My parents and my husband didn't believe me when I told them I had headaches, lower abdominal pain and menstrual cycle disruptions due to being around vaxxed ppl. And they aren't vaxxed! But they themselves didn't feel any immediate side effects, so they had a hard time buying it.

Then the boosters came out. My parents had a married couple living in their basement while they were building their house down the road. One day, the husband went and got a booster shot. His first booster (and his last!). Within hours of him coming back to my parents house (and curling up in a blanket and staying in bed the rest of the day because he felt awful), my dad felt like his lungs were collapsing. He could not breathe (he has mild asthma, but this was an intense reaction...never been like that!) My dad crawled outside into fresh air and soon regained the ability to breathe. He waited a few hours, tried to go back inside the house, and experienced his lungs closing up again. His inhaler didn't help much. He had to leave the house. He immediately called me and put two and two together -- he was experiencing a reaction to the boosted man shedding in his house. My dad lived in his barn for 2 weeks after that. Two weeks. They aired out the house and used an ozone generator as much as possible, and finally he was able to go back and live in his own house.

Shedding is so real. I have countless other stories to tell. Do I have evidence? No. But I know, I *know*, and so do many others.

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In January 2022, I became ill with flu-like symptoms. Just 3 days before where I volunteer for The Ladies Benevolence Society here in town, we had a luncheon meeting. Most of the ladies there were vaccinated. I firmly believe there was heavy shedding going on when I became ill. Few days later my husband got sick from me. We were sick for 3 weeks. We lost our appetite, was very tired, lost sense of taste for few days. My husband and I did not take the shot. My husband had no contact with these ladies. Around this same time, many people were getting sick especially those who did not take the shots. It was from the heavy shedding.

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Late November 2021, I had gone to Ladies Bible class and it was there I got sick. I was very sick by the 2nd weekend in December. The booster had recently come out and most of the ladies got it. I did not get the shots and no one in my immediate family got the shots. My oxygen levels were getting a bit low and my husband found the doctor I had mentioned would help if we ever needed it, and she prescribed IVM.

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Would Ivermectin be helpful ?

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How awful! All the creeps who made this bioweapon & advanced it upon humanity have a whole lot to answer for! Such evil!

So sorry for your parents.

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Great, the human race just got "tefloned" again. I want Bill Gates' head on a platter.

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On December 9, 1946, an American military tribunal opened criminal proceedings against 23 leading German physicians and administrators for their willing participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Sixteen were found guilty. Seven were executed 𓍯on June 2, 1948.

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But a lot more where given asylum in Operation Paperclip and brought to the US.......

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That was the beginning of the disease we (the world) are still suffering from today!! What is little known is George Bush, Sr. was one of the earliest heads of the new version of the CIA where the majority of those creatures were put in this country!! And... if you search the death bed confession of Otto Skorzeny you may develop brain seizures!!

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Most of the convicted served 3 years or less

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Just feed it to the worms!! I don't want to have to look at it!!!

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Excellent idea, feed it to the bugz we aint going to eat!

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Thanks for the bad news Second Smartest Guy. I guess it's better to be informed of ills than ill informed.

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The parade of lies is so damning.

Most vax, it is said, that when you shed, you spread [disease].

There are more scientific journals than this article, but here is BBC reporting,

"Polio: Vaccinated British man shed virus for 30 years"


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COVID shot most likelybsheds via exosome transcytosis. Same mechanism used in reverse with the vaccines in development with inhalable exosomes as the delivery vehicle.

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So they are exhaling fragments of the messenger, RNA and spike proteinS? So there is no capsid in the spike proteins generated in the vaxxed… there must be nanotech being delivered…. What are the estrogen receptor disruptors?

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And the mainstream media won't report it.

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My late wife was a driver and tour guide for passengers from cruise ships when they came into our port city for tours to local attractions. She was not jabbed and never had COVID. She was also immune compromised due to having ANCA vasculitis, diagnosed in 2018. She became ill in December 2023 and passed away in January 2024 from rampant, multi-organ abdominal cancer. She had frequent blood tests to check on her vasculitis and her kidney function which was impaired by that disease. Her blood tests included a measurement for lymphocytes, an indicator of her immune system health. The immune suppressant medication for vasculitis reduced her lymphocyte score to 0.8 normally (from a desired range of 1-4) from 2019 through to mid 2022, during which time there were neither COVID jabs nor for two years, any cruise ships. Relating her blood tests to her driver logbooks after cruise ships carrying jabbed passengers returned indicated that during the cruise ship season of 2022-3 her lymphocyte readings dropped from a low normal of 0.8 to 0.2 - a 75% drop. Once the cruise ship season ended, her lymphocyte count increased again to 0.8. Once she began driving again in about October 2023, her lymphocyte count again dropped to 0.2. In December 2023 she had severe abdominal pain and was no longer able to drive. She was admitted to hospital where CT scans showed advanced and untreatable cancer tumors in her liver, ovaries, kidneys, lymph nodes and lungs. She was discharged and spent a further two weeks at home on painkillers before she passed away. From the evidence, I believe this is a very clear case of death from shedding. It is, of course, exacerbated by her autoimmunity disease, but that had been well under control for several years before her death and, while clearly a precursor, was not the cause of her death.

