My son and his wife have a 3 month old baby who is extremely healthy. He’s never had any shots. During his doctor visit yesterday, the doctor said he needs the shots so he can go to school. My son told him the baby would never get the shots and hopefully Trump and RFK Jr would eliminate mRNA from all of them and our food.
Thanks for elucidating that story about such a pompous, ill-informed creature practicing deadly allopathic hocus pocus.
I had a similar experience in beautiful yet beastly blue Southern California after the slab jabs were introduced. Our health care provider kept inexplicably scheduling my teenage son for a covid shot. I protested vehemently that this would not happen on my watch. I discovered my ex and son’s doctor were surreptitiously pushing the jabs. Additionally a shot van was pulling up in front of his school (“conveniently”) every two weeks to administer injections. I emailed the principal and warned that under no circumstances would my son be partaking in this EUA experiment. The principal agreed with my right of parental refusal. I subsequently hired a lawyer to write a cease and desist letter to my ex and healthcare provider demanding an immediate halt to all efforts to inoculate my boy with this unproven potentially dangerous concoction.
That’s just one example of what I went through in my former state. How Biden’s illegal executive order mandating EUA shots for all civilian DOD employees prematurely ended my career is grist for another post.
Godless, "Pompous, ill-informed creature's practicing deadly allopathic hocus pocus". Is the foundation or mothers milk of our leading cause of death "medicine!" How else could an industry kill 684 yo 2,191 a day, without, Godless, "Pompous, ill-informed creature's practicing deadly snake-oil "medicine"?
At the time I mocked “anti vaxx”. My girlfriend called me a “vaxx nazi”. I ignored the cardiac symptoms at first Moderna, denied the link at heart attack and stroke at second Moderna, got a Phizer and finally cardiologist told me to stop taking these as the next one would be fatal. As penance, I tell anyone who will listen to avoid mRNA. About 1 in 3 either have their own injury to tell or have a family member “died suddenly “ or survivable injury. The frequency of injury is far, far higher than a few percent. I tell everyone to get a stress echocardiogram and to request the immune panel on next blood test. One nurse I told this to swivelled her head, “why?”. She had an “unexplained” damage to he adaptive immunity as well.
I was a Fam Med nurse who worked with a geriatrician when the rollout began. I loved seeing my educated patients/families. I provided as much "informed consent" as I could. I refused to give or get the shots since I learned personally about injury many years before. I hope the other nurses who administered the shots to my patients are rethinking their actions. I stayed another year to try to educate before I could not witness the injuries any longer. What amazed me is that I was not fired. Of course, my direct supervisor knew/ witnessed my injury history and knew firing me would not go easy.
Sorry to hear of your relatives and friends becoming part of this world wide (New World Order) Cull. I hope they recover from the symptoms that murdering Big Pharma subjected them to.
Like you, I soon got frustrated at trying to be polite to these medical monsters. The more I learned about the world wide CULL by poisonous injection, the less patient I've become trying to be polite.
I now just say it like it is - to my Doctors and any others involved in the depopulation Plan!
So much so, I have an ongoing situation with our local hospital who have completed TWO recent operations on me and for my Wife who has had her cataracts repaired AND a cancerous growth removed from her arm. So, with this in mind, we have to try to be 'politically correct'.
In spite of our MD complaining about my 'incessant' bombardment of issues regarding Adverse reactions and DEATHS caused by the mRNA poisonous injections ('they call Vaccines'), I refuse to stop sending a maximum of THREE topical examples that demonstrate the reasons these injections should be avoided - at all costs.
It's obviously discouraged by the MDs and the consortium they are in, but I feel I cannot remain silenced and 'MUZZLED' because of our need to keep on the right side of the (now CORRUPT) medical fraternity. I will not be silenced!
When Big Pharma are forced to accept LIABILITY, we might consider our suspicion about everything that comes out of the medical profession. hopefully R,F, Kennedy (Jr) will have some success in re-applying this most basic of expectations we have about the medicines and injections they want us to accept. I must say Pfizer, etc, have a mammoth task in regaining any trust in their current deadly poisonous drugs and policies.
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer if we keep telling Big Pharma to Pfuck off with their depopulation Scams!
I have sympathy for all businesses that are overwealmed by high demand created by deadly mRNA injections. Morticians are struggling to keep up with VAX RELASTED DEATHS that the Vax manufacturers pretend is nothing to do with them and their ZERO LIABILITY Policies! Unjabbed Mick (UK).
What, the industry doesn't profit from all the new additional customers/ victims? I do have sympathy for our [once]/ lost, constitutional right to sue fraudulent/ evil killer pharma!
