Why are we considering ANYTHING at all the CDC does or says? They are an entirely illegitimate source of information. There is no science, only scientism. Even when their narrative matches reality a little bit, i refuse to give them any credibility whatsoever.

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With three granddaughter teenagers, I concur, 2SG.

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I don’t think the so called ‘media’ will find this problem of lockdowns etc ( control problems) that you so well describe, will ‘interesting’ enough for them, not ever. A few academics might pick away at the detail.

That’s the problem.

Msm, aka bored privileged mainly white kids like to write fun edgy ‘entertainment’ stories agreeing with their sassy managers who then choose for us what’s really ‘interesting’. Our future it seems. And these beautiful stressed out young humans are just cast off. Silenced.

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Like that? Picture that kid at 12 and then 22 and on through the years.

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