It was deployed against us in 1975 from a research lab on Plum Island, Connecticut. Lyme has infected a double-digit percent of the world's people, but effective treatments are being hidden...
... This passage from Rancourt’s recent essay jolted me into writing this article:
I do not mean that the Department of Defence (DoD) does not fund gain-of-function and bioweapon research (abroad, in particular), I do not mean that there are not many US patents for genetically modified microbial organisms having potential military applications, and I do not mean that there have not previously been impactful escapes or releases of bioweapon vectors and pathogens. For example, the Lyme disease controversy in the USA may be an example of a bioweapon leak (see Kris Newby’s 2019 book “Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons”). – Denis Rancourt, Ph.D.
-The US military weaponized ticks;
-The US military used those weaponized ticks on foreign soil, against both military personnel and civilians;
-The US engaged in uncontrolled releases on US soil;
-A strange “mysterious” new disease emerged;
-Its connection to ticks was purportedly discovered Willy Burgdorfer, a scientist. He was hailed as a hero;
-Turns out Willy was one of the lead scientists who years earlier had weaponized the ticks (you can’t make this stuff up);
-The US medical establishment denied the existence of a new disease and attacked doctors who diagnosed or tried to treat it;
-The US medical establishment now profits from Lyme.
After learning about several other of the US government’s “theatrical productions” including Covid, Covid "vaccines", AIDS, smallpox, DDT, polio, childhood vaccines, fluoride, and glyphosate, it was easy to understand ticks and Lyme...
I landed in the hospital for 5 days with a case of acute Lyme Meningitis, which left one side of my face paralyzed. After going through a 21-day treatment of intervenous Ceftriaxone (Rocephin), the docs cut me loose (with my face still paralyzed) with a warning I'd probably have recurring symptoms. Thankfully a friend told me about what had finally cured HER chronic Lyme, which had plagued her for years, which was to take a recommended dose of ivermectin for 5 days (similar to covid), then take low-dose ivermectin for the following 30 days (1/4 dose). Then take a single full dose once a month for maintenance. About 10-20% of Lyme spirocytes are in a "bot" phase where the immune system doesn't recognize them as active, but ivermectin weakens and can kill them. If you HAVE an active Lyme infection, you're supposed to take the Doxycycline + Ivermectin together, but since I'd just finished up a full cycle of IV Ceftriaxone (which is like Doxycycline on steroids), I just took the ivermectin. Once a month I take my "maintenance" dose, but I have had NO recurring symptoms. I've regained function of around 85% of my face, but the neurologist said I'll probably have 15% permanent damage due to the Lyme parasites eating my brain. Blech! Bugs in your brain, how revolting! But the bugs are dead.
Oh, if you DO take doxycycline + ivermectin, be sure to take high-dose Vitamin C (1,000 mg/day) and drink a shit-ton of water every day to help flush it out. It will lessen the impact of the "bug" die-off, help you clear it better.
I’m an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon now retired. My daughter who 25 years ago moved to NJ. Within a short time she contacted Lyme disease. Time went by and she had a bad case of long Lyme, with many symptoms including cardiac. Twenty years later we find ourselves in the center of the Covid pandemic, if in fact that’s actually true, however my daughter calls me up and said she thought she had Covid. I Rx her ivermectin 8mg/day for 5 days. Several days after the treatment she called me up and said that she was not having any more Lyme symptoms, she thought she had been cured. This was later confirmed by blood work. Levels of Antibodies which had been elevated for 20 years were now normal!!
The rate limiting step in treating Lyme is the biofilm the organism slathers itself with. You can be on all the right antibiotics for years but if the biofilm is not dealt with there will be a relapse. The infection also leaves persister cells and one has to be on a maintenance protocol to keep those torpid cells inactive.
While not everyone can tolerate Alinia, this drug is the most effective biofilm destroyer I have ever come across.... I detail this in my book Incurable Us published last month.
Alinia is also called Nitazoxinide.
Also, if a Lyme patient has been on Doxycycline previously, and then stopped taking it.... it can't be reused. The Lyme organism becomes very resistant to doxycycline and it can only be used once because of that. I mention this because many with Lyme do get treated with doxy, and inadequate course of doxy but nevertheless taking again or a second round or third round is a waste of time if the drug was paused or there was a hiatus from using it.