Your mom is so lucky to have you! I have an elderly friend whose son is a brainwashed ivy league know-it-all professor. He coerced her into getting vаххеd, against her better judgment. Pre-vахх she was a very healthy active 80-something (that I couldn’t keep up with on walks). Then all of a sudden she became so decrepit. Totally changed her thinking too. Went on her own & got boosted last week. So sad!
I've read your wonderful story about your mom and she is blessed to have you as her son. Please give her my condolences for the loss of her dear friends. I love these feisty women.
NYC doctors and hospitals killed tens of thousands of seniors. with ventilators and remdesivir...that's what they do...Best to just get out, and stay out of that lethal place...
I'm so sorry that your mother had to go through this and lady G too. The dimensions of the monstrosity that is known as American medical practice continue to amaze me...though I have been anti-allopathic and virtually All pharma products for 4 decades now...
Vitally. important stories like these are becoming more common place Thank God, but not common enough yet....
They certainly Stoke the desire to see Nuremberg II realized...ASAP... It's closer with RFK Jr advising Trump.... We will have to wait and see how much latitude RFK Jr is actually given next year...?
My Dad, Wife & best Friend were killed by iatrogenic "medicine" along with the millions of others! Johns Hopkins study claims 12.5 million deaths in the last 50 years, the book Death by Medicine has it at 40 million!
I'm so sorry for your losses! These quacks have been murdering people for years! My daughter is an RN and they don't know their butt from a hole in the ground. I don't know why she keeps going to them. I call them quacks when she tells me how dumb they are.
I really enjoyed the personal touch to this one SSG2!
I lost my mom in 2019 right before the plandemic.
Just lost my nephew in October & his brother in 2022.
Thank you for this; gorgeous picture of your mom as well. You are quite the artist 🎨
They were banned for the 10th time.
Awful people.
My son and his wife have a 3 month old baby who is extremely healthy. He’s never had any shots. During his doctor visit yesterday, the doctor said he needs the shots so he can go to school. My son told him the baby would never get the shots and hopefully Trump and RFK Jr would eliminate mRNA from all of them and our food.
And sack/bankrupt the cretinous "doctor" who wants to inject everyone.
Thanks for elucidating that story about such a pompous, ill-informed creature practicing deadly allopathic hocus pocus.
I had a similar experience in beautiful yet beastly blue Southern California after the slab jabs were introduced. Our health care provider kept inexplicably scheduling my teenage son for a covid shot. I protested vehemently that this would not happen on my watch. I discovered my ex and son’s doctor were surreptitiously pushing the jabs. Additionally a shot van was pulling up in front of his school (“conveniently”) every two weeks to administer injections. I emailed the principal and warned that under no circumstances would my son be partaking in this EUA experiment. The principal agreed with my right of parental refusal. I subsequently hired a lawyer to write a cease and desist letter to my ex and healthcare provider demanding an immediate halt to all efforts to inoculate my boy with this unproven potentially dangerous concoction.
That’s just one example of what I went through in my former state. How Biden’s illegal executive order mandating EUA shots for all civilian DOD employees prematurely ended my career is grist for another post.
Thanks again for your disturbing account.
Godless, "Pompous, ill-informed creature's practicing deadly allopathic hocus pocus". Is the foundation or mothers milk of our leading cause of death "medicine!" How else could an industry kill 684 yo 2,191 a day, without, Godless, "Pompous, ill-informed creature's practicing deadly snake-oil "medicine"?
At the time I mocked “anti vaxx”. My girlfriend called me a “vaxx nazi”. I ignored the cardiac symptoms at first Moderna, denied the link at heart attack and stroke at second Moderna, got a Phizer and finally cardiologist told me to stop taking these as the next one would be fatal. As penance, I tell anyone who will listen to avoid mRNA. About 1 in 3 either have their own injury to tell or have a family member “died suddenly “ or survivable injury. The frequency of injury is far, far higher than a few percent. I tell everyone to get a stress echocardiogram and to request the immune panel on next blood test. One nurse I told this to swivelled her head, “why?”. She had an “unexplained” damage to he adaptive immunity as well.
Bless you for being such a good son!
I was a Fam Med nurse who worked with a geriatrician when the rollout began. I loved seeing my educated patients/families. I provided as much "informed consent" as I could. I refused to give or get the shots since I learned personally about injury many years before. I hope the other nurses who administered the shots to my patients are rethinking their actions. I stayed another year to try to educate before I could not witness the injuries any longer. What amazed me is that I was not fired. Of course, my direct supervisor knew/ witnessed my injury history and knew firing me would not go easy.
