for this very reason, so I just take zinc and quercetin intermittently and of course Vit C and D.

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I will tell you I am not takig weekly tests anymore or masking for work. If they try that sxxt again, I retire. No more Covid theatre. I work with kids. Most of them have already had covid.

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Jumping into the conversation: I am 100% with you on avoiding IVM for prophylaxis. Vitamins D and C + zinc work with our own mucosal immune system, minimize oxidative stress damage and support enzymatic processes. Topical use of Povidone-iodine or hydrogen peroxide seem to kill the virus in the nose, mouth and throat by disruption of the outer membrane of the bug, which should not lead to development of resistance. N-cetylpyridinium chloride (“Scope”) also disrupts the virus outer shell.

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Bit scary to read people are using our last line of defense as a prevention for pets...

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Geert's last major posting on his Substack was July 9. On it, he said that the vaccinated would be passing the current phases of Covid 19 to everyone, including the unvaccinated. He posited then that the next variant would mostly stay within the vaccinated community (and "enhanced severe" strength at that).

This latest evidence will probably cause him to do an update.

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Like. And thank you. Love Geert, but my eyes tend to roll back in my head when I try and read him...the science is way above my brain pay grade...

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It's pretty astounding that he makes his info publicly available. Not long ago, only a select few reading the right scientific journals would be able to see it.

Read it to the kids you work with ! Maybe one of them will become the next Geert (and maybe they'll have some good ideas as they daydream in their seats, otherwise). Ha.

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I have a lot of faith in the ingenuity of the human species...I hope one does, and I hope another one comes up with the answer to Peak oil, if indeed that is what is behind the scenes.

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Excellent article. He really knows his stuff. Have heard him speak a few times!

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Great question but Marek's Disease would be if you are unvaxxed - you have to vaxx huge flocks of chickens because the unvaxxed chickens die.

As I've pointed out a couple of times on Sage Hana's Sub, Geert's real fear is that if we vaccinate too many children, the virus will evolve to try and potentially kill, or at least try to find a way to outwit, the immune systems of children. Ironically, children get Covid so mildly because their immune systems aren't evolved enough to be seriously affected.

If you start undermining the immune systems of children and the virus tries to evade THEIR immune system, that will then potentially start killing the adults. Possibly ALL the adults, regardless of vaxx status.

Geert will darkly hint at this but he will never outright say it. But I'v spoken to a couple of immunologists and this is what they translated he is trying to imply.

I may be wrong here but I'm pretty sure I read an article by/watched a video with Geert where he suggested that "chemoprophylaxis" might eventually stop working if used to much (by this he is talking about things like HCQ and Ivermectin). Don't quote me on that though.

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Yes, but the people getting sick are also unvaxxed with natural immunity. ie they've had Covid but are not protected against the new variant. The naturally immune have developed antibodies against the nucleocapsid (not just the spike) so I thought he was hopeful that the broader natural immunity would throw off variants just dangerous for the vaxxed...it seems it is not so.

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I hear you but how many people like us are going to take a PCR test or rapid antigen test and report it to any authority? I never will.

How are they tracking all these unvaxxed people who are contracting the new variant? Most of us literally don't care. Is this another psyop?

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Baboon, I think it is quite likely it is another psyop. At least I hope it is. But Japan

I think is not discouraging IVM...and they have also put the stop to Central Bank Digital Programmable Currency, so I like to keep an eye on them...haven't so far fallen for the entire plandemic...

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Do they still title those vaccinated under 14 days as unvaccinated? Do they include those with one dose as unvaccinated? Those who haven't gotten the booster as unvaccinated?

I agree everyone I know that is not vax does not test if possible.

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We don't know, but we presume so...they are still doing the 14 day thing because we know getting the shot drops your immune response ...not sure if we even have the data anymore from the CDC...most countries now are not publishing the data anymore because it doesn't look good for them.

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Hi baboon, i think he said the children because of course, they are the biggest bunch of unvaxxed and could provide a hopeful barrier/oh what is that word I am looking for?? herd immunity for the rest of us..Because they are not the most, but at least a good fifth maybe of the population....and with the rest of us taking prophyl...he thought only the vaxxed might be in danger of a killer variant. But snce we are hearing (and I hope it is just fear porn and not true) that the naturally immune are getting re-infected...well, there was always a chance that the virus would become more lethal to all..vaxxed and unvaxxed.....but let's hope whatever, it leaves children out of this.

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Thanks Duchess. I agree with you.

The cryptic message was from late last year to some colleagues in an open email, I think Malone was one recipient. He made reference to the children at the end and refused to expound on his point, that is what I am referring to. There was just enough in there for some experts to deduce what he meant.

Of course I can't find the link now!

"but let's hope whatever, it leaves children out of this"

If this goes down the way it was explained to me (these people were also very reticent about fully explaining this, and I understand why), one said "what will happen to all those orphaned children".