Interesting info, In December 2023 (I was 59) got a tick bite, by end of Dec incapacitated, couldn't get gp appt till end Jan 2024. They did bloods & said Lyme had caused R/A, put me on Doxycycline... & Prednisone &referral to consultant, told could take a year... couldn't get out bed in such pain by April, lost my job. Finally fast tracked by GP to consultant. Consultant also stated I had Osteoarthritis, (now I'm a Pharma customer for life, Steroids & Methotrexate dispensed, these aren't working, just 'sticking plasters'.
3 weeks ago I came off all medications after buying a grounding sheet, I now have no inflammation in either of my feet, ankles, knees , my 1 painful left hip joint is gone. The nodules in left hand have gone, the right hand nodules reduced by half. I'm astonished tbh... but after also reading this article, if I can find Ivermectin in UK, I'm up for trying anything less aggressive to my body. Thank you for posting.
It's important to always dig into what a patient has used over time because they tend to only credit the last thing they took. This would be a mistake as typically numerous drugs are required over time for a majority of patients. To my knowledge there is NO magic bullet to this complex illness.
Most patients are coinfected with multiple pathogens all requiring fairly specific treatment.
In 2016 Dr. Alan MacDonald found three strains of borrelia living in parasitic nematode worms, worm eggs, or larvae in the brain tissue of 19 autopsies. He states that both worms and borrelia can cause devastating brain damage:
“While patients are wrongly declared free of Lyme and other tick-borne infections, in reality, too often they contract serious neurodegenerative diseases which can kill them.” ~ Dr. MacDonald
MacDonald made his discovery from 10 specimens from the Rocky Mountain Multiple Sclerosis Center Tissue Bank. All 10 showed evidence of borrelia infected nematodes. Five patients who died of Glioblastoma multiforme, a malignant brain tumor, and four patients who died of Lewy Body dementia also showed infected nematodes.
He used FISH, Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization, which uses molecular beacon DNA probes to identify pieces of borrelia’s genetic material which fluoresce under the microscope with a 100% DNA match.
Lyme discoverer, Willy Burgdorfer, wrote of finding nematodes in tick guts way back in 1984 and in 2014 University of New Haven researcher, Eva Sapi, found 22% of nymphs and 30% of adult Ixodes ticks carried nematodes.
Knowing this information makes it obvious why treating patients for worms is prudent.
It's also important to note; however, that caution must always be used with Lyme/MSIDS patients due to potentially severe herxheimer reactions. Similarly to how dogs treated for heart worm (D. immitis) have trouble due to the heart worm medication causing Wolbachia to be released into the blood and tissues causing severe Inflammation in pulmonary artery endothelium which may form thrombi and interstitial inflammation, it is not a stretch at all to compare this deleterious reaction to a Lyme/MSIDS patient treated for worms who has borrelia hiding in worms, eggs, and larvae. When the worms are killed, borrelia will be released into the body causing sudden widespread inflammation. This is why treatment should most probably include things that kill and disable borrelia simultaneously. The patient should be closely monitored and treatment put on hold or dosages lowered if severe reactions occur. This will be particularly true of patients with central nervous system involvement (which is most of us) due to severe inflammation of the brain, particularly the meninges which can wreak all sorts of havoc including chiari.
While doxycycline is a standard front-line drug for Lyme/MSIDS, as it addresses many infections, it also is not a perfect drug in that it does not address the non-cell wall form of borrelia or biofilm. Dr. Stoller also mentions above that once used, it is fruitless to use it again. Eva Sapi's research showed that while doxycycline reduced spirochetal structures ~90%, it increased the number of round body forms (cysts) about twofold. Tigecycline and tinidazole treatment, on the other hand, reduced both spirochetal and round body forms by ~80%–90%. In terms of qualitative effects, only tinidazole reduced viable organisms by ~90%. Following treatment with the other antibiotics, viable organisms were detected in 70%–85% of the biofilm-like colonies.
Persistence of viable organisms in round body forms and biofilm-like colonies may explain treatment failure and persistent symptoms following antibiotic therapy of Lyme disease.
Similarly to needing to address worms at each life cycle, ALL forms of borrelia must be addressed for treatment success and this almost always equates to long-term treatment.