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So many unvaccinated shared how they had physical impacts after those close to them were vaccinated. This study is a great start. If this can be conclusively proven let the legal action commence.

Governments in most countries stated that Vaccines were to administered only after recipients signed “informed consent”. This was their legal out for any injuries & death caused by these products.

Unvaccinated did not give consent & if they have been impacted, harmed or injured by shedding they have every right to take legal action

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I have been participating in a regular poker game with same 7-8 guys for about three decades, and before the mRNA injection crap started, i never ever felt sick after a poker night.

After the other players started taking the mRNA shots, i started having bit of a sore throat, raspy voice, strange feeling that something was stuck in my throat and weird fatigue for a day or two afterwards whenever we played. Same nearly identical symptoms every time. But it always passed quickly. After a first few times that the same thing happened i realized that it must have been the shedding that was happening.

Gladly most of them only took one mRNA shot and few took two, only one of them took more than that. And now that there has been a long time since any of them had any mRNA jabs, i have not been feeling those symptoms anymore after a poker night, clear indicator that shedding comes to an end after a while, like 2nd smartest reported.

(i'm not the one to miss a poker game for nearly any reason, so i just started taking more than my usual amount of vitamins and supplements before and after the game :D but gladly i did not have as bad symptoms from shedding as lot of people in the comments have, if i had, then i think i would have started skipping the game nights )

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It is far worse than this. Look deeper into the deaths of the unvaccinated in Summer 2022 immediately during/ after booster campaigns.

I suspect IGg4 switch in the boosted caused immune tolerance. I suspect some of the unvaccinated sudden deaths during the high excess death months in July/ August 2022 appears to have been caused by the mutated dragon fire unleashed by the boosted and onto the unsuspecting unvaccinated person.

Yes, this is rather ugly, however, most likely true.

I do know several boosted nurses in 2022 whose unvaccinated husbands ended up in the ICU.

What happened is not rocket science.

It is common sense.

It is time for people to know exactly what happened to innocent unvaccinated persons who wanted no part of this blatant fraud.

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My own personal study confirms that using any big pharma drugs is an affront to my greater health.

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Not really surprised. I read the Pfizer proposed study before they conducted it poorly and one of their things to look for was side effects in people in close contact with the participants.

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I went to visit my cousin and her parents on a Saturday. There were 5 vaccinated people in the house. I felt sick coming home and for a few days after. I took Ivermectin for 5 days. I am not vaccinated.

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So are the unvaccinated inhaling nanobots? Or is that just for the injected people?

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Most likely aerolized spike laden exosomes from lungs of vaxed people.

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I am stunned how many doctors are clueless to the truth of vaccines. All vaccines shed it should be mandatory reading in medical and nursing schools ( wink wink) to have to read Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphreys.

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I am 66. Haven't had my cycle for over a decade. But during covid, when I was around vaxxed people, I would get MENSTRUAL CRAMPS!!!!!!! 😡🤯😭

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Mine was for 2 decades and my doctor is jabbed to the max. Every time I see him I have a 1 day cycle with mild cramps. I rarely had cramps before.

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I’m convinced that I got corona from working in close proximity to the jabbed. I also had intermittent pinprick muscle pain, stiffness, and spasms during the disease, and after recovering from it, a common effect of the jab

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So, my next Tee shirt will have a slogan "Stop 'shedding' poison 'mRNA Vax' - you're contagious"!

There's none so naive, gullible, misinformed, easily led and stupid than 'intellectuals'!

Many have no idea that these 'EXPERIMENTAL' mRNA injections are designed to limit or reduce the world's population, unless they are some of the chosen ones who will have declined the Shot!

LIABILITY for Pharma will end this world wide CULL of humanity.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer without corrupt medics injecting poisons for reward!

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