In other words, the kids will be fine in regards to Covid, there just won't be any adults left to bring them up.

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Thanks for explaining. Dontcha just hate it when you can't remember where you saw or bookmarked something? I need to go back in my computer to 2020 and start putting together all the disparate stuff I've copies or linked to....sigh. God has been very good to me..and I am extremely grateful, but my next life I want to be tall, be able to carry a tune, and with much better organizational skills...

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I was concerned when I heard Geert say that you should stop taking prophylactic ivermectin as you may cause the virus to mutate to evade it and it will become useless when you need it. Hope I paraphrased that correctly. Any thoughts on that?

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I think he is basically correct...but it is a pity because if we had done what he recommended a month or so ago...stop the jabs, put everyone jabbed and unjabbled on a six eek course of prophylactics...we might see the end of endemnicity as well as the virus spreading. Of course, this is a tall order for the developed countries, but by Heaven's if they could all march in lockstop to the Plandemic, our idiotic rulers should have been able to do this. But obviously they do not want to listen to reason...and they know what the soluton was all along.

So that tells us...there are a few at the top who command and the rest of them (including our President etc) are just their foot soldiers and useles idiots who think they can play at this game and survive...I think the joke will be on them at the end

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Vaids plague add to that the upcoming elections! More food for fear!

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Well, monkeypox does not seem to be working very well.....and we know they are not going to stop with just one pandemic. Straight from GillBates lips.

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ability to verify what variant of infection in US is pretty limited.

unless something has changed in the last year, few labs here are certified for the genomic sequencing, and medics both can't and won't tell you what variant you have after a positive PCR Test (assuming it worked as advertised and isn't a false positive anyway.)

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Nature or God, really did create an amazing tool in our immune system. Mess with it at your peril

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Sorry, but color me skeptical.

The source, "Thailand Medical News", is crammed with alarmist headlines that mostly end in exclamation points. I suspect a bit of exaggeration for click-bait.

I looked up the local news in Japan, just for comparison since they focused on Japan.

As of yesterday, the Japan Times in a "everything you need to know" article said that (a) the BA.5 (90% of the cases) is no worse than the other variants (it lasts around 7 days), and some have no symptoms at all; and (b) natural immunity does seem to cut down chance of reinfection - by 75-80% if they had a recent bout, and by 23% for the older variants.

As for the linked Australia news article, they made dubious claims like: "It is now estimated only about 45 per cent of people infected with the virus are officially reported..."

-- which makes me ask, How can you know about cases that AREN'T reported? Your crystal ball tells you that the number is actually double?

Let's not jump every time someone yells, "wolf!" We've been shown that movie for 2 years already, and I for one am tired of it.

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I question the conclusion those unvaxxed and recovered from a previous infection are actually subject to the same rates of reinfection as the unvaxxed who, based on receiving (likely) an mRNA inoculation, have unfortunately damaged their immune systems. Case in point - I had Delta in December (as did the entirety of my family - kids didn’t blink, Mom and Dad suffered a typical “flu”); haven’t been ill since - and was around my mother who caught Omicron this July - absolutely nothing happened to me. Fact is - natural immunity is broad - and these countries are predominantly vaxxed, so how are they critically and carefully tracking the reinfection rate associated with the naturally healthy?

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I'm cautiously skeptical as well. I had Alpha in Feb '21 (very mild, mostly body aches) and nothing since. I don't think healthy people are massively susceptible.

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Well... is really happening people around here are getting Covid for the 3rd time. I don’t want to push my luck telling people we haven’t got any virus 🦠 in over 2 years.

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Wondering what the early treatment protocol is in the countries mentioned. It sounds like prevention measures mentioned in previous comments is paramount. We use ivermectin, Quercetin, zinc, Vits D&C. We've recently added a probiotic that includes strains of bifidobactrium after learning of it from Sabine Harzan's biome work.

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I couldn’t get Covid doing blow off a dead hookers arse; licking doors handles and elevator buttons all In the same day. There is absolutely immunity out there. I haven’t had a sick day form work in six years or a sniffle for that matter in three.

I take Lots of supplements that block infection as well.

Green tea every morning with my vitamins . 1000 mg of turmeric and elderberry zinc are the big ones. This has gone beyond retarded!

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Isn't this what Geert Vanden Bossche warned about, the vaccines exerting pressure on the virus and it evolving into something more deadly?

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I presume the infections and reinfections were CLINICALLY confirmed?

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Nothing is clinically confirmed because they don't have a valid test to diagnose covid infections.

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One way to tell is that people experienced something flu-like that they had not experienced before. The spikes.

To me, covid is a man-made spikes-riddled strain of the flu.

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Yes. An Australian CHO, Dr Sutton, as publicly admitted that it is hard to tell covid from the flu.

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