I’ve been treating my own Lyme Disease (diagnosed end April 24: Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonella co-infections musculoskeletal issues) with Rayonex Bioresonance treatment on my device every other day - I am a retired RN and up to now had robust health - LD came out of nowhere without the classic bullseye rash.
I took 12mg daily Ivermectin capsule for 5 days and it did a good job on aiding clearing pathogens - not taken further doses. Nil herx.
Nil antibiotic or other meds taken, preferring to do the natural approach: gluten free diet to help reduce inflammation and Golden Paste (google it) 3 x daily. I would say I’m now 90% recovered, though cure is not the word used - it’s “dormancy” we’re aiming for, so good habits ongoing now to maintain optimal landscape of health. I’ve learned so much on my own health journey. Dealing with residue Fibromyalgia which is a common post-LD issue - it’s slowly going and bioresonance has been a huge help. I count myself lucky I have a device and could test for these specific pathogens. Many blood tests give false positive or false negatives and many suffer for years without a true diagnosis. Now there are distance sample tests (saliva, hair etc) that can be sent directly for analysis by a practitioner of Bioresonance using their testing device and can transfer frequencies into sucrose pills to post back to clients miles away. Hope is out there. 🙏😘💫
I am a victim of this bio weapon! I view it as a gift and a curse. The curse is obvious as it has impacted my life… The gift is that it gave me the tool of going down rabbit holes, and opening my eyes of what is going on in today’s world… I wish I knew about the doxycycline and ivermectin combination when I was first sick. I also have Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Mycoplasma, Bartonella, and Babesia- this was one hell of a sickness! I am glad I am out of the hell, but I suffer, flares all the time
The book “Bitten” by Kris Newby describes how ticks for different areas were deliberately infected with each other’s parasites/bacteria in the Cold War. Willy Burgdorfer was the perpetrator and Kris has photos of his equipment given her by his wife.
It’s so critical to find the right physician (and that’s tough as Lyme is 3rd rail in the medical space). Battled it for nearly 2 years until I found the right doc who put me on a multi-drug treatment (various antibiotics, IVE, HCL, vitamins, strict low/no sugar diet). Some real bad herxing along the way, but got my body and brain back. I was getting the rank and file saying MS, arthritis, getting old as no bullseye, means no lyme, which is not correct. Only you know how you feel…trust your gut.
About a year ago, we started my son on Ivermectin for COVID. (Can't remember if he used 15mg/day or 18mg/day as it is weight-based.) At this point he had been treating Lyme disease for 2+ years. While we had experienced almost 90-95% relief from Lyme with earlier herbal protocol (see Dr. Ross Protocol at, there was still a nagging fatigue, joint swelling, occasional chest pain, insomnia, etc. (Note: initial attempts to treat with antibiotics at the beginning of his Lyme diagnosis did not work. He felt better for a few weeks and then got even worse than before. Only the herbs + lumbrokinase + cinnamon/clove/oregano oil worked taken over a 2+ year period.)
Within weeks of starting on the Ivermectin, he was 99.99% better from his Lyme (I hesitate to say 100% as I don't want to jinx it). This seemed to be the last missing link in his Lyme treatment. Even before starting the Ivermectin, I had begun to wonder if we were still dealing with Babesia as we had followed a rigorous herbal protocol for Borrelia and Bartonella, but not as much for Babesia. At this point, I am pretty much convinced that the Ivermectin took care of the Babesia and any other parasites or protozoa that might have been lurking around. Ivermectin is available in Tennessee over the counter, and at the time the compounding pharmacy we ordered it from shipped out of state. Grateful we tried it on a whim for COVID! 🙏
Some info:
We've been deliberately deceived YET AGAIN!:
NOV 14, 2023
By: Dr. Robert Yoho, MD (retired)
It was deployed against us in 1975 from a research lab on Plum Island, Connecticut. Lyme has infected a double-digit percent of the world's people, but effective treatments are being hidden...
... This passage from Rancourt’s recent essay jolted me into writing this article:
I do not mean that the Department of Defence (DoD) does not fund gain-of-function and bioweapon research (abroad, in particular), I do not mean that there are not many US patents for genetically modified microbial organisms having potential military applications, and I do not mean that there have not previously been impactful escapes or releases of bioweapon vectors and pathogens. For example, the Lyme disease controversy in the USA may be an example of a bioweapon leak (see Kris Newby’s 2019 book “Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons”). – Denis Rancourt, Ph.D.
