MAKE THIS GO VIRAL: ACIP committee will likely add the COVID vaccines to the childhood vaccination program on Thursday
The scam here is as devious as it is deadly: all it would require for BigPharma to have permanent liability protection for their slow kill bioweapon C19 injections is to have said poisons added to the childhood vaccine schedule; to wit:
There is not a single vaccine study with placebo control that has ever established the safety or necessity of any vaccine, ever.
But we do have studies with control that irrefutably establish that vaccines are anything but safe and effective:
We also know that all of the major vaccines were introduced after the diseases were all but eradicated:
The entire vaccine program is a slow kill depopulation agenda. Children that have been subjected to these deadly injections all have shortened lifespans, increased chances for allergies, autism, cancer, etc. & etc.
Adding the Modified mRNA injection to the childhood vaccine schedule while pretending that there is an ongoing never-ending emergency“pandemic” with a demographic that has an IFR of zero is literally a push for even more democide.
Please make Steve Kirsch’s article go viral.
And please leave a succinct comment against this criminal vote here.
Do NOT comply.
Just goes to show that these people know they can get away with literally anything. With all the info on the disaster these shots are and they will slide this in with zero push back.
Just ignore anyone not going along with the narrative and they get and do whatever they want. Im so black pilled right now.
The annoucment that Boston University researchers has developed a deadly gain of function viral entity that has a 80% kill rate scares the hell out of me! I bet the funding for this came from the CDC with fauci's approval. The Universities around the nation depend on the NIH funding to keep their resereh labs functioning and profitable for the university. They will NOT push back and stop this madness! If it escapes, it will reduce the US population to 60 million. Takes care of global warming and the ability to defend this country from China.