Sorry to hear of your relatives and friends becoming part of this world wide (New World Order) Cull. I hope they recover from the symptoms that murdering Big Pharma subjected them to.
Like you, I soon got frustrated at trying to be polite to these medical monsters. The more I learned about the world wide CULL by poisonous injection, the less patient I've become trying to be polite.
I now just say it like it is - to my Doctors and any others involved in the depopulation Plan!
So much so, I have an ongoing situation with our local hospital who have completed TWO recent operations on me and for my Wife who has had her cataracts repaired AND a cancerous growth removed from her arm. So, with this in mind, we have to try to be 'politically correct'.
In spite of our MD complaining about my 'incessant' bombardment of issues regarding Adverse reactions and DEATHS caused by the mRNA poisonous injections ('they call Vaccines'), I refuse to stop sending a maximum of THREE topical examples that demonstrate the reasons these injections should be avoided - at all costs.
It's obviously discouraged by the MDs and the consortium they are in, but I feel I cannot remain silenced and 'MUZZLED' because of our need to keep on the right side of the (now CORRUPT) medical fraternity. I will not be silenced!
When Big Pharma are forced to accept LIABILITY, we might consider our suspicion about everything that comes out of the medical profession. hopefully R,F, Kennedy (Jr) will have some success in re-applying this most basic of expectations we have about the medicines and injections they want us to accept. I must say Pfizer, etc, have a mammoth task in regaining any trust in their current deadly poisonous drugs and policies.
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer if we keep telling Big Pharma to Pfuck off with their depopulation Scams!
WHAT! Have you sympathy of the mortuary industry?
I have sympathy for all businesses that are overwealmed by high demand created by deadly mRNA injections. Morticians are struggling to keep up with VAX RELASTED DEATHS that the Vax manufacturers pretend is nothing to do with them and their ZERO LIABILITY Policies! Unjabbed Mick (UK).
What, the industry doesn't profit from all the new additional customers/ victims? I do have sympathy for our [once]/ lost, constitutional right to sue fraudulent/ evil killer pharma!
Some might get the opportunity now that RFK is in the house! Not that I'll ever be taking a poisonous injection called a vaccine! Mick (UK).
Knowingly selling toxic killer jabs is not protected by the so-called pharma protection law!
Your mom is so lucky to have you! I have an elderly friend whose son is a brainwashed ivy league know-it-all professor. He coerced her into getting vаххеd, against her better judgment. Pre-vахх she was a very healthy active 80-something (that I couldn’t keep up with on walks). Then all of a sudden she became so decrepit. Totally changed her thinking too. Went on her own & got boosted last week. So sad!
Excellent article. I am one of the feisty Moms so grateful to the brave Drs. that informed me at the beginning of this killing regime.
Is there a chance that Kennedy will bring about expose and Nuremberg 2?
That doctor needs something that moves faster than the speed of sound to enter his skull
I’m sure you mean some electro convulsing therapy to try to knock the brainwashing out of his head?
No, not really ha ha
Unless it’s turned up REALLY high haha!!
I've read your wonderful story about your mom and she is blessed to have you as her son. Please give her my condolences for the loss of her dear friends. I love these feisty women.
Always go with your best instincts. They are there your protection. Your mother is a strong woman- you should be proud
NYC doctors and hospitals killed tens of thousands of seniors. with ventilators and remdesivir...that's what they do...Best to just get out, and stay out of that lethal place...
I'm so sorry that your mother had to go through this and lady G too. The dimensions of the monstrosity that is known as American medical practice continue to amaze me...though I have been anti-allopathic and virtually All pharma products for 4 decades now...
Vitally. important stories like these are becoming more common place Thank God, but not common enough yet....
They certainly Stoke the desire to see Nuremberg II realized...ASAP... It's closer with RFK Jr advising Trump.... We will have to wait and see how much latitude RFK Jr is actually given next year...?
My Dad, Wife & best Friend were killed by iatrogenic "medicine" along with the millions of others! Johns Hopkins study claims 12.5 million deaths in the last 50 years, the book Death by Medicine has it at 40 million!
I'm so sorry for your losses! These quacks have been murdering people for years! My daughter is an RN and they don't know their butt from a hole in the ground. I don't know why she keeps going to them. I call them quacks when she tells me how dumb they are.
Have her read What The Nurses Saw. She may identify with them?
Thanks for sharing your Mom’s story.
I am sure we all have stories to tell about losing family and friends and others who are suffering from terrible side effects.
I sure do.
Makes me sad and angry to see this devastation, suffering and death.
I pray one day justice will be served for all of those that participated in these murders.