-The US military weaponized ticks;
-The US military used those weaponized ticks on foreign soil, against both military personnel and civilians;
-The US engaged in uncontrolled releases on US soil;
-A strange “mysterious” new disease emerged;
-Its connection to ticks was purportedly discovered Willy Burgdorfer, a scientist. He was hailed as a hero;
-Turns out Willy was one of the lead scientists who years earlier had weaponized the ticks (you can’t make this stuff up);
-The US medical establishment denied the existence of a new disease and attacked doctors who diagnosed or tried to treat it;
-The US medical establishment now profits from Lyme.
After learning about several other of the US government’s “theatrical productions” including Covid, Covid "vaccines", AIDS, smallpox, DDT, polio, childhood vaccines, fluoride, and glyphosate, it was easy to understand ticks and Lyme...
NOV 15, 2023 EDITOR
Don't fall for their lies about ticks, Lyme Disease & much more...
The Lyme Disease Lie
JUN 27, 2023
I landed in the hospital for 5 days with a case of acute Lyme Meningitis, which left one side of my face paralyzed. After going through a 21-day treatment of intervenous Ceftriaxone (Rocephin), the docs cut me loose (with my face still paralyzed) with a warning I'd probably have recurring symptoms. Thankfully a friend told me about what had finally cured HER chronic Lyme, which had plagued her for years, which was to take a recommended dose of ivermectin for 5 days (similar to covid), then take low-dose ivermectin for the following 30 days (1/4 dose). Then take a single full dose once a month for maintenance. About 10-20% of Lyme spirocytes are in a "bot" phase where the immune system doesn't recognize them as active, but ivermectin weakens and can kill them. If you HAVE an active Lyme infection, you're supposed to take the Doxycycline + Ivermectin together, but since I'd just finished up a full cycle of IV Ceftriaxone (which is like Doxycycline on steroids), I just took the ivermectin. Once a month I take my "maintenance" dose, but I have had NO recurring symptoms. I've regained function of around 85% of my face, but the neurologist said I'll probably have 15% permanent damage due to the Lyme parasites eating my brain. Blech! Bugs in your brain, how revolting! But the bugs are dead.
Oh, if you DO take doxycycline + ivermectin, be sure to take high-dose Vitamin C (1,000 mg/day) and drink a shit-ton of water every day to help flush it out. It will lessen the impact of the "bug" die-off, help you clear it better.
I’m an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon now retired. My daughter who 25 years ago moved to NJ. Within a short time she contacted Lyme disease. Time went by and she had a bad case of long Lyme, with many symptoms including cardiac. Twenty years later we find ourselves in the center of the Covid pandemic, if in fact that’s actually true, however my daughter calls me up and said she thought she had Covid. I Rx her ivermectin 8mg/day for 5 days. Several days after the treatment she called me up and said that she was not having any more Lyme symptoms, she thought she had been cured. This was later confirmed by blood work. Levels of Antibodies which had been elevated for 20 years were now normal!!
Another confirmation, thanks for your article!!
Amazing comment!
Thank you!
The rate limiting step in treating Lyme is the biofilm the organism slathers itself with. You can be on all the right antibiotics for years but if the biofilm is not dealt with there will be a relapse. The infection also leaves persister cells and one has to be on a maintenance protocol to keep those torpid cells inactive.
While not everyone can tolerate Alinia, this drug is the most effective biofilm destroyer I have ever come across.... I detail this in my book Incurable Us published last month.
Alinia is also called Nitazoxinide.
Also, if a Lyme patient has been on Doxycycline previously, and then stopped taking it.... it can't be reused. The Lyme organism becomes very resistant to doxycycline and it can only be used once because of that. I mention this because many with Lyme do get treated with doxy, and inadequate course of doxy but nevertheless taking again or a second round or third round is a waste of time if the drug was paused or there was a hiatus from using it.
Interesting info, In December 2023 (I was 59) got a tick bite, by end of Dec incapacitated, couldn't get gp appt till end Jan 2024. They did bloods & said Lyme had caused R/A, put me on Doxycycline... & Prednisone &referral to consultant, told could take a year... couldn't get out bed in such pain by April, lost my job. Finally fast tracked by GP to consultant. Consultant also stated I had Osteoarthritis, (now I'm a Pharma customer for life, Steroids & Methotrexate dispensed, these aren't working, just 'sticking plasters'.
3 weeks ago I came off all medications after buying a grounding sheet, I now have no inflammation in either of my feet, ankles, knees , my 1 painful left hip joint is gone. The nodules in left hand have gone, the right hand nodules reduced by half. I'm astonished tbh... but after also reading this article, if I can find Ivermectin in UK, I'm up for trying anything less aggressive to my body. Thank you for posting.
sounds promisin' re the "grounding sheet"--is there one ya recommend? how often / what "setting"?
It's important to always dig into what a patient has used over time because they tend to only credit the last thing they took. This would be a mistake as typically numerous drugs are required over time for a majority of patients. To my knowledge there is NO magic bullet to this complex illness.
Most patients are coinfected with multiple pathogens all requiring fairly specific treatment.
In 2016 Dr. Alan MacDonald found three strains of borrelia living in parasitic nematode worms, worm eggs, or larvae in the brain tissue of 19 autopsies. He states that both worms and borrelia can cause devastating brain damage:
“While patients are wrongly declared free of Lyme and other tick-borne infections, in reality, too often they contract serious neurodegenerative diseases which can kill them.” ~ Dr. MacDonald
MacDonald made his discovery from 10 specimens from the Rocky Mountain Multiple Sclerosis Center Tissue Bank. All 10 showed evidence of borrelia infected nematodes. Five patients who died of Glioblastoma multiforme, a malignant brain tumor, and four patients who died of Lewy Body dementia also showed infected nematodes.
He used FISH, Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization, which uses molecular beacon DNA probes to identify pieces of borrelia’s genetic material which fluoresce under the microscope with a 100% DNA match.
In other words, this is no mistake. YouTube of MacDonald explaining the results
Lyme discoverer, Willy Burgdorfer, wrote of finding nematodes in tick guts way back in 1984 and in 2014 University of New Haven researcher, Eva Sapi, found 22% of nymphs and 30% of adult Ixodes ticks carried nematodes.
Knowing this information makes it obvious why treating patients for worms is prudent.
It's also important to note; however, that caution must always be used with Lyme/MSIDS patients due to potentially severe herxheimer reactions. Similarly to how dogs treated for heart worm (D. immitis) have trouble due to the heart worm medication causing Wolbachia to be released into the blood and tissues causing severe Inflammation in pulmonary artery endothelium which may form thrombi and interstitial inflammation, it is not a stretch at all to compare this deleterious reaction to a Lyme/MSIDS patient treated for worms who has borrelia hiding in worms, eggs, and larvae. When the worms are killed, borrelia will be released into the body causing sudden widespread inflammation. This is why treatment should most probably include things that kill and disable borrelia simultaneously. The patient should be closely monitored and treatment put on hold or dosages lowered if severe reactions occur. This will be particularly true of patients with central nervous system involvement (which is most of us) due to severe inflammation of the brain, particularly the meninges which can wreak all sorts of havoc including chiari.
While doxycycline is a standard front-line drug for Lyme/MSIDS, as it addresses many infections, it also is not a perfect drug in that it does not address the non-cell wall form of borrelia or biofilm. Dr. Stoller also mentions above that once used, it is fruitless to use it again. Eva Sapi's research showed that while doxycycline reduced spirochetal structures ~90%, it increased the number of round body forms (cysts) about twofold. Tigecycline and tinidazole treatment, on the other hand, reduced both spirochetal and round body forms by ~80%–90%. In terms of qualitative effects, only tinidazole reduced viable organisms by ~90%. Following treatment with the other antibiotics, viable organisms were detected in 70%–85% of the biofilm-like colonies.
Persistence of viable organisms in round body forms and biofilm-like colonies may explain treatment failure and persistent symptoms following antibiotic therapy of Lyme disease.
Similarly to needing to address worms at each life cycle, ALL forms of borrelia must be addressed for treatment success and this almost always equates to long-term treatment.
For those who are unfamiliar with the history, please read:
Thank you for addressing Lyme disease, 2SG! :)
I’ve been treating my own Lyme Disease (diagnosed end April 24: Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonella co-infections musculoskeletal issues) with Rayonex Bioresonance treatment on my device every other day - I am a retired RN and up to now had robust health - LD came out of nowhere without the classic bullseye rash.
I took 12mg daily Ivermectin capsule for 5 days and it did a good job on aiding clearing pathogens - not taken further doses. Nil herx.
Nil antibiotic or other meds taken, preferring to do the natural approach: gluten free diet to help reduce inflammation and Golden Paste (google it) 3 x daily. I would say I’m now 90% recovered, though cure is not the word used - it’s “dormancy” we’re aiming for, so good habits ongoing now to maintain optimal landscape of health. I’ve learned so much on my own health journey. Dealing with residue Fibromyalgia which is a common post-LD issue - it’s slowly going and bioresonance has been a huge help. I count myself lucky I have a device and could test for these specific pathogens. Many blood tests give false positive or false negatives and many suffer for years without a true diagnosis. Now there are distance sample tests (saliva, hair etc) that can be sent directly for analysis by a practitioner of Bioresonance using their testing device and can transfer frequencies into sucrose pills to post back to clients miles away. Hope is out there. 🙏😘💫
I am a victim of this bio weapon! I view it as a gift and a curse. The curse is obvious as it has impacted my life… The gift is that it gave me the tool of going down rabbit holes, and opening my eyes of what is going on in today’s world… I wish I knew about the doxycycline and ivermectin combination when I was first sick. I also have Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Mycoplasma, Bartonella, and Babesia- this was one hell of a sickness! I am glad I am out of the hell, but I suffer, flares all the time
I was going to send this to you, but you've already read it!!
Lynn - I don't know if it is true but apparently Osha root extract may help against Lyme disease.
Herbal Relief of Lyme Disease 15:26 min
Sorry to hear of your on going suffering.
Pray that you find the solutions needed.
Thank you. So kind
The IVM and doxy dose she is using would be good to know.
I have RA and would like to see if taking IVR with doxycycline would improve my outcomes. What are the dosages and length of tx recommended?
The book “Bitten” by Kris Newby describes how ticks for different areas were deliberately infected with each other’s parasites/bacteria in the Cold War. Willy Burgdorfer was the perpetrator and Kris has photos of his equipment given her by his wife.
It’s so critical to find the right physician (and that’s tough as Lyme is 3rd rail in the medical space). Battled it for nearly 2 years until I found the right doc who put me on a multi-drug treatment (various antibiotics, IVE, HCL, vitamins, strict low/no sugar diet). Some real bad herxing along the way, but got my body and brain back. I was getting the rank and file saying MS, arthritis, getting old as no bullseye, means no lyme, which is not correct. Only you know how you feel…trust your gut.
as an aside check out a you tube video by dr james global health body
High dose vitamin C as a broad spectrum antitoxin re: Herx?
Why all of a sudden the explosion in Lyme? What's increased the most since the 1950s?
Wireless radiation.
That's why the best treatment for Lyme is to build a sleep sanctuary with less EMF, which allows our bodies to clear the neurotoxin
About a year ago, we started my son on Ivermectin for COVID. (Can't remember if he used 15mg/day or 18mg/day as it is weight-based.) At this point he had been treating Lyme disease for 2+ years. While we had experienced almost 90-95% relief from Lyme with earlier herbal protocol (see Dr. Ross Protocol at, there was still a nagging fatigue, joint swelling, occasional chest pain, insomnia, etc. (Note: initial attempts to treat with antibiotics at the beginning of his Lyme diagnosis did not work. He felt better for a few weeks and then got even worse than before. Only the herbs + lumbrokinase + cinnamon/clove/oregano oil worked taken over a 2+ year period.)
Within weeks of starting on the Ivermectin, he was 99.99% better from his Lyme (I hesitate to say 100% as I don't want to jinx it). This seemed to be the last missing link in his Lyme treatment. Even before starting the Ivermectin, I had begun to wonder if we were still dealing with Babesia as we had followed a rigorous herbal protocol for Borrelia and Bartonella, but not as much for Babesia. At this point, I am pretty much convinced that the Ivermectin took care of the Babesia and any other parasites or protozoa that might have been lurking around. Ivermectin is available in Tennessee over the counter, and at the time the compounding pharmacy we ordered it from shipped out of state. Grateful we tried it on a whim for COVID! 🙏